Page 21 of 32

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:06 pm
by Seven Words
The savage reptilians pursue Led and Trina.

Trina manages to avoid the trees.

Skyseeker quickly heads off to appraise the people on the carpet as to the situation....

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:09 pm
by Led Pighp
As soon as 'Trina is in the saddle, Led bolts to the northwest. He makes a point of grunting with every jump to a new branch, and digs his claws into the tree bark, so there's a clear and obvious trail for the three lizardfolk to follow.

Soon, he feels 'Trina tugging on his lasso rope, and then she's no longer in the saddle. Then a tug, as she opens her wings, and "Wheeeeeeee...." screaming off somewhere behind him. Led chuckles, "Hold on, girl. And don't run into any branches."

After pulling ahead of the lizardfolk, Led slows himself to get a feel for how fast they're coming. One of them is clearly faster than the other two, the barbarian. That makes sense. But I wonder if he can keep it up for long? After that, he paces himself to the barbarian's speed for a few minutes, then slows down as the barbarian starts to fall behind. Is he tired already? No... he doesn't want to get too far ahead of his friends. He's crafty, is this one. I'd better not let him know I'm holding back. He might suspect we're a lure.

Continuing to claw the tree branches in his wake, Led continues on to a larger branch near a trunk, and then stops. He turns to look behind him, and catches 'Trina as she barrels into him. "Oof!" he says, intentionally making it louder than it needs to be. In a stage whisper, he adds "Little 'Trina, did we get away from them?"

But in a much quieter whisper, so only 'Trina can hear, "Let's move ahead a bit, and then hide. Then, when he gets close, we can Deal With him. The other two are far behind. Drop the Darkness, and stay in the saddle."

Again in the stage whisper, "Damn, they're still following. Let's go." He continues on to the Northwest, and pulls slightly ahead of the Barbarian to give them time to hide. Then he gets to a larger trunk and moves to put it between himself and the oncoming barbarian, so he can climb up above [at least 35', so he's outside the range that Scent could locate him] path the Barbarian will take, and wait there, ready to drop down onto him from above. He reaches back and taps 'Trina, pointing for her to hide elsewhere, so they can attack from two sides.

Darethon, thank you for this opportunity to hunt a mighty hunter. The greatest prey is the one that hunts you as well. Whichever hunter is best, I hope you are pleased with the hunt we give you.

Then he waits silently until the Barbarian gets there, and drops onto him from above.
  • Hit Points: 123 (MAX)
    Dodge vs Barbarian
    AC while waiting: 40
    AC while dropping: 43
    To Hit: +19
    Damage: 2[5d6+11]
    Plus whatever comes from 800lbs of kitty falling on your head
    Hide Skill: +34
    Jump Skill: +17
    Move Silently Skill: +34

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:50 pm
by Katrina
[ I can hear it in the background for some reason]


Drop Darkness, clamber up into the saddle quickly, start relooping the rope while holding on.

It rains caltrops behind us on the path, one bags worth.

Then: While my Kitty climbs the tree, hide and sneaky around to the have the speedy lizzy thing between us.

Pull one Caltrop from one of the other bags of them, Darkness on it. Throw it ahead and high up.

That should be distracty enough to let us hit him good.

Once I see him.

Hmm, the Good Spot...yes, like wingy flyery bowthing before...there!

Study Target: Mister Soon To Have Kitty On His Back lizardman.
[AC: 35 (With all modifiers)]
[Attack Bonus: 22 (With all modifiers)]
[88/88 HP (12 of which is Temporary)]
Dodge V Speedy Lizzy (AC 36)
[Blessing of Darethon: +2 Str/Dex/Con until dusk]
Feat: Expert Tactician: If enemy denied Dex I get one free attack at full BAB.
[Heavy Fortification, DR 10/Magic]
Feat: Rapidstrike: When making a full attack with paired natural weapons, you may make one additional attack at -5 BAB

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:15 am
by Seven Words
Led drops upon the unsuspecting savage, knocking it down and brutally mauling him! ( one claw crit...89 points total)

Trina pounces upon the helpless humanoid, her claws neatly leaving a simple, single scarlet line across it's throat.....which promptly looses a torrent of blood into the muck, it's life pouring out from the wound.

