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Post by lorin »


People, Places and Things

Been thinking a lot about the people, places and things aspect of dieting. I know it is not trendy to call it dieting. I should be calling it life style change or something like that. But common'........it is DIETING! So diet it is. BUT I am going to avoid the numbers and weighing myself because that is killer. I think when you start watching the numbers you subconsciously set a target and begin to think after you hit that target it's back to the all you can eat buffet. So it really is a life style change but I am stubborn, I will call it a diet.

Anyway, back to the people, places and things.
I have a few people places and things on my list. On the very top of my list is THE CAR. This is a huge problem for me. Since I drive 5 hours a day, I eat to stay awake. Well, bullshit, I used to eat to stay awake, now I just eat in the car for entertainment and most of all, there is no one there to say DON"T EAT THAT CRAP. And for some reason, when your driving it seems to lower your standards. When I am home, I never think, lets go to McDonalds and get some whatever. But when I am in the car, it is much easier to go to the drive threw (through........S.D? :wink: ) since the attendant can't see my spreading butt from that tiny window. So, that is my second people, places and things. Fast food joints.

Third on the list is my job. Lots and lots of high fat, high salt, high sugar snacks for the clients. And when I am stressed or the friggin staff pisses me the hell off or whatever the emotion de jour is, well I am off to the races. I go hunting for the worst thing to stuff in my mouth. This is going to be the hardest one. Luckily the secretary outside my door is a Nazi and will shout at me and make nasty comments when she sees me eating bad stuff.

People from the people places and things are not really an issue as I usually eat badly in isolation. My only issue with people is when I get it in my head to cook for other people and then graze on my creations.

I guess Things would be foods that trigger you to go off your diet. Since I am convinced refined carbs are an addiction, to me any introduction of refined carbs can start the urges and trigger a slide. One powdered donut, bag of chips or slice of pizza and I am off to the races. I also follow a three day rule with refined carbs. It takes three days to get the those carbs out of your system. I am cranky, shaky and tired for three days. Then things get better for me.

Would we call lonliness a Thing? I know it is a thing that triggers me to eat. I will save that for another entry.

So I begin another day. I have purged my fridge of the Things. I feel the carb withdrawl so today is going to be another challenge. FEMA coming to look at my house so stress is a factor today. But these morning blogs help keep me focused. Have a healthy day, everyone.
Last edited by lorin on Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Menolly »

lorin wrote:I also follow a three day rule with refined carbs. It takes three days to get the those carbs out of your system. I am cranky, shaky and tired for three days. Then things get better for me.
Hyperception says the same thing for himself. Whereas it seems to be a week-long cycle for me if I do cheat. Hyperception says that most likely will change as the weight drops and (hopefully) the walking causes my metabolism to pick up. We shall see.
lorin wrote:But these morning blogs help keep me focused.
And I am finding them inspiring to do my best to stick to my plan. As long as you're comfortable sharing, please keep them up, girlfriend!
lorin wrote:Have a healthy day, everyone.
Back at ya!

I hope the FEMA survey goes well. They wouldn't help Hyperception's father after the severe damage to his house when Charley's, Frances', and Jeanne's paths all intersected directly over his house the summer of 2004. But at the time he was living and working in Fort Lauderdale, and the house he inherited from his folks outside of Lake Wales, FL was his weekend retreat and vacation home, so he couldn't claim homestead exemption on it. I hope FEMA will take in to account the damage to your house and the fact that it is unlivable when they see your current address is elsewhere.

Good luck!
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Post by aliantha »

One of Geneen Roth's other guidelines is, "Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others."

And another: "Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car."

I'm tellin' ya, the woman has my number. 8O

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Post by Vraith »

Menolly wrote:
Stonemaybe wrote:I'm hesitant to offer my opinion on this as you USers really do live in a different world to those of us on this side of the Atlantic.

BUT it's the Galley and I love the lot of you, so time for some tough love.

