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proof that Australia is a myth

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:01 pm
by sgt.null
better proof? it is liking we can prove Gotham city exists by it's links to Metropolis.

try again Sky.

proof that Australia is a myth

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:28 am
by peter
In a strange way it turned out that Australia (at least the Australia that we all believed existed - the one where it was a happy-go-lucky country where everybody got along and minded his own business, doing 'barbies' and stuff) was a myth.

The extraordinary way in which the pandemic lockdown laws were (sometimes brutally) enforced, the endemic corruption of the police that was exposed, the compliance if not complicity of the public in allowing/encouraging an authoritarian attitude to be adopted by the state with the minimum of complaint, and the violent quashing of any voice of dissent, shows that what the rest of the world had believed about Australia, had envied and loved them for, indeed never had existed.

It was a fabrication of our minds and supported by a media and cultural presentation (in our own countries) that had no basis in fact. No doubt it suited the Australian state (and people themselves) to be presented in this benign way. The reality it turned out, was however far from this, in that they were a people more happy with having an autocratic government telling them what they could or could not do (possibly a throwback to their origins as a British penal colony), than one of independent spirit that would resist the yoke of tyranny imposed upon them by their own government.

Sad times.

proof that Australia is a myth

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:31 am
by StevieG
Whatever, mate (bloody Poms)! ;)

proof that Australia is a myth

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:49 am
by peter
:biggrin: Yeah - it was a bit trollish.......thought so afterwards.

Sorry about that!
