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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:22 pm
by Arcadia
We will find out, won't we Bel.

I also notice that you did nothing to end the crusade against my followers. So much for being the god of peace for your followers are not very peaceful at all since they seem to take great pleasure in killing mine. You were remiss in asking them to cease their aggressions and their warring. Huh, you seem desirous to empower uKulwa with their warring and Nor Yekith with their malice. Of course, you also empower me with their death.

What an odd deity you are.

And speaking of crusades, O-gon-cho's followers also plague me with crusade when I have done nothing against her.

But, I do thank Amplarx and Rothmog for the cessation of their crusades.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:23 pm
by Bel
Was it not your followers that crusaded against mine? And you who said you would deal with them without my help? I see that their crusade has indeed ended, and so I am thankful; my own fanatics have been given other tasks to occupy their attention.
So I must confess that I am at a loss to understand to what it is you are referring.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:39 pm
by O-gon-cho
*bows towards Calais*

milady, these zealots crusading against you are a surprise to me. They were given a different task to do, decided to do something else, and according to the AllFather were nearly wiped out. Where this second group appeared from I have no idea.

I will address it in this next season.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:41 pm
by Rothmog
ohohoho my sister, i' glad my followers had stoppe to attack you ! ohohoho

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:47 pm
by Arcadia
Ah, forgive me, it was Brid. I stand corrected. I get all you Sunrisers mixed up.

As far as the earth-shaping goes, it is my domain to do with as I please. If you are worried about the ice wall then do something to repair the cracks rather than insult my actions over information you did not share until it was too late. Ice wall cracks concern all of the Pantheon, not just your own followers and I cannot be held responsible for things I am unaware of.

But, I can be reasonable, since your brought this up for discussion. Earth shaping is my domain and you can rest assured I will use my domain. However, if you know of ice wall cracks, it would behoove you to inform me about it in advance so that I can be sure to avoid any further damage.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:54 pm
by Bel
Forgive me if I do not tread kindly with my words, but I do not take the murder of the inhabitants of two cities lightly.

I am not atfault for this matter of poor timing. No sooner had I learned of this crack than you performed your reshaping; my people, who sailed from Ramath, were left with little opportunity to investigate further before they, and all their brethren, were killed by your action.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:58 pm
by Brid
Brid aspected and spoke strongly to those followers who were crusading against the Goddess of Earth. Do they continue?

The message, apparently, was not generic enough as they, or others like them, are now on the rampage against the Sun-Snake.

Brid understands that for many of the outcasts, this is the first time in their short lives that they have felt a sense of belonging, and they can get carried away. They are remiss in their understanding of Brid's dogma, however, and Brid will endeavour to steer them back onto the right path.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:00 pm
by Arcadia
You manifested?

According to the All-Fatherer:
Brid's followers continue in their crusade, without hearing from their goddess.
Have they gone deaf?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:14 pm
by Brid
Calais wrote:You manifested?

According to the All-Fatherer:
Brid's followers continue in their crusade, without hearing from their goddess.
Have they gone deaf?
Who is deaf? I aspected in Sanctuary to deal with the small matter of a fleshworm infestation in that city, which I have agreed to divinely protect. Most of my power was used in that Aspect, and as part of the aspect, I re-enforced my dogma with specific teachings on how crusading goes against my creed.

These crusades do as much harm to my faithful as they do to others and they will be stopped.

I would advise the Goddess of Dirt to be more respectful in the future.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:25 pm
by Arcadia
Respectful? I will give respect when I am given respect. That is usually how it works.

Since the beginning of our return to Eiran I have been beset in one way or another by the Sunrise Court.

I am tired of being a target for the Sunrise Court and I am getting rightfully angry and the constant barrage of issues flung at me every season from that court.

I have done nothing to merit this constant attack on my followers nor the disrespect that I recieve from those members. Today, it began with Bel and now you.

Take heed, I will not tolerate this any longer. I have reached the end of my patience.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:37 pm
by Bel
You are not the one who should be in a position to become angry, Goddess of Earth. It is true, you have done nothing in the past, but now you have deliberately destroyed two cities under the protection of members of the Sunrise Court. It is we who should have reached the end of our tolerance for you.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:40 pm
by uKulwa
Anaya, my thanks Grey Lady, for ending your faithful's crusade. And my condolences on the fate of those who would not heed your words. *bows*

Unzen, I call on you likewise to reign in the excesses of your followers, for I am sure their crusade against me is none of your doing.

Mistress of Light. *bows* You have withstood me, for all I consider your methods amusing. An enforced peace around your city, while your prophet slays my men in their camp.

So be it. Zendra lies under siege. No person, and no provisions, may enter the city, and none may leave. If at any time you wish to surrender the city, I guarantee all your worshippers safe passage and peace. Until then, a state of War shall exist between us.

I consider this matter between us alone Goddess.

To the victor, the spoils. *bows*

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:10 pm
by Madadeva
It appears that Eclipse (or at least three members) and Sunrise (or at least three members) have declared WAR against Life.

I call upon Justice to rule against them. And I call for Vengeance against them which is my right!

Those of you who by your actions have declared yourself my enemy; destroy me - if you can. For you will see the impact of Life withheld from your people!
AllFather wrote:Bel's Aspect manifests in Eastwall, where he routes your leaders out of the city, while converting most of your followers there to Bel's worship.

