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Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:23 pm
by Agapé
"Hail Gimbutas!" Cerunan called back to the prophet of the G-d of Knowledge. "You're achievements amaze me each time I come this way, but mayhaps you should find a healer, for either your eyesight or memory needs to be strengthened," he jokes with a laugh. The prophet responds with a guffaw, then turns his gaze upon the silent fisherman standing next to Cerunan. "This is Jharvik of Avarit...of Ahava, a village at the end of the delta to the northwest. He and others come with their own preserved fish and salts in trade," the caravan train leader continued. The prophet's brows lifted at this, then he nodded in acceptance.

Jharvik bowed to the prophet of Serloth. "It is good to see one in commune with a G-d out working among his own people, much like my beloved back in Ahava," is how he chose to greet Gimbutas. He was still amazed by the construction of the bridge before him. "We do have preserved ocean delicacies to trade, as well as a selection of our finest salts, but what we seek in return..."

Jharvik trailed off, trying to mask his concern that what they seek far out values that which they brought to trade. Then he smiled. Standing before him was the prophet of Serloth Lorekeeper, the much talked about deity of Knowledge. If his own beloved was any example, this Gimbutas was bursting to share what he could with anyone who would listen. But bartering across a river was not the way to begin. Standing silently before the gaze of the prophet, he hoped an invitation to cross the river, in whatever manner was accessible without the bridge being completed, and to discussion would be forthcoming.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:59 am
by Dagon
Deities of the Pantheon, I make it known to you that the mountain range splitting the continent of Mekoth is now under the dominion of the sovereign la Chance bloodline, and therefore it is under my divine protection. The la Chance monarchy and I keep close watch on our mountain nation, and I caution my brothers and sisters that any attempted insurgency or conversion within our borders will be dealt with efficiently and swiftly.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:40 am
by Orlando
Deities of the Pantheon, I make it known to you that the mountain range splitting the continent of Mekoth is now under the dominion of the sovereign la Chance bloodline, and therefore it is under my divine protection. The la Chance monarchy and I keep close watch on our mountain nation, and I caution my brothers and sisters that any attempted insurgency or conversion within our borders will be dealt with efficiently and swiftly.
My, my. We are so new to Aesir and already a deity fears invasion of his property.

Well, Tepes, keep your mountains. Obviously they are of no use to me or my followers as we prefer a more watery home.

But, surely you are not opposed to trade, are you?

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:33 pm
by Lord Fulragen
Welcome brother Tepes its nice of you to grace our humble continent of Mekoth , I hope you are here to aid us in the development of this fine continent. I am willing to keep an open ear to any suggestions you might have even though we might be at different ends of the spectrum. Your brother of Healing Alcifer.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:15 am
by Dagon
Diana, you spot fear where none exists. I was merely relaying a warning, in the interest of your follower's lives. Traders are always welcome, although they will be closely monitored.

Alcifer, I appreciate your warm greetings. I assure you the only purpose of my presence in this world is to strengthen and refine. If this is your goal as well, our place in whatever fanciful spectrum you speak of is irrelevant.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:04 pm
by Serloth Lorekeeper
Agapé wrote:"Hail Gimbutas!" Cerunan called back to the prophet of the G-d of Knowledge. "You're achievements amaze me each time I come this way, but mayhaps you should find a healer, for either your eyesight or memory needs to be strengthened," he jokes with a laugh. The prophet responds with a guffaw, then turns his gaze upon the silent fisherman standing next to Cerunan. "This is Jharvik of Avarit...of Ahava, a village at the end of the delta to the northwest. He and others come with their own preserved fish and salts in trade," the caravan train leader continued. The prophet's brows lifted at this, then he nodded in acceptance.

Jharvik bowed to the prophet of Serloth. "It is good to see one in commune with a G-d out working among his own people, much like my beloved back in Ahava," is how he chose to greet Gimbutas. He was still amazed by the construction of the bridge before him. "We do have preserved ocean delicacies to trade, as well as a selection of our finest salts, but what we seek in return..."

