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Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:21 am
by Menolly
Are you sure Fields wasn't channeling an unborn SD?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:36 am
by Savor Dam
I resemble that remark...

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:28 am
by Avatar
peter wrote:Can non indigenous speakers learn this vocal manoeuvre Av? Also, would be interested to hear clear examples of the dental, lateral and post-alveolar clicks if you know where such can be found.
Oh yes, it can be learned. The biggest barrier is having the confidence to actually try and use them. :lol:

Try this for example...I don't have sound at work, so not sure if it's exactly what you want, but the title sounds promising: Pronouncing Click Sounds

[Nb I assume there was background percussion instrument going on and that it was not all the lady's singing?]
Like I said, no sound, so I couldn’t tell you. I'm afraid. :D


Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:49 am
by peter
Thanks Av - will try a few out [in the privacy of my own home when my wife is out to save my embarrasment] and will let you know how I get on!

Edit; Woah Av! I can do it. [As Samual Johnson would have said "Like a dog's walking on it's hinder legs it was done badly - but one was suprised to see it done at all."]

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:32 am
by Avatar
:LOLS: Glad you're having fun. ;)

Next stop, Africa!


Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:21 am
by peter
"They had scraped up fresh river fish and stewed them with white wine and aubergines; also a rare local bird which combined the tender flavour of partridge with the solid bulk of the turkey; they had roasted it, stuffed it with banannas, almonds and red peppers; also a baby gazelle which they had seethed with truffles in it's mothers milk; also a dish of feathery arab pastries and a heap of unusual fruits. Mr Baldwin sighed wistfully. "Ah well", he said, "I suppose it will not hurt us to rough it for once."

[Evelyn Waugh scoop]

My wife works at our local hospital as adomestic, and the other day one of her mates said to her "We had a lovely bottle of wine last night." Always interested in any booze related topic my wife asked "What was it - do you remember?" The woman thought for a moment and and replied "Yes, that was it. It was French Red Wine."

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:10 am
by peter
Some waiter jokes;

Waiter, waiter - have you got frog's legs. "Yes sir." Well hop over there and get me a cheese sandwhich.

Waiter, waiter - do you serve snails in here. "Yes sir - we serve anyone."

Waiter, waiter - bring me a crocodile sandwhich and make it snappy

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:16 pm
by TheFallen
Diner: Waiter, waiter - there's a fly in my soup.
Waiter: Yes sir. It's the rotting meat that attracts them.

Diner: Waiter, waiter - there's a fly in my wine.
Waiter: Well, sir did request a wine with a little body in it.

Diner: Waiter, waiter - do you have frogs' legs?
Waiter: No sir. It's my haemorrhoids that make me walk this way.

Waiter: Sir, you seem to be taking your time making your choice?
Diner: Yes. I'm just trying to decide whether I'd prefer cholera or gastro-enteritis.

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:46 pm
by peter
Waiter, waiter - this chickens cold. "It should be - it's been dead three weeks." But it's got one leg longer than the other, "What d'you want to do - eat it or dance with it!"