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Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 1:55 am
by Skyweir
LOL!!!! :LOLS:

PFFT!! .. just knew I'd have a mouthful of coke .. didnt yer???!!! LOLS .. :haha: :wave: :S

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:


but seriously I just have to say .. I am in awe and humbled .. at your humility .. it takes a big man/person to acknowledge not only superior but also inferior qualities of those and that which they admire.


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 8:15 pm
by Lord Mhoram
I am humbled! :oops: Sky, you should watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart! THAT is a funny show!!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 3:32 pm
by MsMary
danlo wrote:I own btween 8-9% of the entire bank! What in the world do I do w/all these WGDs, bathe in them?
Pssst, danlo...I could use some WGDs. ;) :lol: :D

Thanks for telling us about the bank, Sky. I deposited my meagre allotment of WGDs. I only wish I'd known about all this earlier.

Ah well, RL got in the way, not much time to come to KW.



Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:44 pm
by fightingmyinstincts
The store is here! But...I am be not have much money now...heh...How do I get a title? There aren't any under the learning and whatever shop, the other shop says you can change your title and users title but I don't understand...

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:27 am
by caamora
I've noticed that some people have put their names in color next to their posts (i.e., danlo, Duchess, Jay, etc.). How do you do that?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:04 am
by MsMary
That's what you use your White Gold Dollars for, in Vain's new Shop. But you need a lot more WGDs than I currently have to do any of that fancy stuff. All I could afford to do was buy back my title. :P


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 11:53 pm
by caamora
Ok, so - I bought my title (even though I don't know what that does). How is it that you are supposed to acquire these WGD's? I was never very clear on this money thing.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 11:56 pm
by Lord Mhoram
Well, first off, I suggest you deposit those you have. You'll get a lot more quickly with the 2% interest rate! :P If you want to change your title from Servant of the Land, just change it in the Effects Store.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:03 am
by caamora
Thanks! Now I have to think of a new title! :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:07 am
by Lord Mhoram
:) No problem, I had difficulties of my own..

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 9:36 pm
by caamora
When will there be a replenishment in the Foodfendhall of springwine and vitrim? You were out of stock on both! I need sustenance2 :cry:

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 10:45 am
by Vain
It restocks about once a day...other shops may not be so lucky in the future ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 4:28 pm
by Guest
is there mirkfruit and treasure berries or ussusimiel?? .. or any diamondraught?? a nice giantish drop ~ that be :wink: did someone mention metheglin .. I know that Hearthcoal be partial to a bit of nice mead :wink:

mmm .. daimondraught and bbq'd kresh-kababs!! :P mmm yum!

are you also marketting powers and abilities .. now that would be something I'd be interested in purchasing .. like Earth-sight or the power of wild-magic or soothreading or telling .. forest protectorate/forestaal .. Earthpower .. loremaster .. eh-brand:wink: :| :wink: LOL

not sure if purchasing these skills is kosher though .. its like titles .. maybe titles could be up for grabs .. and there can always be more than one Unbeliever on the board :wink: :wink:

anyway enjoy!! I have provided a list for your entertainment .. and mine :D :wink: :wink: :P

Name Titles you can attach to your nics

The Chosen - (LA)
The Unbeliever - (TC)
The Prover of Life - (TC)
Half-hand - (TC/Berek)
The Pure One - (Foamy)
The Despiser - (LF)
The Grey Slayer - (LF)
The First Betrayer - (Clave name for Berek)
Giant-friend - (Damelon/TC)
The Defiler - (LF/Kevin?)
Landwaster - (Kev)
The Creator
The Master - (clave name for the Creator)
The Unfettered One
The Lurker - (LF)
The Desecrator - (Kev)
The Unhomed - (Giants)
White Gold Wielder -(TC)
ur-Lord - (TC)
Ringthane - (ramen name TC)
Lord Fatherer - (Berek)
Fangthane the Render - (ramen name for LF)
Henthrall of Lord's Keep - (person charged with hospitality)
Lifeswallower - (a swamp but sounds cool) :wink:
Earthfriend :D (Berek)
Corruption - (LF)
The Timelord - (the Creator)
Timelord - (the Creator)
Landsire - (the Creator)

and there are probably more .. etc etc etc...

