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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:48 am
by Frostheart Grueburn
Right. All those fest photos prove how bounteous my curly hair is. Had to unfasten small birds from within the wild, hirsute corkscrews after the roadtrip! It was a mite embarrassing that Lady Tam mistook the cataphract for a set of grande-sized barbeque service trays, but I did not have the heart to correct her while everyone ladled the delicious potato salad out of the...cups.
Some enlightenment about the background.

And ali...ooh, she bedazzled even SRD himself by galloping into Sheraton upon this majestic, sparkly rainbow unicorn and herself wearing naught but two tassels and a bootlace. :o

Back to the topic, however: you ought to have witnessed Ukko-Þórr's ire during the weekend; power outages, the heavens akin to a warzone, Helsinki flooded, and all due to some overseas company perverting his image to gain money. :evil: :evil: :evil: :E :x :rant:
finn wrote:still have to take out the garbage and deal with spiders!
Kindly leave my spiders alone. One just made a web near the bedpost and it has already caught silverfish and some mosquitos. Besides, it's very cute.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:36 pm
by aliantha
I wanted to make sure he recognized me. ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:31 pm
by wayfriend
Frostheart wrote:Never forget that Loke turned himself into a female horse and begot Sleipnir as a result.
I am sure that mead was involved. And lard.
Frostheart wrote:Mjölnir has an Ö in it. We like some extra decoration upon our letters. Like å.
Yes, but please forgive us poor Americans who need to press ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE+F6+Q and then enter the pre-memorized Unicode character code for ö (0246) to achieve these decorations. This is why, in our graphic novels, we call Thor's hammer "that hammer."

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:31 pm
by SerScot
It's mew mew. Everyone wants to hold mew mew.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:48 pm
by sgt.null

First appearance 1940 in Weird Comics #1 (April 1940) and disappeared after Weird Comics #5. (August 1940).

Believing that the world needed a defender, Thor bestowed powers, similar to his own, onto Grant Farrel. Powers Farrel used to fight crime.

Thor's appearance changed over his five issue run, from blue helmet, blue trunks and cape to a gold helmet and red trunks and eventually no cape and helmet just Farrel with his original hair.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:09 pm
by SerScot
Apparently Grant Farrel is a nippleless mutant.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:47 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
In addition to Farrel's missing nipples, where's his hammer and anvils?
wayfriend wrote:
Frostheart wrote:Never forget that Loke turned himself into a female horse and begot Sleipnir as a result.
I am sure that mead was involved. And lard.

This is why, in our graphic novels, we call Thor's hammer "that hammer."
But that's highly confusing. How does the reader then distinguish between Mjölnir and the one Sif likes to wield?

I'm...not sure I wish to know the details of a shapeshifting giant's escapade with a giant-bred horse. O_o I'll stick to First/Pitchwife, thanks.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:02 pm
by wayfriend
Frostheart wrote:
wayfriend wrote: This is why, in our graphic novels, we call Thor's hammer "that hammer."
But that's highly confusing. How does the reader then distinguish between Mjölnir and the one Sif likes to wield?
One is "that hammer", and the other is "that hammer". Pointing helps. Pointing and grunting helps more.

Mjölnir sounds, in English, like "mule near". To this day, whenever Loke hears "Mjölnir". I bet he covers his behind and looks fearfully over his shoulder.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:06 pm
by SoulBiter
wayfriend wrote:
Mjölnir sounds, in English, like "mule near". To this day, whenever Loke hears "Mjölnir". I bet he covers his behind and looks fearfully over his shoulder.
AHAHAHHA.....COUGH.... damnit WF.,.. I just spewed my drink all over my computer screen!

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:38 pm
by Fist and Faith
wayfriend wrote:
Frostheart wrote:
wayfriend wrote: This is why, in our graphic novels, we call Thor's hammer "that hammer."
But that's highly confusing. How does the reader then distinguish between Mjölnir and the one Sif likes to wield?
One is "that hammer", and the other is "that hammer". Pointing helps. Pointing and grunting helps more.
Perhaps Beta Ray Bill's hammer, Stormbreaker, would be "that third hammer".

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:51 pm
by wayfriend
Fist and Faith wrote:
wayfriend wrote:
Frostheart wrote: But that's highly confusing. How does the reader then distinguish between Mjölnir and the one Sif likes to wield?
One is "that hammer", and the other is "that hammer". Pointing helps. Pointing and grunting helps more.
Perhaps Beta Ray Bill's hammer, Stormbreaker, would be "that third hammer".
Sure. But you will know what "The Hammer" is if you watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:10 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
aliantha wrote: But that leads to an interesting discussion: how come male heroes get to be "men" while female comic book heroes are all "girls", with the exception of Wonder Woman (and I'm about three-quarters convinced that's because of the alliteration, not because of any sense of equality on the creator's part)? I suspect it's the same reason why women in the comics get unrealistic costumes that would never work in battle -- because the women are just there for window-dressing. But maybe that's just me....
From Marvel: Wasp, Storm, Rogue, Black Widow, Psylocke, Shadowcat, Magik, Karma, Ms. Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Mantis, Rescue, and Firestar do not have "she" or "girl" in their names; those are only the ones I can recall quickly.
From DC: various Green Lanterns, Vixen, Fire, Ice, Dr. Light, Barda, Oracle, Katana, Halo, Looker, Terra, Starfire, and Gypsy do not have "she" or "girl" in their names; again, those are only the ones I can recall quickly.
There are plenty more from both publishers, including the newer characters whom I do not know because my knowledge is behind the times.