Jharvik trailed off, trying to mask his concern that what they seek far out values that which they brought to trade. Then he smiled. Standing before him was the prophet of Serloth Lorekeeper, the much talked about deity of Knowledge. If his own beloved was any example, this Gimbutas was bursting to share what he could with anyone who would listen. But bartering across a river was not the way to begin. Standing silently before the gaze of the prophet, he hoped an invitation to cross the river, in whatever manner was accessible without the bridge being completed, and to discussion would be forthcoming.
"Hail, Cerunan! Well met, Jharvik! Come, look, the ford is still passable here" as he gestures to where the shallow ford of the river is yet clear for traffic while the bridge is being built. "He Who Is Wisdom has taught us much of preserving food, salt is simplest, of course, and we welcome what you have to trade. Come, to Vinzhest, and we shall talk. Perhaps we can make agreement...say, so much salt each season, and we shall share with you ways to preserve foods other then merely salting? FOr at the deepest blizzards of winter, naught save dried salt fish must surely grow tiresome...would not dried cakes of herbs and fruits be most welcome? And for milling grains for flour...we have ways that are far better than merely having oxen turn your millwheel. For so much of certain fish, we can build such for you."

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:57 pm
by Agapé
The relief on Jharvik's face was palpable; it appeared the prophet of Knowledge knew of Ahava's needs before he even presented them. And he was willing to accept what Ahava had to offer in return.

...or was he?

Shaking the feeling of premonition off for now, Jharvik and the others from Ahava followed Cerunan and the rest of the caravan across the ford. Let the haggling take place elsewhere. This shouting across a ford, with construction -and what construction!!- going on was ridiculous...

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:34 pm
by Seven Words

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:36 pm
by Serloth Lorekeeper
Gimbutas called over his top assistants for the project, leaving them directions and making markings on the drawings they held outlining the next several days worth of work, before turning to accompany Jharvik back to Vinzhest.

...skipping the travel time.... Vinzhest.....

"So, Jharvik, are we agreed? for 3 measures of the fish you call salmon, and 7 of the cod, as well as 5 measures of salt each season, some of our folk will come down the river with you on your return trip, to improve your mill as ours, to help you with planning and tending your crops, and see if we might be able to improve upon your boats."

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:51 pm
by Agapé
A wide grin splitting his face, Jharvik slammed his hand upon the table in front of them and said, "We are agreed!"

Then rising, and looking out towards the river where even more construction was going on, Jharvik said to the prophet of Knowledge, "Now Gimbutas. Show me these boats I have heard about. The ones I understand are not steered by paddling? How can this be?"

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:42 pm
by Serloth Lorekeeper
Ah, it is not a great secret, in truth...we but watched the fish of the river...observe how their tails turn them in the current. We then fashioned a flat piece of wood much like a tail of a fish, and mounted it to the back of the boat...we move it back and forth, as a fish moves its tail, and the boat turns. Serloth has showed us how much wisdom can be found through but watching Nature.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:40 pm
by Agapé
Jharvik's eyes widened. "Is it really so simple?" he asked, as he and the prophet headed back towards the river. As they approached, Gimbutas clasped Jharvik on the shoulder, "I must return to the bridge, to ensure the work proceeds apace.," he said. "We will continue to talk in the evenings during the rest of your stay. Feel free to learn of the boats, and anything else while you are here. Ask any of the villagers working in an area; they should be knowledgeable enough of their specific tasks to answer any questions you may have."

As the prophet walked off, Jharvik cast a practiced glance up at the sky. The weather pattern was a little different this far south, but even so he saw the signs of winter approaching. He would make good use of the rest of his time in Vinzhest, but his party must head back to Ahava soon...

