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Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:24 pm
by Borillar
Lindan will moan and winge incessently throughout the last dark
Linden will constantly bitch about TC not telling her how much he loves her
Lindan will will feel really sorry for herself
Lindan will grip the staff of law and cry in anger, doubt, fear
Lindan will let someone close to her get killed, due to her self absorption and self pity

THOOLAH has spoken!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:14 pm
by Revan
All kneel before the mighty power of THOOLAH :Hail:

|L :rocket:

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:18 am
by Fist and Faith
rdhopeca wrote:
jackgiantkiller wrote:Lindan will moan and winge incessently throughout the last dark
Linden will constantly bitch about TC not telling her how much he loves her
Lindan will will feel really sorry for herself
Lindan will grip the staff of law and cry in anger, doubt, fear
Lindan will let someone close to her get killed, due to her self absorption and selfpity
Ok I'll this a prediction or a recap? :twisted:
It's an axiom that history repeats itself.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:28 am
by Cambo

There will be some connection between Jeremiah and the Creator, which will explain why the latter hasn't shown up.

Less likely, but would be awesome:

Jeremiah will rebuild the entire world, as when the Worm eats the world, and the Arch of Time breaks, he could build what he wanted with the materials of the entire cosmos at his disposal 8O

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:33 am
by sammadhi
your gonna love this

1)Stave and Jeremiah work together and imprison the worm, both becoming the guardian of his resting place in melekurion skyweir!!!

2)Covenant binds himself to lord foul with manacles and the waynhim/ur-viles seal them in the depths with "she who must not be named". the all royal rumble for eternity.

3)linden is finally killed by longwrath but becomes the new colossus for the forestals. The staff being fused with her. law and health will be forever preserved

4)the Haruchai get TCs ring.

5)The giants get Joans ring.

6)kastassen and roger betray and murder each other.

7)All three ravers become infused in the krill and buried beneath the lurkers demense!!!

If im right, all must bow before me!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:27 pm
by Fist and Faith
In the First & Second Chrons forum, ministerart wrote:Oh?..and does anyone else suspect that the healer..who helped Covenant...could be Linden?
8O 8O 8O Has anyone suggested this before?? I don't remember hearing it. What a fascinating idea! It's easy enough. Not only is Linden a doctor, but the Healer was off her rocker. And it would also make me like Linden.

A little bit.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:20 pm
by SoulBiter
The Elohim are only the first ingredient to be 'trapped'.

I think there will be a few others. In order to create a new world there needs to be certain things. The Elohim represent Earthpower and now we have that ingredient. Whitegold (Wildmagic) will end up being one of the others. Im not sure what the others will be.

There were some 'hints' dropped when TC was 'remembering' speaking to Mhoram, Loric, etc etc etc that lead me to think that the traps that he makes are like a big mixing bowl and now we just gotta get all the ingredients together to make a new world.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:24 pm
by Lord Mhoram
She Who Must Not Be Named is going to help Covenant defeat Lord Foul.

Stave will die.

Covenant will come to serve a purpose similar to what he was as Timewarden -- he'll somehow become what Donaldson likes to call the "strictures" of the universe again.

The Creator will almost certainly reappear and I agree with those who think it will have something to do with Jeremiah.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:13 pm
by Ur Dead
I think earthbrah hit an idea.

A box made by Jeremiah constructed from Wild Magic to containt and cause the worm to slumber.

Since Jerry has got his mind back, Linden will learn to forgive.

And I also agree that it was the Creator who approach
Jeremiah. The Creator didn't reveal himself to TC in the second Chronicles either. Jeremiah
couldn't have made known of the meeting at the time because of
his condition.

TC may not make it.

There is something about the Ranyhyn that carried Jeremiah.. Can't put my finger on it.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:33 pm
by ur-Timewarden
Given that I've read elsewhere in the forums that Donaldson (wisely, I might add) doesn't want anyone else writing Covenant stories in the future, I can only predict gloom and doom for The Land.

In no particular order (even though the list is ordered):

1. Longwrath has to battle Sandgorgons, even though his sword is diminished in power. Probably one of those "oh, all hope is lost" moments and Longwrath saves the day.

