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I'm an Englishman currently living in Essex (sigh). I'm interested in films, TV, PC games, music and playing the guitar. Currently on Wikipedia I'm interested in contributing to articles on history, although to be honest I generally just pick what comes to my fancy at the time!

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Post by Montresor »

Test equipment used by real ghost hunters. Will you encounter paranormal activity during ... Paranormal Australia lists the best ghost tours in Australia. ...

"For the love of God, Montresor!"
"Yes," I said, "for the love of God!" - Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado.

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Post by Loredoctor »


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Acute porphyria
The acute, or hepatic, porphyrias primarily affect the nervous system, resulting in abdominal pain, vomiting, acute neuropathy, muscle weakness, seizures, and mental disturbances, including hallucinations, depression, anxiety, and paranoia. Cardiac arrhythmias and tachycardia (fast heart rate) may develop as the autonomic nervous system is affected. Pain can be severe and can, in some cases, be both acute and chronic in nature. Constipation is frequently present, as the nervous system of the gut is affected, but diarrhea can also occur.

Given the many presentations and the relatively uncommon occurrence of porphyria the patient may initially be suspected to have other, unrelated conditions. For instance, the polyneuropathy of acute porphyria may be mistaken for Guillain-Barré syndrome, and porphyria testing is commonly recommended in those scenarios.[4] Systemic lupus erythematosus features photosensitivity, pain attacks and shares various other symptoms with porphyria.[5]

Not all porphyrias are genetic, and patients with liver disease who develop porphyria as a result of liver dysfunction may exhibit other signs of their condition, such as jaundice.
Patients with acute porphyria (PCT, AIP, HCP, VP) are at increased risk over their life for hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer) and may require monitoring. Other typical risk factors for liver cancer need not be present.

[edit]Cutaneous porphyria
The cutaneous, or erythropoietic, porphyrias primarily affect the skin, causing photosensitivity (photodermatitis), blisters, necrosis of the skin and gums, itching, and swelling, and increased hair growth on areas such as the forehead. Often there is no abdominal pain, distinguishing it from other porphyrias.

In some forms of porphyria, accumulated heme precursors excreted in the urine may cause various changes in color, after exposure to sunlight, to a dark reddish or dark brown color. Even a purple hue or red urine may be seen.


Waddley wrote:your Highness Sir Dr. Loredoctor, PhD, Esq, the Magnificent, First of his name, Second Cousin of Dragons, White-Gold-Plate Wielder!
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This paper presents an alternating circuit topology of phase-shifting by means of reactor instead of transformer.


The principle of phase-shifting, structure of phase-shifting reactor and choice of the optimal phase shifting angle?
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Unsere Konstitution erklärt die gelegentlich, der Präsident gibt zu den Kongreßinformationen über den Zustand unseres Anschlußes. Für zweihundert und Zwanzig Jahre haben unsere Führer diese Aufgabe erfüllt. Sie haben so während der Zeiträume des Wohlstandes und der Ruhe getan. Und sie haben so inmitten des Krieges und des Tiefstands getan; an den Momenten des großen Streits und des großen Kampfes.
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La coalition bleue Democratic de chien est un groupe de actuellement 54 membres conservateurs de parti Democratic de la chambre des représentants des Etats-Unis, d'abord formée en 1995. [1] [2] la coalition bleue de chien se décrit en tant que groupe de Democrats modéré-à-conservateurs commis à la sécurité financière et nationale, favorisant le compromis et le bipartisme au-dessus de la discipline d'idéologie et de partie. [3] En 2006, des candidats bleus de chien tels que Jason Altmire, bruyère Shuler, et Brad Ellsworth ont été élus dans les zones de conservateur-penchement, finissant des années de dominance républicaine dans ces secteurs. Le groupe est l'équivalent approximatif de l'association républicaine de rue principale.
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Daniel era nascido janeiro em 18, 1782, a Ebenezer e a Abigail Webster (née Eastman) em Salisbúria, de New-Hampshire, agora parte da cidade de Franklin. Lá e seus nove irmãos foram levantados em seu parents' cultive, um pacote de terra pequeno concedido a seu pai. Daniel Webster' o great-great-grandfather de s era Thomas Webster [4] (1631-1715), que era nascido em St. Margaret de Ormesby, Norfolk, Inglaterra e estabelecido em de New-Hampshire. Porque Daniel era um " child" doentio; , sua família concedeu-o, isentando o dos rigores ásperos da vida da exploração agrícola de Nova Inglaterra do século XVIII. [5

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Post by sgt.null »


