Apropos of nothing... (OOC discussion thread about the game)

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Post by stonemaybe »

We have faith in you :lol:
Aglithophile and conniptionist and spectacular moonbow beholder 16Jul11

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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Wait until you see the maps. It's like a spider on LSD trying to spin a web, only in color.
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Post by Abdul Alhazred »

Goatkiller666 wrote:It's like a spider on LSD trying to spin a web, only in color.
Sounds like something I'd like on my wall. :lol:
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Okay, well... turns are out. To the best of my knowledge, I got everything in there that I should have. If there was anything specific that you were expecting, some question answered, etc., please reach out to me by email or dropping a post or a PM here.

In the end, there were 7 turn submissions. (Welcome Abdul Alhazred, by the way.)

In the What Is Known thread, I added some more flavor pictures for those landmarks everyone can see. Those are all images from my collection, based on what I felt like your turn submissions called for. If anyone has a better image, please by all means forward it on. The more we can see the horror of this Inferno, the more interesting it will be, I think.

Some notes on my horrible horrible map.
  • 1. It needs a border.
    2. There are no edges of Hell, as such. There's the entrance (where Buriax has the Labyrinth). There's the back (where the Flower is). I put those in opposite corners, and then filled in stuff between them just sort of at random. Distance means nothing, though "closer than someone else" still matters. Thus, there is no scale, but you should still pay attention to what's around you.
    3. The black dots are Fallen Angels. There are 52 of those in Hell (4x13). They're much larger than mortal Souls, so they stick out across the horizon.
    4. Except where people have created barriers to viewing, anything tall will become visible to anyone else in Hell. Anyone building a tower, or a giant flower, or a huge dome, or simply BEING TALL... those get put on the public map.
    5. I sent out individual maps to most players (when they would know more than what's on the public map) showing glimpses of what's on my Master Map.
Based on the due dates for stuff this Quarter, I'm going to say that the next Inferno turn is due Nov 20th. The 24th-27th are the US Thanksgivings holidays, so school is closed. That will be my first opportunity to process the turns anyway, and it gets me back on the monthly cycle. A month late, but back on the cycle.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

So the barrier that formed at the point farthest from the Creator is called the Flower? Gee, that's pretty.

Anyway, pretty cool turn. :D
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Post by Iztet »

Can you go into a little more detail about pit fiends and imps?

How are they different than servitor demons?

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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Servitor demons are the generic demons of Hell. Basically humanoid, though they don't really have differentuations between them. They're pretty mindless. Sonneillon calls them "drones" around the house. The term is starting to grow on me.

Pit Fiends are the typical "devil" form: large, muscular, wings, horns, tail, cloven hooves, red skin, etc. They're actually self-aware, though not necessarily very smart. Several players are choosing to transform drones into these. (In some cases, players just made their drones stronger, and I decided to impose the Pit Fiend theme on them.)

Imps are smaller versions of pit fiends, I guess? Nybbas is the only one to use these, but he has many of them. Pit Fiends are like 6'6", and imps are 2'6". Still got wings and a tail, claws and horns. Imps are more hunched over, with their legs being generally bent, like a dog or cat. Pit Fiends stand like humans, with torso and legs in the same direction. (Go
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Contest - Fallen Angels

Post by Goatkiller666 »

Okay, so... you may notice that on the map there are a bunch of little black dots. Those are Fallen Angels. I know that there are 52 of them visible to the naked eye and a few of you have chosen to interact with them to some degree, so I've had to name those. But I'm not prepared to name and create backstory for 52 random NPC Fallen Angels. So, let's crowdsource this part.

Please submit to me via PM or by replying in this thread your suggestions for the names and domains of Fallen Angels. I will use the 52 that I feel like using, based on no particular system. Whatever sounds fun, or isn't too overpowered.

