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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:26 pm
by I'm Murrin
There are things that can't be shown on television at 2am?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:38 pm
by Sorus
Yep, though I think it also aired earlier (10 PM, after Farscape), and they probably didn't want to bother with two different versions.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:05 pm
by CovenantJr
Just started series 4. What the hell?

I'm not sure this is going to work. We'll see.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:56 am
by CovenantJr
Seventeen episodes into season 4, and it's all going downhill rapidly. This season is much more like a pure comedy than the previous seasons, and sometimes the comedy has worked well - I particularly enjoyed Kai's Irish-style rendition of the Brunnen-G song, and such dialogue exchanges as "Squeeze me, please me!" "The dead do not squeeze and please." A lot of it, however, is a bit...well...crap. And the crap concentration is getting higher. Still, it's not all bad, just mostly. The high point so far has probably been the intriguing Vlad mini-arc; the low point, the hideous '791' rehash that was '769'. Speaking of which, the writing for 790 has lost the plot too. He was always callous and self-interested, but he's become actively homicidal. It's not a worthwhile alteration.

Something here just isn't working. It'll be a mild relief to finally finish this longest season of Lexx. I still hold out some hope that the final ever episode, 'Yo Way Yo', will pull something out of the bag (as did the final episode of season 2 - a season which, though patchy as hell, was far superior to this primary-coloured farce).

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:21 pm
by CovenantJr
Finally finished every Lexx ever made. It's a relief to be rid of season 4, but I'm saddened that I've now seen all the Lexx there is.

The final episode was suitably epic in tone, but there are three things I would have done (or liked to see done) differently:
1) A threat greater than evil Lyekka. While it's true that our 'heroes' attacked the asteroid in order to stop Lyekka spreading and eventually wiping out all life in the universe, it was a bit of an abstract threat. Unlike the Mantrid drones, the Lyekka plants don't increase in number exponentially, so they'd probably never have time to be a threat to a whole universe. Also, even if you accept Lyekka as a threat, the emphasis was still on the Earth - one planet, from a series that has seen the elimination of the human race and the destruction of a universe.

2) Had I written it, I would have tied in the grand finale with His Divine Shadow somehow. I'm not sure how, but I'm sure it could be done. I'm not complaining about the absence of this, just saying it would have been a nice touch.

3) On a more minor note, I'd have appreciated some resolution of 790's psychosis. Since he became smitten with Kai instead of Xev, he's come unhinged. I rapidly began to find him very annoying, and I would have liked him to calm down somewhat before the end.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:33 am
by vasko
This has all intrueged me very much, pay-day will see me ordering the thirst season/films.
Does anyone know about the fact that some version of the first season dvd's are edited down a bit? Differs from the UK aired versions and the original UK VHS?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:54 am
by CovenantJr
The only edit I know of that is different to the UK one is one scene in the first film. It was removed for the UK, and I think it's actually better that way because you see it in flashback in the fourth film anyway, and it makes more sense there.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:15 am
by vasko
Just finished the fourth 'film' in the first season and I gotta say that it's actually pretty awesome.
Imagine Canada and Germany coming together to make some sci-fi that doesn't need to apeal to a mass audience and you have Lexx. An evil, sexy, organic yet less funnny Dwarf with a bigger budget.

Cant wait to own season two.

Season one:

I Worship His Shadow


Eating Patterns

Giga Shadow

Honestly, give it a go :D (y)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:19 am
by CovenantJr
Yeah, Gigashadow's still one of my favourites. :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:37 pm
by sindatur
I liked the original movies, and the 4th(?) season was pretty good, but, the 2nd and 3rd seasons were really hit and miss with me.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:26 pm
by CovenantJr
sindatur wrote:...the 4th(?) season was pretty good
:hairs: To my eyes, the fourth season was almost entirely trash. It had good moments, but the whole season was mostly cheap farce.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:35 pm
by sindatur
CovenantJr wrote:
sindatur wrote:...the 4th(?) season was pretty good
:hairs: To my eyes, the fourth season was almost entirely trash. It had good moments, but the whole season was mostly cheap farce.
No more so than the prior seasons, and at least S4 had a comprehensible "mission", rather than simply a quest to get laid, LOL.