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Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:30 am
by Cord Hurn
O great Plains of Ra, I return to you because I have had a vision of there being one special Ranyhyn who will choose to let me run where it leads, learn what it chooses to teach me, experience joy and uncover wisdom, and allow me to run with back to my people when it deems the time is fitting, that what we have gleaned may be to the blessing of all the Herd and the Band that serves them. I return to you because I have dared to have faith that the vision was true. I serenely wait while you consider if the vision has merit.


Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:21 pm
by Menolly
Patience, Cord.
There are those who waited many turns before their call was answered...

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:06 pm
by Savor Dam
Cord Hurn wrote:I was truly unaware today's date was significant with regards to her memory. I've really enjoyed reading a lot of her wonderful posts all around the Watch and in this particular case thought she got it exactly right, in remembering the full Ramen song when calling for Ranyhyn. If my timing was poor in any way, I deeply apologize.
No apology needed. If anything, I was impressed with the synchronicity that led you to post on that date. As for the significance, I will let FireDaughter's post today explain that.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:47 am
by Cord Hurn
Menolly wrote:Patience, Cord.
There are those who waited many turns before their call was answered...
Oh, absolutely, Menolly! Reading this topic thread got me to notice that some had waited quite a while, so it's clear I should be prepared to do likewise.

It's just that it occurred to me that I should put a personal touch to my presentation.

And, it must be admitted, I DID forget to whistle! ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:54 am
by Savor Dam
Cord, you just left an opening I can't resist driving a truck through!

Classic Lauren Bacall "To Have or Have Not" quote about being able to whistle

For those of you whose memories don't go back to before Miley the clip and see what HOT really is. Yowser!

Dam-sel & Menolly: forgive me; I am what I you both well know

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:24 am
by Iolanthe
Savor Dam wrote:Cord, you just left an opening I can't resist driving a truck through!

Classic Lauren Bacall "To Have or Have Not" quote about being able to whistle

For those of you whose memories don't go back to before Miley the clip and see what HOT really is. Yowser!

Dam-sel & Menolly: forgive me; I am what I you both well know
Ah, they don't make them like that any more. But it still doesn't beat the two cigarettes thing at the end of Now Voyager! :offtopic: :D

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:18 am
by Cord Hurn
Thank you for the link to Furl's "Sweet Grace" topic thread in the Hall of Gifts Sub-forum, Savor Dam, and I now know she departed (physically, anyway) four years before I made that post. As for the timing, I can't explain it, except to say it just felt right to give her credit for reminding of the proper words of summoning. Furls said many inspirational things, such as her February 17, 2005 journal entry that is found on page 3 of the thread you linked for me.
Furl's Fire wrote:Lift yourself away from it all and stand tall. Stand there and gaze at it and dare it to beat you down. Just dare it. And once you do, it will all come together as it always does. Failure is something you just can’t live with. You know that. You know, deep down, that you will not quit no matter how weary you become, no matter how angry it makes you, no matter how lost within its grasp you feel. So much for wallowing. That’s not you. Is it? No. Never. Well, maybe not ‘never’.

This is when I laugh at myself. It’s not really all that humorous, it’s more like a chuckle against the odds. What’s the saying? Laugh in the face of your fears? Something like that. So, I laugh and I tell it that it will not break me. Not this time, not ever. Wow, I sound so confident, don’t I? I sound like I really believe it, huh? Well, maybe I don’t right now, but it will come. It always seems too. Somewhere deep inside me the strength is there, the will is there, the defiance is there. Somehow, I’ll find a way to prevail against all that pushes against me.
Wonderful words!

Concerning the movie To Have and Have Not from which your "whistle" clip derives, I have always liked the four movies that Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart did together! I think that movie was Bacall's debut at age twenty. Despite its complicated plot, I think I enjoy The Big Sleep the best. But To Have and Have Not is pretty good, too, rather a clever re-write of Casablanca by William Faulkner. Good cinema I'll never get tired of seeing. Iolanthe's comment makes me wish I had viewed Now, Voyager.


Sorry about this going off-topic, Iolanthe, but one has to have something to do while standing around on the Plains of Ra. There just aren't any kresh to do battle with at the moment. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:05 am
by Iolanthe
Cord Hurn wrote: Iolanthe's comment makes me wish I had viewed Now, Voyager.


