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Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:46 am
by Brinn
Took a road trip to Mardi Gras back when I was in college and that's all we listened to on the way down...12 hours of The Wilburys. I can still hear "Tweeter and the Monkey Man" ringing in my head and I don't mind a bit!

Now we know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 6:35 pm
by danlo
Back in the days of Loric and Kevin, when I was a kid, my fav Beatle songs were Eight Days a Week and Baby's in Black, then when I was around 20 Abbey Road/Sgt. Peppers was where it was at man! Paul is dead, I am the Walrus still the whole "Mean Mister Mustard/ Came in Through the Bathroom Window/ Here Comes the Sun" suite is my alltime fav. I really love that redone newer song, Free as a Bird and of COURSE Blackbird! You were only waiting for this moment to arrive...

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 2:39 am
by Fist and Faith
Abbey Road is da bomb!!!! I like the other suite, Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/In The End, even more.

But hey folks!!!! George's son, Dani, recently announced that George's stuff is going to be released again!!!! 2004, but I'll take it!! I have the Wilbury cd's, but I can't freakin' WAIT for George Harrison!!!!!
-Blow Away
-Here Comes the Moon
-Soft Hearted Hannah

And a bunch of others!!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:32 am
by Infelice
I loved Harrison's songs too.

Here Comes The Sun, Something, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Give Me Love and My Sweet Lord (esp) ...are some of my faves.

That's good news, F&F. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:25 am
by Hellfire
Has anyone picked up the soundtrack to "Sam I Am" with Sean Penn? It has all Beatles songs redone by modern rock musicians like Eddie Vedder, Sarah Mcloclin(sp?), Sherl Crow, ect.... I will snatch it up as soon as I see it somewhere.

I like the Beatles but I don't really see myself as HUGE fan since I don't own any of thier stuff. But I did borrow Abby Road once and I liked it very much:)

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:32 am
by Fist and Faith
Yeah, what I've heard of the "Sam I Am" soundtrack is really good! Surprising, since I often don't like covers.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:43 am
by Brinn
Funny, I was just listening to I Am Sam (I do not like Green Eggs and ham!) and was going to recommend it on this forum in this very thread. 8O The cover of Strawberry Fields by Ben Harper is excellent. The album as a whole is a definite buy for Beatles fans although a couple of the songs are pretty weak.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 2:21 am
by Hellfire
Creepy 8O

Would you listen to it in a box?
Or would you listen with a fox?
Should we play it out in the rain?
Could you play it on a train?

Guess the title is "I Am Sam" :oops: :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 2:29 am
by Fist and Faith
Heh. Probably. :)

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 2:07 pm
by Brinn
I will listen in a box.
I will listen with a fox.
I would play it in the rain.
I could play it on a train.

I really like these types of jams
I really like this "Sam I Am"! ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 2:48 pm
by Fist and Faith
I wonder if I am not Joan and I am Sam know each other. Actually, it could be the same person, neh?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:04 pm
by High Lord Tolkien
I used to listen to the Beatles all the time as a young teenager (and NO, the Beatles weren't still together at that time :P ) in the early 80's.
I fell away from it for a long time though.
I recently downloaded a bunch of their stuff and wow, I really missed it!
There's lots of stuff out there that doesn't get much airplay too, for those who only hear the same 12 songs over and over and over again on the radio.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:30 pm
by Chrysalis
I was brought up listening to The Beatles to a degree. I also had the influences of Led Zepplin, Black Sabbeth, Uriah Heap, Deep Purple, Rainbow to name a few. At only 27 I find many of my peers missed this era which is a shame in my mind.

I can't say I am a huge fan though. I think it was too much of a good thing and I got tired of it.
I actually live about 10 minutes walk from Abbey Road Studios and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of people that travel there to take pictures and write on the walls and walk that crossing each week!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:30 pm
by The Dreaming
I have noticed that the older I get, more and more of my friends and acquaintances are discovering how amazing the Beatles are. I mean, everyone is raised hearing "I wanna hold you're hand" and "All you need is Love" But you have to sit down, and put in Abbey Road, Rubber Soul, Revolver (etc.) to begin to comprehend the amazing amount of talent and joyous accessibility combined with pure guts.

