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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:24 am
by Goatkiller666
Both men seem to give assent to this, and the step around to be in front of the door to the wagon, though not close to it. They both seem to be standing... not exactly at attention, but at least presenting an image of non-threatening subservience. Shoulders are hunched forward, heads are slightly bowed, eyes are downcast.

Alina makes nearly to the door of her cottage, when there is a sound behind her. The wagon.

She turns to look, and the door is creaking open, pushed by a massive grey arm. It looks like nothing more than stone, yet somehow moving as a living arm would. Soulsight reveals an aura, though one stange to behold. While many people, even these scared gypsies, show a wide range of emotions at any time, this one was very limited. Hunger, respect, wariness. Mostly wariness. The colors are faded, pale like a vampire's. But this was no mere vampire. It was tall. Even hunched over as it was, the thing stood seven feet above the floor of the wagon. It wore no clothes, though it seems to lack any anatomy needing to be covered. Stone-grey it was, from head to toe. Stone it may well be, the clawed fingers showed no claws like an animals, no junction of flesh meeting harder sharper pain. Even the claws of Sabine and Taduz had appeared to be like bizarre interpretations of nature, but this was...

Alina finally understood. What she saw was what a modern man would make a statue of a monster look like. Stone fingers, with the ends cruelly pointed, and clearly capable of rending flesh and steel. Then it steps out of the wagon, one foot then the other. It's legs are almost gruesome to look at, more like those of a demon of the Christian faith, though clawed and not hooved. The tail was even there, though not barbed as some christian painters would have people believe.

Oh, and the wings. Once out of the wagon, it unfurls them over its head, out to an impressive 10' length to each side. The beast steps forward another step and sniffs at the two gypsies. He sniffs the air around, then sniffs where Alina had walked past a few moments before. His nostrils flare up further. "Lamia est." grumbles a voice that sounds like nothing more than two large stones being ground slowly to gravel, while he turns his head in the direction of the scent, and ends up looking directly at Alina.

"Ah. Commissum." and he quickly takes two steps towards Alina.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:30 pm
by Alína Nyárí
[ooc]Do my dots in Linguistics, Theology, or Occult help with the language at all?[/ooc]

The Jewess' eyes open further. A stone beast was definitely something she never would have expected would come out from this carriage. Instinctively, she started to bring her aim to bear again. But then the wariness of the creature's aura penetrated her and she realizes it does not appear to be moving in a threatening way. She chooses to leave her bow arm lax.

Trying all languages known to her, she addresses the creature. "I am Alína Nyárí, homesteader of this humble property. Are you Mircea, who these gentlemen mentioned they are traveling with? Are you or someone you know in need of healing?

"In what way may I be of service to you?"

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:50 pm
by Goatkiller666
[The statue is speaking Latin. You don't understand it, but you at least recognize that it's Latin.]

It says "Sisto." as it holds up a hand, palm forward, in the universal sign for Wait. It continues to scan the area then steps aside and gestures for a smaller man inside the wagon to come ahead.

This man appears human. Insofar as he's not made of moving stone, at any rate. He bears no wings or claws, no horns or hooves. He is slightly on the short side, and more than slightly on the plump side. His long grey hair and beard flow down from his head front and back, forming something of a living mantle around his torso. Below that is a dark blue robe, made of fine materials though somewhat worn by now. Soft slippers peek out from under the robes when he steps down from the wagon and walks over to the two gypsies.

He speaks to them in Romani [which is nothing like any language you know, but you've also heard enough of it from Taduz and Durga Syn recently, that you recognize it as the Gypsy language] for a few moments, and they leave. They just turn around and walk back up the path towards the village, leaving the wagon behind.

After they've gotten out of earshot, the man turns back to Alina. "Now. You are the one called Alina. Of Clan Tremere, I presume. I have been sent to begin your instruction. Though your sire was a traitor to the blood, the Lady Fanchon bids me to accept you into the fold, and to repair what damage has been done."