AkAza in Ghalali is suddenly struck by a poisoned dart, and he shrieks in sudden pain as the poison blooms within his veins: the killer, triumphant but also quite insane, shouts "This is Anaya's will, blaspheme!

Shortly afterwards, a divinely-powered earthquake razes the city of Port Largros to the ground, spreading in an oval shape into the sea rather than in concentric circles, and causing a tsunami that slams against what is left of Port Largros, killing more survivors. What is left of Port Largros is seared and burned by the unforgiving sun, then a wave of nothingness and devouring emptiness flows over it, and all remaining survivors are slain in this final attack. No trace is left that Port Largros even ever existed.

The Governor of the city of Sa'Deva, swayed by the words of traveling scholars and rumors of the bounty of the southern lands, publicly denounces your faith and turns to the Void.

The governor of Southwall denounces your faith and converts to Unzen's, giving his people the choice of converting or being exiled; as a result, the city slides into Unzen's hands.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:13 pm
by Brid
Calais wrote:Respectful? I will give respect when I am given respect. That is usually how it works.

Since the beginning of our return to Eiran I have been beset in one way or another by the Sunrise Court.

I am tired of being a target for the Sunrise Court and I am getting rightfully angry and the constant barrage of issues flung at me every season from that court.

I have done nothing to merit this constant attack on my followers nor the disrespect that I recieve from those members. Today, it began with Bel and now you.

Take heed, I will not tolerate this any longer. I have reached the end of my patience.

....Brid considers,
1. Against direct teaching, some of Brid's followers launch a crusade.
2. The Goddess of Earth asks Brid to stop them.
3. Brid assures her that Brid will try (admittedly, reply was late)
4. Brid tries.
5. Goddess of Earth calls Brid a liar.
6. Brid tries to explain, asks for respect.
7. Goddess of Earth asks for respec......

Perhaps the Earth-goddess should sort out her own problems in the future?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:15 pm
by Amplarx
Anaya, I regret that my zealots have launched a crusade against you and I assure you that they will be stopped, even if it means an end to their lives.

My followers will learn that mindlessly attacking my allies will not endear them to me.

I am glad to inform Calais and an Carraig that I was able to successfully turn the attention of my other crusading followers away from you. They were convinced to take part in a more exciting mission! I have cleansed Halveria of Pain's followers. They saw fit to worship pain, and my soldiers gave them just what they wanted, if their dying screams were anything to judge by!

Let this be a warning to everyone that Amplarx is not to be toyed with. Do not affront me, or revenge will be swift.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:38 pm
by Keev Furaha
Amplarx, Vengeance for WHAT? Neither me nor my followers have done anything to you that I know of. You attacked my city unprovoked and that is very uncool. I hope you are prepared for the consequences of your actions.

Anaya, I apologize for the actions of my fanatics and will reign them in right away. They were acting on their own volition and they too shall pay the consequences.

Nor Yekith, I would appreciate it if you would try to reign in your zealots and keep them from slaughtering my people.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:12 pm
by Bel
Devaguhya wrote:It appears that Eclipse (or at least three members) and Sunrise (or at least three members) have declared WAR against Life.

I call upon Justice to rule against them. And I call for Vengeance against them which is my right!

Those of you who by your actions have declared yourself my enemy; destroy me - if you can. For you will see the impact of Life withheld from your people!
I have perpetrated no attack, nor do I name myself your enemy--though you are certainly no friend of mine, as you demonstrated when you would not even acknowledge my concerns last season. It is true that I have cast out your paragons and priests from Eastwall; I have done this as a precaution only, as you have shown yourself capable of allowing crimes perpetrated in your name to go unpunished. Had you displayed friendship and cooperation toward me, as you purported to desire in our earlier exchanges, then I would have gladly allowed worship of you to continue in Eastwall when the time came to bring my Peace there.
Instead, you showed disregard toward my concerns, and so when I began to look for a new location to continue the spread of Peace, I elected to liberate Eastwall from what seemed likely to become a corrupting influence.
I have not, as you suggest, declared war--such an act on my part is inconceivable.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:15 pm
by Unzen
Calais wrote:As far as the earth-shaping goes, it is my domain to do with as I please.
Nonetheless, that was a reckless action, earth goddess. Could you not see the existing cities on Halym? You would not be so cavalier if a similar action had been done to one of your cities.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:21 pm
by Unzen
As for the crusaders, god of War, they apparently are not cognizant of the history of amity between you and I. They will be taught that history.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:17 pm
by Arcadia
Nonetheless, that was a reckless action, earth goddess. Could you not see the existing cities on Halym? You would not be so cavalier if a similar action had been done to one of your cities.

Done to my cities? What about all my followers that have died at the hands of the Sunrise Court?

Followers from your court members have been killing my followers since day one and continue through today but none of you mention that. You are too busy condemning me for my actions which up to this time haven't caused you any trouble all the while doing exactly as you pleased and then you all say I have no cause for anger.

But, I find it interesting that the Sunrise Court blames the lone diety without even looking at the situation or thinking on who could benefit?

If I am so powerful to create a mountain range on an entire continent, then what am I capable of?

Did I act alone? Who could possibly benefit from that moutain range, Unzen?

Since those responsible have all remained silent, thus allowing ME to take the fall for the actions, know now that the architect of Haylm is none other Devaguhya who intentionally wanted to destroy your city.

Power was provided to me by members of the Sunset Court. I was only the builder. Deva was the mastermind and thus the destroyer of your city.

If you are looking to blame someone, blame him.