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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:57 pm
by Menolly
Vader wrote:
Menolly wrote:gefilte fish
This is Yiddish. <3

It makes me cry in pain and anger how much culture my country has lost in those dark years between 1933 and 1945 (knowing it started earlier and stopped later).

Although I think the "melting pot" society of the US of A has done even further harm.

It seems some is coming back through the outreach of the Lubavitchers and other movements, but yeah...
The yeshivahs and learned sages and scholars who did not survive that time can never be totally replaced.

And that is only the Jews. There were others decimated as well, such as wandering gypsies. And of course what the allies did to German culture after the war...

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:26 pm
by Vader
But the good thing about the internet is that forums like this here connect us all and let us be friends regardless of nationality, belief, ethnics or history.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:35 am
by Prebe
Family easter show-off to night:

Just checked my leg of lamb, which has been painstakingly injected with slivers of garlic and sprigs of fresh rosemary (yes, it made it through the winter. Global warming rules!). It has spent 3 hours in the oven at a 100C. Now it just needs one more hour at 200C before serving, to crisp the fat.

Also doing a pork back roast with crrrrrunchy crackling. Never tell people that "pigs have zits too" when you serve this dish ;)

Starting off with three kinds of pickled herring and smoked salmon all served as open sandwiches on homemade rye- and wheat bread respectively.

After the meat, we finish off with a selection of soft and hard cheeses with baguettes and biscotti.

All served with strong easter brew and schnapps to make sure a good time will be had by all ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:52 pm
by Menolly
*desperately wishing for an invite to Prebe's and Vader's*

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:55 pm
by Prebe
You know that you and Hyperception have a standing invitation Menolly. You just let me know when you show up.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:04 pm
by Menolly

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:12 am
by Vader
Menolly wrote:*desperately wishing for an invite to Prebe's and Vader's*
My house is your house.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:26 am
by Menolly
I am the luckiest Watcher I know. :)

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:52 am
by Menolly
Tonight's Erev Rosh HaShanah meal was after services at Lubavitch. Chanie, the rebbetzin here, whipped up a scrumptious meal as always.

Kiddush wine
Challah for Hamotzi
Apples and Honey

Salad course:
gefilte fish with horseradish
field greens salad with craisins, nuts, and sweet dressing
baba ganooj
cold bow-tie pasta salad made with the sweet dressing used on the orzo salad I've shared in the past

Chicken Matzah Ball Soup

Main Course:
broccoli kugel
potato kugel
bottled soda (I always get my own ice water)
various 'mashkas' (I usually have one small shot of Absolut)

After Birkat Hamazon (Grace after the Meal) was various home made desserts:

parve rice krispie treats
various pound cakes
apple pie

Tomorrow night's meal should be just as extensive and delicious. It just will be served an hour later.

Tomorrow's kiddush meal after morning services and musaf is sure to include cholent. They hard cook eggs in their shells along with the meat. That's my favorite part. They'll again start off with various salads, and will probably include some Nova smoked salmon and chopped liver, as well as a few deli meats.

We really do eat well on holiday weekends after services...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:52 am
by Menolly
So, for those of us observing, Yom Kippur starts Tuesday at sunset and goes until an hour after sunset on Wednesday. This is traditionally followed by what is called Break Fast. Not breakfast, but Break Fast.

It's been a few years since I've done a New York deli appetizing spread, and while I don't keep kosher, hence the mixing of meat and dairy dishes, I think I have a fairly low carb compliant Break Fast planned.

I started by making Maria Emmerich's keto bread, which I'm letting sit out a few days before toasting in to bread crumbs. I made chicken bone broth, which I'll be seasoning in to Jewish Penicillin with low carb "matzah" balls. I'll make keto bagels, and serve them with smoked whitefish, home made whitefish salad, and a keto smoked salmon cheesecake, which the keto roll bread crumbs will be used to make the crust. The one questionable keto item is the jar of herring in cream sauce, but I think a few pieces won't hurt.

Here are the recipes I'll be using.

Keto rolls to be made in to crust for savory cheesecake:

Savory Smoked Salmon Cheesecake:

Low Carb "Matzah" Balls:

Keto Bagels:

Whitefish Salad:

I think I got the appetizing spread keto-fied.