He looks Alina over intently, noticing her attire and decorations. "Hrmph. Animist trappings. Religious claptrap, at best. But, I can work with that for now. You will need to come with me, of course. My men will return in the morning, and take the wagon back on the road. You have until then to put your affairs in order."

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:09 am
by Alína Nyárí
The unnamed visitor wrote:"Now. You are the one called Alina. Of Clan Tremere, I presume. I have been sent to begin your instruction. Though your sire was a traitor to the blood, the Lady Fanchon bids me to accept you into the fold, and to repair what damage has been done."
The Jewess' jaw drops open at his words.

Dara, Casmir was a traitor to the clan? B"H for that!
...but, the Lady Fanchon spoke up for me???
As slow as I am to learn these new ways?
And what damage is he talking about?

The unnamed visitor wrote:"Hrmph. Animist trappings. Religious claptrap, at best. But, I can work with that for now. You will need to come with me, of course. My men will return in the morning, and take the wagon back on the road. You have until then to put your affairs in order."
Slowly, the healer finds her voice.

"You have the advantage on me, good sir. Yes, I am Alína Nyárí, and I have only just returned home after an extended absence of far longer than intended. I expect I will need several days to 'put my affairs in order,' as you say.

"That is, if I choose to come with you. Perhaps you could help me decide whether or not I should by telling me a little about yourself, after I go inside to refresh myself from my day's rest and speak to my father?"

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:14 am
by Goatkiller666
"All you need to know is that the wagon will leave with the sunrise, with or without you. And that this wagon is the only opportunity for you to demonstrate your worth to the clan, and thus receive its protection. And also to learn all of the arcane might that the Tremere have to offer. Let this moment pass you by, walk in these lands without a clan at your back, and you may not live long to regret it. You bear our blood, childe. Our enemies are your enemies, whether you will it or no. If you would have us shield you, you will be inside he wagon as the sun rises."

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:37 am
by Alína Nyárí
Perhaps I have had too much independence since being widowed and caring for Tati, Dara. Yet, I have only just returned home, and have not heard Tati's thoughts on everything revealed to him last night.

Mulling the words of this clan representative, the Jewess once again addresses him. "I truly have just returned home after all that has happened to me since the invitation to Giovani's dinner party arrived. I have yet to be updated on the state of my affairs and family. Until I speak with my father at length, I can not give an answer on if I will accept your...offer.

"Please excuse me while I go inside, and address these issues as best I may. If I can, I will return to inform you of my decision. But if time runs short, I may simply board your wagon before the sun starts rising and you depart.

"Is this acceptable to you?"

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:05 pm
by Goatkiller666
The man waves at Alina dismissively. Or perhaps at her home. The gesture seems to encompass the whole of the world and his disinterest in any of it. He turns away and walks towards the treeline, away from the path the wagon took to arrive. The statue, looking like nothing more than a gargoyle from some impressive Christian church top, follows him. The thing moves on all fours, as might a giant winged bear: ungraceful, but surprisingly speedy for all that.

Alina enters her home again, where her father and ward are just finishing supper. Without looking in her direction, her father asks, "What has followed you home, daughter?"

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:04 pm
by Alína Nyárí
[ooc]are we able to produce tears? or an equivalent?[/ooc]

The Jewess let's out a sigh of relief she had no idea she was holding and rushes to embrace the old man's feeble legs. "Tati. Yes, I am still your daughter. I am glad you are willing to acknowledge that..."

Struggling to regain her composure after a few moments, she glances back at the door before continuing. "Do you mean those who have been outside? Have they not spoken with either of you at all since arriving?"

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:32 pm
by Goatkiller666
[Vampires cry blood, when they cry.]

The old man waves dismissively at the wall, "Bah. They only said that their master needed to rest in his wagon until nightfall. That sounded like something a vampire would say. And the boy was watching through the window when the monster came out. So, what is all this?"

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:21 am
by Alína Nyárí
Rising as gracefully as she can and seating herself next to her father, the healer goes in to more detail regarding what little she herself knew of vampire clans and society.

"I understand there is an apprenticeship of sorts, which lasts years, to teach those the ways of their own society and simply how to survive."