Designations/assignments/social station/appointed protocol

Swordsmain - a giantish warrior

First Mark - Bloodguard commander
Haft - commander of an Eoward
Warhaft - commander of an Eoman
Warmark - commander of a Warward
Hiltmark - second in command of a Warward
First-half - third in command of a Warward

Manethrall - highest Ramen rank
Cord - second Ramen rank
Winhome -lowest Ramen rank

Hirebrand - master of woodlore
Heer - Woodhelvin leader

Sword-Elder - chief Lorewarden of the Sword at the Loreseraat
Lore Warden - teacher of the lore at the Loreseraat

Gravalingas - master of stone-lore

Forestaal - Forest protectorate
Healer - physician
Loremaster - urvile leader
The Unfettered - the most serious lore students

ie: Damelon - Giantfriend and Swordsmain
Brinn - Warhaft
Ms Mary - Loremaster
danlo - Henthrall of Lords Keep
Mhoram - Sword Elder .. etc ..

We could purchase these marketable items;

rillinlure - healing wood dust .. voure - insect repellant .. hurtloam .. we all love aliantha .. some clingor/ahesive leather 8O .. some graveling/fire stones - great for keeping the heating bills down :wink: some amanibhavam

or some sacred and special Tokens

Lor-liarill .. gildenlode/ a power wood formed from Gilden trees
Orcrest - stone of power
Staff of Law
Wards of power
Lomillialor - high wood/ a wood of power
A Forbidding - wall of power/force-field
Illearth stone - source of evil power
Word of Warning - a powerful forbidding
Despite - power of evil
The krill - enchanted sword of Loric

Skills and hobbies

anundivian yajna - lost Ramen craft of bone-sculpting/marrow-melding
suru-pa-maerl - stone craft

Races and beings of the Land
Jheherrin - by-products of Fouls dabblings


oh there's so many things/skills/tokens/special powers that would be fun to acquire .. but I dont know if only purchasing them is enough .. for the more special things .. they may be better awarded on merit ..

health and healing :wink: :wink: :wink:


skyweir :wink: :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 4:31 pm
by Skyweir
mmm :oops: that was me .. I dunno why I wasnt logged in .. I did it manually earlier

weird .. :?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 4:57 pm
by MsMary
Sky, for a long time, when we first moved here from ezboard, Foamy and I had a problem logging in as follows:

If we logged in, but did not check the box "log me in automatically on each visit" , our posts came up as "Guest" even though we were logged in. So we learned to check that box each time we logged in.

I don't know if this problem with the forum still exists. Since we each have our own desktop settings with Windows XP, we are logged in automatically on our own desktops each time we come to the site, so we haven't logged in and out to check it out.


E-book format anyone?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:06 am
by Grimm
Been thumbing through my paper-back copies of Chrons 1 & 2 and began to wonder if there was any place on the net I might buy electronic copies of these books, as my paperbacks are in pretty rough shape. (thought about buying new books, but I'm kind of attached to the original covers.)

I can't seem to find "e" versions anywhere. Has anyone else looked?

I want permanent digital copies of these books so bad, I'm on the verge of transcribing them myself, in the true medieval-monk tradition.


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 7:11 pm
by Skyweir
wow .. really stellar avatar grimm!

very compelling!! cool .. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:08 am
by Smin
I just re-read all of the books in the TC Chronicles this last year after having read them over 20 years ago. It feels so good to be back and to find others as enthused as I am on the TC subject. When is SRD going to pick up and continue on it?

Well, brothers and sisters...very happy to have found ya and to be here.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:43 am
by birdandbear
Welcome Smin!! :D
Always happy to see new faces! Have you checked out the "possible news about the third chronicles" thread? And also the "e-mail from SRD" (or whatever it's called) thread. Also check out the Dissecting the Land forum. The Illearth War group read is due to start any day now. Gotta hop over there myself and find out exactly when. :oops:
Anyways, Welcome!! :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:41 am
by Smin
I am up for a read. I requested a chapter...never done a read before. I am excited to be here and look forward to further services to the land. Thank You.