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Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:24 am
by Mr. Broken
Just a couple things here, glad the Seahawks lost, or we would have to hear about replacement refs the entire offseason. I can't believe I'm saying this , I'm glad the Ravens won (personal demons) they've earned a shot. I still don't want Modell in the Hall. Glad the Browns hired someone who actually dreamed of coaching Cleveland.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:30 pm
by Cail
Don Exnihilote wrote:Of the remaining four teams, I'm definitely rooting for the Ravens. I'd love to see Harbaugh v. Harbaugh in the Super Bowl. And I suspect that I will.
I don't follow the NFC, so I have no idea how good or bad Atlanta and SanFran are. But yeah, a Bro Bowl would be good.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:46 pm
by SoulBiter
Savor Dam wrote:
null wrote:pete carrol gave the game away. when will coaches stop trying to ice the kickers? how many retries for the kicker will it take?
Amen. This loss needs to be placed at Pete Carroll's feet. The ill-considered calling of time that allowed Bryant to rekick the deciding FG is one mistake, but I am far more disappointed in the choice Coach Carroll made on a 4th-and-1 early in the game to pass on a fairly short and certain field goal and go for the extra yard. Failing on this gamble and giving the ball back to Atlanta surrendered three easy points...which would have ended up deciding the game in the Hawks favor.

Coulda....woulda...shoulda. Meh. :?

Next week, 49ers over Falcons. Pats over Ravens. 49ers win Super Bowl.
I think it was Null that said last year in the NFL thread. Losers do hand wringing over what might have been and winners move on to the next round.

FG's by home teams are 8% more likely to miss when iced. 4% when away.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:46 pm
by Cybrweez
Yea? Well too many times I've seen a miss, only to get another try and make it. Nobody says anything if you don't ice the kicker, but if you ice after he misses, then he makes, you're an idiot. And rightly so.

Bro-Bowl would be a good story line, but I'm rooting for Pats anyway. Love them, and hate Ravens (tho it's totally irrational, Rice and Flacco from NJ, and my mom's family all Balimoreans). The good things w/Pats is the run game, which has been missing for awhile. You have to have a lot of things go right to win it all w/o any run game (Eagles and Packers may learn that one day).

Lot's of good games this weekend. And I like watching a game where I don't really care who wins. The Pats game, especially closing the 1st half, was making me nervous.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:50 pm
by SoulBiter
Cybrweez wrote:Yea? Well too many times I've seen a miss, only to get another try and make it. Nobody says anything if you don't ice the kicker, but if you ice after he misses, then he makes, you're an idiot. And rightly so.
Like any play when the game is on the line. You ice the kicker and it works you are a hero, you go for it on 4th and 1 and it works, you are a hero, you make that long bomb instead of just getting the 1st down, and you are a hero. Any of the above fails and the coach is an idiot.

This particular game was Atlanta's to lose. The Falcons went into the 4th quarter 27 to 7. They outplayed the Seahawks on almost every down in every quarter up to that point in all three phases. They shut the Seahawks down with a good defense and they made great plays on offense. Then instead of keeping the hammer down, they tried to coast to a victory. (Remember the playoff game against GB two years ago.... Atlanta went into the half with a 21 to 0 lead and then squandered it away) It almost happened again. A couple of weeks ago I asked why would the Pats continue to score when they had the game easily in hand. My question was answered in this game.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:03 pm
by Vraith
I don't blame 'hawks for going for that TD...but they called the wrong plays, badly, in the attempt.
Icing I don't like only cuz it takes up time, and doesn't change the outcome. The full stats show a difference of less than half of one percent, not even close to statistically significant.
OTOH--it means one has a perfect opportunity to run and get a full beer to potentially celebrate with right in the middle of thrill time.

I've been thinking since last week it might be a cool thing to have hot Harbaugh on Harbaugh [football] action in the superbowl [since no team I really care about is left].

What a great total set of games, though.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:12 pm
by wayfriend
BTW, Texans played a good game, I can't think of any particular failures that I saw during the game, except maybe a less than stellar record converting third down. I stressed it, for reasons which I will not state (and jynx) -- but Pats outscored them in the second half. Sure, it was an expected win, but I think it was a good game for all that. (That _was_ a beautiful punt return.)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:37 am
by sgt.null
texans need a quarterback who wins games. and i think kubiak has taken them as far as he can.

pats over the ravens

niners stomping the falcons

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:24 am
by Savor Dam
Much as I see the appeal of a BroBowl between the coaches of the Ravens and 49ers, I agree with Sarge. End of the line for both birds. Patriots and 49ers will win next weekend.