Atkins? South Beach? YOU MUST BE KIDDING!!!!!! (I've edited that several times so as not to cause offence)

ok here's a good link www.diabetes.org.uk/Guide-to-diabetes/F ... fAodYnj_3g

If diabetes is an issue, the most important thing is a BALANCED diet, with SMALL portions, OFTEN. Cutting out fruit???????? :soapbox:

If anyone's interested, I'll post more tomorrow when I calm down a bit. I can't remember a thread on KW that's got me as wound up, or made me delete so much that I've typed, in the interest of civility!
Your professional side is showing, stone... ;)

I know most medical professionals are highly skeptical, or at least strongly disapprove, of Atkins. But I informed my doctor that I am following Atkins, and for now he has said nothing against it. I did have a fasting lipid profile done on Tuesday morning, but have not had a follow up visit to receive the results yet. I do believe the Atkins literature regarding the effect of fats in a low carb life-style though, so I'm pretty sure I am going to stick with it, regardless.
Savor Dam wrote:Both Atkins and South Beach have pretty restrictive induction phases, as I understand it.
My understanding is induction should never last longer than two weeks. At least on Atkins. It is too restrictive to do it longer, and those who have done Atkins long term manage to do so because they do eat a more balanced diet starting with Phase 2. From those I know who tried to do induction longer, they tend to burn out on the diet after three weeks or so.

Plus, supplements are pretty much required. While I know the best place to get certain nutrients is via food, Atkins readily admits following their plan will limit the intake of some nutrients so supplementation is necessary. I've taken supplements ever since I was a chiropractic assistant, so that is not a problem for me.
I don't know what Stonemaybe deleted, but very short term Atkins may be fine. But the intended life-long maintenance phase is completely screwed.
Unless you are body-building, you don't need more than 50g of protein a day...and the 143 he recommends is borderline dangerous, especially for women, all by itself. The fiber needs to be at least 20 grams higher, complex carbs are necessary for health [though refined carbs, sugar, and HFC should be avoided] The amounts from fats is outrageous. And I highly doubt there is anyone in the world who gained weight because of too many veggies.
[spoiler]Sig-man, Libtard, Stupid piece of shit. change your text color to brown. Mr. Reliable, bullshit-slinging liarFucker-user.[/spoiler]
the difference between evidence and sources: whether they come from the horse's mouth or a horse's ass.
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Post by lorin »

Sunday 9/19/11

Calories don't count when.......

There was a really funny little gift book that was going around a long long time ago called Calories Don't Count When...... It's amazing how I convince myself that calories are some kind of reward. So with humor I present my list;

Calories don't count when no one is watching.
Calories don't count when you are eating off your friends plate.
Calories don't count when you are evening out the edges.
Calories don't count when it's after midnight.
Calories don't count when you are in the car.
Calories don't count when you are very very tired.
Calories don't count when you are celebrating a birthday.
Calories don't count when it is eaten with a diet soda.
Calories don't count when it is in a salad.
Calories don't count when it includes whole grains (or is brownish at least)
Calories don't count when it is a sample.
Calories don't count when it doesn't taste good.
Calories don't count when it is eaten in front of the tv/computer.
Calories don't count when is for charity (girl scout cookies)
Calories don't count when your are very very sad (you deserve it)
Calories don't count when you are very, very happy (let's celebrate)
Calories don't count when you are very very angry (what the hell)
Calories don't count when you are very, very depressed.
Calories don't count when you are very, very lonely. (nobody looks at me anyway)
Calories don't count when you are standing up (in front of the fridge).

Yesterday was an ok day. A little too much grazing. I need to keep my meals structured. Too much of my eating is done while I am doing something else. I think I am going to begin a food journal again. The last time I did that I was amazed at how much I actually did eat. I did it for my diabetes to track my sugar.

I didn't walk as much as usual yesterday. Kind of achy. I guess about a mile, maybe a mile and a half. But something is better than nothing. I had a lot of anger at my father yesterday and reached for the cookies 'cause the calories don't count if you are angry. But wait......no cookies in the house! 8O I actually considered baking some. The good thing about getting rid of the bad stuff is it give you a lag time between the urge and acting on the urge. I had time to tuck the anger back where it belonged and I put away the measuring cup. Instead I started the grill and grilled off some veggies and made a grilled veggie salad. phew...close one!

Have a healthier day, everyone. (it's a beautiful day for a walk)
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Post by Menolly »

lorin wrote:Have a healthier day, everyone. (it's a beautiful day for a walk)
That it is!

It is only 83 at a quarter to three, with a relative humidity of 61% here. Amazingly nice for us in mid-September. I need to get my walk in before the afternoon rains roll in, if they do.
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Post by lorin »

Menolly wrote: It is only 83 at a quarter to three, with a relative humidity of 61% here. Amazingly nice for us in mid-September. I need to get my walk in before the afternoon rains roll in, if they do.
have you considered two 20 minute walks, one in the morning and one at night? Time to recuperate between them.
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Post by stonemaybe »

Some miscellaneous tips.....

