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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Some of them are freaking out because they may wind up being the subjects of Russiagate charges Barr will ultimately file. Using foreign operatives against a political opponent and then trying to impeach a sitting POTUS on weak charges? Impeachment is supposed to be for important things, not the flimsy reasons they used in January.

Congress has assumed far too much power for itself. They should no longer be allowed to summon and interrogate anyone they want to for any reason at all, including "we don't like your boss".

If I were Barr, tomorrow I would answer "executive privilege" to every question, then when they threaten "contempt of Congress" remind that that that is a Federal crime for which the POTUS may issue a pardon.
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Post by wayfriend »

At a coronavirus briefing yesterday, Trump was asked why he was retweeting the opinions of a doctor who claims that masks are not necessary to prevent spreading COVID-19 and that hydroxychloroquine cures it - and who also says that medicine is made from alien DNA, that gynecological problems are caused by sex with demons, that the government is run by reptilians, and that they are making a vaccine to prevent being religious.

Trump said "I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her."

Then he walked out of the briefing.

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Post by TheFallen »

wayfriend wrote:At a coronavirus briefing yesterday, Trump was asked why he was retweeting the opinions of a doctor who claims that masks are not necessary to prevent spreading COVID-19 and that hydroxychloroquine cures it - and who also says that medicine is made from alien DNA, that gynecological problems are caused by sex with demons, that the government is run by reptilians, and that they are making a vaccine to prevent being religious.

Trump said "I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her."

Then he walked out of the briefing.
I upthread wrote:And even now, I still maintain that Biden and the Dems are incapable of winning the White House for themselves later this year. However, unfortunately for Pubs, Trump is still capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and losing the November election.

Basically, the only person who can cost Trump a second term is Trump.
It has to be said that gropy great-uncle Joe's care workers are doing a much better job here, in terms of keeping him out of the public eye as much as possible, so his Alzheimer's-related fast-growing state of confusion isn't rammed down people's throats on primetime TV.

I bet Pub High Command wishes that the handlers that have been assigned to Trump had such an ability...

Seriously guys... are these two the creme de la creme of candidates for the presidency? The very best that a global Western superpower of over 330 million inhabitants can come up with? That is a really depressing thought...
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

Shockingly, some people have claimed that I'm egocentric... but hey, enough about them

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Post by Obi-Wan Nihilo »

TheFallen wrote:Seriously guys... are these two the creme de la creme of candidates for the presidency? The very best that a global Western superpower of over 330 million inhabitants can come up with? That is a really depressing thought...
In 2016 the Democrat party managed to find a candidate so unlikeable, and run a campaign so inept, that DJT was able to be handily elected. In 2020 they've nominated a dementia-riddled, handsy plagiarist who's got a record of failing to get elected president.

4 more years of Trump is far preferable to the hell that the corporate-owned, woke neocons backing Biden will give us, but still.....
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Post by wayfriend »

TheFallen wrote:
wayfriend wrote:Best. President. Ever.
It has to be said that gropy great-uncle Joe's care workers are doing a much better job here...
I will presume that this Whataboutism reflects an inability to defend the president coupled with a instinctual desire to criticize someone for criticizing the president.

Whatever happened to "Yes, that really was bad." ?
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Post by TheFallen »

WF, surely you must realise that "whataboutism" is literally inevitable in any binary choice two horse race. After all, it's exactly why your paragon of virtue and goodness, St. Hillary iof Corruptia lost four years ago.

Here's what the US electorate were saying to themselves back in 2016. "Man but Trump's a complete dick... but hold up a second... what about Hillary?" Yes, she got viewed as the greater of two evils. And yes, you really did even manage to get beaten by Trump. Trump of all people, ffs. You couldn't even clear that ground-level bar, you Dem bozos. That remains staggeringly shocking - but to this day you simply cannot bring yourself to work out why. Because to do so would mean the Dems having to realise some truths about themselves.

"It must have been the Russians!"... "It must have been the deplorables!"... "Whatever it was, it can't have been the Dems' fault!"... Bzzzzt. Wrong. Your candidate was viewed as even worse than Trump. Deal with it and learn from it (if you can).

As for not being prepared to criticize Trump? Seriously? I've repeatedly said that the guy sets an unthinkably low bar and is such an egotistical and mindless buffoon that he's by FAR the most likely reason as to why he may lose in November.

I think you'll find that I'm more than happy to heap criticism on both sides - because God knows, to do so is more than justified in my book.

I also think you'd find - if you ever dared look in a mirror and grow some self-awareness, that is - that you're every bit as polarised and blinkered as the accusations you heap on those who don't quite believe that dribbling Great Uncle gropy Joe is the new Messiah and answer to all right-thinking Americans' prayers.