Of course, Sarge and I will be at opposite poles for the SuperBowl. Sorry, but "Niners, dude!"

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:49 am
by Obi-Wan Nihilo
Interesting allusion by Lewis on Saturday:

"Man believes in the possible, God believes in the impossible."

Isaiah 54
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.
In addition to being in the top 5 all time of linebackers, Ray Lewis just may be the greatest on the field leader in NFL history. I wouldn't count them out just yet.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:57 am
by SoulBiter
Any given Sunday.

Baltimore has heart and seem to be playing for something other than just the 'win'. I wouldn't count them out either.

Atlanta has been bet against all season. And yet they have won 15 games of the 18 and none of the games lost were blowouts. We have running quarterbacks in our division and of course Vick...... however I'm no more concerned about this game than the last one. If we can contain the run and the QB run, I think we will be fine. Safety's cant play as far off as they did in this last one though.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:59 pm
by Cail
Any given Sunday indeed.

Compare the Pat's schedule to the Ravens'. The AFC East is a weak division, so they got six easy wins right off the bat. They lost four of the other ten, three to playoff teams, one to the Cardinals. Of their other six wins, three were to teams with a winning record (Houston, Indy, Denver).

In 16 games they faced 6 teams with winning records and lost to 3 of them.

New England ain't all that.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:17 am
by SoulBiter
So close to a birds vs birds.... Instead its a Brobowl.

A disappointing end to my Falcons. 4 yards and one complete pass from the big game. Got to hand it to SF for stepping up the defense at just the right time.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:55 pm
by Cail

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:07 pm
by SoulBiter
that pic says it all...... Priceless

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:13 pm
by wayfriend
If we're done unsportishly kicking players who are down [with photoshopped images even] ...

Patriots weren't there yesterday. They just didn't show up. It darn near looked like Flacco was holding himself back first half. It darn near looked like the Pats decided not to play second half. It's enough to get people thinking about sports betting.

Not that it matters much, but I think that Ridley fumble was a bad call... the man had to be down if the ground was pushing his knee into his face.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:52 pm
by Cail
wayfriend wrote:If we're done unsportishly kicking players who are down [with photoshopped images even] ...
Not photoshopped, I took that picture with my phone.

But speaking of kicking a player when they're down, how about Brady lifting his leg and spiking Ed Reed?
wayfriend wrote:Patriots weren't there yesterday. They just didn't show up. It darn near looked like Flacco was holding himself back first half. It darn near looked like the Pats decided not to play second half. It's enough to get people thinking about sports betting.
The Patriots sure seemed there, the Ravens are just the better team. As I said upthread, the Patriots are in a weak division and had a weak schedule this year. While that benefits them in playoff seeding, it does them no favors in the actual games.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:17 pm
by SoulBiter
Have to agree with Cail and I don't even have a dog in that fight. I'm not a Baltimore or a Patriots fan. The Patriots got outplayed. The better team won.

I have some sour grapes about the Atlanta game as well that include some pretty spectacular bad calls and some that weren't called that should have been. The 9'rs have a better team, when you look at the two teams man to man, but I thought that overall, Atlanta played better than the 9'rs. The only real consolation I have is that at least the Falcons gave them a run for it and it was a very close one. In the end its the final score that matters, the 9'rs were the better team when it mattered.

Atlanta can make another run at it next year.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:55 pm
by Cybrweez
Didn't know Gronkowski would be missed that much. No deep threat in today's NFL means very little chance, unless you stick to the run, which the Pats didn't do. And the mess up w/timeout at end of half really hurt. If they called timeout immediately, prob 2 chances at end zone. Would've been different game if that happened.

I think Belichik and Brady may be getting too old. I know they got to Super Bowl last year, but they're like the Eagles and Packers, rely on passing game only, and if it's not clicking, you're in trouble.

The Talib injury did mean a lot tho, Boldin did nothing 1st half, Talib out, Boldin has big game.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:58 pm
by Vraith
Cybrweez wrote: The Talib injury did mean a lot tho, Boldin did nothing 1st half, Talib out, Boldin has big game.
That's getting to be a thing for them. Last week they were getting beat till Boldin got into it after the half. Not the first time, either, only the most recent.

The thing with Gronk is that BESIDES "throw it to me" stuff he does other important jobs with his big-ass, tough, strong body...and does them damn well. Fairly often I think you could put him on almost any team, even with a mediocre QB, and win an extra 3 or 5 games just cuz of him.