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Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:05 pm
by Sigrid
"I would rather nothing happen to me too. So you can be in charge of protecting me. I don't do very good at that. I started to study magic because I always got hurt. The girls in my village were very strong. But they didn't know how to be gentle like you." I laugh. "And the boys. They thought punching you in the arm was how to flirt. But I'm a delicate flower."

"And I can take care of you if you get hurt, my big strong noble gentle protector."

I lean against Annalysei's strong back. I put my arms around her waist and squeeze tight. Then I reach my invisible wings over her shoulders and hug her that way, too. I think that breaks the Disguise Self spell. Everyone sees my wings appear around us, and my eyes are glowing again.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:43 pm
by Annalysei
[ooc: I'm still trying to figure out whether I like third or first person, so y'all may see me switch back and forth occasionally. Call it creative license.]

I chuckle and gently fluff Sigrid's feathers, and lean back against her, pulling a bit of my hair that had flown back in the breeze out of her mouth. "Well, it was a little different for me growing up. Everyone was so afraid of my father and his temper that no one really wanted to talk to me, and when I'd try to talk to them, they'd make some excuse and find something really pressing to do."

I pause for a minute, remembering. "It only got worse when the girls my age started swooning over the men training in the yard and I didn't. It took me a little while to figure out why, and by then, I was so busy trying to sneak off at every available moment to train my magic that I didn't really dwell on it too much. I was too worried that I was going to get caught. I did get caught once. My father beat me in the yard in front of the whole keep. He beat me until I fainted, hoping it would teach me a lesson and that I'd be so humiliated that I'd never use magic again. Instead, I trained that much harder, but I was much more careful not to get caught."

I shake my head, clearing away the old memories, and instead focus on the new ones I'm making with Sigrid. Those are much happier memories. I break into a smile and fluff her feathers again "But I'll always be around to protect you. You may be a delicate flower, but you're my delicate flower. And you know how I feel about flowers."

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:58 am
by Sigrid
"My village was much more accepting of my magic. It was divine, they thought. I was a cleric of magic. But that's natural, from a god."

"When I did my own magic, nobody could tell it wasn't divine. Only later, I saw how it's all divine. It's all natural."

"Your father is lucky you're related to him. So I can't kill his entire family in front of him, then burn his home to the ground."

I shake my head. "That's a dark place. Let's change the subject. So, we can drop you off on the ground? To go hunting the orcs? Be careful, and I'll miss you."

I squeeze extra tight.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:21 am
by Annalysei
I grin "Who's my bloodthirsty Strawberry Hurtcakes? You are!" I chuckle a bit at that and file it away as a possible pet name for later. "Yes, love, drop me off near the orcs, but stay close enough that I can teleport back to you if I need to."

[ooc:O wise players, how far can I Dimension Hop? I couldn't find it in d20]

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:52 pm
by Seven Words
heading for the unnamed unmarked burial lands...

Evidence is found of patrols....Ogres. Some of who apparently were taking pains to hide evidence of their passing (about 1 group in 5).....

most groups seem to have been between 6 and 10 individuals.

Trails were found of at least a dozen groups.

Your path, straight line towards the center, has merged with the trail of an Ogre group.

Skyseeker estimates that they have perhaps a 6 hour lead on you, no more.

(Led, PM with your estimate of the time gap incoming)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:58 pm
by Led Pighp
Our intrepid wemic scout looks at Skyseeker's expert tracking, and then moves around the area sniffing the air. He lowers his head to the ground and sniffs there, and reaches to the higher parts of nearby trees.

"There's something... reptile? Just a hint. It's like every once in a while, one of the ogres was carrying something reptilian... no, wait... it's still living. Not like pooty's dragonskin clothing. Maybe a captive pet? Or... one of them has reptile parentage?" He shudders. "I don't even want to imagine how that could have happened."

He continues down the path. "And there were a few spellcasters... or at least people with herbs and other stuff... smells like Sigrid's new metal pouch, anyway."

"Hrm. It's different groups, too. Not the same one walking in circles. And several of them have the reptile smell. I can't... no... I don't know if the reptile smell is at the same times as the caster smell. It's too muddled with ogre funk."

"But yeah, six hours. Only... that's a lot of ogres. Maybe forty or more have come by here already. If they're coming in from several directions, that could be a lot of ogres to fight. Except, of course, they're not very organized. Maybe we get them to fight amongst themselves, like pooty did with the demons and the devils."

