Pantheon - The Third Age - Game Thread

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Post by Bel »

The fact that you were willing says enough, Calais.
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Post by Arcadia »

How typical.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. There is no fear in love; for perfect love cast out fear.
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Post by Amplarx »

Some of my followers were attacked by Yekiths on Nyitha while on a peacful mission. They claimed to be followers of Nor Yekith. What say you, god of mutation? Do you condone their actions or will you see to it that they are punished for their indiscretion?

Also, Some of The Void's followers in Enlightenment have horribly tortured and murdered one of my people who was washed ashore there after a storm. I understand that the people of enlightenment do not follow The Void's dogma to the letter, but I'd hate for an irreconcilable rift to develop between myself and the people of Enlightenment. Maybe they can make some kind of recompense? An apology, with assurance that such actions will not be repeated, perhaps?
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Post by Arcadia »

Deva wrote:
It appears that Eclipse (or at least three members) and Sunrise (or at least three members) have declared WAR against Life.

I call upon Justice to rule against them. And I call for Vengeance against them which is my right!

Those of you who by your actions have declared yourself my enemy; destroy me - if you can. For you will see the impact of Life withheld from your people!
Justice? You want justice? You are doing exactly what I knew you would do. Have me destroy Unzen's city and then let me take the fall for it. Make it a matter of MY actions instead of YOUR design.

THAT is why I destroyed Port Largos. I knew you would leave me out to hang and because of it, I may very well be destroyed by Sunrise, as I knew I would. I wanted to take at least one shot at LIFE before DEATH closed even my eyes.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. There is no fear in love; for perfect love cast out fear.
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Keev Furaha
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Post by Keev Furaha »

Amplarx, I still want to know why you felt the need to attack me? Are you even going to acknowledge my question this time?
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Post by Bel »

Calais wrote:How typical.
What, do you expect us to not hold you responsible for your own actions? Devaguhya does not command you. What he planned could not have occured without your consent. You are as culpable as he and all those who may have provided their strength for this.
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Post by O-gon-cho »

uKulwa wrote: Mistress of Light. *bows* You have withstood me, for all I consider your methods amusing. An enforced peace around your city, while your prophet slays my men in their camp.
My L-rd uKulwa.

*returns bow*

Your courteous tone is welcome, despite the words it conveys.

My people are peaceful by nature. An enforced peace does no harm. It is their Will it be so.

As for Raucous, you merely triggered a defense to your full attack upon Zendra led by your Aspected prophet. He would not attack your camp until Zendra was attacked first.
uKulwa wrote:So be it. Zendra lies under siege. No person, and no provisions, may enter the city, and none may leave. If at any time you wish to surrender the city, I guarantee all your worshippers safe passage and peace. Until then, a state of War shall exist between us.
And this is different from what your impis have been doing for the past year? In what way? So the status quo remains. Zendra thrives, and will continue to do so.

As has been the dictate of my shamans from the start of your siege on Zendra, your impis are welcome inside Zendra's gates at anytime. As long as they enter with peace in their hearts and in their manner. In fact, in another season the Summerfest will be upon us again, and they will again be welcome to partake of the festivities, as they were last year.

uKulwa. Brother.
I have no argument with you. I am willing to share southeastern Imray with you. I make no claim to sole possesion of the land.

Please. Reconsider your desire for empire.
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Post by uKulwa »

Unzen wrote:As for the crusaders, god of War, they apparently are not cognizant of the history of amity between you and I. They will be taught that history.
My thanks. *bows* I expect nothing less of the honourable.
O-Gon-Cho wrote:Your courteous tone is welcome, despite the words it conveys.
I have no reason to be other than courteous. I hold you no ill will. All things begin and end in strife. Thus it has ever been and always will be. Each fulfills our purpose, to struggle against that at least is folly.
O-Gon-Cho wrote:As for Raucous, you merely triggered a defense to your full attack upon Zendra led by your Aspected prophet. He would not attack your camp until Zendra was attacked first.
Oh, I do not fault you nor hold it against you. I was merely amused at the facility with which you would combine peace and violence.
O-Gon-Cho wrote:
uKulwa wrote: So be it. Zendra lies under siege. No person, and no provisions, may enter the city, and none may leave. If at any time you wish to surrender the city, I guarantee all your worshippers safe passage and peace. Until then, a state of War shall exist between us.

