Page 3 of 32

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:06 am
by Led Pighp
[Led will retcon that there was a heartwrenching goodbye scene with Laurel leaving. There will be "the discussion" about how, since his transformation, he hasn't felt the same passion towards her. Likely it's that his new biology is attracted to different things, but that he would of course be willing to accompany her if she thought it would help. She convinced Led to stay with the group, but that she'd keep in touch somehow. (I notice that Sending isn't in the Bard spell list, and Dream isn't available until Laurel hits 13th level.) Having intel from over that way will be useful, I'm sure.

[Believe it or not, Led not being attracted to Laurel after his transformation is part of a long-term character development arc I'm working on. There will be much angsting later, I'm sure.]

Led nods at Skyseeker's wisdom. "Night it is. I will nap until then." With that, he moves to a shady area and quickly falls asleep. [Survival roll to sleep now, though not terribly tired, in anticipation of needing to be awake later. Plus, he's part cat. And it's nice and warm.]


Once the air cools off, Led rises from his slumber and looks around for the others. "Shall we?"

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:14 pm
by Annalysei
(ooc: I can't get into my char sheet until my regular internet is up and running again, so anything I do will be from my phone, so I won't be able to list my buffs. I should be good to go by tomorrow)

(Edit: Still no internet, making do for now by using my phone as a hotspot)

I cast Touch of Fatigue into the Wraith Slayer, which now has spell-storing abilities (ooc: can we count this as being done BEFORE the nap? It's not a huge deal if not) ! I cast Animalistic Power on myself as we're preparing to descend on the ogres.

When it's time to kick some ogre butt, I use dimension hop to descend from the carpet to the field.

[Animalistic Power active
Gargoyle Boots Active
Lvl 0- /Lvl 1 - /Lvl 2 - 2 /Lvl 3 -

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:43 pm
by Seven Words
Skyseeker nods, and starts off, deftly working her way along, quickly disappearing into the growth.

The ogres camp fire is quickly visible....they have some rudimentary defenses set....a ditch dug, with sharp pegs in the bottom...about a foot long sticking up from the ground.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:36 am
by Sigrid
If we wait until dark, I pray first. My spells refresh.

Before Skyseeker leaves, I buff the party.
Status on Annalysei, Led, Kali, and 'Trina.
Shield on myself, and Sorchat.
See Invisibility on myself, and Sorchat.
Spectral Hand on myself.
Bull's Strength on Annalysei, Led, and Kali.
Bless on everybody.
  • 57hp MAX
    Arcane Sight is active.[Detect magic auras]
    Shield is active. [11 minutes]
    See Invisibility is active. [110 minutes]
    Spectral Hand is active. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active. [11min]

    Imbue with Spell Ability is active on Sorchat.[Cast Cure Light Wounds twice and Cure Moderate Wounds once.]
    Shield is active on Sorchat. [While she's near me.]
    See Invisibility is active on Sorchat. [While she's near me.]
    Bless is active on Sorchat. [11min]

    Imbue with Spell Ability is active on Annalysei.[Cast Cure Light Wounds twice and Cure Moderate Wounds once.]
    Status is active on Annalysei.[11 hours]
    Bull's Strength is active on Annalysei. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active on Annalysei. [11min]

    Imbue with Spell Ability is active on Kalindriel.[Cast Cure Light Wounds twice and Cure Moderate Wounds once.]
    Status is active on Kalindriel.[11 hours]
    Bull's Strength is active on Kalindriel. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active on Kalindriel. [11min]

    Status is active on Led.[11 hours]
    Bull's Strength is active on Led. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active on Led. [11min]

    Status is active on Katrina.[11 hours]
    Bless is active on Katrina. [11min]

    Bless is active on Skyseeker. [11min]

