Other Realities

Book 4 of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

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Post by lurch »

Chapter nine continues on this exploration of Other Reality of oneself. It is twisted and turned upside down withe ingredient Guilt, thrown into the mix..Stave commits to helping and justifies his choice by saying,,its my strength, my Life..In that, he stays true to his talent..The mirthful Giants , staying true to their humor, make a joke out of Jerry when tries using guilt to motivate them. And with everyone guilt free, they all are successful in their endeavor.

And by their success they show how mistaken, wrong , Infelice was and is...Humiliation is too low for the Haughty one to fully grasp, so the extreme case of Punishing some one for Loving,,Kastenessen, shows up and makes sure Infelice feels the Guilt that will bring her down a peg or two...make her Human.

The Other Reality of Guilt....It can motivate, it can shame to paralysis. but,,it involves being in a reality that comes up wrong...The author repeats...we are not our failures..so..we shouldn't be guilt..Obviously hes talkin a change in perspective and behavior way before one ends up in front of a judge and jury...perhaps a change that keeps one from standing before a judge and jury. Infelice accepts her guilt and finds redemption from her sins, by offering a bit of Love to Kassy. Her bells go from clatter to chiming.
If she withdrew from exaltation, she would be forced to think- And every thought led to fear and contradictions; to dilemmas for which she was unprepared.
pg4 TLD
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Post by lurch »

As noted in the dissect...Chapter 10 is loaded with .." other realities"..The author even makes comments of.." other ways to think" in Chapter 10.

He starts off fully involved in a non sequential infinite Now frozen wilderland of burrowing hornets , drops us off in a sunshiney summer day on the edge of a desert ,,takes us for walk thru a dense forest that turns to shadows of black with hints of green every now and then, centering to a knoll with two dead trees forming a gibbit with nooses ready and willing...change anybody? and all connected. A little back fill reminds us that the Forestals were once " nice guys" but for their complacency alls they got was destruction. In order to execute their responsibilities,,they had to get ..nasty. Wildwood sees his doom as just a part of the ebb and flow,,all things connected,,nature of Life. Mahrtiir volunteers for the Big Change thus,,continuance, an End and a Beginning is established..nature. The Other Reality,,natural Man,,is thus described,,and fulfills the vacancy left by the reduction and removal of the " Perfect" Elohim in chapter 9. Beauty on a Large scale in the prose of the other reality of interior landscape called The Land..
If she withdrew from exaltation, she would be forced to think- And every thought led to fear and contradictions; to dilemmas for which she was unprepared.
pg4 TLD
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Post by Savor Dam »


Nicely done, pointing out something I had not noticed but which seems obvious in retrospect. Yes, there is clear significance that the introduction of a new Forestal comes exactly on the heels of the genie-bottling of the Elohim.
Love prevails.
~ Tracie Mckinney-Hammon

Change is not a process for the impatient.
~ Barbara Reinhold

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul.
~ George Bernard Shaw
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Post by lurch »

Thanx SD..this chapter like the others is so much more on the 2nd and even 3rd etc etc read..The author takes us to " other realities" of thinking and perceiving with words like sigil dropped into the mix and Essence bandied about..More than just Place in this chapter on other reality, " How " is also much of the transformation.

As noted in the dissect..these chapters bringing us to the end of part one..WOW...on all levels.
If she withdrew from exaltation, she would be forced to think- And every thought led to fear and contradictions; to dilemmas for which she was unprepared.
pg4 TLD
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Post by lurch »

And Chapter 11 continues the challenge of Other Realities. IMHO, the author gets a bit tricky in chapter 11..The Other Reality is made by absence ; a reality created by the absence, not presence, of a key element. Linden Avery is not present in Chapter 11 and is pine'ed for by most of the company..Their actions and words are defined by her absence. I see linden as a metaphor for Love,,the search for Love..so the characters of chapter 11 are with out the presence of Love...and imho ,, it shows.

As TC checks in with the Company, each takes turn in.." confessing" their current situation. Fascinating it seems to me that even TC isn't quite " right" without the presence of Linden. TC as Hope, comes off as not quite 3 dimensional in this chapter. ..a bit thin. Yes, Hope without Love is incomplete. TC glides from one character to another and thru this we see the characters as they are without Linden's presence; physically and or mentally in bad shape.

The scene of Linden an ur-mahr's return is pretty spectacular,,leaving me wondering,,where Linden was, where Linden has returned to..they are all Other Realities.
If she withdrew from exaltation, she would be forced to think- And every thought led to fear and contradictions; to dilemmas for which she was unprepared.
pg4 TLD
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Post by lurch »

Aaaah,,and chapter 12..Love, Linden Avery, is back in the presence of the company..The " other reality" of this chapter is a bit difficult to grasp but,,relax, ..open your mind, clear your thoughts, no baggage weighing you down...ooommmmm if required.

And thats half of the " other reality" of this chapter,,the Transcendent quality of Love. I can't help but perceive ,,that the author transcends , even the plot here in this chapter,,and is talking , writing from his heart , directly to Us the readers. With lines like,," I didn't just give you a White Gold Ring, I gave you me" , I open up to the possibility of " personal"..And the importance of each and every word becomes heightened. Poor TC can't find the right words nor the right time to melt in the presence of such radiant energy. And when he finally does, his Hope is to direct her away from going down the wrong path,,which takes him to asking her to marry him..Word...finding the right Words and at the Right Time..the plight of the author,,the Love of the author...Now I have a new perception on how it is that the author treated the consummation of the marriage with so few words, " When they were done." Hes not talking about physical intercourse,,hes talking about mental intercourse,;words, ideas, metaphors, thoughts. As an example the author even tells a little mini parable to demonstrate...Linden starts small talking and soon begins on what to do with Jerry...TC turns her concerns around with saying,,geez, for a kid who just came out of the graveyard, hes doing fantastic..Two different ways of seeing the same issue. Hope reassuring Love. The circle becomes a sphere..the 2 dimensional fills out to 3 dimensions in the presence of Love..And of course, the 4th dimension ( time)...the willow went from a sapling to a full weep with only two choruses...The sphere the author has created , his Talent, his Love, expands..

The author began this chapter in much brilliance,,as if a light bulb turned on..in a dark house, an " ahh Haa! " moment. Hes hoping we find the Love in his words.
If she withdrew from exaltation, she would be forced to think- And every thought led to fear and contradictions; to dilemmas for which she was unprepared.
pg4 TLD
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