Drink a pint of water or more about 20-30mins before a meal. Keep some chilled in the fridge with lemon and cucumber in it.

As mentioned above, eat SLOWLY.

Always put less food on your plate than you think is enough rather than feel pushed to finish a larger portion.

Don't worry about throwing away food.

Cook/prepare from scratch every time.

Don't make exercise a trial/chore. Combine it with something (or someone?) you love (listen to music or an audio book?). Set targets and rewards for yourself.
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Post by Menolly »

lorin wrote:
Menolly wrote: It is only 83 at a quarter to three, with a relative humidity of 61% here. Amazingly nice for us in mid-September. I need to get my walk in before the afternoon rains roll in, if they do.
have you considered two 20 minute walks, one in the morning and one at night? Time to recuperate between them.
Working on it.

I just returned from a walk now, and plan to take one after dark, when it is cooler. I just have no gumption before my morning coffee, and I am waiting to have my coffee until after I test. So by the time I've had my coffee, the heat of the day has usually settled over Gator Town.

I know...
...excuses, excuses.

But as the season cools off, I expect that excuse will fall by the wayside and when it starts to heat up again maybe the twice a day habit will be established by then.

And thanks, Stone.
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Post by Orlion »

Lemon makes sense, but cucumber? Do you rave? :P

Of course, lime is always the best :biggrin:
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Post by Menolly »

I've had cucumber infused water. It was one of the "trendy" waters offered on the Western Washington University campus when I toured there a few times. It's quite tasty. I haven't heard of any benefits besides taste though.

I never considered combining it with lemon nor lime, even though I always have a slice of lime in my glass of water, or a slice of lemon, if lime is not available.

Can you fill us in on what the combination may do, Stone? I assume the pint of water before a meal is to help control appetite at meal time. But does the cucumber/lemon infusion add to that?
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Post by aliantha »

I think it just makes it taste better than plain water. (I'll have to try the slice of cucumber trick. I prefer lime to lemon, too, Orlion -- but hey, I'll take what I can get. ;))

And yes, drinking water before your meal fills you up a bit. Weight Watchers is kind of nuts about drinking water. Even after that study a few years ago proved that all liquid (even the stuff with caffeine in it) can be counted toward your daily fluid intake, WW still encourages people to make water most of their 64-oz. daily intake.

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Post by Menolly »

aliantha wrote:I think it just makes it taste better than plain water. (I'll have to try the slice of cucumber trick. I prefer lime to lemon, too, Orlion -- but hey, I'll take what I can get. ;))

And yes, drinking water before your meal fills you up a bit. Weight Watchers is kind of nuts about drinking water.
At this point, I think all ways of eating promote water intake.
I know Atkins does.
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Post by lorin »

still 9/18/11

I went on a small hike in the woods with helldog today. When I finished I felt disappointed with the walk. The trail was not long enough and just too easy. I was standing at the park map trying to figure out the other trails and I started talking to this man. He showed me the trails I should be walking to get more of a challenge. We started talking about my concerns about my faltering diet and other things. Turns out he is a personal trainer. We had a really nice talk about motivation and focus. He spoke about not becoming obsessed because it can become self destructive. I liked his attitude.

Although I said I wasn't going to weigh myself and do numbers I am reconsidering. I don't know.
Last edited by lorin on Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Savor Dam »

I second the endorsement of cucumber in water. It really works, flavor-wise.

How did I learn about it? There was this little Thai restaurant in North Bend where Dam-sel, Menolly and I had lunch about a year and a half ago, and that was the first place I think any of the three of us had been exposed to this. We spent a lot of time discussing "What is that flavor in the water?" before finally asking the server.
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Post by Menolly »

I had forgotten about the cucumber water at the Thai restaurant, but recall it now that you mention it. But I do seem to recall the infused water selection at WWU, and believe cucumber infused water was one of them.
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Post by lorin »

MONDAY 9/19/11

Irritable and edgy today. Couldn't sleep. Not sure this blog thing is going to work. It's not going as expected. Stay tuned.
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Post by aliantha »

Uh -- do you want those of us in the peanut gallery to shut up? :oops:

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Post by lorin »

aliantha wrote:Uh -- do you want those of us in the peanut gallery to shut up? :oops:
no, just the opposite. Ignore me, I am tired.
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Post by Menolly »

I hope you feel reenergized; physically, mentally, and spiritually soon, lorin.


(as lucimay is wont to say)

Blood sugars at 115 this morning.
Now let's see if I can keep it there!
(...or maybe go even lower)
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