    Code: Select all

    Cleric 0     |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2    |Cleric 3    |Cleric 4    |Staff  (50/50)				
     Create Water| Hide Frm Und|*Bull's Str | Disp Magic |*Imb Sp Abil| L. Restore  1				
     Create Water| Bane        |*Bull's Str | Disp Magic |*Imb Sp Abil| C Serious   1				
     Create Water|*Bless       |*Bull's Str | Disp Magic |*Imb Sp Abil| C Critical  2				
     Create Water| C Light     | Consecrate | Disp Magic |            | Restoration 2				
     Create Water| C Light     |*Status     |            |            | Rem Bli/Def 2				
     Create Water| C Light     |            |            |            | Rem Disease 3				
    Sorc 0 (6/6) |Sorc 1 (7/8) |Sorc 2 (6/8)|Sorc 3 (6/6)|Sorc 4 (4/4)|Wands
     Acid Splash | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray | Fireball   | Orb of Acid| Acid Arr   15
     Arcane Mark | Identify    | See Invis  | Disp Magic |            | DetSecrD   15
     Dance Light | Mag Missile | Spectr Hand|            |            | Disp Magic 50
     Detect Magic| Shield      |            |            |------------| FindTrap   50
     Light       | Feather Fall|            |------------|Rods        | Knock      15
     Mage Hand   |             |------------|Turn (13/13)| Empower 2/3| Lgtng Bolt 38
     Prestidigit |             |IncenseMed 4| Sacred Heal| Absorb 6/24| SonBlas    26

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:02 am
by Katrina
Circle around until I'm on the Northeast side in the growth hiding and being sneaky.

The Cleric is a Beggar of a Bad God. He must be Dealt With.

The feral grin is enveloped in shadows as she places a hand to her chest.

Try to see if I can detect any traps in the ring o wood spikes from my hiding spot.

Darkness on self: 11 minutes.
[71/71 HP]
Dodge V Classed Ogre
[Study Target: Cleric of Scourge]
Feat: Expert Tactician: If enemy denied Dex I get one free attack at full BAB.

Sigrid's buffs:

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:21 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Approach from a different angle than the others. If one of us gets detected, however unlikely, being in different spots will make it easier to take advantage of the chaos.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:20 am
by Led Pighp
Led creeps around to the northeast and watches until 'Trina is in position. When she is, he sprints southwest, jumps the moat, passes the Cleric, and ends at the classy ogre, whom he claws as much as he can.
  • 113hp MAX
    Status is active for 11 hours. [Sigrid knows my status]
    Bull's Strength is active for 11 minutes. [+4 strength]
    Bless is active for 11 minutes. [+1 attack, +1 all saves]
    Move 24 spaces
    Jump +25 (str 3, racial 10, speed 12)
    [Jump DC: 25]
    Pass the cleric. [Receive Attack of Opportunity]
    Charge / Claw / Claw against the black X [Attack: +16, Damage: 7d6+9 per claw]

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:49 pm
by Annalysei
Oh, when I drop in, I'll drop to the other side of the classed ogre, so as to be backup for Led.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:52 pm
by Seven Words
Annalysei appears next to the mystery ogre...his skin is partially black. He has for accessories various bits of scales and claw bits and even a fang...all draconic.

Kalindriel swoops in, glaive flashing in the moonlight...but her stroke goes awry...

Sigrid casts an Orb of Acid at the cleric. The concentrated vitriol rapidly eats a hole into its chest, eliciting a shrill scream of agony! (42 points)

Led bounds in, hurdling the ditch with ease, past the startled cleric...but the Dragon Shaman's armor deflects the mighty wemics's claws....

Katrina's claws sink deep into the Scourge's Flayer.(27 points and 23 points) One strike finding the gaping wound where Sigrid's caustic globule struck...penetrating to its' vitals. The hideous brute collapses! The horrific strike strikes fear into the ogres! All save the dragon shaman are shaken!

Skyseeker dashes through the access way, and flings her new ax at the ogre Kalindriel missed....her weapon strikes true! (22 points)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:51 pm
by Sigrid
I fly away from the carpet, so nobody shoots at it. Annalysei can escape there, if she needs to. I have the Rod of Absorption in one hand. And the Greater Staff of Healing in the other hand.

I fly 20' over the entrance to the ring. I cast Acid Orb at the cleric.
  • 53hp MAX (-4)
    Arcane Sight is active.[Detect magic auras]
    Shield is active. [11 minutes]
    See Invisibility is active. [110 minutes]
    Spectral Hand is active. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active. [11min]

    Imbue with Spell Ability is active on Sorchat.[Cast Cure Light Wounds twice and Cure Moderate Wounds once.]
    Shield is active on Sorchat. [While she's near me.]
    See Invisibility is active on Sorchat. [While she's near me.]
    Bless is active on Sorchat. [11min]