I had to convince most of my friends in high school that they were good. I grew up on Sgt. Peps myself, and people who haven't heard late Beatles themselves, or a whole album just don't get it. I'm not sure Rock will ever see songwriters on their level again. There isn't a track on Abbey Road I would part with. There are, admittedly, one or two I would on the White Album (Revolution 9 and Bungalow Bill come to mind) but the magnificence of their catalogue lies in wait, for each new listener to become joyously embraced by their sound.

I may be waxing poetic a bit, but godamnit, we're talking about the Beatles here! People keep trying to compare the newest hot thing to the Beatles, but I came to the decision recently that there will *never* be another Beatles. Just like there will never be another Led Zeppelin, another Iron Maiden, or another Radiohead, or Wayne Coyne.

Are the Beatles the single greatest rock band of all time? Well, I can't imagine anybody matching their songwriting chops in this lifetime. It's only occasionally that an Album comes along with more than two or three good tracks. Are there more than a handful of Beatles songs that any fan would part with? Most of my misgivings I have already mentioned.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:17 pm
by Cail
I certainly appreciate the Beatles more now than I did 20 years ago.

But I still don't get excited about their music, and I find that I enjoy their songs far, far more when someone else sings them.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:35 pm
by A Gunslinger
The thing that amazes me about them is their genius in the studio, once they got past the Epstein era.

Consider that Rubber Soul and Revolver, etc are mixed on a 4-track board for the love of God. Amazing.

Of the 4, John was the greatest wizard/artist.

McCartney was a gifted "tin pan alley" writer born in the rock age.

Harrison was a beautifully stylized master of his craft (to say nothing of his single-handed introduction of eastern instrumentation to Rock).

Ringo...they say that he has the best back-beat in the business, but I think that that is a kind way of saying he was the luckiest sumbitch that ever picked up a drumstick.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:28 pm
by Cagliostro
Never heard of 'em. What did they do?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:50 pm
by Cail
Won the 1000 meter Olympic relay in 1968.

For some reason, people won't shut up about them.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:12 am
by The Dreaming
A Gunslinger wrote:
Ringo...they say that he has the best back-beat in the business, but I think that that is a kind way of saying he was the luckiest sumbitch that ever picked up a drumstick.
That sums it up pretty nicely :)
Won the 1000 meter Olympic relay in 1968.

For some reason, people won't shut up about them.
I loled a little.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:00 pm
by Zarathustra
I'm not one of those people who just recently found out how great the Beatles were. At age 5 (1977) Sgt. Pepper was my favorite album. I played it over and over, so much that my parents became concerned about my obsessive listening, suspecting Satanic influences lurked somewhere in the music, and destroyed the record. It's tempting use this traumatic experience as the explanation for decades when I lost interest in the Beatles, but love affairs with other bands like Van Halen (junior high school) and Rush (high school) and then jazz fusion (college) are the real explanation. As a bass player, I was seeking ever more challenging music to play, and I thought virtuosity with one's instrument was the definitive sign of Good Music. No one would call any member of the Beatles a virtuoso.

But this leaves songwriting out of the equation, not to mention vocals (much of my favorite music is entirely instrumental). So after wearing out all my CDs, and bemoaning the sad state of new music, I dug out my Sgt. Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour CDs. My wife really liked them, and asked if we could get more, so at her prodding, I purchased Abbey Road, Revolver, and The White Album.

I'm ashamed to admit I've never listened to these classic albums. Ever. Sure, I've heard the hit singles, but many of these songs were 100% brand new for me. [New music! Damn!] I'm frankly astonished. Abbey Road, in particular, blew me away. I can't get this music out of my head.

So, of course, I'm going to have to buy every damn Beatles album. Any suggestions which ones to get next?