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Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 4:11 am
by peter
Cagliostro wrote:American Horror Story's plotting has always been all over the place, throwing elements in here and there just to see if it will stick or not, and Glee was the same by the same people. Results vary widely. But yeah, this season of the show is just good dumb fun, for the most part, and I can't wait for the bloodbath that is looming on the horizon.
This 'mud at a wall' approach seems to me like a really lazy way of storytelling. Why am I going to waste my time watching something that even the creators will not trouble themselves enough to bother to get right? Maybe it worked for Jackson Pollock; the rest of us need to put some effort in.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:43 pm
by Cagliostro
Yeah, disappointed in the final episode in that the big event they were setting up is shown as flashbacks. Oh well. It was fun, at least.