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Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:21 am
by sgt.null
under the Philips listing on the Georgia prisons web page we find :

Vocational/OJT: Auto Body, Auto Mechanics, Welding, Small Engine, Barbering, Woodworking, Food Preparation, Printing, Building & Custodial Maintenance, Career Clerk, General Office Clerk (Library), and Laundry Operations

so they had access to tools and material as well.

I know it is only a tv show. but why were all the gates open when they first got there? and why was it so hard for them to clear the unit? a prison is designed to have many doors/gates that can be closed to impede movement. it allows you to section off parts of the prison so you can keep the inmates from bunching up.

I have to go through six gates/doors before I get to my chowhall doors. I have to be buzzed in the two front gates by the outside picket. and we have three gates in the main hallway that the center inside picket controls. (all the buzzed gates also have manual keys for power losses.) then I have four more doors before I get into my office. department doors are key controlled.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:02 pm
by wayfriend
Fist and Faith wrote:The point is what they did once that happened. So what will happen now that the need to get Eugene to DC is gone?
Very true. This show is about the characters. And we already have some question marks to stick on Abraham's, which could be intriguing.

Still, part of me wishes that Eugene's lie is that he doesn't know how to stop it. That the inhumanity he demanded from what have become friends finally found a line he could not cross, even to save the world. That, too, would be interesting character arc.

Meanwhile ... is that firetruck dead again? I thought so, but then some of Abraham's comments made me wonder.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:57 pm
by Zarathustra
Anyone else think this show has gotten extremely boring? Eating potato chips in an office building boring? They're really spinning their wheels lately.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:47 pm
by Cail
I wasn't a fan of last night's episode. In fact, I'm tired of all the jumping around. It's all but impossible to stay on top of what's happening when the show follows a different group every week.

We kind of need to accept that at this point, barring the large herds, the zombies themselves are a mere annoyance. The show is necessarily shifting gears and focusing more on the relationships between the characters and the conflict(s) between different groups of survivors.

I think there's interesting stuff there, but that sort of drama leans heavily on the writers and the actors. The actors are mostly up to it; at issue is whether or not the writers can step up their game.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:42 am
by sgt.null
it is nice we are seeing what happens long-term to zombies out in the elements.

but someone should be able to come up with a way to survive. a group of like-minded individuals should be able to.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:56 pm
by Zarathustra
This show has lost it. Treading water, that's it. There's no reason to watch it anymore. No character development. No plot. No danger. Nothing. Everything feels artificial, manufactured. Beth's death--in the writer's own words--was to create a feeling of "reality." Not because it was essential to the plot or characters, but merely for the audience. For effect. This is just silly melodrama.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:09 pm
by Cail
Well at least Hot Farm Girl finally remembered she had a sister.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:43 pm
by wayfriend
Walking Dead hasn't been exciting lately, but it's been interesting.

People who have been honed by trial into survivalist killers trying to fit back into "normal" society. More exploration of this balance between humanity and survival.

Carol and kids. Makes the episode this week.

My prediction is that, in a massive ironic twist, Rick and his gang destroy a perfectly "good" town, because they cannot trust it, because they cannot "go back".

Also: a Walking Dead prequel is in the works. I presume it's about how zombies happened. Two seasons at least, it seems.

AMC's 'Walking Dead' prequel lands two-season order

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:52 pm
by Wosbald
wayfriend wrote:My prediction is that, in a massive ironic twist, Rick and his gang destroy a perfectly "good" town, because they cannot trust it, because they cannot "go back".
I think you may well be right about that.

wayfriend wrote:Also: a Walking Dead prequel is in the works. I presume it's about how zombies happened. Two seasons at least, it seems.

AMC's 'Walking Dead' prequel lands two-season order
Interesting. Thanx.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:32 am
by sgt.null
the town is soft, weak. and our group is like a bunch of feral cats. this can not work long term.

I am still pissed about Beth's fate.


Maggie is still hot. :) that needed to be said. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:41 pm
by wayfriend
The opening episode for Season 6 was one of the best episodes in a long time. I think it breaks the record for most zombies in one episode! And not only did it have an interesting story, but it really tied together everything that happened in Alexandria last year and gave it a couple of new twists, too. If this episode had been the finale last year, it would have been a killer finale. Complete with cliff-hanger. Oh, and thumbs up on the black and white. And Glenn's story was another treat.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:49 pm
by lorin
Who blew the horn........?