Gesturing towards the woods where the man and gargoyle were last seen headed, she continues, "So, that one out there claims to be a member of the clan the one who did this to me was, and has come to mentor me in the stead of my dead 'sire.' He says the one who did this to me was a 'traitor to the clan,' so that alone gives me hope I have not been forced in to association with a group of evilness, per se.

"There is much I need to learn of this new existence. He is correct; without his instruction I may not survive long. And yet, if I go off with him I may be gone for years, and never see you again. I am newly returned home, and we are fairly isolated here. I may be able to survive here, at least until the end of your days.

"What say you, tati? What is your wisdom regarding this? I have until just before sunrise to decide..."

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:14 am
by Goatkiller666
"I..." he begins, but then has nothing to say.

"What kind of father would risk his child, just to have a nursemaid for a few more years? If you are truly my daughter, and not some dead thing wearing her voice and her manners, my only wish is that you continue on and carry my line another step. Either I have lost you because you are dead, or I have lost you because you are learning what it takes to live. Either way, I have lost you. At least this way, I'm left with the lie."

"But I do worry for the boy. Stop in to visit when you can. If you can. And spend this night in vigil with us before you leave."

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:45 pm
by Alína Nyárí
Smiling at her father's acceptance of what must be, the healer feels tears rise to her eyes. At seeing the blood smear on her hand as she goes to brush them away, she quickly stifles them before she scares her father any further.

Drawing him close, she embraces his aged and stooped shoulders, and leans his head on her bosom. "Of course I will stand vigil with you tonight. But, I must be in the wagon before the sun rises."

Again letting him go, she starts to gather her things together. "Tati, I have learned a few new healing techniques since this change was forced upon me. I believe I can offer you a means to give you new strength and vigor, at least for a short time."

Looking towards her ward, she takes a deep breath and continues. "I, too, worry about Abidan. And if I am allowed and he is willing, I would like to take him with me. He can learn more of the world by traveling with me than here at the farmstead, and I would not be so alone. Perhaps, he would be willing to sustain me, should need ever arise. And he too can be made stronger, if he wants. But I would never force such a choice on him.

"Nor on you, tati. I cede to your wisdom and Abidan's choice. If you wish me to leave alone, and leave things here as they are, then that is what shall be done.

"What say you?"

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:23 am
by Goatkiller666
"You must take this voyage, daughter. But let the boy be a boy for a while longer, yet. If there is danger for you in this, there would be danger for him as well."

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:47 am
by Alína Nyárí
The healer nods, then gently smiles. "So be it, tati. Perhaps Abidan will be ready when next I pass through this way."

Rising gracefully, Alína spends some time sweeping through the farmstead, gathering items for a long journey, unlike the mere kit she had for the "dinner party." Once packed, she again settles near her father, sitting vigil until the darkness starts to turn violet on the horizon, and the morning starts to hear the twittering of birdsong.

Then after giving her father once last lingering embrace, and lightly tracing her fingers through Abidan's hair as she charges him with caring for her father and her land, she gathers her belongings and makes her way out to the gypsy wagon to await entry and her day's rest as she begins her new unlife.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 5:24 pm
by Goatkiller666
Her father grips her hand one last time, unsure if he'll ever see his daughter again. He tries to think of something to say, but in the end just holds onto her hand for a moment longer before releasing her to her fate.

Abidan, on the other hand, follows her outside. "I've been up all night. I must do at least the morning chores before I go to sleep." he says, following her out into the pre-morning chill. He begins to feed the chickens and inspect the livestock, all the while watching his foster-mother's last moments on the farm.

When Alina approaches the wagon, the gargoyle statue appears gracefully out of the sky and alights on the wagon. Cumbersome on land, it is strangely graceful in the air, and only the creak of the wagon can be heard when the beast's immense weight is added to its load. Alina looks around the clearing for her new teacher, and soon enough he appears out of the forest, where he had previously gone.

