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Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:53 pm
by Zarathustra
I haven't read any of this thread yet, because I've still got another 100 pages to go. I just wanted to pop in here and pat myself on the back. :biggrin:

In this thread in the Runes dissection, I wrote:
I wrote:
In WGW, SRD wrote wrote:
I sit among the dust and hope
That dust will cover me.
I stir the ashes in the hearth,
Though cold they be.
I cannot bear to close the door,
To seal my loneliness away
While dust and ashes yet remain
Of my love’s day.
That’s pretty sick, when you think about it. She sits in the dust and hopes it covers her? Sounds like she got her wish!

[Is this dust “Kevin’s Dirt?!?]

It certainly “covers” her in her new life, with loneliness, inability to let go of the rusty car which took her to see Covenant for the first time, etc.

I called it: SWMNBN. 8)

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:34 pm
by Thorhammerhand
had one (basically Kevin is forced to wonder the land with the team in a new body to pay for his crimes) {they forgive him, actually on second thoughts i like SD's better, fits with the whole hope and love thing}

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:11 pm
by wayfriend
I have had too many failed predictions to count.

I had believed that the WOTWE and the Arch were metaphors for the same thing. But the way they describe things in the first few chapters of AATE, it sure seems like the Worm is a worm. It's not 100% conclusive yet, but ... well, it's not looking good.

I had predicted that there would only be moments before the world was destroyed by the Worm, and that they'd have to use time travel. Wrongo. Apparently they have a week or so.

I had predicted that the overall conflict was going to involve more of the Landiverse bleeding into the "real" world, creating dangers there. Clearly that isn't happening.

And I had predicted that Covenant, when we finally met him, would be more "unified" with Lord Foul. That Covenant had somehow "devoured" Foul in the final moments of WGW. Beep.

It was too easy to predict Jeremiah was in the Lost Deeps. But, you know ... yay.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:45 am
by Mighara Sovmadhi
I thought we'd see a scene with Linden stuck in our world because she was being operated on and came back temporarily. So I expected her to be frustrated and hoping to return to the Land to stop what she had unleashed/reunite with Jeremiah (who would be definitely dead in our world). The only scene even remotely close to this was the one where the lurker entrances her...

However, one of my theories about the ur-viles' ultimate goal was proven right, that they seek to either naturalize themselves or alter the world's nature to fit theirs.