2. Jeremiah makes a box and either traps The Worm inside it or Foul outside of The Land. As I said, I can't see The Land being saved, if the goal is to make it a closed universe.

3. Roger dies at Covenant's hand in some way. Maybe he gets a white gold spanking.

4. We finally get to see Kastenessen (only took 4 books), and he is eaten by a skurj. Someone appeals to his last scrap of sanity, and while distracted, his control is broken.

5. This is a totally wild thought, but if there is no hope left, someone will break the Arch, and Jeremiah will make a box transporting everyone somewhere safe.

I reserve the right to change my mind in the next 3 years and 3 (or more) re-reads of AATE by then.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:37 pm
by ur-Timewarden
Oh, and...

6. Linden says "Oh (insert character name)" at least 15 times. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:48 pm
by Seeker of Truth
Well, here are my predictions for what they are worth....

1. Stave will kill Kastenessen using the krill - Jeremiah will trap the skurj in one of his constructs

2. Linden will vaporise the Ravers using wild magic & the staff - finally realising what Caerroill(sp) Wildwood's runes mean!

3. Lord Foul will be enticed into one of Jeremiah's constructs believing it to be a way out of the Land, only to find that it is a trap containing She Who Shall Not Be Named!

4.The Creator will appear & put the Worm back to sleep.

5. TC & Linden will become the new guardians of the Land. Jeremiah will become the first new High Lord. Stave will return home to share his experiences with the Haurachi (sp) and enrich their lives.

6. The Ranyhyn will continue to live on the Plains of Ra - but will be ridden by the Ramen who review how they will serve them.

7. All the Elohim bar Infelice have been eaten by the Worm. TC & Linden compell her to become the guardian against the skurj.

8. The Sandgorgons will return home with complete sentience as the ravers hold over them has been broken.

9. The Giants will form a settlement again at Coercri - this time they do know the way home!

10. Joan will wake up & find TC in the shower & realises it was all a dream but tells TC that it would make a hell of a good book! :twisted:

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:08 am
by earthbrah
Ur Dead wrote:
I think earthbrah hit an idea.

A box made by Jeremiah constructed from Wild Magic to containt and cause the worm to slumber.
Preesh the reference, Ur Dead. I'd like to clarify, if I may...
I think that Jerry will be able to use his ability to bind the entire race of the Elohim to create the forbidding whereby recalling all vastness that has been forgotten. Forbidding throws Worm into confusion, whereafter he forgets his hunger and just burrows back down into the Earth for more zzzzzzs.

Ur Dead also wrote:
There is something about the Ranyhyn that carried Jeremiah.. Can't put my finger on it.
I noted in another thread somewhere that the mount that carries Jeremiah is named Khelen...which is very close to Kelenbhrabanal. We didn't get that story of the sacrifice of the Father of Horses for nothing. So, Khelen is in some way the reincarnation of Kelenbhrabanal, and will act to defy and pay back Foul for his treacher against the great horses. The lurker and his minions will help with this--TC will make them due to the bargain he made with the Feroce and their High God. And the horses will finally be free of their unnatural fear of the lurker.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:23 pm
by TheFallen
I think it's all fairly obvious...

Jeremiah builds a construct that traps both Linden and Lord Foul, but it's flawed... it will only last as long as Linden obsessively peers into her own navel and moans about the state of everything. That's Foul trapped for all of eternity, then.

The Elohim get a lucrative contract with a Disney On Ice show.

SHE gets a guest spot on Desperate Housewives, which then leads to her own spin-off show, a re-take on Cheaters, where she hunts down guys two-timing their partners and eats them.

As Douglas Adams foretold, Covenant finds the last message from The Creator in a vast hidden cavern under Melenkurion Skyweir, sculpted from 100 foot high ochre rock letters that reads "We apologise for the inconvenience".

The Haruchai have a reasonably successful career as a Mexican wrestling troupe.

The last of the giants are quickly forgotten, being as quickly forgettable as they are.

The remaining ur-Viles top the Xmas 2011 charts with "Forget Easy Listening... Roynish Barking is where it's at."