From the Baldur's Gate forum (yes, I post there, as well, and I bet it wouldn't take you long to figure out which one is me) we have a thread dedicated to women wearing sensible and safe armor.

Originally, females in comic books were either damsels in distress or window dressing, but remember that in times past comic books were written, penciled, inked, and lettered solely by males and they were marketed to pre-teen boys. *shrug* I am not defending the reinforcement of stereotypes, merely indicating what was reality back then.

These days, though, the whole "let's make Spiderman black", "let's make Ms. Marvel Muslim", or "let's let such-and-such be homosexual" is pandering to a new and wider audience. This is to be expected since a wider range of readers does need to be included but it certainly seems like refurbished tokenism.

Anyway....Thor has been a frog before so why not a woman? She is still the God of Thunder, only now she has a more shapely figure. I'm not going to complain.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:59 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
wayfriend wrote: Mjölnir sounds, in English, like "mule near". To this day, whenever Loke hears "Mjölnir". I bet he covers his behind and looks fearfully over his shoulder.
Aaah but Svaðilfari was no mule. Since WF harbors such fascination towards this adventure, let's have a look how it began. In this version, Loke utilizes one of Freyja's seiðr-skins:.


Hashi Lebwohl wrote:Anyway....Thor has been a frog before
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Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:16 pm
by wayfriend
Oddly enough, Fissured seems to have a reference to this Loke/mare incident, and I just read it last night. Serendipity.

Or, as you Finlandinnerish people say: Glem Det!

(The Finnishlandian word for deadline seems to be "deadline". Heh.)

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:20 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
Frostheart wrote:. . .
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I couldn't make up stuff like this. Blame Walt Simonson, even though he wrote a couple of the best Thor storylines ever.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:20 pm
by aliantha
wayfriend wrote:Oddly enough, Fissured seems to have a reference to this Loke/mare incident, and I just read it last night. Serendipity.

Or, as you Finlandinnerish people say: Glem Det!

(The Finnishlandian word for deadline seems to be "deadline". Heh.)
(whistles innocently)


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:16 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
wayfriend wrote: Or, as you Finlandinnerish people say: Glem Det!

(The Finnishlandian word for deadline seems to be "deadline". Heh.)
It's Danelanderish. :P Old Giantish has meter-long words, incomprehensible grammar, and äöå. This has æøå instead.
Now, have you heard about the occasion when the Æsir tied a goat to Loke's wossnames...

The Findinavian "deadline" is called takaraja (lit. back-border).
Hashi Lebwohl wrote: I couldn't make up stuff like this.
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Ananda will faint when she sees this.
Hashi Lebwohl wrote:From the Baldur's Gate forum (yes, I post there, as well, and I bet it wouldn't take you long to figure out which one is me) we have a thread dedicated to women wearing sensible and safe armor.

I've discussed about the same issues on another board; chain mail bikinis and nipple armor make my temper bristle. There's a blog that sometimes gives males the same ridiculous protection of two bottlecaps. It's all fun and dandy to draw voluptuous ladies, but let them also retain their curves by applying proper protection on the battlefield.


Also this is hilarious:

Now, a giant self-spam. :P

Some of my friend's stuff (not hotlinked due to width). We altered the details of Krughava's armor a couple of times to make it more practical.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:25 pm
by wayfriend
Frostheart wrote:
wayfriend wrote: Or, as you Finlandinnerish people say: Glem Det!
It's Danelanderish. :P
Pah! You slipped me some tanskalainen sarjakuvat. Deplorable.
Frostheart wrote:Now, a giant self-spam. :P
This picture leaves Rime's bare backside a distinct possibility...

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:44 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
wayfriend wrote: Pah! You slipped me some tanskalainen sarjakuvat. Deplorable.
The deplorable Google Translate cannot handle Finnish cases. You'll have to inflect it from the plural nominative tanskalaiset sarjakuvat to plural partitive "tanskalaisia sarjakuvia" in this case. "Tanskalaisten sarjakuvien" would be the genitive, "tanskalaisissa sarjakuvissa" the inessive, "tanskalaisine sarjakuvineen" the comitative, and there's still 10 cases left. Old Giantish is fun, like Sorus already spotted. :D
wayfriend wrote:
Frostheart wrote:Now, a giant self-spam. :P
This picture leaves Rime's bare backside a distinct possibility...
What. I thought you'd rather ogle at the First's bare backside?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:51 pm
by Fist and Faith
Indeed, the Frog of Thunder was ... interesting. Not nearly as dramatic as when Samurai Jack was a chicken, of course. That was good stuff!