And this is different from what your impis have been doing for the past year?
You misunderstand me. In the past, they merely remained close, got in the way of trade if they could, made nuisances of themselves. Now full siege is invested. Any who try to enter or leave will be killed. I hope your people have full store houses from bountiful harvests. Or that you have been rationing your supplies.
O-Gon-Cho wrote:uKulwa. Brother.
I have no argument with you. I am willing to share southeastern Imray with you. I make no claim to sole possesion of the land.

Please. Reconsider your desire for empire.
I have no argument with you. Leave the mainland of southern Imray and there will be no need for conflict. My prophet will sue for peace on bended knee. Once the city is mine.

You have many other cities, other lands. Why do you begrudge me this one?
All Things Begin and End in Strife.
Msasi Haogopi Mwiba.

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Post by Unzen »

“Assistant, are you writing a novel about me?”

“Exarch?”, said Pilat.

“An interesting tale you weave”, the Exarch mused.

The Exarch looked at the writing of his assistant:
Nijal waited in the chamber that he used for his research with other members of the guild. Hidden in plain sight from the locals of Ermnyth in the old crypt mansions favored by an earlier, almost forgotten dynasty of Ermnyth royalty, here he pursued his studies in necromancy. It didn’t hurt that the rumor that evil creatures roamed the grounds of the crypt mansions and would punish those who would come to rob the old dead. Nijal and the other vangorth members of the guild made sure that that rumor would keep out undesirables.

Now all that had changed. The gods were returning to Eiren, and on top of that, the Prophet of the Undead god himself had made Ermnyth his headquarters. An orc named Varmor. Nijal sent his human assistant to the great assembly that the Prophet of the Undead god, a god named Unzen. He reported of the great emotion of the event and the fervor of the participants. It would make the cityfolk less fearful of the guild’s ruses, that was for sure.

Nijal had wondered how long it would take for Varmor to seek him out. What would the prophet of Unzen desire of the Exarch of the Vangorth guild of Ermnyth? Nijal could guess. The other eighteen members of the Guild in Ermnyth, were silent in anticipation of the meeting. Never great in numbers, the guild formed in the turmoil following the end of the last age of the gods. The guild was a reaction to the tearing of Eiren and the creation of the abyss. Though skilled in the arts of necromancy, they realized that the threat of unbalance was so great that they had to use their arts to combat the chaos of the creatures of the Abyss. At times, though the oblivious inhabitants of Eiren’s cities knew it not, the guild was the last defense of the living world against the Abyss’ nightmare.

Nijal’s assistant opened the door to the chamber and in walked Varmor, Prophet of Unzen, motioning to his guards to stay outside.

Nijal could see at once that Varmor was one of the new dead, one who had been brought back shortly after death - within a day’s time. Thus if he was an orator, he would retain his speaking ability. If he was a swordsman he would still be a formidable swordsman. Varmor could expect to maintain nearly all functions of movement, speech and memory and of action from his previous life. Only a slight blankness of gaze betrayed his state. With a longer period of time between death and undeath, the function of speech and reflex would rapidly degrade until one could be called one of the old dead, capable of comprehension but not of speech or reflexive movement with out the help of a skilled necromancer. Without the help of one, the soul would be trapped voiceless in the undead body. It was clear to Nijal, as he had hoped, that Varmor, and Unzen his god, wanted the aid of the Guild in giving the old dead the capabilities of the new dead.

Varmor then addressed the Guild.

“You know now why I have come. I was aware of many of your assistants presence, but you yourselves I knew would not be there.” Varmor said. “I know full well that you are aware that I am one of the new dead. I know full well that you have the ability of making the old dead like unto the new dead. You have toiled long in the shadows. My god, Unzen, Lord of the Bridge, will require that you take a more visible role in the defense of Eiren.”

It then seemed to Nijal like he was outside of himself, carried away by a vision of purpose. A vast host of undead souls in great array stood before his sight. And there, upon a great black horse, sounding a great horn, was a god in armor, leading the undead and the living into a great battle to heal Eiren. Then the vision faded. But looking around at the faces of the others of the Guild, he could tell that they shared the vision.

“I will need your aid in contacting the other branches of your guild.” Varmor stated. “For the gods begin to move upon Eiren and we must muster for the cause.”
“Is it not, essentially, what you told me of about your first meeting with the Daiymo Prophet?”, said the assistant.

“It is. Perhaps, though, I should have found an assistant who does not write down the content of secret meetings for any to find. Though, no harm is done now. You have other duties to attend to. Now is a good time to do them.”, the Exarch said.
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Post by Madadeva »

My lady of Fate; I have received your message.

