Vampire: The Requiem - The Russian District

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Post by Loredoctor »

Ivan Karpenku wrote:... Shit! I'm blown...

Changing tactics, Ivan falls back on his hand to hand training, and tries to put the man in a face-down pin on the ground.

Str (2) + Brawl (3) + Kung Fu specialization (+1)

No dots in the Kung Fu fighting style, so no special moves

In badly accented English, he stage-whispers, "Keep silent if you wish to stay alive."
Stranger (11)
Ivan (8 )

The man wipes a hand over his eyes to clear the tears and then swings a punch at Ivan. "Sick of you Russian assholes!" he yells as he puts all of his force into the swing.

Combat (Strength + Brawl -2[Ivan's Defense]): 1 success (-1 heavy cloth). No damage.

Ivan takes the hit without so much as flinching. For half a second his opponent looks shocked before being struck by Ivan in return.

Combat (Strength + Brawl +1 [specialty] -2[Stranger's Defense]): 1 success.

He collapses to the ground with a loud thump, and he groans in pain. Ivan leaps on top of him, pushing his face into the wet concrete.
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Tatiana Ivanova
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Post by Tatiana Ivanova »

Tatiana's eyes wander, taking in the soft expanse of newly revealed thigh, before she blinks a few times, and shakes her head clearing her suddenly clouded mind.. "Now, little one, that is what I was talking about doing....but you have no need of it with me. Many would consider what you jsut did as....impertinent, at the least." A dark, sultry look now, "Perhaps I for this, hmmm?" as her eyes hold a thousand unspoken intimations of dark pleasures.
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Ivan Karpenku
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Post by Ivan Karpenku »

"Assholes? I'll show you my assholes."

Ivan grips the man by the hair and pounds his head into the ground a few times to make his point.

"I told you not to speak. But you speak. Now I make you learn to listen!"
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Post by Loredoctor »

Ivan Karpenku wrote:"Assholes? I'll show you my assholes."

Ivan grips the man by the hair and pounds his head into the ground a few times to make his point.

"I told you not to speak. But you speak. Now I make you learn to listen!"
The man whimpers, "Please, stop. I'm sorry, okay? Don't hurt me anymore." Rich, warm blood started pooling beneath his head.
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Khalida Mufarrij
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Post by Khalida Mufarrij »

Tatiana Ivanova wrote:Tatiana's eyes wander, taking in the soft expanse of newly revealed thigh, before she blinks a few times, and shakes her head clearing her suddenly clouded mind.. "Now, little one, that is what I was talking about doing....but you have no need of it with me. Many would consider what you jsut did as....impertinent, at the least." A dark, sultry look now, "Perhaps I for this, hmmm?" as her eyes hold a thousand unspoken intimations of dark pleasures.
Catching Tatiana's sultry gaze, Khalida opens her eyes wide in mock dismay. "Punish me? For what? Did I do something?" as a small seductive smile echoes back at her sire while the car continued wending its way through the Russian neighborhood. "Is it much further?" she plaintively asks, longing for the blond Russian within her arms, yet knowing they must talk first.
Whispers in the dark,
intimately suggested.
Influence unfolds

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Ivan Karpenku
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Post by Ivan Karpenku »

"Now you love us Russians, no? I will make you love my assholes!"

Pulling the man's head harshly back, while still kneeling on his back, Ivan brings his head down to the man's ear and whispers. "You will enjoy this much more than the beatings you received just now."

The short man with the short man's temper leans down further, and bites into the man's jugular. With his head pulled back this far, it should be fairly easy to get to.

He sucks as slowly as he can go, to make the Kiss last longer, and only takes two blood points from the man. Perhaps another blood point has leaked onto the concrete around him.

Then, he goes through the man's pockets and takes everything of value. Wallet, carkeys, rings, necklaces, watch. Pay attention to the quality of his clothes, and especially pay attention to whether he has a gun.

Opening the man's wallet, he find's his ID.

"So, Mr. Russian hater. Let's see who you are. Then I'm very curious about what's causing you to cry in an alley in the Russian District, and why you're so sick of Russians. All the Russians *I* know are simply wonderful people."
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Tatiana Ivanova
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Post by Tatiana Ivanova »

Amused by her playful denials, Tatiana's hand slips up her arm, then tangles and pulls in her hair..not harsh....gentle firmness, an enticing sensation along the scalp. "yes, punishment seems to definitely be in order" as another light stops her, she uses her grip to bring the woman's head closer, lips meeting suddenly, intensely, assertively....feeling Khalida's instinctive yielding response, before withdrawing as the light turns.
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Khalida Mufarrij
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Post by Khalida Mufarrij »


Khalida's eyes snap open as Tatiana pulls away when the light changes. Much more of this and I'll be totally wrapped around her finger. But I have so much yet to learn! Sitting back as the car drove by a darkened alleyway between a clothing store and a bar, Khalida glimpsed what seemed to be a mugging in progress, and shuddered inwardly. Definitely not the best of neighborhoods, she thought, digging out her cell phone to call 911 while scanning the roadside for addresses and street names.
Whispers in the dark,
intimately suggested.
Influence unfolds

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Tatiana Ivanova
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Post by Tatiana Ivanova »

