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Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:57 pm
by Linna Heartbooger
I appear to have tactically misplaced TIW...

Since I'm a slowish (comparatively) reader and have lots going on, I think I'm going to start AATE for the first time, and let the Final Chrons and selected snippets from the 1st and 2nd suffice for context.

I'm excited about the idea of starting one I've never read before!

Morning- "TC was hurtloamed by Lena"... what a way to put it. ;)

Z- good idea, with doing some writing on the dissections.
I thought of doing that once but felt so awkward typing to "nobody."
Somewhere in here, you've gotta tell us about your wife's impressions. (well, only if it's okay with her!!)

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:40 pm
by Stevo
I started the grand reread late last year (September?). Today I start on "The One Tree". This is my 4th time reading the First Chronicles, my 3rd time reading the Second Chronicles, and my 2nd time reading the first 3 books of the Last Chronicles. So far, it's all be quiet enjoyable ... again!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:55 am
by Menolly
Be Welcome to the Watch, Stevo.
Be Well Come and True.

Enjoy your revisit to the Land, and come introduce yourself in the Say Hello in Here thread.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:15 pm
by Zarathustra
I'm going too slow. I started in August, and I'm only about 100 pages into TWL. It probably doesn't help that I'm reading two other books at the same time. But I've got to speed up if I want to finish 6 books (that keep getting longer) by this fall.

I'm having fun, but I think this might be the last time I reread these for many years. Even at 7 years since my last trip through the Land, it feels too recent.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:21 am
by deer of the dawn
Started TWL last night. And of course, I'm reading two books at once. I can't seem to get away from that. I'm reading Les Miserables which is very good, but admittedly gets tedious in places (half the book is digression!!) and I realized I needed to get moving (having reread 1st Chronicles last year).

It's every bit as good as the first time (I've read 2nd Chrons 3 times, I think?), or maybe better, because I really get why Linden was Chosen, and what it cost Covenant to love Joan, etc.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:56 pm
by Zarathustra
The One Tree is one hell of a book. I'm almost finished with it.

Though I've criticized the Last Chronicles quite a bit, I'm excited to start them right after rereading the first six.