"You have chosen. This is wise. I'm glad that you show wisdom. It will make it easier to unlearn what you think you know." he says, once he is closer. "You reached a respected age in life. Kine would say that you have a lifetime of experience, and all the wisdom that brings. But know this. Some have studied under me longer than they ever were alive, and still they knew nearly nothing of the true ways of the world. Do not presume from your mortal years that you have earned some respect. To those of the Long Night, you are but a child. Simply a child in what appears to be a worn out body, instead of a child in a youthful body."

"In fact, you would do best to treat every Cainite as if he were a weathered sage standing judgement over your future. Some of them will, and some of those have looked as youthful as children since your people were still Pharaoh's slaves in Egypt. This flesh we are wrapped in, its shape means nothing. And, for some, even one's own flesh is variable."

He looks around, seeing where the sky to the east is slightly paler behind the Carpathians. Stepping up onto the porch of his wagon, he mutters a few words and moves his hands in a strange pattern before he reaches for the door's handle. "Come. There is little time before we must flee the sun." and he gestures her to step inside.

Inside the wagon, there is an ornate chair against the far wall, facing the rear door. There are cupboards and cabinets filling most of the rest of the space, and various bundles of herbs or other substances hanging from hooks in the low ceiling. The room smells of old smoke mixed with the many competing scents from all that dangles above.

He reaches up to a bundle just inside the door and snaps off a small bit of willow branch, and a few words later, there is a dimily glowing eldritch light floating in the air before him. "I assume you have learned to see in the dark; it is a simple matter for our blood. But I would not do so in here. Heightening your senses works on all of them, and the smell of this place would overwhelm you, even as you were able to see clearly. It is better to bring a little light with you, instead."

Then he takes a seat in the chair and, strangely, pulls out a rope from behind it and binds himself to his seat. "When the wagon gets to moving, sometimes my body will fall over. I prefer to stay securely in my chair. There is another rope on the floor at my feet, where you can similarly bind yourself there. My guardian... he is too large to really fall over, in here."

As if summoned, the guardian backs in closely behind Alina, and pulls the door closed behind himself. He is facing away from her, but taking up over half of the available space. The edges of his tightly held wings still bump into her gently as it settles itself upon the floor like a faithful dog. When it is done, it ceases to move entirely, and once again it is merely a stone statue of a gargoyle. In the dim light, Alina can even detect small patches of lichen on the things haunches.

"So, student, during this time, while we wait for the hated sun to drive our souls from our bodies, you may ask me what you will. I will answer to the best of my ability."

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:07 pm
by Alína Nyárí
The healer settles herself on the floor of the wagon as best she could, and binds herself securely. Then glancing up at her new teacher, she begins, "You still have the advantage on me, as no one ever confirmed if you or your guardian is Micea. I know nothing of you, other than you offer guidance in to a world where I am desperately lost. But you called my sire a 'traitor to the blood,' and said the Lady Fanchon bids you to accept me.

"I know not why the Lady would speak for me, but I am grateful. And heartened to hear Casmir was not representative of what I have become.

"It is said it is best to begin study at the beginning. I am so ignorant of all there is to learn I know not where to even begin asking. So, start as if I know nothing; if I must unlearn things, perhaps they wil occur to me as you instruct me in the proper ways."

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:59 am
by Goatkiller666
"In the beginning. Yes. That will do, for now."

"Your people know of the oldest stories. Adam and his brood by his second wife Eve. And you know of the first killing. But we tell a different version of this."

"When the Creator demanded tribute from the brothers, Abel tended sheep, and he brought to his Lord the best of his flock. Caine as well brought the best of his crops. But the Lord was displeased with Caine's offering. And do you know why that is?"

"Blood, my dear. Blood. Abel slew his finest sheep, and spilled their blood for his lord. Later books of the scripture lay out in detail how much blood is worth what kinds of sins, and how to prepare it, and how to offer it properly. But Caine, what did he know? He was told to offer up the best that he had to the Lord, and so he brought the finest plants he had grown."

