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Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:21 am
by Cord Hurn
Pretty much just as I've pictured him. Well-done background, too. |V

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:14 am
by shadowbinding shoe
marineguy wrote: Found this by "wayfriend"

"In The Wounded Land was wrote:
He wore a short gray tunic, and under it all his skin from head to foot was as black as the gaps between the stars. His form was perfectly shaped and strong; but his hair was black, his teeth and gums were black, his pupilless eyes were pure midnight."

It's pretty funny how we all see things differently with our "minds eye".[/i]
Never really thought about it but his body's description is obviously a metaphor for his role. He is the embodiment of the gap that the old staff's destruction left in the world. A not so subtle rebuke to all who see him that this situation cannot go on left untended.