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Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:30 am
by sindatur
Vanja the Gravelingas wrote:hyarmion wrote:Who Is The FATAL REVENANT?
Isn't that a bit like watching the Star Wars pre-quels and asking "Who is the Phantom Menace?"
No,because it's obvious who it is in Start Wars,but in TCTC there are several characters who could be Fatal Revenants,each in his/her own way. The trick is to figure out to who EXACTLY was SRD referring to.
In SW (Phantom Menace),you have only 2 "candidates" - out of which only one presents a direct threat.
I take it you think TC is the Fatal Revenant?
Yea, everyone knows the Phantom Menace in Star Wars prequels is Jar Jar Binks
The Fatal Revenant could be any number of folks under any number of interpretations of the words
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:35 am
by woodzter
"I'll go back to the multiple, layered meaning of FR. SRD has never made it easy to discern his intent, and usually he crafts language that speaks to multiple meanings. "
I agree that Fatal Revenant means more than one thing. That seems to be SRD's way and there are ample arguments to support both TC and LA; however I think the fact that TC does not arrive until the end of the FR book means nothing- the whole four book series is called the Last Chronicles of TC showing that even though he has been absent it is all really about him.
I have one more possible meaning. Perhaps Fatal Revenant refers to SRD's fear that in ressurecting the TC series he has overdone it and now the whole TC thing might be jumping the shark! In that case, the Revenant is the whole idea of bringing this story about the land back. Like Ali and Frazier SRD may be afraid that he just didn't know when to get out of the ring with the Covenant Thing.
Then, factor in the way in which he uses time travel, heretofore considered the ownership of SF rather than Fantasy, and there is this huge question if this series is has jumped the shark. I don't think that is really happening as I have really enjoyed the first two books, but I'm saying that this could be another meaning for the title of this second book because really the verdict is still out on the whole effort.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:52 pm
by Vraith
This is all kinda a way it's not trying to figure out a char., it's trying to figure out just how tricky SRD is, and betting on his hidden cards
For what it's worth, it could, "Literally" be anyone or thing brought from the past that leads to death from now on...LF might qualify [not really gone, but ineffective for a long time] Kast. [combined with Roger..he being the fatal part, combined with the "revenant" of Kast, his hand] The Staff of Law itself, the Viles or Demondim, the Illearth Stone [this is really close to the literal title, if you look at it closely], the "missing" Raver [the Sandgorgons carry it's power, and are surely fatal]...lots more.
Huh..perhaps that's exactly the point: power(s) from the past are almost ALWAYS ill-suited to the way things are now. Maybe everything from the past is implicated in the deaths now and future.
Just how tricky is he?