"Of course the Lord was wroth with him. He is a jealous God, after all. A bringer of plagues and floods, fires and death. This was a warrior God, and Caine brought him vegetables and grains. Of course, Caine didn't know that of the Lord, for He had not done those things. But he did know that the Lord instructed him to bring the best of what was his as tribute."

"So Caine, he thought about that. What did he love most? Not his crops. They were just things he grew, and then things he ate. But what he loved most was his brother Abel. Caine brought his brother before the Lord, and spilled HIS blood in tribute, just as he was bid."

"For that, he was cast out. Out of Eden and into the lands of Nod. Adam had another son, and Seth went on to breed everyone, so the scripture tells us. Abel was dead, of course. And Caine, he was cast out."

"He struck out on his own, and there he met Lilith. His father's first wife, herself cast out for not bowing to Adam's will. And so, the jealous God created him another, more malleable wife Eve. So this strong woman, equal to any man, had been in this land of Nod for some time. It is said that many of the demons of the world were spawned from her womb. But, in Caine, she found a kindred spirit. Both had been cast out for being what they were made to be. Lilith showed Caine how to survive there in the darkness. She showed him many of the powers our kind bear today, potence, fortitude, our own clan's auspex and dominate were learned from her, and perhaps many more. Caine's power was, well... beyond what any vampire you will ever meet. Far beyond."

"They were lovers, as well. Did you know that? Bah, who really knows, with these old texts?"

"But then an angel from God came unto Caine. The Archangel Michael, General of Heaven, and wielder of the Holy Flame, asked him to repent of the Lord, and all would be forgiven. Only ask for forgiveness, and it would be granted. He would be welcomed back to the family. But Caine would not beg for a return. "Not by the One Above's grace, but mine own will I live, in pride." Michael then cursed Caine, and from then on, all vampires fear fire.

"Then Raphael came as well, with the same offer. But Caine again refused. "Not by Abel's forgiveness but mine own will I be forgiven." Raphael, angel of the dawn, cursed Caine then, and from then on, all vampires fear the coming of the dawn and the sun.

"Next was Uriel, angel of Death, with the same offer. Again, our progenitor refused. "Not by God's mercy, but mine own, will I live. I am what I am. I did what I did. And that will never change." As you might guess, Uriel cursed Caine as well. He said, "For as long as you walk this earth, you and your children will cling to darkness. You will drink only blood. You will eat only ashes. You will be always as you were at death. Never dying, living on. You will walk forever in Darkness, all you touch will crumble into nothing until the last of days."

"Finally, the Archangel Gabriel came to Caine. No request did he make, and no curse neither. Only a promise. That there would be a way for Caine or his childer to find God's redemption. And they shall call it Golconda."

"And so, child, that is our story. Caine was the first vampire. Just like your sire made you, Caine made others. And they in turn made still more. And on and on. Now, there are vampires running willy nilly all over like they're worthy of the blood. But, that was later."

"The second generation, as we call them now, were only three. Zillah the Beauty. Irad the Beast. Enoch the Wise. Those three made the thirteen members of the third generation. And those, my dear, made the Clans of Vampires that we have today. I have heard some of your recent adventures. Most likely, the old man whom Augustine slew, that was the Cappadocian. He was so old, we didn't know his name. Cappadocia is merely a part of middle Asia from which he is supposed to have claimed to been raised as a mortal. His child, who was slain by that Claudio... Japheth they call him. I've heard it said that he was over 7000 years. Some members of my own sect went through the events of scripture, and confirmed that the events of the book of Genesis took place no more than 4000 years ago. The begats are quite useful in calculating how much time existed between the 7th day and the birth of Christ. And yet here's a man... a monk, no less, devout in his faith to the christian God, having lived longer than possible."

"But, I digress. The third generation. We call them the Antedeluvians. That means "before the flood". They were alive when God sent down his flood to cleanse all but Noah and his Ark. However, Caine and his childer do not breath, and well fed could simply walk below the waves for easily that long. Summon a whale to feed you, or simply sleep the 41 days until the waters rolled back. Such a blow would do nothing to those."