The Wolves?
The Rev?
The teenage girl with all the angst?

Why wasn't Rosita in this episode? Did she and Abraham break up and now he's after Sasha?

Will Mishon (sp?) and Morgan get together?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:05 pm
by Cail
wayfriend wrote:The opening episode for Season 6 was one of the best episodes in a long time. I think it breaks the record for most zombies in one episode! And not only did it have an interesting story, but it really tied together everything that happened in Alexandria last year and gave it a couple of new twists, too. If this episode had been the finale last year, it would have been a killer finale. Complete with cliff-hanger. Oh, and thumbs up on the black and white. And Glenn's story was another treat.
Agreed. They seem to know how to do a good premier episode (I remember last year's being good to).

Hopefully they've learned their lesson and don't keep them static (like at the farm) for the entire season.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:30 am
by sgt.null
i've missed the newest series entirely and the first ep this season of the original. i am so behind.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:48 pm
by Zarathustra
Bad plot mechanics always distract me from the drama, and in this case, the bad plot specifically undermined the conflict between the characters. Rick's plan was stupid. A single loud noise can derail the entire thing?? You're going to risk your entire city on the hope that no one accidentally fires a gun or bumps their car horn? The doubting dude was right! The writers did their best to make him look wrong, weak, inexperienced, etc., but he was right. It wasn't just fear or lack of zombie-fighting machismo, but rather that Rick's plan was dumb. Surely they could have devised some way to kill all the zombies right where they were! Like shooting fish in a barrel. They had time to build barriers along the way, so they could have easily built something to replace the unstable semi. With that taken care of, they could have built catapults at their leisure and simply lobbed rocks at the zombies, like some sort of apocalyptic video game whenever they got bored. They wouldn't even have to kill them all, just manage their numbers, let their noise attract all the stray zombies in the vicinity, like the moon sweeping up stray asteroids and keeping earth safe. An ideal situation, really, that needed no insane exodus plan.

I thought the black/white thing was too gimmicky. If your story doesn't have enough tension in its original chronological order, chopping it up to force moments of contrast is just going to feel artificial and, well, gimmicky. It's like an episode of Lost with 20 flashbacks. It took me out of the story every time.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:40 pm
by Cagliostro
What I didn't get was Rick's full plan. Was he just trying to lead them away from the community, or was he leading them somewhere that would possibly destroy them? Because the former seems pretty stupid.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:45 pm
by lorin
Oh.......say it ain't so!!!!
I loved Glenn. He was the humanity in the show. My hope is the other guy was on top of him and they were eating him not Glenn. And Glenn rolled under the container. But I get the feeling, especially after The Talking Dead, that the producers won't do that. I think they will show him as a zombie.

Show has really risen from the dead. Fillming of episode 2 (or was it 1?) in black and white and color was great, The change in the personalities is subtle enough to be believable and WHAT IS UP with Morgan? I think something happened to him on the road which we will see in flashback.

Lovin' the show again.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:43 pm
by wayfriend

Something bothered me when Hershel's pocket watch came out.

Nicholas sucks, right?

Caught up with eps 2 and 3 last night. Good episodes, very powerful stuff. Carol just keeps astounding. The Alexandrians inability to survive keeps moving the plot in unexpected ways. Daryl's been held back, expecting some D-centric episodes. Zombies are still dangerous.

And the shit hasn't hit the fan yet ... those zombies are still heading towards those walls.

And what happened to Rick's hand? F***.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:26 pm
by Zarathustra
Haven't seen episode 3 yet, but episode 2 was great. Much better than episode 1. Carol is redeeming herself, as a character if not as a person. She's become interesting again.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:11 pm
by lorin
wayfriend wrote:No!

And what happened to Rick's hand? F***.
The knife broke and he cut his hand, I think he broke some fingers. But I don't think there was contamination. There must be another factor to activating the virus not just getting blood on an open wound.
Cagliostro wrote:What I didn't get was Rick's full plan. Was he just trying to lead them away from the community, or was he leading them somewhere that would possibly destroy them? Because the former seems pretty stupid.
I think it was just to lead them away, which I agree was pretty stupid. They should have 'nuked' them in the pit, which would have drawn any others to the fire.

Carol and Morgan are going to go at it. I think she cried because she wasn't invisible anymore. Part of her wanted to be the happy little housewife and pretend it was going to all be alright.

Took me awhile to figure out what JSS meant.
Just Somehow Survive
Z, the last episode was outstanding.