Sorry about this going off-topic, Iolanthe, but one has to have something to do while standing around on the Plains of Ra. There just aren't any kresh to do battle with at the moment. :)
That wasn't aimed at you, Cord Hurn, but at me for going off topic! And you must watch Now, Voyager (with or without the comma), a wonderful film starring Bette Davis and Paul Henreid and my very favourite film of all time. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:13 pm
by Plains of Ra






Ah! *clears throat*

Greetings, Cord Hurn. You woke me from a long slumber. It seems an age since anyone has presented themself for consideration.

Verily, you have my thanks. I was having a nightmare about events in the Land. Events best left unspoken. I'm just glad to see they were just a dream.

Ruhyn answers your call!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:50 pm
by Lord Foul
Plains of Ra wrote:I was having a nightmare about events in the Land. Events best left unspoken. I'm just glad to see they were just a dream
I love you, Plains of Ra. I bow to your beauty and puissance.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:50 am
by Plains of Ra
Thank you, Lord Foul. I am pleased that you have finally learned your proper place. If you prove trustworthy, I have a few job openings. I will have a Cord get you a shovel.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:19 pm
by Cord Hurn

I hear and obey, glorious Plains of Ra. Thank you!!! Though I know not where Ruhyn will lead me, I'll gladly follow. :Hail:

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:55 pm
by Lord Foul
What, one of these? ... s%20Shovel

Why thank you, I do have some faster ways to get rid of a few extra Rany or their servants, but these might prove more enjoyable in their way.

However, this all pales when compared to what I had the chance to observe here, a cheating trick below nearly anything possible in a place like this - how this delights me! I probably haven't been so amused since Kevin agreed for the Ritual, an ally of the Plains or even the Plains themselves trying to strike at me and sinking into such depths... :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:24 pm
by Cord Hurn
Lord Foul wrote:Why thank you, I do have some faster ways to get rid of a few extra Rany or their servants, but these might prove more enjoyable in their way.

However, this all pales when compared to what I had the chance to observe here, a cheating trick below nearly anything possible in a place like this - how this delights me!
Obeying a suggestion emanating from the Plains of Ra isn't cheating when one is Ramen, after all. :3M:

As for boasting of having a faster way for getting rid of a few extra Rany or their servants: do you really think the Ranyhyn and Plains of Ra don't know your deeper purpose towards them is sinister? If I were you, O Dread Render, I'd give up now. You're only digging yourself in deeper, shovel or no shovel. :hithead: :trout:

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:02 am
by Lord Foul
Oh, be assured, I din't mean you as a cheater, and the one who did this knows who he is and what he did, but now just sits quietly... but still I know and enjoy :twisted:

Why, I enjoy deep places, underground it tends to be dark, comfortable and generally calmer than elsewhere - unlike on the messy surface... where those who don't understand my good reasons for Despite reside.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:18 am
by Plains of Ra
I am not boastful. However, you are in my domain. You know my power here. Don't push your luck.

And well done, Cord Hurn! You are brave and true.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:39 pm
by Dread Poet Jethro
He is not boastful
Is the power of the broad
Plains of Ra Ra Ra

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:00 am
by Lord Foul
Plains of Ra wrote:I am not boastful. However, you are in my domain. You know my power here. Don't push your luck.

And well done, Cord Hurn! You are brave and true.
Ah, I should remember next time that geographic locations are not too good at reading. Surely you didn't read any books about me spending millienia in what was absolutely not my domain, now did you?
Dread Poet Jethro wrote:He is not boastful
Is the power of the broad
Plains of Ra Ra Ra
It is a location
"He" is not applicable then
"Broad" is correct though

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:05 am
by Dread Poet Jethro
In my native tongue
(Remember, I'm from Florin...)
Nouns do have gender

Point of order though:
In my vast experience
There are NO plain broads!

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:21 am
by Fist and Faith
Dread Poet Jethro wrote: Point of order though:
In my vast experience
There are NO plain broads!
For the sentiment and the play on words from previous posts, this is among the best posts I've ever seen!