Die itsy-bitsy Spinne Oben geklettert der Wassertülle kam unten der Regen Und gewaschen der Spinne heraus kam heraus die Sonne Und getrocknet herauf den ganzen Regen und die itsy-bitsy Spinne kletterte oben die Tülle wieder
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Post by sgt.null »

? . Finden Sie das beste Geschenk für einen 7 Einjahresjungen. junges Geschenkbild durch Paul Moore von Fotolia.com die besten Geschenke für die 7 Einjahresjungen sind- eine, die in ihre besonderen Interessen klopfen. Jungen dieses Alter sind aktiv bereit, neugierig und zum Abenteuer. Siebenjährige Jungen mögen Spielwaren, die sie ein Teil der Tätigkeit erhalten kreativ und sein lassen. Ob you' Reeinkaufen für Ihren Sohn, Neffeen oder ein friend' s-Kind, it' gute Idee S.-A., die besonderen Interessen der 7 Einjahres herauszufinden. Dieses kann gehen ein langer Weg, wenn es Ihnen hilft, das beste Geschenk zu wählen.

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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

In the late 1970s Great Britain was going through difficult times due to a poor economy, frequent strikes and shortages. Progressive rock with its exotic, literary topics had nothing to say to British youth growing up in that era.[16] Punk rock a simpler and more aggressive style of rock that emerged in this era and disco which also emerged during this period helped move critical opinion and popular support in the UK away from progressive rock ending the genre's reign as a leading style there.[17][18]

However, established progressive bands still had a strong fan base; Rush, Genesis, ELP, Yes, Queen, and Pink Floyd all regularly scored Top Ten albums with massive accompanying tours, the largest yet for some of them.

sgt.null, may I save your pic above for wallpaper purposes, and the one with spirals?
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Post by sgt.null »

it is from the webs - have away...


The Kingwood Football League (KFL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing our area youth with a football and cheerleading program committed to its mission of instilling in all participants good sportsmanship, teamwork, integrity, honesty, and cooperation.

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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »


The will was holograph, for Mr. Utterson, though he took charge of it now that it was made, had refused to lend the least assistance in the making of it; it provided not only that, in case of the decease of Henry Jekyll, M.D., D.C.L., L.L.D., F.R.S., etc., all his possessions were to pass into the hands of his "friend and benefactor Edward Hyde," but that in case of Dr. Jekyll's "disappearance or unexplained absence for any period exceeding three calendar months," the said Edward Hyde should step into the said Henry Jekyll's shoes without further delay and free from any burthen or obligation beyond the payment of a few small sums to the members of the doctor's household. This document had long been the lawyer's eyesore. It offended him both as a lawyer and as a lover of the sane and customary sides of life, to whom the fanciful was the immodest. And hitherto it was his ignorance of Mr. Hyde that had swelled his indignation; now, by a sudden turn, it was his knowledge. It was already bad enough when the name was but a name of which he could learn no more. It was worse when it began to be clothed upon with detestable attributes; and out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend.
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Post by sgt.null »

A ship journeys from the east, Muspell's people are coming,
over the waves, and Loki steers
There are the monstrous brood with all the raveners,
The brother of Byleist is in company with them

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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »


"Folks aoutside hev their stories abaout us - s'pose you've heerd a plenty on 'em, seein' what questions ye ast - stories abaout things they've seed naow an' then, an' abaout that queer joolry as still comes in from somewhars an' ain't quite all melted up - but nothin' never gits def'nite. Nobody'll believe nothin'. They call them gold-like things pirate loot, an' allaow the Innsmouth folks hez furren blood or is dis-tempered or somethin'. Beside, them that lives here shoo off as many strangers as they kin, an' encourage the rest not to git very cur'ous, specially raound night time. Beasts balk at the critters - hosses wuss'n mules - but when they got autos that was all right.
"In 'forty-six Cap'n Obed took a second wife that nobody in the taown never see - some says he didn't want to, but was made to by them as he'd called in - had three children by her - two as disappeared young, but one gal as looked like anybody else an' was eddicated in Europe. Obed finally got her married off by a trick to an Arkham feller as didn't suspect nothin'. But nobody aoutside'll hav nothin' to do with Innsmouth folks naow. Barnabas Marsh that runs the refin'ry now is Obed's grandson by his fust wife - son of Onesiphorus, his eldest son, but his mother was another o' them as wa'n't never seen aoutdoors.
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Post by sgt.null »

hum sound made hum word less tone mouth complete close, force sound nose. hum produce sound, often melody. difficult hum Hum some time use keep melody sing lyric.pinch close few second.[original research?] keep volume low level, hum rare use music product, some exception such cat sing and vocables.


