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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:39 am
by Seareach
danlo wrote:1) What SRD said makes perfect sense to me: I truly believe he told me the correct identity.

2) I'm not skirting, and SRD was not skirting.

3) This is probably the last clue I can give you: I sought to mislead you-someone in this thread has already guessed the real identity. 8)
Not Elohim
Not Elena
Not Amok
Not a Ward
What a shame Jay's new Fatal Revenant forum is locked...otherwise this could be put in the appropriate place! Although, here's my theory: Danlo MUST be joking. After all, he said back in November last year he was "sworn to secrecy" and...well, I'm assuming that hasn't changed. Ok, perhaps he hasn't "shared the secret" but I'd argue that saying what it's *not* is just as bad as saying what it is.

So :haha: Danlo. We all look forward to the release of FR and seeing just how much you were "messing with our minds".

That's my :2c:

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:57 am
by Loredoctor
Well said, m'lady.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:22 am
by Variol Farseer
In [i]Second Foundation[/i], Isaac Asimov wrote:‘It wasn’t difficult. You see, I happen to know where the Second Foundation really is.’

Successive shocks have a decreasing effect—

It was with actual mildness that Semic asked, ‘Are you sure? I mean we’ve just gone through this sort of business with Munn—’
Obviously, then, the Mahdoubt is an agent of the Second Foundation.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:14 am
by Loredoctor
Variol Farseer wrote:
In [i]Second Foundation[/i], Isaac Asimov wrote:‘It wasn’t difficult. You see, I happen to know where the Second Foundation really is.’

Successive shocks have a decreasing effect—

It was with actual mildness that Semic asked, ‘Are you sure? I mean we’ve just gone through this sort of business with Munn—’
Obviously, then, the Mahdoubt is an agent of the Second Foundation.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:11 pm
by deewilldo
I havnt read all twenty pages of this thread so i dont know if this has been said but could the mahdoubt be sara clint whom was killed at the start, or the babysitter sandy eastwal,

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:41 pm
by dlbpharmd
I don't think so - Sara died prior to the Summoning, but she wasn't dead long enough to have been the Mahdoubt in the Land. Sandy Eastwall was not Summoned to the Land.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:00 pm
by deewilldo
ive read just about as much as i can about the mahdoubt, shes doing my head in, but there is going to be some serious i told you so's when we all know for sure, Or if we are all lucky there will be no i told you so cause it will be something totally random,

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:08 pm
by wayfriend
Has anyone said that the Mahdoubt was Esmer yet?

I've been thinking that the Elohim can't be natural time travelers, or else their history would be quite different from what it is. Why not go back in time and stop Kastennessen? Or do something about the volcano before it became so threatening? Or stop the Ravers from being born instead of making a giant Fist. Etc.

So I think Esmer may have hitched a ride back in time with Linden and the ceasure that he summoned. Then went, aw shucks, us Elohim can do stuff, and didn't mention that he hitched.

But he didn't get hitched for the return trip. It wasn't his ceasure.

So he wanders to Revelstone, and moves in for 3300 years. Who cares when you're immortal? I imagine him standing in the center of the close, immobile and imperious, but then gets tired of it after 300 or so years.

One day he asks if there's anything he can do. Someone hands him a mop. 3300 years later, he's the Mahdoubt. A powerful, immortal being still, but with a softened attitude, because over the years he's settled in and gotten mellow. He even adopted a new image to fit his new temperment ... and if occasionally someone sees through it, they shake their head and wander away.

Of course the Haruchai would unquestioningly let him stay and serve in Revelstone. He is Cail's son. Fellow Haruchai but with a twist.

The eye colors, of course, represent his duality. Merewives and Haruchai. Esmer and Mahdoubt. Wild and Mild. Living two places at the same time for 3300 years. And, fundamentally, it's all about Master and Servant, Merewives/Esmer/wild Mastery, and Hauchai/Mahdoubt/mild Service. Purple for the majesty of the Master. Orange for the service of the Earth.

Who better than Esmer to set up a match-making service in Revelstone? His mother was a Merewife, passion incarnate, and his grandparents were the star-crossed lovers Kastennessen and his mortal spouce. Soon he is renowned for matching people up, people come for miles to get hooked up, and they give him fragments of their marriage garments as tribute, which he stitches together into a smock. Oh, after doing this for 3300 years, he knows all about Love.