The next two weeks were a whirl for Jharvik and his folk. They all spent several hours a day manning the canoes with the "rudder," as the people of Serloth named it; getting the feel for the steerage and learning to ride what rapids there were. Coming back upstream was tougher. Luckily they never traveled far, and there was always a draft horse awaiting them to harness to the canoe and haul them back upstream, while those in the canoes used long poles to keep the canoes centered in the river and far from any possibility of getting grounded.

When off river, the visitors from Ahava spent time throughout Vinzhest, observing and questioning about planting, harvesting, preserving, milling, construction...the list of what they saw went on and on. Jharvik absorbed as much as he could, but he was pleased some of Vinzhest's people were returning to Ahava with him. In thanks he offered the following prayer to his G-ddess...

"Lady of Love, as we prepare to journey home, guard our way with your embrace. In appreciation for the friendship and wisdom shared, bless the people of Vinzhest this coming season, and all seasons. And help Leandrea and the others find comforts for the people of Serloth who will travel and stay the season with us.

"By your mercy, may this be granted."

The day of leaving arrived, and the canoes provided for their journey home were loaded, as well as the draft horses which would also travel to Ahava to spend the season, so the canoes could be pulled back upriver when those of Vinzhest which were accompanying Jharvik and party returned upriver. The sky was darkening with winter clouds, and the river was choppy; but all were in good spirits. Jharvik approached Gimbutas, and the two men embraced. "You must come sample our ocean delicacies fresh one day, when your teachings permit," Jharvik offered.

"Lorekeeper spoken," Gimbutas replied with a smile.

Clambering into the lead canoe, Jharvik cast a last look upon Vinzhest and its people, shaking his head. He had come to partial understanding of the goings on there; yet he was still awestruck by the immensity of it all. With a final look at Gimbutas and the villagers, he raised his hand in a salute. Seeing Gimbutas grin and nod back, he faced his way forward and turned his attention towards home...
...and Leandrea's waiting arms.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:38 am
by Dagon
Lucien felt sanity give way as the bloodlust rose in him. Lucien welcomed this gift, a dark present from Tepes. Inhibition lost, Lucien became a focus for the task ahead of him, putting aside all conscious thought and awareness to become untold slaughter. The battlefield became a canvas for his peculiar art-form, with his unquenchable hunger the only necessary muse. Lucien had become perfection.

Perfection, embodied in a King whose power was both divine and unholy. Perfection, given form by his unshakeable willpower and ineffable determination. Perfection, the meaning of existence, realized.

Alongside Lucien were his brethren, followers of Tepes, driven by the need for perfection, for Undeath. By exhibiting exceptional skill they could become one of the chosen, perfected by Lucien personally. Inspired by their King’s embodiment of perfection, willed by their devotion to the source of perfection, Lucien’s army was a sight to behold. Resistance proved useless. Battle after bloody battle the rebellion lost both ground and men. All appeared lost for the rebellion, Lucien was preparing his plans for the final push and victory seemed inevitable. Until something took place that Lucien never could have foreseen: Hope.

Hope, embodied in a general who led her armies with an unshakeable morale. Hope, given form by the brilliant tactics and decisive victories she effortlessly executed. Hope, a powerfully intimate motivation, and now a bitter and unsavory thorn in Lucien’s side.

Hope had no name, no discernable origin or history. Hope was an enigma, a ghostly means to a mysterious end. Although surprised, Lucien was not frightened; no thing in this world could stand in opposition of perfection, not even the Hope of mankind. His adversary, as potent as she was, would lie beneath Perfection’s sword alongside everything else.

Lucien’s surprise assault on Hope’s location worked – perfectly.
The general’s guardsmen lay dead at her feet. Gone is Hope’s last line of defense. Lucien and his army encircle Hope, tightening the grip of death. The armor-clad general speaks to Lucien, “So be it, you abomination, strike me down and let me cease this fruitless struggle. I see now that I knew all along how this would end, and now I welcome it. There is no place for me here.”

