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Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:35 am
by Seska Karantanija
[In the coach, upon the first decent opportunity to see Alína without shadows or distractions:]

"Excuse me good woman, are you not one of the healers from Tótkomlós? I believe I have seen you in the weekly market." She clasps her hands to her chest and gives a very curt nod. "My deepest apologies for not recognizing you last eve. My attention was focused upon our young guest here," she pets Sabine's hair, "... and then... other matters." Waving the unpleasant thoughts away she continues, "I am pleased to formally meet you. Your skills are well regarded at home."

[On the approach to the castle after Sabine's question:]

"Criminals." I hope, she thinks. "Far too brutal a punishment for my tastes..."

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:53 am
by Alína Nyárí
Alína's mind races as her Lady recognizes her. Baruch HaShem that we are in the coach, and I can get away without making obeisance, she instinctively thinks to herself. But what an honor for the Lady to know of me! her thoughts continue, causing a smile to lighten her face.

"I do hail from Tótkomlós now, milady," Alína replies with a twinkle in her eyes. "Alína Nyárí at your service. It is to my honor and reputation to be regarded as well as I am at home as you have heard. My skills are meager, but I do my best to cure, comfort and ease those who seek my services."

Dressed in her one formal gown and tichel, one that she had not worn since her days in Prague before her husband's passing, the Jewess looks more like a Bedouin princess in flowing gossamer sleeves and veils. As she had dressed, she smiled bitter sweetly at her reflection as the memories of the last time she wore the ensemble flooded through her.

Her attention brought to the windows by the child's question and her Lady's reply, Alína draws in her breath in horror as the three bodies come in to view. Pogrom??? she wonders, then relaxes at her Lady's reply. "Yes, perhaps criminals," she reassures the child gently. "From what we saw of the actions of L-rd Giovanni's men last night, such punishment may not be beyond him."

As dusk falls and the birds begin to settle in the trees, their calls fill the air and are easily heard within the coach. Smiling towards Sabine, Alína cocks her head and listens. "Do you hear the different evensong as the various birds settle for the night? The very loud one is the male bittern," she said as she pursed her lips and made a much quieter version of the call. "The other one you hear practically says his name. cur-LEE! cur-LEE! kli-li-li-li," she called. "That is the curlew."

Alína eyes the full moon rising brightly in the night sky. "Perhaps even the owls are already out and about. Shall we see if we can get one to answer us?" she asks, winking at Sabine. "uh-Hu! uh-Hu!" she called, then sits back, giggling softly at the wide-eyed expressions on the child's and her Lady's faces, yet keeping an ear open for an answering hoot.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:27 am
by Taduz Illyannovich
Goatkiller666 wrote:As you near the castle, which sits on a small hill overlooking the river, Seska glances out the window and notices through the trees that there are three bodies crucified to the trees.
Notices her glance, and her words and says "Kon khakhavel o balo wi leste si I shuri. I trust this not, unless one of those is Lackey Lothar the Dili."

Realizing this tour may turn for the worst, especially since he was willing to do violence if needed against Claudio's men, closes his eyes and sends up a few quick thoughts "Spirits, protect me, gift me with a glib tongue, let me come through this alive, and if possible, let me raid for valuables. I will spread your tales far and wide if you do this for me."

Opening them again says quietly "Mashkar le gadjende leski shib si le Romeski zor. I hope mine is enough."

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:33 pm
by Olaf_Magnusson
Olaf boards with a simple, dour grunt. Unless specifically addressed, he sits in silence.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:24 pm
by Goatkiller666
Roderigo pulls the lead coach forward into the courtyard. It is small, as castles go, but seems well defendable. A few armed guards can be seen on the parapets, and they wave at the coaches when the get close to the gates.

The sun has long ago dropped behind the mountains, but the sky is finally darkening and true night is beginning. The briefest edge of the full moon can also be seen topping the taller mountains to the east. The mournful howls of wolves can be heard in the distance.

In the sky above the castle, a lone owl can be seen flying from east to west, following the darkness in search of prey.

Roderigo climbs down from his perch, and opens the door to let the Countess (and others) debark from the carriage. The other driver does the same for his passangers. The massive oak door into the manner opens from the inside, and another guard in the Giovanni livery gestures for them to enter. From the deep cuts in the surface of the door, and ancient firemarks, it seems as though this castle has successfully weathered a seige.

Roderigo takes a moment to instruct Pierre how to find the captain of Claudio's guard, which involves him going around the exterior of the castle to the rear area. Pierre thanks him, then bows to the Lady Seska before making his way there.

Roderigo leads the way down a long hallway, dimly lit with tapers encased in strong, iron cagelike housings. The candles provide only very dim light, and cast long, flickering shadows upon walls and faces. The soldier remains at his post and slams the oak door shut, closing you all into the gloom.