"Yob tvoyu mat!" said Tatiana, as she saw the "mugging". But she had noticed what had escaped Khalida. The identity of the "mugger". "Nyet, don't call. It is Ivan." With a regretful sigh, returning her hand to the shifter, Tatiana finds a parking space, and quickly heads over to see if Ivan could use any help with non-violent interactions. "After all", she thought,"he certainly needs no help with violence. But anything more subtle......" She glances over at her delectable passenger, leaning in for a quick, nearly chaste kiss before getting out, but the beneath the window hand moves were very far from chaste, one hand disappearing beneath the slightly bloodied skirt hem for those precious few seconds. "You can remain here, or go with me. Regardless, you'll not have further trouble with Ivan this night."
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Khalida Mufarrij
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Post by Khalida Mufarrij »

Already pale for a semite from her embrace, Khalida visibly blanches further. "Ivan?" she whispers. "Tatiana, wait! He's...insane." Her voice trails off as she watches the Russian disengage from her and step out of the car. Drawing her boot knife into a practiced grip, Khalida opens her door and stealthily follows her Sire.
Whispers in the dark,
intimately suggested.
Influence unfolds

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Ivan Karpenku
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Post by Ivan Karpenku »

Tatiana strolls into the alley, clearly distasteful of being surrounded by garbage and rot. Thankfully, the rats that Ivan had spotted earlier had fled once the scuffle started.

"Ivan, what are you doing to that man? Mugging him? If you needed money, you could have just asked."

Ivan glanced up to see Tatiana walking towards him. "Ah, if it isn't the love of my life?" muttered Ivan, sarcastically.

Then, in English: "Tatiana, this man tells me that he hates all of us Russians. He even tried to punch me. I don't read American ID cards very well. Can you tell me who he is?" Ivan tosses the man's wallet to her. "He was crying and stumbling out to this alleyway, which was curiously empty of exits. There's a barbed wire fence along the back."

When Ivan catches sight of Khalida and her boot knife... 'Oh HO! Look at you, all walking around again. How do you like that? Did you learn the lesson that Ivan was trying to... no. I see you still have that silly knife instead."
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Tatiana Ivanova
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Post by Tatiana Ivanova »

While idly flipping through the wallet, Tatiana replies, "Ivan, enough. She has much to learn yet. And while your approach to education is in the finest traditions of Spetznaz, that's not always the wisest method. I don't critique your mayhem, you don't critique my work. Neither of us has the proper frame of reference, da?"
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Post by Loredoctor »

Ivan's victim sobbed. "Let me go. I'll pay you anything. Just let me go. I don't have much, but I have a car. I don't want it - just wanna leave this fucking city."
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Ivan Karpenku
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Post by Ivan Karpenku »

Looking crestfallen, Ivan bows to Tatiana. "I will say nothing further on the subject, then."

Now, in English: "So, who is he?"
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Khalida Mufarrij
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Post by Khalida Mufarrij »

Ivan Karpenku wrote:When Ivan catches sight of Khalida and her boot knife... 'Oh HO! Look at you, all walking around again. How do you like that? Did you learn the lesson that Ivan was trying to... no. I see you still have that silly knife instead."
Khalida decides she will not deign to reply, other than to bare her fangs and hiss at him. Not understanding the spoken Russian between Ivan and her Sire she becomes more apprehensive as time passes. But the man's pleas and Ivan's question as to his identity pricks her curiosity as well. As Tatiana and Ivan stand around discussing him, Khalida steps closer to Ivan's victim, kneels next to him, and whispers to him, "Somehow you'll get out of this. Stay silent for now." Wishing to show her sympathy for the victim rather than for her attacker, she offers to put her arm around him while they await whatever Tatiana and Ivan decide, cradling him against herself while crooning softly.
Whispers in the dark,
intimately suggested.
Influence unfolds

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Post by Loredoctor »

"T-thanks," he stammers, his eyes rolling with a terrified expression. "Could you tell them that I am sorry. I really am. I love Russians; I-I read a book by a Russian author . . . Neetshka I think his name is. No, Nietschke. Yeah. I drink vodka now and then, and I - I would like to travel there. Yeah. Please lady, just say that I was scared."
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Ivan Karpenku
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Post by Ivan Karpenku »

In English: "What does his ID say?"
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Tatiana Ivanova
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Post by Tatiana Ivanova »

Eyes rolling in disgusted contempt which only Ivan is in a position to see, Tatiana smoothly slips a concerned but stern look on her face, as she turns and presents herself as an authoritative figure to the babbling idiot.

hitting him with Awe this turn

"Nietzsche, you mean? He was actually German, you know."

second round, hitting him with Revelation, cost 1 vitae, also expending one willpower

"Now, please, tell me what you're really doing here....."
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Post by Loredoctor »

"My name is Regin . . .uh Reggie Reginald." His eyes regard Ivan with fear. "I am telling you the truth."

Detect Lies (Wits + Subterfuge) roll: 1 success.

Ivan can tell that the man is telling the truth; he is too terrified to lie to him right now.
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Ivan Karpenku
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Post by Ivan Karpenku »

Khalida Mufarrij wrote:Khalida decides she will not deign to reply, other than to bare her fangs and hiss at him.
"I'll leave you to get the man's information, then. Call me when you need some shooting done. But, since I'm not allowed to teach your childe, you should enlighten her about the fact that the mortals aren't allowed to see her fangs like that."

Ivan leaves the man, who is too scared to enjoy being held and comforted by someon he normally wouldn't be able to afford looking at. He heads over to his luggage and pulls out the two guns. It's not yet time to give them the full cleaning they need. But he does inspect them for any overt damage or problems. Then he puts the holsters back on, covers them with his blazer, and stands behind Tatiana, watching the man and Khalida.

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