(Successful Death Attack)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:48 am
by Katrina
Deep breaths, eyes beatific yet feral.

Fighting not to unleash a primal roar of triumph...she looks to her Kitty.

"Kitty is ok? No hurty from fall?"

Kitties land on their feet. Duh.

"Nevermindeds. Should we put the Dealt With Speedylizwingthing as bait or just move back where we treed in from and do this again?"

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:00 am
by Led Pighp
Led looks down at the gashes he left in the lizardman, and at the tiny slice 'Trina had made. Am I doing this wrong?

Lucky shot. he decides, before lifting the body and dragging it away from the muck. He looks around, making sure the tree isn't one of those carnivorous tentacle rape trees from before, then climbs up to the lowest branch and sits the body there in the crook.

"Hide again, little 'Trina. Maybe we can Deal With another one quickly, so we can spend some time with the last one. Attack the one who looked like a rogue, not the one who looked like a cleric. But try not to Deal With the last one right away. We want to ask him some questions, first. And the kitty in me wants to take a little time Dealing With him."

"Maybe we slash his wings, then let him go, and then hunt him again and again." Led drifts off in fantasy for a moment. "heh heh Run little lizardman. Run as fast as you can; it won't be enough, but it might be a good offering to Darethon."

"Is that wrong?"

After that, he continues up another 35' or so, and moves back in the direction from where the other two will be showing up shortly. [Range on Scent is 30' to notice the smell of blood from the body, so hopefully move back at least that far.]

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:11 am
by Katrina
"Kitty wants to play. We'll Deal With the Badsneakylizwingything, then we will....Play."

She darts away from Led ducking into the shadows.

She closes her eyes to offer up a heartfelt prayer.

Dear Darethon. Thank you for the Dealing. It felt Good. Tiny cut, large dead body. Thank you also for my Kitty. Love 'Trina.

When they open, her eyes still have that disconcerting look as she crouches into position.

They'll be here soon. They won't see Speedylizwingything. They won't see us.

Silently, she giggles

That one, he may more looky and watchy, but I should get him...if I hit him...There.

Study Target: Bad Rogue Lizardman.
[Blessing of Darethon: +2 Str/Dex/Con]
[Total Attacks Mods: +22, Claws 4d6, 3d6 Sneak Attack, +3 for Str, Bite 1d6]
[Total Defense Mods: AC: 35, 36 v Sneakywingylizzything (Dodge), Heavy Fortification, DR: 10/Magic. SR: 22]
[88/88 HP (12 of which is Temporary)]
Feat: Expert Tactician: If enemy denied Dex I get one free attack at full BAB.
Feat: Rapidstrike: When making a full attack with paired natural weapons, you may make one additional attack at -5 BAB

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:58 pm
by Sorchat
I lift the flap of the tent. I walk out onto the carpet.

I look different. I'm darker and taller.

I say to Kalindriel, "I... I tried to learn your shadows..."

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:33 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Kalindriel's head shifts to look at Sorchat, the dull glow from her eyes and jet black color hiding any expression.

"Tha... that is a... good look. I like the... play... between shadow and flame..."

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:59 am
by Sorchat

"If we have to be here. In the dark. I have to hide my flame, right?"

My face, and my chest, burn a little more brighter.

"You can't hide a naked flame in the darkness, but a shadow would never be seen. So I... I am a shadow. And a flame. But right now I am mostly a shadow."

Then I change the subject. "Where are the rest? The elf and the crazy child. And the man."

I take off and fly below the carpet to look, but I don't see them. I land next to Kalindriel.

"They're going to get into trouble. Get us into trouble."

I realize I'm almost as tall as she is. "Oh my. This is interesting." I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her close to me. "Very interesting."

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:16 am
by Seven Words
Skyseeker returns to the carpet, and relays news of what they found....

"Some variation upon the lizardfolk, several of them..all immune to flames..and lacking the effectiveness of the incendiary gaze, those creatures were naught save a snack for them."

Something in the trees above catches her eye..."I thought I saw..... something moved.... it went behind the trunk and out of sight! Beware!"


