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Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:35 am
by Goatkiller666
Ananda wrote:Which game do people play and how do you learn the rules?
So, for purposes of what can be joined right now (I assume that's why you're asking):

Pantheon Style
  • Acropolis - Talk to [Syl]. We're currently sending in our second set of turns, so he has only processed one turn. And, based on the backstory for this world, there's plenty of room to add a new character without having to rewrite history. In spite of what he says about the complexity of the rules, mostly you really can rely on the approach of just telling him what you're trying to do, and let him flush out how the rules can support that. All of the rules that are written can be found here. Some clarifications can be found by reading all of the comments later in that thread, though a lot of that is just the players conversing about the weather, so... don't expect a thrilling read.

    Inferno - This one is mine. I'm willing to work with you if you're interested, but honestly most of the world has already been split up between the players. Anyone starting now would be at a disadvantage in that respect. Unless your character idea is one who eschews Game of Thrones style power plays between factions, then there are more options. The point is, it's not out of the question, but you'd probably want to have a solid character idea in mind, and then we can work things out. If you're new to the whole gaming paradigm, this wouldn't be my first choice for how you should cut your teeth. All the rules that are written can be found here, though I need to update them a bit based on recent player activity.

    UNKNOWN TITLE - Caamora is looking to start a game of her own, which is where this actual thread started. Since she's still inventing the rules now, you're at no disadvantage compared to the rest of us, if you just stay involved as things are developed, and then join in at the same time as the rest of us.
Table Top Style
  • D&D Darkwood - Talk to Seven Words. Posts have been pretty slow recently, but I'm told they'll pick up here real soon. This is, as Katrina mentioned, Dungeons and Dragons version 3.5 rules. The complete core set of rules can be found online (they're Open Source), though it's a bit dry to read that way. We can get you PDFs as well, which include some flavor text and whatnot. Then there's a huge (probably over a hundred books) of optional rules and backstory. This particular world is entirely home-grown by Seven, and the game itself has been going for several years now. We're nowhere near done with all that he has in mind. D&D is actually pretty easy to add new players in mid-way. We just added Balon! a little while ago, in fact. It's basically a high fantasy setting, elves and dwarves and humans. There's a big ultimate bad guy trying to do big nefarious stuff. We're a bunch of small-fries on a quest to stop him. Hopefully, we'll grow stronger as time goes by, and we'll eventually succeed.

    Vampire: Dark Ages - This is also mine. It's actually two different groups acting simultaneously in 1205 AD Europe. One is in Hungary, one is in Vienna. The premise is that Vampires and other supernaturals exist, and they're behind the scenes pulling the strings on most of the major events in human history. You get to play a vampire or werewolf (or were-animal) or a few other types of creature of the night. Lots of political intrigue and whatnot back in the Dark Ages. I actually haven't been THAT awesome about updating recently, but it's better now that I've finished my last quarter of grad school. There's a fair bit of room for whatever character type you can think of, if the setting suits you. We've been attempting to transcribe the main rules into a hidden sub-forum, just so it's not necessary to refer to all the books. It's hidden because even though the books are out of print, somebody somewhere might actually care about copyright enforcement.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:41 am
by Goatkiller666
[Syl] wrote:
caamora wrote:Can anyone help me with making a map? It's important to my game.
Stand in line, sister.
You've seen the map for Inferno. I'm willing to step up at that level of quality, if either of you are willing to lower your standards so that level is acceptible. However, I'm also a player in each of your games, so I'm not sure if there's any kind of conflict of interest or potential for unfair knowledge, so... your call. Also, I can't guarantee super prompt service in all instances. On the other hand, it's free, so... not necessarily a bad deal.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:35 am
by [Syl]
Sure, Creator, you'll play Caam's game, but hey, I only process turns every month, so...

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:17 am
by caamora
I expect turns to be processed every month. That seems to work well.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:14 pm
by Goatkiller666
For those not paying attention, here are the current deadlines:

Prophets: April 20th
Inferno: April 29th
Acropolis 2.0: May 1st

(Waiting on Caam to get hers more in line with the rest of us.)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:09 am
by Goatkiller666
Goatkiller666 wrote:For those not paying attention, here are the current deadlines:

Prophets: April 20th
Inferno: April 29th
Acropolis 2.0: May 1st

(Waiting on Caam to get hers more in line with the rest of us.)
Reminder, Inferno turns are due tomorrow. Acropolis turns are due the day after that.

Y'all best get to sending.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:15 am
by [Syl]
Acropolis' isn't actually until the 4th.