As you follow Roderigo down the darkened hall, you notice that the right and left walls are fitted with arrow slots designed to catch invaders in deadly crossfire. Evil gargoyle faces line the walls, leering stone-faced at the guests; they appear to twitch ever so slightly in the flickering candlelight.

At the end of the long hallway, is another stout door. Roderigo pauses at the door, the raps loudly upon it. The door does not open. There is silence in the stale air of the shadowy hall. Roderigo raps again. Still no response.

After several minutes, the door creaks open as it is unlocked by a second soldier, accompanied by Lothar. The two men are standing in a large reception hall, also dimly lit by tapers, and furnished with oddly delicate furniture. [Seska notices that this decore is Italian.] There is only one other point of exit from the room, at the far side from where you are, double doors also closed. The room is three stories tall, with balconies here and there above. A large chandelier hands in the center of the room, though there are no candles lit upon it at the moment. [Olaf notices on at least two balconies that there are guards there holding crossbows. They're not preparing to attack, simply being watchful.]

Lothar glares at Roderigo, glances at Seska, then glares at Roderigo again. "You are early."

"A thousand pardons, Steward Lothar. You are supposed to be gone."

Lothar strikes Roderigo across the face with a riding crop. It draws blood, which Roderigo wipes from his face. "Bear keenly in mind the source of that blood," Lothar snaps.

"Now enter," Lothar says, gesturing to Roderigo and the guests. Once they are in the room, Lothar stops Roderigo. "As punishment, you will not partake of tonight's bounty. You will eat nothing but scraps. Now go," Lothar commands, pointing his blood-splattered riding crop towards the door. Roderigo turns and walks back down the hallway. The second soldier then slams and locks the inner door.

Lothar stares after Roderigo for a moment and then turns to the guests and says, "Welcome to Lord Giovanni's manse. I have preparations to finish. Wait here." He departs, leaving you all with the soldier. He also locks the door on his way out.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:21 pm
by Goatkiller666
Five minutes later, two men are shown into the room through Lothar's door. The door is again locked as the attendants depart.

Five more minutes later, Lothar returns, smiling broadly, if a bit maliciously. "Come with me. I shall introduce you to your hosts." He leads you through the house. Walking through several more elegantly furnished rooms staffed with soldiers, you hear quiet music ahead.

Lothar opens two ornate doors to a great dining hall, also dimly lit by a few ensconced tapers. Inside, 12 people sit around a large table, with an empty chair next to each. Two additional empty chairs are seen as well, at the foot of the table.

They are a strange collection of men and women: well dressed and slovenly, highly attractive and appallingly ugly, locals and foreigners alike. A short, finely dressed man sita at the head of the table, wearing a strange ornate mask. Five servants (two butlers and three maids) stand motionless against the far wall.

Lothar doffs his hat and bows low before the assembled hosts, saying "Lord Giovanni, lords and ladies, it is with surpassing pride that I present to you the fruits of my long search. Here are 12 of the purest samples of the land!" He glares at Marianna for spoiling his count. He hadn't expected Constanza to require an aid present.

The man at the head of the table rises. "Dear friends, I am Claudius Giovanni. Welcome to la bella casa Giovanni! You are my guests, and while you are here, my home is your home. Come, come! Join us."

As you step forward, the servants offer you glasses of wine. Giovanni says, "Let us toast the most memorable meal of your lives." As the characters lift their goblets, he continues: "Here's to the finer things in life."

After the characters drink (or not, he doesn't really seem to care), Giovanni introduces the other 11 guests.

"May I present my other honored guests:"

"Here to my side is Marchettus the Bold." Marchettus stands and approaches Olaf.

"Past him is Matron Violetta, from my home city of Venice." Violetta stands and approaches Marta.

"The next is the Lady Theophania." Theophania stands and approaches Georgette.

"Then is Sire Wenceslas." Wenceslas stands. He and his servant boy approach Sabine.

"And finally Lord Casmir." Casmir stands and approaches Alina.

"To my left is Lady Jadviga Almanov." Jadviga stands and approaches Sir Leopold.

"Past her is Lord Leopold Valdemar, also my countryman from Venice." Valdemar stands and approaches Constanza.

"Then is Lord Mieczyslav, from over the mountains in Romania." Mieczyslav stands and approaches Dante.

"Next is Lord Bajazet Al-Nasir, from the saracen lands." Sir Leopold gasps in shock at this, though Al-Nasir doesn't react. Al-Nasir stands and approaches <tbd>.

"Then is the lovely Lady Amisa." Amisa stands and approaches Seska.

"And finally is Gabrin." Gabrin stands and approaches Taduz.

Lothar approaches Erick, looks him in the eyes sternly, and suggests that he take a seat towards the side of the room. He remains there for the rest of the night.

"Now, I've often found that interesting conversation can help pass the time while we anticipate our dinner." With that, he approaches Marianne and starts up a conversation.

[From here, we'll split off to the various Harrowing threads, which I'll be updating shortly.]