I apologize that I did not talk with you before posting my accusation. It was unseemly and I ask your forgiveness and continued friendship. *bows deeply*

I certainly know that our followers can betray us ... and indeed, others can falsely try to implicate our followers. My only defense is my sadness and rage at the loss of my prophet and shock at the unwarranted relentless attacks of others on my people.

I will not again accuse you so unjustly.
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Post by Unzen »

Doartz adjusted the collar of his ceremonial uniform of the guard. It was uncomfortable in the blazing heat of the desert, but Tival, the ambassador of the Daiymo, had told him that they were now close enough to The Stile that they should don their dress gear. So this morning Doartz, the commander of the escort, had to tell his grumbling orcs to dress up in the impractical get up and to unfurl the two banners. One was the banner of the Daiymo and the other signifying to all that this was a diplomatic mission. Hopefully, the denizens of The Stile would respect that. However, Tival seemed unconcerned as the small band marched in the desert.

Tival was an odd character, dressed in the scarlet and grey hooded robe that signified the Daiymo’s followers from the Guild. He’d seen Guild members when the company was posted on guard duty at the Way to the Bridge Temple. An unsettling sort they were. Mayval, Doartz’s friend from the Inner Temple Guard, told him he didn’t want to know too much about them. He couldn’t say Tival was bad company though. He kept to himself along the trip from Ermnyth, and deferred to Doartz in matters of the journey through the lordless territory, so that was about all that could be asked. He just hoped the journey would end soon so he could return to Ermnyth.

In the distance, Doartz could see the walls of The Stile. In a short time, a small troop could be discerned, coming towards them from the city. As they waited for the band to come closer, suddenly Tival spoke to him.

“Our god gives the living a unique chance.”

“What is that, Tival?”

“To serve him twice. Once among the living, and once upon returning across the bridge from death.”

What a cheerful thought, Doartz thought to himself.

“Do you think I’ll be given that chance today?”

“One like you, a soldier, should always be prepared” Tival said as he gave a thin smile of the undead, “but that sacrifice is not required today.”

“What sacrifice is, Ambassador?”

“I will need you and the escort for the time being to remain for embassy duty. The situation with the brigands make it necessary for you and the others to remain an extra season.”

“So then the rumors of the armistice being more than temporary are true?”

“There has been an agreement that we and the faithless set aside our differences, which are well known, and engage in relations that are not mutually destructive. Which means, for your part, you will have to set aside your dream of being the one to place the Daiymo’s banner upon the Great Library of The Stile.”, Tival finished, again with the thin smile.

Doartz took this in as Tival continued.

“A private mansion has been secured for us. Large enough for the escort to stay as well. The troops can perform their devotions to the great god privately on the grounds, for to do so publicly will cause us embarrassment and a certain amount of danger. The populace of The Stile has a… revulsion to the religion of all gods. Their… quirks, should be respected by us.”

“As you say, Ambassador.”

“Good. Now let us ride to meet our hosts.”, said Tival, the Ambassador of Ermnyth, as the small band continued their journey towards the looming city.
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Post by Anaya »

Devaguhya wrote:My lady of Fate; I have received your message.

I apologize that I did not talk with you before posting my accusation. It was unseemly and I ask your forgiveness and continued friendship. *bows deeply*

I certainly know that our followers can betray us ... and indeed, others can falsely try to implicate our followers. My only defense is my sadness and rage at the loss of my prophet and shock at the unwarranted relentless attacks of others on my people.

I will not again accuse you so unjustly.
My forgiveness you have. My friendship now belongs to no one.
When you reach a crossroad
Fate is the path you choose to walk
And Fate is the path down which you are thrust
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Post by Zephyr »

Well... In case there's anyone who didn't know this was coming. :lol: I am no longer in the Sunrise Court. I had been in both courts, for different reasons. But, ultimately, I do not want to be in either. The overwhelmingly main reason is that I do not want anyone to not work with me just because it would help the court that they are NOT in.

Of course, with the world going to hell now, I don't suppose it matters much. Still, I wanted to make it known.
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an Carraig
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Post by an Carraig »

Anaya wrote:
Devaguhya wrote:My lady of Fate; I have received your message.

I apologize that I did not talk with you before posting my accusation. It was unseemly and I ask your forgiveness and continued friendship. *bows deeply*

I certainly know that our followers can betray us ... and indeed, others can falsely try to implicate our followers. My only defense is my sadness and rage at the loss of my prophet and shock at the unwarranted relentless attacks of others on my people.