The unsuspecting humanoids proceed in blissful ignorance.....

Trina hurls herself at her chosen target....but her foot slips, and she dives headlong into a particularly thick branch of the tree, before falling to the ground, stunned! (CRITICAL FUMBLE...stunned for 2 rounds)

**Led's action goes here****

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:06 am
by Led Pighp
As the two lizardfolk stop to look at the 'Trina who fell between them, Led seizes on the opportunity to surprise his foe.

He jumps from his own hiding place, hoping to avoid faceplanting in a branch, and lands on the rogue, claws dealing maximum damage.
  • Hit Points: 123 (MAX)
    Dodge vs Rogue
    AC while waiting: 40
    AC while dropping: 43
    To Hit: +19
    Damage: 2[5d6+11]
    Plus whatever comes from 800lbs of kitty falling on your head
    Hide Skill: +34
    Jump Skill: +17
    Move Silently Skill: +34

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:17 am
by Sigrid
I cast Spectral Hand.

Code: Select all

Cleric 0     |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2     |Cleric 3     |Cleric 4     |Staff  (33/50)
 Create Water| Bless Water |*Augury      | Dispel Magic|*Divination  | Les Restore 1
 Create Water| Bless Water | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic| Dismissal   | C Serious   1
 DetectPoison| Identify    | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic| Sending     | C Critical  2
 Light       | Identify    | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic| Planar Ally | Restoration 2
 Purify F&D  | Shield Faith|*Status      | Dispel Magic|             | Rem Bli/Def 2
 Purify F&D  | Shield Faith|*Status      |             |             | Rem Disease 3
Sorc 0 (6/6) |Sorc 1 (8/8) |Sorc 2 (6/8) |Sorc 3 (8/8) |Sorc 4 (4/5) |Wands
 Acid Splash | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray  | Fireball    | Orb of Acid | Acid Arr   15 
 Arcane Mark | Identify    | See Invis   | Dispel Magic| Enlarge, Gr | Det Secr D 15
 Dance Light | Mag Missile | Spectr Hand | Resonat Bolt|             | Disp Magic 50
 Detect Magic| Shield      | Cat's Grace |             |             | Find Traps 50
 Light       | Feather Fall|             |             |-------------| Knock      15
 Mage Hand   |             |             |-------------|Rods         | Lgtng Bolt 38
 Message     |-------------|-------------|Turn  (13/13)| Empower  3/3| Reson Bolt 33
 Prestidigit |Crystal Ball |Incense Med 4| Sacred Heal | Absorb  6/24|
Sigrid  62/62|Anna  101/101|Kali  100/100|Katrina 88/88|Led   123/123|Sorchat 31/31
 Arcane Sight| Status   12h| Status   12h| Status   12h| Status   12h|
 DisguiseSelf|             |             |             |             |
 Spectr Hand |             |             |             |             |

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:54 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Sorchat wrote:"They're going to get into trouble. Get us into trouble."

I realize I'm almost as tall as she is. "Oh my. This is interesting." I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her close to me. "Very interesting."
"I'm sure they have already found it."

As her expression is hidden by shadow, only her body language indicates surprise at the embrace. She quickly recovers and plays with the darkened flames around Sorchat's head.

With Skyseeker's return and warning, she sighs and peers towards the tree indicated. "And now it's here..."

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:58 pm
by Katrina



*Moist meaty thud*

I gottoooo pretty light. And dancey kitties. Flying winged sheep dancey. So pretty.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:16 am
by Sorchat
Kalindriel Ec'urb wrote:As her expression is hidden by shadow, only her body language indicates surprise at the embrace. She quickly recovers and plays with the darkened flames around Sorchat's head.

With Skyseeker's return and warning, she sighs and peers towards the tree indicated. "And now it's here..."
"What is it?"

I breath fire into the air, to provide light.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:58 pm
by Seven Words
Led once again utterly mangles a reptilian!

The blackguard calls upon Tar-Rozaa, and his unholy symbol flickers as his casting is quickened, and he touches 'Trina with his Inflict Critical Wounds! The blasphemous power rips through her resistance, and a massive wound appears in his hand's wake. (fail Will save, 30 points)

At a much slower pace, he utters the same dark incantation, and reaches out once more.....this time, his spell coruscates uselessly on her skin.