"There are other stories, of Caine's adventures before and after the flood. He is, thankfully gone now. But know that he is the source. This is why we call ourselves Cainites. I have it on good authority that the Second generation rose up against Caine. He is no more. And, of course, the third rose up against the second. So, what is left, are the 13 members of the third generation, and all of their descendants."

"The Assassamites, the Brujah, the Cappadocians, the Gangrel, the Lasombra, the Malkavians, the Nosferatu, the Ravnos, the Tremere, the Setites, the Toreador, the Tzimisce, and the Ventrue. These are the 13 clans, each with an elder of the third generation. The Brujah are said to have lost their founder, who was eaten by her childe Troile. And, of course, rumors tell of Set's death for centuries. Believe them at your own peril."

"There are, of course, some few bloodlines here and there. Even in your own recent group... the small child from the Gangrel clan... she was from a Greek branch of the clan. Cappadocians are fond of their servants, the Lamia. And my stone guardian there? He also is a Cainite. We captured members of various clans, and distilled what was best of them to make these great strong brutes. Our clan is at war with the Gangrel and Tzimisce, and we are scholars, not fighters. So, we built ourselves some fighters to protect us. It is only because of your sire's having betrayed our clan that they would work with him, I'm sure. Hoping he would reveal all of our secrets. Ha! He knew nothing. His secrecy in learning those forbidden arts kept him so far from the places of power, he had no incling of our defenses or the weapons we're building."

"But, that is all we have time for, I think. Think on what I have said. In the evening, we shall continue."

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:02 pm
by Alína Nyárí
The Jewess' eyes grew wider and wider at this story. Once her tutor finished, she rummaged in her satchel, drawing out a small amulet on a chain, but keeping it within her palm, hopefully out of sight.


?לילית, she thought to herself. Lilit, Abitu, Abizu, Hakash, Avers Hikpodu, Ayalu, Matrota...

"Ah, Shechina," she muttered quietly as she gazed upon the amulet she kept besides her small statuettes.

"Learn anew I must, if the mother of demons and stealer of newborns was an instructor and mistress to the progenitor of my new kind. Let the legends and stories I have learned be mistaken..."

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:01 am
by Goatkiller666
He overhears. "Oh yes, she was that. Mother of demons, and more. But, he had nowhere else to go. There's more to THAT story, I tell you. But Lilith is no friend to Caine or his brood. Different versions say that Caine's search for power, even before the angels cursed him, caused him to exceed what she could teach, and then he kept searching. This angered Lilith and they left each other."

"Another tale says that she urged him to seek the Lord's redemption, and he grew angry at her and left. You will find, in all the breadth of Vampire lore that some even venerate Lilith as the TRUE creator of Vampires. That she was not one, but that SHE changed Caine into the first one, and it is to her that we should owe fealty."

"I say, fai on them all. Caine is dead. His childer are dead. If Lilith wishes servants, let her use her children the demons. Though, even for that, I suspect they mean really the changing breeds, not true demons of Hell. But, the antedeluvians who remain, it is to their tune we dance."

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:04 pm
by Alína Nyárí
Replacing her Lilith amulet before questions of its purpose, or why she would carry it, unfold, should her tutor be unaware of its potential, Alína's natural scholarly curiosity asserts itself.

"Before we retire to arise in the evening, please answer if you can a point of interest regarding your previous tale, again involving Lilith.

"You already mentioned four archangels visited Cain: מִיכָאֵל‎/Michael, רָפָאֵל/Raphael, אוּרִיאֵל/Uriel, and גַּבְרִיאֵל/Gabriel. What of one of the remaining three, Lilith's known mate and lover, the fallen archangel סמאל‎/Sammael? Does he not play a role in the development of Cain's power?

"Do your teachings of Cain whisper, as Rabbi Eliezer's writings do, of the possibility that Sammael took on the form of the serpent in Eden, and in that form tempted and seduced Eve? Rabbi Eliezer claims Sammael impregnated Eve with Cain; and that he was not a son of אָדָם‎/Adam at all?

"Surely such a one, possibly the father of our progenitor, figures in our legends of Cain's development?"