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:02 pm
by Katrina
Something quite ogre looking is on Led's back.

"I could make try to make confuses amongst them."

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:03 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
"Call me that again, ever, and I'll neuter you while you sleep."

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:58 pm
by Led Pighp
Led chuckles. "Surely you're not so ugly a woman that you can't find a willing partner. Though, you are a bit on the waifish side to be truly beautiful, I'll admit. But, if the living flame can love you, perhaps you might even find a man to keep you company. Without having to resort to stealth and mutilation, that is."

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:40 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Kali spins to look Led in the eye, "I could have any man or woman, humanoid or outsider, I desired."

She presses in closer and lowers her voice so only he should be able to hear, "Any promises of bodily harm are for my own amusement. Do not test me if you might ever want to sire children. I'll make you eat those words along with your member."

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:08 am
by Annalysei
I overhear the argument below and call down from the carpet "May I interject here that a man isn't necessary for love? I'm doing just fine and neither I or Sigrid were men, last time I checked all of our parts." I say over my shoulder to Sigrid, "Bunny, have you turned into a man since I last looked?"

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:34 pm
by Sigrid
I use Disguise Self from my hat. I look like the most popular man from my village. His name is Lars.

My voice is still the same. "No, I didn't change. But, maybe you should check anyway?"

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:53 pm
by Katrina
"Are we there yet?"

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:34 pm
by Annalysei
I gasp and almost shout. "GAH. Heavens no. I will most certainly check and see if the appropriate parts are there, but only after you've switched back. With wings, please."

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:00 pm
by Seven Words
As night approaches, you appear to be gaining upon the ogre group you have been following...another couple of hours would put you falling upon their camp in the middle of the night...or you could wait, and catch up to them on the move during the following day.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:18 pm
by Annalysei
"Well, from what I see, we have a couple of options. We could take the carpet down to 50 feet above them, and I can zap myself into the middle of them as they're resting for the night, Trina is excellent at the element of surprise, and Led and Kali sneak much better than I do [ooc: I'm assuming. I don't think my move silently is very good as I'm a hulking, armor-clad warrior chick] Our lovely and fair healer can hover above us and rain death on them from above" and as I speak I gesture animatedly, wiggling my fingers with a wicked expression of glee for emphasis, "out of reach but still close enough that I could zap myself back up to her if the need arose."

"Now, we could catch up to them as they're walking tomorrow, but they might be a little more alert. My vote is to catch them as they sleep, taking out the scout or sentry first. Maybe Trina can cover herself with darkness and sneak up on him?"

[ooc: any chance we could move fast enough to set up some sort of ambush?]

[ooc the third: I guess we need to start buffing once we decide what to do, huh? I need to go check and see how long animalistic power lasts. Anyone know off of the top of their heads?]

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:59 am
by Katrina
"I can Darky and get close to Bad Ogre. Dunno how quiet he'll be. Bad Ogres are big and stinky. They make yelly noises when you poke them and make Big Icky Thuds when Dealt With."

Cocking her head to the side.

"I has idea!"

"We Deal With Bad Ogre sentrything. Like, Led, Kali, and Trina do. The others go over there or there. I disguise as ogrey person, and act like there is attacky stuff happening here. In case Bad Ogre is noisey. They all get all Ogrey and stompy over here, while we hit them from over there or there. Kali can fly, Leddycat can sneaky.Others are all uppy. We can strike them on behinds!"

"If not noiseys, we can sneaky into the camp and Deal With the Bossy Bad Ogre. Then we're in the middle of an Ogreish Mess though."

Looking at Led

"I am no eating Bad Ogre. I don't care how tingly vengeance tastes. No."

[OOC: May not be posting much tomorrow/next few days, driving a bunch. Dunno how long before this encounter actually starts. Will try to be up to date if it does though]

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:18 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
"Let's hit them at night. They've been marching, so they'll sleep soundly. Likely we can slit several throats before they're any the wiser."

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:45 am
by Seven Words
OOC---little bit of retconning.....Laurel was moved so deeply at the imperilment of her native lands, especially the slaughter of the halflings, that she could not delay in the slightest, and headed off in near-utter desperation as soon as you arrived here in the south.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:04 pm
by Seven Words
Skyseeker concurs. "Sigrid and Anna are near-silent aloft...Led, 'Trina, Kali, and myself are quite stealthy....a night time ambush seems most advisable."