I've never once seen you pass any less than fawning comment about whoever the latest Dem figurehead happens to be. Ideologically blind much?

Anyone with the faintest scintilla of objectivity knows that this time the Dems, upon being faced with a misogynistic, uberprivileged, white male septuagenarian lunatic, have decided that they should field a misogynistic, uberprivileged, white male septuagenarian dotard. Great thinking, Dems. What a fabulous alternative choice you're offering to the US electorate... howling fuckwits. Have you learnt nothing?

Or is it simply that your self-assigned intellectual and moral certainty makes you all utterly incapable of even allowing the slightest possibility that you can ever get anything wrong?

Last edited by TheFallen on Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

Shockingly, some people have claimed that I'm egocentric... but hey, enough about them

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

TheFallen wrote:Or is it simply that your self-assigned intellectual and moral certainty makes you all utterly incapable of even allowing the slightest possibility that you can ever get anything wrong?

There is a sign planted atop Moral High Ground Hill that says "if you are here then you are beyond reproach". What people who love to linger there don't realize is that there are other hills around them which are of a higher elevation than theirs.

Seriously--the Democrats are looking forward to four years of a POTUS who doesn't know what day of the week it is, what meeting he is in, or why everyone is wearing pants when he though this was "casual day".
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Post by Obi-Wan Nihilo »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote:
TheFallen wrote:Or is it simply that your self-assigned intellectual and moral certainty makes you all utterly incapable of even allowing the slightest possibility that you can ever get anything wrong?

There is a sign planted atop Moral High Ground Hill that says "if you are here then you are beyond reproach". What people who love to linger there don't realize is that there are other hills around them which are of a higher elevation than theirs.

Seriously--the Democrats are looking forward to four years of a POTUS who doesn't know what day of the week it is, what meeting he is in, or why everyone is wearing pants when he though this was "casual day".
It's because they're fanatics, and fanatics can't ever admit they're wrong.

Seriously, Obama's been out of office for less than 4 years, and history's already unkind to him. Look at how little respect and/or deference he got during the Dem primaries. But instead of reflecting on that, the 8 years of Obama have been memory-holed. Hillary lost to Donald freaking Trump, but that was everyone's fault but hers. The GOP idiotically ran 17 candidates in the 2016 primaries, so in 2020 the Democrats said, "hold my beer and watch this" and ran 29.

But the empty vessels will continue to carry the inept water of their betters because to admit they're wrong is apostasy, and that's a mortal sin.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Obi-Wan Nihilo wrote:But the empty vessels will continue to carry the inept water of their betters because to admit they're wrong is apostasy, and that's a mortal sin.
I have said before--as have others--that the beliefs held by Democrats are based on faith and have the same emotional fervor and intensity as deeply-held religious beliefs. In other words, it is a religion, not a political movement. That explains why they get so upset when anyone dares to disagree--disagreement equates to heresy and makes the disbeliever an infidel, worthy only of scorn and debasement.
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Post by Zarathustra »

wayfriend wrote:At a coronavirus briefing yesterday, Trump was asked why he was retweeting the opinions of a doctor who claims that masks are not necessary to prevent spreading COVID-19 and that hydroxychloroquine cures it - and who also says that medicine is made from alien DNA, that gynecological problems are caused by sex with demons, that the government is run by reptilians, and that they are making a vaccine to prevent being religious.

Trump said "I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her."

Then he walked out of the briefing.

Best. President. Ever.
I actually agree with you. Anyone who holds supernatural beliefs should be publicly shamed and not be taken seriously on any issue whatsoever. I mean, if they believe supernatural stuff, how can we trust their judgment?

Now, will you tell Wos to take his shtick to the Close? Let's go further: will you stand against voting for anyone--or taking any doctor seriously--who believes something as irrational and supernatural as some god creating the universe? Surely that is a greater supernatural claim than, say, sex with demons causing health issues. Or, what is the difference between thinking that we all have magical fuzzy things inside us called a "soul" and that medicine is made from alien DNA?

Everyone thinks their crazy is perfectly normal. It's other people's crazy you have to worry about.

If the Right was shaming an African American doctor for political reasons, you'd be the first one here screaming about White Nationalism and racism.
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Post by Wosbald »

Zarathustra wrote:
wayfriend wrote:At a coronavirus briefing yesterday, Trump was asked why he was retweeting the opinions of a doctor who claims that masks are not necessary to prevent spreading COVID-19 and that hydroxychloroquine cures it - and who also says that medicine is made from alien DNA, that gynecological problems are caused by sex with demons, that the government is run by reptilians, and that they are making a vaccine to prevent being religious.

Trump said "I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her."

Then he walked out of the briefing.