I will not again accuse you so unjustly.
My forgiveness you have. My friendship now belongs to no one.
be that as it may, Anaya, know this. you are not now, nor have you ever been considered an enemy of the Sunset Court.

you have done me a great service and i am in your debt.
crime pays the rock
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Eugen Razvan
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Post by Eugen Razvan »

Zephyr wrote:Well... In case there's anyone who didn't know this was coming. :lol: I am no longer in the Sunrise Court. I had been in both courts, for different reasons. But, ultimately, I do not want to be in either. The overwhelmingly main reason is that I do not want anyone to not work with me just because it would help the court that they are NOT in.

Of course, with the world going to hell now, I don't suppose it matters much. Still, I wanted to make it known.
The lamb has separated from the flock, and the hungry wolves close in for the kill . . . *sigh* Had I such immediate desires, I would relish that fantasy.
Last edited by Eugen Razvan on Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Eugen Razvan
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Post by Eugen Razvan »

Amplarx wrote:Some of my followers were attacked by Yekiths on Nyitha while on a peacful mission.
A peaceful mission? How curious? My followers found them armed and armoured, with signs of looting. When we tried to arrest them peacefully, they slaughtered some of my people. How dare you condone such actions.

But let me get to the more important issue, dear God of Vengeance. In the Second Age my prophet was the King. The Cult of Nor Yekith was therefore seated with church and state; any issue of border - that is material matters - can be fundamentally understood in the same way that any issues of faith are explained within the ecunemical teachings of my cults. Therefore, my - and the King's - governance over the material world was apparent and understood by all. Contrawise, had I chosen my prophet from lesser animal stock - say a peasant or outcast - the issue of what constitutes my rule and my governance is not so apparent and therefore fraught with difficulties.

We have such a difficulty now.

I selected a renegade priest, the Honoured Noryek, as my prophet for the simple reason that he was best able to bring me back into Eiran. As it is with every desperate act in life, there is a cost. The cost this time is that there is no claim to State; any governance of the world must simply come through martial or mutative action. The borders are consequently established by expanding a front of conquered cities and towns, or mutated landscape. I cannot lay claim to any territory through sovereignty because of the fundamental issue that the Honoured Noryek has no birthright to these lands.

It does not require a large effort of reason to understand that there is no state - no Nor Pupae - no borders, no right to land. Therefore, I have no made claim to what is mine. I simply began a conquest of land for the fundamental and necessary fact of expanding flesh production. In this regard, I have been blinded; a vast hunger for resources has been met by an equally great desire for security, and matched by an 'impressive neglect' of concepts such as borders and state.

I have come to the inescapable conclusion that your followers have not led an incursion into my lands, for the reasons outlined above. I will not argue you have 'invaded my territories'. In that regard, I have no no ill-will for you sending your followers into these lands, armed and armoured.

But for the crime of slaying my followers when we attempted to peacefully detain them, I hereby announce their forced mutation unless a suitable recompense is offered.
Last edited by Eugen Razvan on Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Eugen Razvan »

Keev Furaha wrote:Nor Yekith, I would appreciate it if you would try to reign in your zealots and keep them from slaughtering my people.
I will order my followers to mutate more suitable targets.
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Post by Amplarx »

Nor Yekith wrote:
Amplarx wrote:Some of my followers were attacked by Yekiths on Nyitha while on a peacful mission.
A peaceful mission? How curious? My followers found them armed and armoured, with signs of looting. When we tried to arrest them peacefully, they slaughtered some of my people. How dare you condone such actions.

My people were armed and armoured as a matter of course. To travel in foreign lands unprepared is foolish, and clearly in this case, the precaution was necessary.

You establish that you have no claim over this land, and that my followers are not guilty of an incursion.

Why were your people attempting to arrest them then?

I will not allow the prisoners to be mutated. If you attempt to do so, there may be trouble between us.
Conduct yourself always with honour.
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Keev Furaha
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Post by Keev Furaha »

Thank you Nor for promising to control your fanatics. Zephyr, I agree about the courts. I don't want to feel I can't trust or befriend another diety freely because they are in "opposing" courts. I am considering becoming unaligned as well. I appreciate and love all the members of my court but I feel that the court system overall is limiting.
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Post by Arcadia »

Keev, this is the same reason that I ultimately left the court system.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. There is no fear in love; for perfect love cast out fear.
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