“On the contrary, miss.” Lucien states, his mad eyes the color of midnight boring into the placid blues of Hope. “There is greater need of you now more than ever. However, you will serve a cause far greater than any you ever knew. There will be no rest for you, Hope, not when so much remains undone.”

The moon glimmered off of Lucien’s fangs, and Hope was lost to the world.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:41 pm
by Lord Fulragen
Diana wrote: Alcifer,
Greetings to the god of Healing. There is much unknown in the seas of which only I am aware. There are many healing properties within the waves that you may feel free to avail yourself of.
Diana My sister I would thank you for your greeting and excuse my late response as Ive been busy preparing my new Prophet and setting him on the right path, but would love to avail of your offer to search your seas and maybe offer some healing properties to the creatures of the sea that might require it. I will always offer a helping hand if you so require it. I will look forward to hearing from you.
Yours hopefully Alcifer your brother.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:24 am
by Tepes
General Hope slams open the ebony doors, and stalks, fangs extended, into the royal chamber. She stops by the cold fireplace, unsheathing her sword as she stares into the mirror’s blurred reflection of herself. The blood of an unlucky guerilla pounds forcefully through her cold, dead veins. Suddenly, she steps back, swings her sword and smashes the mirror into a thousand glittering shards.

“Calm yourself, General.” states Lucien Lachance, his cold, dead voice lingering in the throne room.

General Hope turns to face her King, sheathes her sword, but keeps her fangs bare and dripping with the blood from a fresh kill. “My Lord, calm is all I seek escape from. My un-living muscles should be torn to shreds from the thousands of enemies I’ve slain in Tepes name, but they’re as poised to strike as if my memories of battle were naught but fantasy. My un-beating heart should be ripped in half from the thousands of innocents I’ve glutted upon, from the families I’ve torn apart and desecrated – the very families I devoted my mortal life to protect, yet my soul feels no remorse, no pity. My Lord, this calm is all I seek escape from. I kill and I feed in hope of disrupting this calm.”

The midnight eyes of Lucien Lachance bore knowingly into the turmoiled blues of General Hope. His mad eyes dancing with insight, Lucien speaks.

“O fair General, you who seek pity, you who seek condemnation for your condition. You are like the peasants I pass in the village. I pass through these people and keep my eyes open, they do not forgive me for not envying their virtues. I am courteous towards them, as towards all small annoyances; to be prickly towards what is small seems to me the wisdom of hedgehogs. They shout to one another: ‘What is this dark cloud about to do to us? Let us see that it does not bring a plague upon us!’ And recently a woman pulled back her child that was approaching me: ‘Take the children away! Such eyes scorch children’s souls.’ I pass through these people, Hope, and keep my eyes open: they have become smaller and are becoming smaller. For they are modest even in virtue – because they want comfort. But only a modest virtue is compatible with comfort. Like the peasants, General Hope, you are surprised that Tepes did not come to Aesir to revile your lusts and vices, to cast penance on you. And when I say curse all the cowardice in you, that would prefer to whimper and fold the hands and pray, I expect you will cry, ‘why Lord, you are evil!’ Yes! I am Lucien Lachance the Vampire Lord! I cook every chance in my pot. And only when it is cooked through do I welcome it as my food! I am my own forerunner among these people, but their hour comes! And soon they shall stand before me like dry grass and prairie, and truly, weary of themselves and panting even more than for water – for fire! O blessed hour of the lightning! O mystery before midnight! – One day I shall turn them into running fires and heralds with flaming tongues. One day they shall proclaim with flaming tongues: It is coming, It is near, The Great Midnight!”

Thus Spoke Lucien Lachance.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:32 pm
by Cobalt
He came to the camp in the early evening.