    Imbue with Spell Ability is active on Annalysei.[Cast Cure Light Wounds twice and Cure Moderate Wounds once.]
    Status is active on Annalysei.[11 hours]
    Bull's Strength is active on Annalysei. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active on Annalysei. [11min]

    Imbue with Spell Ability is active on Kalindriel.[Cast Cure Light Wounds twice and Cure Moderate Wounds once.]
    Status is active on Kalindriel.[11 hours]
    Bull's Strength is active on Kalindriel. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active on Kalindriel. [11min]

    Status is active on Led.[11 hours]
    Bull's Strength is active on Led. [11 minutes]
    Bless is active on Led. [11min]

    Status is active on Katrina.[11 hours]
    Bless is active on Katrina. [11min]

    Bless is active on Skyseeker. [11min]

    Code: Select all

    Cleric 0     |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2    |Cleric 3    |Cleric 4    |Staff  (50/50)				
     Create Water| Hide Frm Und|*Bull's Str | Disp Magic |*Imb Sp Abil| L. Restore  1				
     Create Water| Bane        |*Bull's Str | Disp Magic |*Imb Sp Abil| C Serious   1				
     Create Water|*Bless       |*Bull's Str | Disp Magic |*Imb Sp Abil| C Critical  2				
     Create Water| C Light     | Consecrate | Disp Magic |            | Restoration 2				
     Create Water| C Light     |*Status     |            |            | Rem Bli/Def 2				
     Create Water| C Light     |            |            |            | Rem Disease 3				
    Sorc 0 (6/6) |Sorc 1 (7/8) |Sorc 2 (6/8)|Sorc 3 (6/6)|Sorc 4 (4/4)|Wands
     Acid Splash | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray | Fireball   | Orb of Acid| Acid Arr   15
     Arcane Mark | Identify    | See Invis  | Disp Magic |            | DetSecrD   15
     Dance Light | Mag Missile | Spectr Hand|            |            | Disp Magic 50
     Detect Magic| Shield      |            |            |------------| FindTrap   50
     Light       | Feather Fall|            |------------|Rods        | Knock      15
     Mage Hand   |             |------------|Turn (13/13)| Empower 2/3| Lgtng Bolt 38
     Prestidigit |             |IncenseMed 4| Sacred Heal| Absorb 6/24| SonBlas    26

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:11 am
by Katrina
'Trina nimbly bounds south towards the easternmost ogre. Within the shadows, she's smiling that disconcerting smile and you can see her lips move, apparently talking to herself.

[Tumble Checks to avoid AoO as needed while moving.]

Seeing the way the ogres reacted to her strike, she's taking advantage of the clumsy, shaken ogres...

[Attack: Claw/Claw/Expert Tactician.]

[AC: 31]
Darkness on self: 11 minutes.
[81/81 HP (11 Temporary)]
Dodge V Farthest East Ogre
[Blessing of Darethon: +2 Str/Dex/Con]
Feat: Expert Tactician: If enemy denied Dex I get one free attack at full BAB.

Sigrid's buffs:

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:31 pm
by Sigrid
I stay hovering 20' over the entrance to the ring. I watch the Shaman.
If he casts a spell at me, the Rod will absorb it. If he casts a spell at anyone else, I cast Dispel Magic to stop him.
  • [Lovermuffin, how many hit points do you have?]

    Code: Select all

    Cleric 0     |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2     |Cleric 3     |Cleric 4     |Staff  (50/50)
     Create Water| Hide Frm Und|*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | Les Restore 1
     Create Water| Bane        |*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | C Serious   1
     Create Water|*Bless       |*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | C Critical  2
     Create Water| C Light     | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic|             | Restoration 2
     Create Water| C Light     |*Status      |             |             | Rem Bli/Def 2
     Create Water| C Light     |             |             |             | Rem Disease 3
    Sorc 0 (6/6) |Sorc 1 (7/8) |Sorc 2 (6/8) |Sorc 3 (6/6) |Sorc 4 (4/4) |Wands
     Acid Splash | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray  | Fireball    | Orb of Acid | Acid Arr   15
     Arcane Mark | Identify    | See Invis   | Dispel Magic|             | Det Secr D 15
     Dance Light | Mag Missile | Spectr Hand |             |             | Disp Magic 50
     Detect Magic| Shield      |             |             |-------------| Find Traps 50
     Light       | Feather Fall|             |-------------|Rods         | Knock      15
     Mage Hand   |             |-------------|Turn  (13/13)| Empower  3/3| Lgtng Bolt 38
     Prestidigit |             |Incense Med 4| Sacred Heal | Absorb  6/24| Sonic Blas 26
    Sigrid  53/53|Sorchat 28/28|Anna  101/101|Kali    87/87|Katrina 82/71|Led   113/113
     Arcane Sight| Imb Sp Abil | Imb Sp Abil | Imb Sp Abil |             |
     Spectral 11m|  CLW CLW CMW|  CLW CLW CMW|  CLW CLW CMW|             |
     See Inv 110m| See Inv 110m| Bull's S 11m| Bull's S 11m|             | Bull's S 11m
     Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m
     Shield   11m| Shield   11m| Status   11h| Status   11h| Status   11h| Status   11h