*****at the carpet*****

Nothing is visible where Skyseeker pointed....until a loathsome purple appendage flashes out, striking Annelysei, and spattering disgusting mucous towards Sigrid and Skyseeker.

Annelysei is weakened and knocked out by the toxic secretions! (8 points Con damage, and asleep)
Skyseeker twists out of the way of the nauseating globules!
Sigrid is spattered, and weakened! (2 points Con Damage, but remains awake)

A chameleon-esque creature can briefly be discerned.....but the eye almost refuses to focus upon it...

OOC---Kali, your action here

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:25 pm
by Sigrid
I use my Lesser Metamagic Rod of Empower to cast Empowered Fireball at the... whatever that is.

Code: Select all

Cleric 0     |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2     |Cleric 3     |Cleric 4     |Staff  (33/50)
 Create Water| Bless Water |*Augury      | Dispel Magic|*Divination  | Les Restore 1
 Create Water| Bless Water | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic| Dismissal   | C Serious   1
 DetectPoison| Identify    | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic| Sending     | C Critical  2
 Light       | Identify    | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic| Planar Ally | Restoration 2
 Purify F&D  | Shield Faith|*Status      | Dispel Magic|             | Rem Bli/Def 2
 Purify F&D  | Shield Faith|*Status      |             |             | Rem Disease 3
Sorc 0 (6/6) |Sorc 1 (8/8) |Sorc 2 (6/8) |Sorc 3 (7/8) |Sorc 4 (4/5) |Wands
 Acid Splash | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray  | Fireball    | Orb of Acid | Acid Arr   15 
 Arcane Mark | Identify    | See Invis   | Dispel Magic| Enlarge, Gr | Det Secr D 15
 Dance Light | Mag Missile | Spectr Hand | Resonat Bolt|             | Disp Magic 50
 Detect Magic| Shield      | Cat's Grace |             |             | Find Traps 50
 Light       | Feather Fall|             |             |-------------| Knock      15
 Mage Hand   |             |             |-------------|Rods         | Lgtng Bolt 38
 Message     |-------------|-------------|Turn  (13/13)| Empower  2/3| Reson Bolt 33
 Prestidigit |Crystal Ball |Incense Med 4| Sacred Heal | Absorb  6/24|
Sigrid  62/62|Anna  101/101|Kali  100/100|Katrina 88/88|Led   123/123|Sorchat 31/31
 Arcane Sight| Status   12h| Status   12h| Status   12h| Status   12h|
 DisguiseSelf|             |             |             |             |
 Spectr Hand |             |             |             |             |

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:23 pm
by Led Pighp
Led falls upon the surprised rogue, piercing his torso with claws and then crushing his ribcage on impact with the ground. Oh, this is why cats hunt from trees. He looks up to see 'Trina falling senseless to the ground, and the final lizardman casting his spells upon her.

He surges forward to charge the Blackguard, hoping to divert his attention until 'Trina can come to her senses.
  • Hit Points: 123 (MAX) Damage Redux: 4/silver
    Resistences (all): 10 Spell Resist: 22
    Dodge vs. Blackguard Armor Class: 41
    Damage: 2[7d6+11] Attack Bonus: +21

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:08 pm
by Katrina

Bad flying sheepy you bit me.

Try to raise my hand to smack it away.

Hand no worky? What...tree and then...


[OOC: First round of stun was when I hit the tree and ground since it was surprise and they didn't get to attack, or was round 1 the turn after that?]

[Blessing of Darethon: +2 Str/Dex/Con]
[Total Attacks Mods: +22, Claws 4d6, 3d6 Sneak Attack, +3 for Str, Bite 1d6]
[Total Defense Mods: AC: 24, Heavy Fortification, DR: 10/Magic. SR: 22]
[58/88 HP (12 of which is Temporary)]
Feat: Expert Tactician: If enemy denied Dex I get one free attack at full BAB.
Feat: Rapidstrike: When making a full attack with paired natural weapons, you may make one additional attack at -5 BAB