We were all getting settled in for the evening. Supper was a good haunch of an oxodon that had broken it's back in a nasty fall down a riverbank on the way to Lake Gal. They had blessed the remains, and then seen that all of the creature would be used. They took only a small portion, but left the rest for a small village. They would be proserpous this winter. When the meal was over, the dice and tokens came out, boards were drawn in the dirt, and the evenings entertainment was begun. Betting was only for shiny pebbles, metal ore, smalls trinkets or statues, perhaps some Smoke if their pipes were getting low. It was a time of relaxation, so we greeted the Hunter as we usually did, with jibes and laughs about his terrible luck. "We can always count on good games when you play!" we yelled at him. He smiled and sat hugely. His shoudlers were the width of two men, and his crossed legs took up one entire side of the game board. Folded behind his back were his falcon wings. Elegant, streamlined and deadly. He choose the middle square, a classic mistake. Easy to hold in the begining, but terrible for long term play. His opponent took the south-western square, and the game was over in a throw or two. He chuckled as he shook out some chunks of quartz crystal he had found earlier in the day. He then stood, and adressed us. His great wings fluttered slightly and his presense was completely changed. He was now the Voice of the Great God; UrUk. His words carried across the encampment, not just our fire, and the night itself was silent for his voive.

"Our world" he said "is larger than even the great Eagle can see. You know this, for the Great God UrUk has made himself aware to us. He has told us to explore and search this world we live in, and to find other peoples and other Gods, and to show them the Great God UrUk, encarnate in our bodies. I have chose these twelve to recieve the Great God's blessing. Come forward and stand before me.
Ashmadu, Ditanu, Nuratum and Ishtar-gamelat of Astoria.
Gazualum, Etirum, Iltani and Arwi-a of Longgrass.
Zuzu, Ir-Nanna, Amurritum and Belessunu of Lake Gal."

The six men and six women stepped to stand before the Hunter. Each look capable and deadly in the firelight. Truly the best warriors and scouts among their people. We swelled with pride that these came from our own. A howl of voice went up from a fire. It broke the silence, and unleashed our tightly coiled emotions. We erupted in chants, shouts and dances. As the Hunter took the twelve away, drums and tamborines started in and the party began to rage.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:04 am
by Tepes
Velt, God of Nature, I address you to discuss any potential conflict. It has recently been revealed to me that our domains are opposing; that Undeath is un-Natural. I resent this. Undeath is not un-Natural, and there is great potential for resonance and harmony between us.

I make it clear to you now, Velt, that there is no animosity on the side of Undeath. If Nature feels otherwise, I invite you to make your concerns known, as to avoid both misunderstanding and the devastation of war. Our close borders could conceivably cause tension in our followers, who could misunderstand the differences in our teachings, thus we should square these matters away now to avoid unnecessary bloodshed (or blood-drinking).

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 6:15 am
by Mynaesos
I have received similar revelations.

To be frank, undeath is beyond my ken. That which can live does so, be it for short or long. That which can die also does so. This is the way of Nature. But not all things live alike, nor do they die alike. Until proven otherwise, I will accept that undeath is similar, even in its dissimilarities.

Many would think a talking stone to be quite unnatural. But if I can make the stones sing (and I can), then far be it for me to say what should or shouldn't be outside of my own demesne.

However... let me preface by saying I do not seek strife. But strife is the way of things. Life opposes life, and nature opposes nature. Even the rain seeks to bring down the mountain. It may well be that we oppose eachother, or, at least, that we will. But... it may not. As long as your cold hand stays from my woods, then I have no quarrel with you.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:49 am
by Agapé
*ear perk*

Singing stones?

While I am sure there are wondrous cathedrals of vaulting branches deep in the woods that are gloriously filled by their song, I can only imagine how majestic they would sound in Ahava's concert hall...

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:36 pm
by Tepes
Very well, steward of Nature, I consider matters settled then.

Agape, I know nothing of singing stones, but a few of my vampires would love to grace your concert hall. They could use a more well-rounded education, including music.

What would you say to training a few in the ways of music-making?