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:42 pm
by Led Pighp
Led moves south to the central ogre, crossing the campfire on his way. He jumps out of the flames to claw the fighter.
  • 113hp MAX
    Status is active for 11 hours. [Sigrid knows my status]
    Bull's Strength is active for 11 minutes. [+4 strength]
    Bless is active for 11 minutes. [+1 attack, +1 all saves]
    Move 4 spaces south, through the fire. [Resist Fire: 10]
    [AoO from Shaman. AoO from central X.]
    Claw / Claw on central X [Attack: +17, Damage: 7d6+9 per claw]

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:24 am
by Annalysei
I attack the classed ogre with a full attack, pausing to murmur the incantation that releases touch of fatigue from my flail.

[i think I have 101 hp, snugglebunny, but I need to double check my sheet]

[Animalistic Power active
Gargoyle Boots Active
Lvl 0- /Lvl 1 - /Lvl 2 - 2 /Lvl 3 -

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:47 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
  • 87 hp (max)
    Bull's Strength

    Move 1 north, 2 east to get flanking with Skyseeker on the Ogre; Ogres are flat-footed so no AoO.

    Attack with Vhashik; Energy Drain; Shadow Strike because of flanking and flat-footed

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:50 pm
by Seven Words
The Spellreaver triggers the stored magic, and she then proceeds to beat the ogre mercilessly! (21, 18, 22, 17, and 20 points) Her final strike positively explodes the creatures head as it was collapsing, the four craters, two on each side of its body, already fatal.

Kalindriel strikes the creature! A dark energy surge along her blade weakens the bestial fighter! (19points, one negative level)

Led charges into the fire! Warded against the flames, his hindquarters rest atop the very coals! His claws savagely rend the ogre warrior! (39 points and 41 points) A look of surprise still writ across its features, even as it's viscera spill forth, it slumps down, bewilderment its last, fading thought.

Katrina nimbly approaches the shaken ogre...unerringly precise, her claws flash out! Hit, hit...and the last one slashing in just above the hip-bone, mangling a kidney before severing the spine! (28 points, 25 points, and CRITICAL HIT for 40 points)

Skyseeker moves east, southeast, and hurls her axe again! Once more, it flies true! (19 points)

The battered ogre drops its greatclub, bleating in terror, sinking to its knees and throwing its hands in the air.

The loudest sound now is the panicked gaspings of the surrendered ogre....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:33 pm
by Annalysei
[I think we should interrogate it. My vote is for interrogation, then possibly evisceration]

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:47 pm
by Katrina
Swiftly move behind the ogre.

Poised ready to strike. Sizing up the pitiful thing.

Realizing a novel concept, forcing it to talk before Dealing With the Bad Thing ...

"It talks or it will be made hurty"

"It makes no talky, it will be Dealt With."

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:52 pm
by Seven Words
It starts babbling in Orcish.

PM to Kali

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:44 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Kali listens to the Ogre's plea in a relaxed stance, both to put it at ease and to show she is confident it cannot harm her. Translating for the group she says, "He says the Shaman and the Cleric were talking about their leader's plans... The humans that used to live here sacrificed a Gold Dragon. They orcs believe it could be reanimated into a strong undead. A wight at least... possibly a dracolich."

She lets him plead a bit more after explaining why they are here. "He can lead us past some of the patrols. They seem to have animated Dire Apes, so we need to be prepared for those we cannot avoid."

In his own tongue she addresses the Ogre, "What are you called, whelp?"

After a pause and before he can stammer a reply, she turns to Katrina and says in common, "No dealing with this one."