Lord Foul's Bane - Chapters 17 & 18


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Cord Hurn
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Post by Cord Hurn »

In [i]Lord Foul's Bane[/i] chapter 18 was wrote:"Your welcome honors us." the High Lord responded. "We return honor in accepting. We will reach Manhome the second day from today--if the horses live."

His cautious speech made Lithe laugh lightly. "You will rest in the hospitality of the Ramen before the sun sets a second time from this moment. We have not served the Ranyhyn knowledgeless from the beginning. Cords! Up! Here is a test for your Maneing."

At once, four figures appeared; they suddenly stood up from the grass in a loose semicircle around the company as if they had risen out of the ground. The four, three men and a woman, were as slight as Manethrall Lithe, and dressed like her in brown over their tanned skin; but they wore no flowers, and had short lengths of rope wrapped around their waists.

"Come, Cords," said Lithe. "Stalk these riders no longer. You have heard me welcome them. Now tend their horses and their safety. They must reach Manhome before nightfall of the next day." The four Ramen stepped forward, and Lithe said to Prothall, "Here are my Cords--Thew, Hurn, Grace, and Rustah. They are hunters. While they learn the ways of the Ranyhyn and the knowing of the Manethralls, they protect the Plains from dangerous beasts. I have spent much time with them--they can care for your mounts."

With courteous nods to the company, the Cords went straight to the horses and began examining them.

"Now," Lithe continued, "I must depart. The word of your coming must cross the Plains. The Winhomes must prepare for you. Follow Rustah. He is nearest to his Maneing. Hail, Lords! We will eat together at nightfall of the new day."

Without waiting for a reply, the Manethrall turned southward and sprinted away. She ran with surprising speed; in a few moments, she had crested a hill and vanished from sight.

Watching her go, Mhoram said to Covenant, "It is said that a Manethrall can run with the Ranyhyn--for a short time."

Behind them, Cord Hurn muttered, "It is said--and it is true."

Mhoram faced the Cord. He stood as if waiting to speak. His appearance was much like Lithe's, though his hair had not been permitted to grow as long as hers, and his features had a dour cast. When he had Mhoram's attention, he said, "There is a grass which will heal your horses. I must leave you to bring it."

Gently, the Lord responded, "The knowing is yours. Do what is best."

Hurn's eyes widened, as if he had not expected soft words from people who mistreated horses. Then, uncertain of his movements, he saluted Mhoram in Lords' fashion. Mhoram returned a Ramen bow. Hurn grinned, and was about to gallop away when Covenant abruptly asked, "Why don't you ride? You've got all those Ranyhyn."

Mhoram moved swiftly to restrain Covenant. But the damage was already done. Hurn stared as if he had heard blasphemy, and his strong fingers twitched the rope from about his waist, holding it between his fists like a garrote. "We do not ride."

"Have a care, Hurn," said Cord Rustah softly. "The Manethrall welcomed him."

Hurn glared at his companion, then roughly reknotted his rope around his waist. He spun away from the company, and soon vanished as if he had disappeared into the earth.

Gripping Covenant's arm, Mhoram said sternly, "The Ramen serve the Ranyhyn. That is their reason for life. Do not affront them, Unbeliever. They are quick to anger--and the deadliest hunters in the Land. There might be a hundred of them within range of my voice, and you would never know. If they chose to slay you, you would die ignorant."

Covenant felt the force of the warning. It seemed to invest the surrounding grass with eyes that peered balefully. He felt conspicuous, as if his green-mapped robe were a guide for deadly intentions hidden in the ground. He was trembling again.
Well, can you blame me for almost attacking this Covenant infidel? First he comes in the company of people that rode their horses so hard that they were almost maimed. Worse, he came in the company of those reckless Bloodguard that ride the Ranyhyn to their deaths in battle! Then he glares at my Manethrall when she has politely saluted him and given him welcome into the land of the Ranyhyn. THEN he asks me such an offensive question as to mock the stature of the Manes of the Sky, Tails of the World!!! Again, can you blame me for almost making him a permanent example? ME, CORD HURN? No, of course you can't! :rant:

;) ;) ;)

It's a good thing Rustah reminded me of the Manethrall's welcome for that Ringthane, or else the world would have had to continue making due without a white gold wielder, that's for sure! ( |R + |T = :faint: )
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