Two bucks says I'm at least 50% right...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:38 pm
by Orlion
Time for me to make some predictions:
When the Haruchai come out of Revelstone to battle the skurj and the Sandgorgons, they're not going to get as completly slaughtered as you'd think... I mean, seriously, when the (Ardent?) said that they were the only ones in the Land that could be of use against this unnaturally potent army of freaks, my first reaction was, "Really? That's your shaved knuckle? Why not get the Butter Men to join in as well!"

Any Forbidding that might be set up against the Worm is only a temporary means of preserving the Earth, giving our heroes enough time to make the antagonists pay for their crimes before the Worm devours the Earth the long way.

Kastty is more pissed off at his lover being absorbed into SHE then he is at being Appointed... or rather, his hatred against the Elohim would be based in that.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:40 pm
by ur-Timewarden
Orlion wrote:Why not get the Butter Men to join in as well!

Yeah, I'm kind of wondering what the role of the Haruchai will be. Seems like it was a major concern to sway them when Covenant spoke through Anele and told the Ramen that it was up to them to convince the Haruchai.

We've seen that the Haruchai can be effective against purely non-magical creatures (Cavewights, ur-viles, and the like), but somewhat overmatched against everyone else (Insequent, Elohim, etc.). So I'm curious as to what role they will have in the slam-bang finale. It seems that the power levels of the antagonists has grown, and your simple Earthpowered karate/kung fu expert is a little out of his league, unless they are intended to serve as an Sandgorgon/skurj appetizer.

Stave did stand up to Infelice though (which I found a bit of a stretch), so it isn't entirely out of the question that given the imminent end of the world, all of the living Haruchai might ride Ranyhyn out of the West, in the epic showdown that is sure to happen.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:20 pm
by Vraith
ur-Timewarden wrote: Stave did stand up to Infelice though (which I found a bit of a stretch),
Why do so many people say this? Power has a direct relation with need/desire/commitment, and hardly anyone is better at that than the Haruchai...and she was a little busy...and all he really did was slowly clench a fist, and lift his arm...

Anyway...additional prediction: It will be the Haruchai [possible allied with Sandies] that take down Kasty.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:27 pm
by ur-Timewarden
Vraith wrote:Power has a direct relation with need/desire/commitment, and hardly anyone is better at that than the Haruchai...
It wasn't so much what Stave did or questioning the desire of the Haruchai, but more of the whole situation. In the past, I've understood why the Elohim didn't exert their power, because it seemed to be part of their laissez-faire attitude relating to letting events play out until the point of no return, at which point they get involved.

In this situation, Infelice (seemingly as spokesperson for the Elohim) decides to give Linden one last chance to put an end to Jeremiah's actions, and seeing as that isn't going to happen, she makes it clear that she is going to stop it herself. At that point, why not just make Jeremiah disappear?

I'm sure there's a good explanation (or not), but if I've had an issue with the Last Chronicles, it's with the ramping up of the power levels. You've got a hate-fueled former Elohim/now part skurj (Kastenessen) who can whisk armies of Cavewights hundreds of leagues, but the leader of the Elohim can't do a "hit and run" on a 15-year old boy?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:11 pm
by TheFallen
ur-Timewarden wrote:You've got a hate-fueled former Elohim/now part skurj (Kastenessen) who can whisk armies of Cavewights hundreds of leagues, but the leader of the Elohim can't do a "hit and run" on a 15-year old boy?
Is this not because Kasty - who was clearly a major-league Elohim in the first place, if that matters at all - has gone insane/been corrupted and therefore has the entirely uncaring strength of madness?

In contrast, Infelice is prone to the ingrained and archetypical "laissez-faire" attitude (as you well put it) of the Elohim - getting directly involved seems to be abhorrent to them and a contradiction of their inherent nature (or a massively grudging admission that other beings and their actions have a significance, which must be a painful anathema to the high and mighty Elohim).

Therefore, when she finally decides she has absolutely no other choice but to get her hands dirty and act, it's too late because Jeremiah is safe within his shelter of bones.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:46 pm
by ur-Timewarden
TheFallen wrote:Therefore, when she finally decides she has absolutely no other choice but to get her hands dirty and act, it's too late because Jeremiah is safe within his shelter of bones.
I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. And I guess you throw in the fact that the Elohim are running for their lives, they have more important things to worry about.