first dynamo base Far day prince built Hippo Pixie, French strum make. use permanent magnet rotate crank. spin magnet position north south pole pass piece iron wrap insulate wire. Pixie found spin magnet produce pulse current wire time pole pass coil. ever, north south poles magnet induce current opposite direction. convert alternate current direct, Pixie invent commute, split metal cylinder shaft, spring metal contact press against.
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And it was at this moment that there occurred a most strange and unexpected thing. We had risen from our rocks and were turning to go home, having abandoned the hopeless chase. The moon was low upon the right, and the jagged pinnacle of a granite tor stood up against the lower curve of its silver disc. There, outlined as black as an ebony statue on that shining background, I saw the figure of a man upon the tor. Do not think that it was a delusion, Holmes. I assure you that I have never in my life seen anything more clearly. As far as I could judge, the figure was that of a tall, thin man. He stood with his legs a little separated, his arms folded, his head bowed, as if he were brooding over that enormous wilderness of peat and granite which lay before him. He might have been the very spirit of that terrible place. It was not the convict. This man was far from the place where the latter had disappeared. Besides, he was a much taller man. With a cry of surprise I pointed him out to the baronet, but in the instant during which I had turned to grasp his arm the man was gone. There was the sharp pinnacle of granite still cutting the lower edge of the moon, but its peak bore no trace of that silent and motionless figure.
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This video destroys my faith in humanity.
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32 people are men WITH hats.
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What a classic song ever along with THE SAFETY DANCE
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i like his pants and the snowman is kinda scary...
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This was supposed to happen on Friday

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There are many old wives tales about the age of turtles and tortoises, one of which being that the age of a tortoise can be deduced by counting the number of concentric rings on its carapace, much like the cross-section of a tree. This is not true, since the growth of a tortoise depends highly on the accessibility of food and water. A tortoise that has access to plenty of forage (or is regularly fed by its owner) will grow faster than a Desert Tortoise that goes days without eating.
Tortoises generally have lifespans comparable with those of human beings, and some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years. Because of this, they symbolize longevity in some cultures, such as China. The oldest tortoise ever recorded, and one of the oldest individual animals ever recorded, was Tu'i Malila, which was presented to the Tongan royal family by the British explorer Captain Cook shortly after its birth in 1777. Tui Malila remained in the care of the Tongan royal family until its death by natural causes on May 19, 1965. This means that upon its death, Tui Malila was 188 years old.[4] The record for the longest-lived vertebrate is exceeded only by one other, a koi named Hanako whose death on July 17, 1977 ended a 226 year life span.[5][dead link]
The Alipore Zoo in India was the home to Adwaita, which zoo officials claimed was the oldest living animal until its death on March 23, 2006. Adwaita (sometimes spelled with two d's) was an Aldabra Giant Tortoise brought to India by Lord Wellesley who handed it over to the Alipur Zoological Gardens in 1875 when the zoo was set up. Zoo officials state they have documentation showing that Adwaita was at least 130 years old, but claim that he was over 250 years old (although this has not been scientifically verified). Adwaita was said to be the pet of Robert Clive.[6]
Harriet was a resident at the Australia Zoo in Queensland from 1987 to her death in 2006, it was believed that she was brought to England by Charles Darwin aboard the Beagle and then on to Australia by John Clements Wickham.[7][8] Harriet died on June 23, 2006, just shy of her 176th birthday.
Timothy, a spur-thighed tortoise, lived to be approximately 165 years old. For 38 years she was carried as a mascot aboard various ships in Britain's Royal Navy. Then in 1892, at age 53 she retired to the grounds of Powderham Castle in Devon. Up to the time of her passing in 2004 she was believed to be the UK's oldest resident.
According to articles published by the Daily Mail and the Times in December 2008, Jonathan, a Seychelles Giant tortoise living on the island of St Helena may be as old as 176[9] or 178 years.[10] If this is true, he could be the current oldest living animal on Earth.
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“In that case,” said the Dodo solemnly, rising to its feet, “I move that the meeting adjourn, for the immediate adoption of more energetic remedies——”
“Speak English!” said the Eaglet. “I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and, what’s more, I don’t believe you do either!” And the Eaglet bent down its head to hide a smile: some of the other birds tittered audibly.
“What I was going to say,” said the Dodo in an offended tone, “was, that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race.”
“What is a Caucus-race?” said Alice; not that she much wanted to know, but the Dodo had paused as if it thought that somebody ought to speak, and no one else seemed inclined to say anything.
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