The winners get to decide if the names they submitted are near to their bases or far from them. (So, if you'd like to interact with the Fallen Angel of eggshells, submit that domain and a name for him, and tell me that you'd like him near you. If, however, you think that the Fallen Angel of obiesity should be in Hell, but you know your Demon would rather not deal with him, submit the name and tell me to make him far from you.)
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Post by Buriax »

(not sure if this is what you're thinking of, please feel free to use as a bad example!)
Justus, Angel of Summary Execution.
Every so often, execution without trial comes into fashion in heaven. Step forward Justus, The Smiter!

Then it goes out of fashion again, and Justus is reconsigned to the depths of Hell.

Justus is a conflicted character – he expects to be summoned back to Heaven again and so does not want to besmirch his reputation too much while in Hell. However, he is increasingly worried at the direction that civilization is taking in the world.
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Post by Buriax »

Fallen Angels:
Justus, Angel of Summary Execution
Sillosybia, Angel of Euphoria
Belanus, Angel of (Lost) Innocence
Pythias, Angel of Loyalty
Vanitus, Angel of Pride
Delphus, Angel of Prescience
Julia, Angel of Romance
Ardoria, Angel of Passion
Feinus, Angel of Individuality
Arcadia, Angel of Naivety
Proficius, Angel of Self-sufficiency(Independence)
Albus, Angel of Purity
Gratius, Angel of Satisfaction
Felodeseus, Angel of Selfharm and Suicide
Phillip, Angel of Ambition
Ruberus, Angel of War
Faestus, Angel of Fasting
Phaedra, Angel of Paedaracy
Lazaretius, Angel of Isolation
Virelai, Angel of Music
Arithmus, Angel of Ritual
Pyrrhus, Angel of Fire
Hippocrates, Angel of Healing
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Post by Fist and Faith »

In case anyone forgot.
Goatkiller666 wrote:Based on the due dates for stuff this Quarter, I'm going to say that the next Inferno turn is due Nov 20th. The 24th-27th are the US Thanksgivings holidays, so school is closed. That will be my first opportunity to process the turns anyway, and it gets me back on the monthly cycle. A month late, but back on the cycle.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Yes. Remember that turn 5 submissions are due by the end of today.

(That said, I've looked at my class schedule, and I expect to be busy with school up through December 3rd. The weekend of the 3rd-4th, I should be able to dive into processing Inferno turns, hopefully to get them out by late on the 4th, or maybe the 5th or 6th at the latest.)

Would it help if I sent out email reminders, as well?
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Post by Avatar »

Won't help me. :D But my turn will be in shortly... ;)

(I always plan to do it the weekend, but I always end up doing at at work on Monday morning. :lol: I dunno why...)

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Post by Goatkiller666 »

I was spending some time avoiding these case studies last night, so I poked around in the turn processing. Thought I'd drop some cryptic hint action on you.

Turn 5 is when people start to bump up against each other. Lots and lots of people. Some of you on multiple fronts at once. So, if it takes me longer to process, it's because I'm having to deal with your interactions as well as your actions.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

And... results sent. Finally. Turn 5 post in the What is Known thread, plus I updated the first post with new information. Those of you who have made areas, if you have a picture you'd like me to use for that area, please send it over. (Just a high-level view of your city walls or something. We don't need a street map or any kind of serious details.)

Lots of good stuff going on this turn.

All the Souls are taken. If you want more, take them from somebody, or talk to Buriax.

The map is more or less what everybody knows, so I didn't send out individual maps with most everybody's turns. Less work for me, thankfully.

Interestingly, there are 9 distinct major areas of Hell. They're not "levels" per se, but it's cool that it just happened to come out as 9.

My first thought is to set the next turn deadline for December 18th, and I'll have results back by New Years. Does that conflict with anybody's holiday plans? If so, let me know. I can be flexible.

GM EDIT - I see that the rules are pretty out of date. They still talk about "none of you have areas of your own" and stuff like that. Between now and the 18th, I'll spend some time cleaning that up. Of course, it'll still only be the rules that everybody knows about. Mwahahahahahah!
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Post by Fist and Faith »

The 18th is fine by me.
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Post by Avatar »

Fine with me.

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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Thanks everybody for not pointing out that I can't spell Cauldron on the map.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

There's a map?!?
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Really? I get to smite players already? Yay!

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