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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:27 pm
by caamora
Actually, my husband is! He is 28! Maybe not in his prime (which is what, 14?) but certainly a very happy man! :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:05 pm
by MsMary
One of the forums I go to lists the members who have a birthday that day, when you log on. It's pretty cool, cause you can see whose birthday it is and wish them a happy one.

Vain, is there any way we could do something like that? Might be fun.


Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:57 pm
by Worm of Despite
Fourteen is the prime?! If that's so, then what's all this negativity about the said jailbait?!

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:10 am
by duchess of malfi
I was thinking after hearing Caamora that maybe I should revise my rule. After all, Sylvanus would be jailbait under my lil rule and he's a grown man under anyone's definition. :wink:
And as for my husband, he is always saying how exhausted he is, Sev. :cry: Maybe I should start taking it easier on the poor guy. :twisted:
And as for you, Lord Foul, well, for heaven sakes, man, you're 18 years old, and I've been married for over 17 years! I think I might be a bit too experienced for you. :wink:
Bird and Bear and Ms. Mary I like the idea of a birthday thread, too! I know Lord Mhoram's Endless Shadows has that, and it's very nice. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 6:28 pm
by caamora
I don't know the prime age for men! I was just trying to make a joke! :lol:

Hey, Duchess, just think of all the things you could teach Lord Foul! :wink:

Wasn't it Benjamin Franklin who wrote a letter to his nephew about the benefits of having an affair with an older woman? That is where we got the phrase "In praise of older women." :lol: :lol: :lol: 8O :wink:

(p.s. I'm only having a bit of fun with this topic. Please do not take anything I say too seriously :D )

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 7:13 pm
by Worm of Despite
Well, Lord Foul was simply wondering--miss sassy pants :fim:--if females started getting iffy about giving out their full birth dates before or after Women's Lib. :roll: Um, actually, I think I’ve had a recurring problem with asking women their age--or maybe it’s they that have a recurring problem about giving it? I dunno. At least I’ll never have to ask a movie star’s birth date, thanks to! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 7:18 pm
by caamora
It's probably a little bit of both!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 8:38 am
by Infelice
I guess have have to join the 39ers club. My birthday is January 17, 1964.
Unlike Caamora, my husband is 10 years older than me. So sexual peaks have been reached, attained and are now .....a pleasant memory - well his anyway. :roll:

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 11:54 am
by Vain
caamora wrote:Actually, my husband is! He is 28! Maybe not in his prime (which is what, 14?) but certainly a very happy man! :wink:
I wanna be 28 again.....but definitely not 14 again 8O
One of the forums I go to lists the members who have a birthday that day, when you log on. It's pretty cool, cause you can see whose birthday it is and wish them a happy one.

Vain, is there any way we could do something like that? Might be fun.
I'm going to try to create a calendar for my own personal use because I have a thing about birthdays. But I was thinking maybe we could add one to the Watch anyways - not just for birthdays, but for group reads, events, personal announcements (babies, weddings, graduations, etc.) and that sort of thing.
Ms Mary and BnB - I can do it........may just take some time though :)

And by the guys are a riot :) So you say 39 is peak.....mmmm........*performs some mental arithmetic*

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 2:20 pm
by Damelon
There is always the blue pill available for older guys, not that I'm one. I'm young at heart.:D

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 6:09 pm
by birdandbear
:R |G :R

May your day be without troubles, and full of family and friends. And PRESENTS!!! And if you look in your bank account, you'll find a little something from me. ( A small something, I'm afraid - I'm poor!)

And a very merry unbirthday to the rest of you!! |G

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 6:18 pm
by birdandbear
:oops: :oops: :oops:
Ooops... Sorry sev! :oops: :oops: :oops:
Just realized I've been spelling your name wrong. I've edited my posts accordingly. And your present just showed up under your name, not your account.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 6:47 pm
by Sevothtarte
Oi, thank you! :D

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 11:18 pm
by MsMary
Sevothtarte, is today your birthday? Have a happy one!!!


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 11:45 pm
by Worm of Despite
Just in case I forget at anytime during the roll of years: happy birthday, everybody! According to my estimations, that statement expires in at least five years.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:38 pm
by Skyweir
I love Mr Burns!! he's my all time favourite Simpsons character!!

whioooo hoooo!!

love ur avatar!! :lol: lol

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 3:14 am
by The Leper Fairy
Yeah Mr Burns is great, but you gotta love Ralph!!!

"My cat's breath smells like catfood"
"They taste like burning!"
"Why do they run from me?"

Which... now that I think of it, would make a great quote...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 6:31 am
by duchess of malfi
Happy belated birthday, Sev! :D Hope it was a great one! :D

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:25 pm
by Worm of Despite
Ralph: "I found a moon rock in my nose"

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:55 pm
by Ryzel
Good evening everybody. I have been away from the board for a few days on account of me being visiting my mother for the easter holiday. (Yes, I know that it probably hasn't started where you are, but this is Norway we are talking about.)

Anyway I might as well tell you that my birthday is the 22 of may and I was born in the year 1969. If you do not have the mathematical skills to figure out how old that makes me then you really do not need to know.

Apart from that I could make a few remarks after reading this thread about ages and sex and stuff, but I will say only that the older I get (and I have already gotten plenty, although it may not seem that way to you) the more I get the impression that all the TRUTHS about things like minors, legality etc. are all just MADE UP by someone and we abide by those conventions because doing so is easier than actually making up our own minds. When we do it to people it is sometimes called stereotyping, sometimes it is called bigotry, sometimes it is called apartheid and some times is is just called wrong. But what is it called when it is done to morals, values and ethics? I do not know, but I would like to. But that is not my point, my point is that in all these things you need to make up your own mind and to do that you cannot let yourself be bound by what somebody else thinks is right or wrong, only you can decide and in the end only your judgement matters. Just remember that the consequences of your decisions will also, ideally, be yours to bear.