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Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:03 am
by theDespiser
im a huge fan of the show and i didnt know what was going on half the time either

you ever see that show, Lexx that was on Sci-Fi for awhile with Farscape?

talk about writers block

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:50 am
by [Syl]
Lexx suxx.

Ahh, I remember the good old days on #farscape where the bot would go into a fit if you mentioned the show.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:38 pm
by Alynna Lis Eachann
Lexx was hilarious. Really cheesy and borderline appropriate, but hilarious. "The dead do not..." Kai was great.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:52 pm
by kevinswatch
Alynna Lis Eachann wrote:I wish! Those things are expensive! Then again, if I'm considering shelling out $200 for the full set of Trigun episodes... LOL, at least you have cable, Jay. Maybe I ought to co-opt you into taping Farscape reruns for me. And Wolf's Rain. And Inuyasha. And Star Trek. And Cowboy Bebop. And Samurai Jack... :wink:
Hehe. Well, if I had a VCR, I'd be glad to. It shouldn't be too hard to find one of those though, heh. Maybe if you supplied the tapes. Hey, when do they show the reruns of Farscape on SciFi, anyway? I can never figure it out. Wait, maybe I shouldn't be a lazy bum, and look up the times myself...heh.-jay

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:04 am
by Blue_Spawn
Wasn't Lexx based on some movie called "I worship his Shadow?"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:34 am
by Alynna Lis Eachann
Yeah, Lexx started as a series of movies... I think Kai and Stanley were the only characters to survive the transition. Well, there was Zev/Xev, but I never was sure what the deal was, there. Crazy show, but Nigel Bennet had a recurring guest role, and he's usually good for a few laughs as an evil villain.

LOL, you don't have a VCR, Jay? Aww man, how do you get by? Or did you get a DVD player to make up for it? Yeah, I have no idea when any of that stuff comes on SciFi or Cartoon Network andymore - other people have offered to tape stuff for me, and I'm sitting here going "I can't even afford enough tapes to make this effort worthwhile." I think I've resigned myself to the occasional Drew Carrey, Stargate and Charmed rerun on network tv. *sigh* And then there was that homework thing...

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:33 am
by Blue_Spawn
"I worship his shadow" was an awulf, awful film....A lot of people seem to compare Lexx with Farscape, but I really don't see the resemblence :/

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:13 am
by kevinswatch
Heh...yeah, odd, eh? No VCR. Yeah, I have a DVD player to make up for it. But yeah, I've been too lazy to get a VCR. I've never felt a huge desire to record things, heh.

For some reason I think I remember recording stuff for you before for some reason or another a while back, but I can't remember what for the life of me. Stargate or Farscape? Maybe I'm just crazy. Don't mind me.

Haha, but I do still have, like, the entire X-files series on tapes. Why did I bother doing that, anyway? Haha. Good times.-jay

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 8:36 pm
by theDespiser
lexx could have been cool, but none of the episodes had any real plot or continuity, from what i saw

xev was hawt, though

and the comparison probably came from the fact that both casts were runnin around on a giant, 'living' ship

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:23 pm
by Alynna Lis Eachann
Yeah, the only resemblence between Lexx and Farscape was the "living ship," and even that is kinda sketchy, seeing as Lexx was designed to be a weapon of destruction. And looked like a, well, you know... :?

Jay: Yeah, I thought you did, too, but I don't recall what. Might have been Farscape, or maybe it was just that I kept borrowing those X-Files tapes. I still remember Mrs. Ketron in History saying something about addiction... or not doing my homework or something because of those tapes. So, I guess you're to blame for my awful grades! Hah!

Wait, I think I got an A in that class. Dang.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:15 am
by kevinswatch
Haha. So I guess I'm to blame for you getting an A. Sweet, I accept all credit, heh. So basically watching tons of taped X-files episodes = good grades in school. Who knew.-jay

(P.S. Remember, Taft was a progressive president because Alaska was admitted to the Union and because of those Eskimos.)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 6:53 am
by Alynna Lis Eachann
ROTFLMAO! I remember that!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Progressives and Eskimos, OMG! Was it Taft, really, or someone else. Hehe, guess I didn't learn that much. :P

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:07 am
by kevinswatch
Yeah, I think it was Taft. It was a thing on who was the most progressive president, TR, Taft or Wilson. And we got stuck with Taft.

I remember Mrs. Ketron looking at us like we were insane, heh.

Maybe we're the reason why she retired after that year...hehe.

And...we've totally lost everyone else here with our inside jokes. Heh.-jay


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:31 pm
by Alynna Lis Eachann
kevinswatch wrote: And...we've totally lost everyone else here with our inside jokes. Heh.-jay

Precisely what I was thinking. 8)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm
by kevinswatch
Well, it's their loss then. Heh.-jay

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:14 pm
by I'm Murrin
I just got done watching The Peacekeeper Wars. As good as the series, and that's pretty much all that needs to be said about it*. Best Sci-Fi TV show, though it takes half a season to get into.

(*Another thing that I'm going to say about it: A couple of things they went back on for the sake of the story working (Chiana's eyes; the slimy guy with the diagnosan from Die Me, Dichotomy); and Sikozu's new look was a little hard to adjust to.)