Best. President. Ever.
I actually agree with you. Anyone who holds supernatural beliefs should be ...

Now, will you tell Wos to take his shtick ...

Sounds to me like you got a bad case of WOS (Wosbald Obsession Syndrome).

I think they make a lotion for that. 🧴

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Yeah, you tell'im heathen!!!
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Post by Zarathustra »

Wosbald wrote: Sounds to me like you got a bad case of WOS (Wosbald Obsession Syndrome).
Criticism doesn't equal obsession. Obsession is, "the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc." You are obviously obsessed with the opinions of religious figures, specifically Catholic figures. You are so obsessed, that you NEVER post anything but the opinions of these religious figures, even on things which aren't religious (like politics). You are apparently making the fallacious argument:

Because these men have religious beliefs that I think are true, their opinions on other matters unrelated to religion must be also true.

Not only have you accepted political opinions of men who hold wacky supernatural beliefs (and therefore should be questioned/dismissed/mocked, based on the Wayfriend Principle implied by his post above), but you give weight to their opinions precisely because of these supernatural beliefs which they hold. It's even worse than the criticism WF is aiming at Trump. It would be the same as if not only had Trump endorsed the medical opinion of someone who believes in demon sex, but thinks their medical opinion is correct in virtue of their belief in demon sex.

Besides, you're missing my larger point. If someone says they believe in an all powerful magical being who is responsible for literally everything in the universe (and beyond), we not only elect them for our highest office, but we also allow them to perform surgery on us and trust them to prescribe medicine. Why isn't that crazy?

How many people mocking this African doctor believe in the power of prayer to help them heal? Be honest. If you think this doctor is crazy but you believe in little magical spells you say in your head are going to invoke an omnipotent being to intervene in your cancer, then you're a hypocrite.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Zarathustra wrote:Besides, you're missing my larger point. If someone says they believe in an all powerful magical being who is responsible for literally everything in the universe (and beyond), we not only elect them for our highest office, but we also allow them to perform surgery on us and trust them to prescribe medicine. Why isn't that crazy?
Some delusions are harmless and/or merely quirky: "if I use my lucky card sleeves I will do well at this week's FNM event", "when the squirrels are barking they are talking to me", "wearing a mask all the time will completely protect me from corona", "I believe in God". Some delusions are noticeable and clearly note the delusion-believer as odd: "magic is real", "the Illuminati are real", "pulling down a statue will heal racial harm". Some delusions are acutally dangerous: "vaccines cause autism", "Socialism is good for a country", "all white people are racist".

The point is that we all have delusions we believe are real, we just need to make sure that our delusions are not the harmful ones--belief in God is not harmful, thinking that your job is to eradicate witches in God's name is exceedingly harmful.

Wosbald's delusions are of the "not harmful" category.
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Post by TheFallen »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote:Wosbald's delusions are of the "not harmful" category.
I beg to differ. They are harmful.

They're harmful to my will to live. He's never posted an original thought or opinion here in his life - just reams and reams of copy n paste utterly one-sided propaganda. I fear that I may one day shoot myself out of boredom.
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

Shockingly, some people have claimed that I'm egocentric... but hey, enough about them

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Post by sgt.null »

Luckily for all of you I am the bastion of sanity. I am the arbiter of the middle ground. I mean it took me years of reading WF's garbage posts before I finally snapped. Any lesser man would have lost it years ago.

And I cant say Wosbold bothers me much because I cant be arsed to read his cut n paste epic posts. I do know he believes me a bad Catholic for not falling in lock step with the current antipope in the making.
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Post by peter »

Trump's suggestion that now is not a good time for an election making news in the UK. That and his trailing in the polls in Texas. We know our bogeymen when we see them!

Your politicians screwed you over and you are suprised by this?

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Post by sgt.null »

After Hilary and the polls from last time, why are we still believing in polls?
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Post by Wosbald »

sgt.null wrote:[...]

... I do know he believes me a bad Catholic for not falling in lock step with the current antipope in the making.
I can't say I've given much thought to the quality of "docility and sincerity" in your reception of PP. Francis' Ordinary Magisterium, but -- boy howdy! -- that's some brash lingo, right there.

Even if you're finding the assimilation of his magisterial teaching to be a trying experience (there's no fault in that), I'd think about dialing-down the rhetoric a few notches.

My :2c:

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

TheFallen wrote:They're harmful to my will to live. He's never posted an original thought or opinion here in his life - just reams and reams of copy n paste utterly one-sided propaganda. I fear that I may one day shoot myself out of boredom.
I don't read them but I do give some of them a quick browse just in case one of them is suggesting something stupid.
Wosbald wrote: I'd think about dialing-down the rhetoric a few notches.
Why should he?
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