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Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:33 pm
by Laurel
Continuing to sing, Laurel moves 30' so she is 10' west of the unknown woman. Taking aim at the kobold still attacking Marrik, she looses an arrow...

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:47 pm
by Seven Words
The orc nocking his next arrow never knew what happened, as silently a foot of sharpened steel suddenly slid out his belly. As it withdrew, he collapsed bonelessly, the halflings sneak attack slaying him.

The paladin swings mightily again, dispatching anther of the verminous kobolds before him.

The mystery woman is now visible and is revealed to be an elf, flowing across the battlefield, flicking another axe out to the same lethal effect at the first, dispatching the kobold menacing the fair songstress as she takes a position somewhat behind the paladin.

The last kobold before the fell human resolutely stabs again, this time finding flesh, though to no great effect (1 point taken)

Laurel's arrow strikes home, perfectly placed. the critical hit knocks the small vicious thing clean off its feet, leaving it dead in the road.

The remaining orc, not noticing the sudden demise of his companion, looses an arrow at the sharpshooting bard. His inattention results in the crafty halfling sneak attacking him with this opportunity, and reaving his life as well. However, his arrow sped to its target, striking the lyrical lady.3 points

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:07 pm
by Usivius
It is obvious Beauregard dislikes physical combat --- the look on his face is evidence of that as he wrenches the spear from the last orc in a melancholy manner. It can also be noticed that such activity tires the halfling quickly. He uses his spear as support as he leans upon it, taking in heavy gasps of air.

He keeps an eye on the remaining kobold as it comes around the bush in Beauregard's direction. If their eyes meet, the halfling --standing between the two fallen orcs-- looks at the kobold in earnest and shakes his head as if to say, 'don't tempt your life'... and continues to take in some deep breaths between his clenched teeth...

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:09 pm
by Seven Words
the kobold runs screaming off to the south, desperately fleeing the carnage behind, seeking to bear witness of the failure here.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:35 pm
by Laurel
Her song cutting off on a high note of pain, the young Darelline bard looks at the arrow sticking out from her shoulder. Her face turns white as not only the pain makes itself known, but the realization that going off in search of stories and adventure is not all fun and games sinks in. Stepping into the shade of the tree next to her, she at first leans against it, then slowly finds herself sliding down the trunk, until her upper back is barely supported, the rest of her body stretched out in front of her as she starts to reach up to the arrow's shaft...

"Will anyone pursue the lone foe?" she attempts to gasp out.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:28 pm
by Usivius
Beauregard looks after the fleeing kobold.
"Will anyone pursue the lone foe?" she attempts to gasp out.
"Not I, for better the creature to tell its tale and create greater warning and caution against others attempting the same.
"My apologies for not stopping the orc's attack against you, Lady bard. I hope you are not too hurt."

Returning his attention to the orc bodies near him, the halfling searches them for valuables, quality of weapons (appraise 4) and any interesting tidbits.

<[ooc]Knowledge, local ... are orcs and kobolds 'common' in this area? [/ooc]>

And out load in the direction of the others, he asks aloud, "And has our helpful and friendly axe-weilding elvin lady introsduced herself. I would love to know the name of our saviour."


Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:08 pm
by Vynarkus
As the kobold flees down the road, a beam of what is best described as 'dark light' shoots out from a nearby tree and cuts across its path directly in front of it.

A calm voice rings out, "Stop running and submit to capture, or you will be killed, monster."

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:12 pm
by Seven Words
Terrified at this mystical threat, it drops its spear, gibbering in its fear, utterly incomprehensible.....its panicky eyes darting from side to side, seeking an escape....before it collapses, wailing in its despair.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:16 pm
by Usivius
Looking around, Beauregard searches for the person who performed such magics...
(was it our newcomer?...)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:46 pm
by Seven Words
Marrik walks quickly over tot eh injured bard, and calls upon Missaryi briefly, laying his left hand upon the wound as his right removes the arrow. A soft light emanates from him, and the wound closes up behind the withdrawing arrow.

The axe-wielding elf moves quickly to near the kobold, but casts her eyes in the direction of the source of the mystic bolt. "Good sir, would you come forth please, and be known? after such a near ambush, we are understandably cautious."

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:55 pm
by Laurel
The baleful tones of a new voice, different from the warning voice they heard prior to the ambush, draws the bard's attention. Such restrained...malevolence, she thinks to herself. Whoever this is will have a tale to share, I'm sure.
...if I can get it out of him.

A halfling, a g-ds touched, an elf, and now whomever this is! My pen shall fly tonight...

Feeling the relief of the efforts of Marrik, the young maid raises her eyes humbly to him and whispers, "My thanks.

"You are obviously blessed by the Lady of Light. The Wild Bitch let me down today. Yet I know her blessings will flow in my favor soon enough," she says with a wink.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:51 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus walks out of the bush.

