One Thing I Never FULLY Understood...

The Gap Into Online Internet Conversation

Moderators: Cord Hurn, Cagliostro

Posts: 536
Joined: Wed May 02, 2007 2:22 am
Location: Bellevue, Washington

Post by ItisWritten »

Ciro believed Sorus. She forced upon him something so real, everything else had to be false. Even after he was obviously cured, he still believed his life as human would end, and believing otherwise was too painful. He could not hope, because when hope failed, he'd relive the moment when Sorus injected the mutagen into him. Which is why Angus' offer of something heroic to do before the end was not . . . thoughtless.

Angus went with Warden to UMCHO for two reasons. First, Warden had earned a bit of trust by freeing Angus. The second was just curiosity. Once upon a time, Warden said, "It's got to stop," and Angus just had to see how that would happen.
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