He presents an odd sight. His chain shirt seems very out-of-place on an arcane caster, and one would imagine even a wizard would have some sort of backup weapon in case he runs out of spells, but he doesn't. His black hair glistens in the sunlight. His skin is unusual, white, but somehow paler than that of most people. Modern people would recognize it as someone who almost never gets in the sun, but the most reasonable explanation is that he does not tan at all. He is wearing an ordinary traveler's outfit.

He looks down at the kobold cowering on the ground. "Filthy things. If I didn't need to find out why it attacked, I'd kill it now." Is what he mutters under his breath.

He then looks up at you, and bows. "I heard that a group of people were attacked by monsters, and I came to help. When I saw that you had the situation well in hand, I hid in order to stop any of these... things" this said with an obvious tone of disgust, "from getting away."

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:39 pm
by Seven Words
The elf stands forward, slightly under five and a half feet, her skin a dusky yellow, her amber eyes gleaming in the moonlight while her dark green hair bounces in the slight breeze. "I am called Skyseeker. I came to this place to look into rumors of dark evens transpiring here. I first met Marrik some two weeks ago, as he was following his Lady's call. My people are concerned about the dark rumors."

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:01 pm
by Laurel
Laurel regards the two newcomers with something akin to amazement. Her fingers itched to get to Hardy's packsaddle and breakout pen, ink and paper to start composing her impressions. But now was not the time...

"Dark rumors, milady? I have been but a few days in Waymeet, and while I had thought listening to all I could in the common room of The Winding Way would surely be eye opening, other than the that news a caravan was late, no dark rumors have reached my ears.

"Will you share with us what these rumors be?" she inquisitively asks.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:55 am
by Seven Words
"The rumors which my people had heard come from the Heshics, concerning the Darkwood growing....restive. More of its denizens coming out to plague the lighted lands, and those who do so more organized than before. Also, we heard from Jauron's people by our...agents....that there seem to be some ruins uncovered to the north of the road, just short of Rozaa's Reek. Anything there would be....of great interest to the Ssi’zanyell’fehn. I believe that this band of marauders is part of a more organized force, perhaps using those ruins as a base."

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:15 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus goes on the opposite side of the kobold from you, points his finger at it, and says, "Move!"

He reaches you just in time to hear what the elven lady says about the ruins. "If you are correct in saying that this monster belongs to a larger group, it might be advantegous to see if we can find out anything about the ruins before we go there...

"If you want me, and intend to go there, that is."

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:27 pm
by Seven Words
Marrik comes over, having finished tending to Laurel's injury. "I sense no malicious intent in you, though you have a most dire air about you. I would appreciate any aid you could give, though I cannot speak for these others."

Skyseeker shrugs noncommittally "Any aid would be welcomed. I could not persuade the Nishtac el' would call them elders, I believe...that any great import should be attached to the Heshic's tales." She eyes Vynarkus, "you are one of the vanaa e zhantae, I would say. your power, is it not? Regardless, the word of a paladin suffices me as to your nature."

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:04 pm
by Usivius
As if he was blending in to the bushes, Beauregard stays motionless, leaning upon his spear and listening to the newcomers. Skyseeker certainly had a calmer air about her ... Beauregard figured it was mainly due to her being an elf .. but it was Vynarkus that gave him pause ...

Moving closer to the kobold, he kept his spear ready but spoke to it in a quiet voice ...

<PM to DM>

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:57 pm
by Usivius
Beauregard talks with the kobold, looking over his shoulder occasionally at the pale mage in armour. As words are exchanged, it can be seen that the halfling reaches in to his pack and pulls out a few morsels of food, giving it tentatively to the kobold and continues to talk with him...


After a few more moments, during which it can be seen the kobold chatters away, his hands moving about, pointing in various directions, Beauregard nods.
Turning his attention briefly in the direction of the group, he says aloud, "Pale-man," nodding at the mage, "I thank you for the notion of keeping this cooperative kobold around. He has been most forthcoming in sharing information. I believe I now know a little more than we did a few tense moments ago.
"Now I did give my word that we would not harm it, and athough we halflings like to 'give our word', we do not do so lightly. I would appreciate this understanding."

He waits a moment for any response, then bids them come closer so he would not have to raise his voice. "My throat gets very dry, very easily." Then takes a swig from his waterskin...

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:38 pm
by Laurel
Rising gingerly from her position under the tree, the maid slowly makes her way across the path to where the halfling and kobold crouch in conversation. She moves gingerly, expecting twinges from the recently healed arrow wound; having none she turns a bright smile upon Marrik. "Again, my thanks, friend," she exclaims with an elaborate bow. That said, she rises quietly, and awaits the halfling's word.