When Marthiir sees his true identity - Esmer! - he would say "such a one serves?!?!?!" He saw the earlier Esmer. He did make that kind of impression. I can see Marthiir saying that.

Tell me I'm wrong. :wink:

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:12 pm
by Relayer
Interesting theory... the one thing is, that would mean that Esmer exists in the Land/Earth in two places at the same time. That's gotta have some complications w/ the Arch of Time and paradoxes.


It's been a while since I've read this whole thread, sorry if this has been discussed...

SRD keeps making the point that Linden notices the emptiness and disuse of the Keep. But the Mahdoubt tells Linden that she and many others serve the people of Revelstone who aren't self-sufficient like the Masters. Where are all these other people that they're supposed to be serving? And where are the other servants? We don't see any of them. I doubt they all just happen to be absent right now. Clearly then, it seems that the Mahdoubt seeks to mislead Linden and crew in some way. Of course this sheds no light on who she is... but does lead me to think she's up to something.

Interesting that nobody thinks to ask Martiir, "well, what did you think you saw?"

The Haruchai aren't very helpful either... "she serves Revelstone. More about her is not certain." From a Haruchai, that means "well, we know a lot more, but we won't tell you, because we're not certain." Sort of like describing Covenant as a "Stranger" ...

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:22 am
by wayfriend
Relayer wrote:Interesting theory... the one thing is, that would mean that Esmer exists in the Land/Earth in two places at the same time. That's gotta have some complications w/ the Arch of Time and paradoxes.
Ah, that's the jewel of my theory!

SRD's pretty lenient on the paradoxes. You can travel back in time, and you're safe as long as no one notices you.

Which is precisely why Esmer has changed his identity and become the Mahdoubt! If anyone recognizes him, they'll know he's doing two-lives-at-once, and a paradox will be unleashed! But who would ever suspect the Mahdoubt of being a wild and crazy guy like Esmer?!

Where's Nerdanel? It's no fun having a theory if Nerdanel can't out-bizarre it...

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:44 am
by Relayer
WF, I like it! As long as Esmer/Mahdoubt doesn't do anything that would end up impacting the "other" self...

BTW, I am Nerdanel's alter-ego... she can't be around if I am or we'll break the Arch of Posting :P

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:57 pm
by Nerdanel
You know, for a good while I've been developing a theory that Esmer was a caesure. I very nearly posted a thread about it, but in the process of writing I decided that my evidence was a little too shaky (I HAVE some standards) and I needed to collect some more of it, which I have then gradually done. The thing is taking shape, but I haven't felt ready to start writing a thread yet.

But, if we have one person who is a caesure in disguise, we may well have more... And even if Esmer isn't one, the Mahdoubt may still be...

(I've been writing this reply since soon after danlo's latest post. I think I'll have to fast-track this and skip all those quotes and stuff I wanted to include. I've been so tired lately...)

Anyway, the dark wisps seen floating near the Mahdoubt and the Demondim may not be a Demondim quality but a caesure quality. The Demondim were carrying a caesure with them. Anele used the words "fire and darkness" to describe caesures, and we know Anele isn't that out of touch with the reality after all.

Linden did sense that caesures were just an (evil) insentient phenomenon, but we must remember that her senses weren't infallible even in the Second Chronicles. She was unable to sense shapeshifted Elohim for what they were, and caesures may be a similar case.

The Mahdoubt's patchwork cloak fits with the idea that she's a caesure. Caesures sever things, and I think it's within the realm of possibility that they also can sew things up in a different form. I think that fits well with Lord Foul's methods. He has always tended to do something more ingenious than straight-forward destruction.

I hope this post made sufficient sense...

EDIT - I forgot to mention (among many other things, I'm sure) that Esmer is several times mentioned to have emerald eyes which contrasts with the Mahdoubt theory unless you think Esmer-as-Esmer is under the influence of the Illearth Stone and Esmer-as-the-Mahdoubt isn't. But I don't believe the theory. I think I'll have to write more about this later...

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:23 am
by finn

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:54 pm
by danlo
shutup finn! :P 8) The Mahdoubt is
not Esmer

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:41 am
by finn
danlo wrote:shutup finn! :P 8) The Mahdoubt is
not Esmer
Yeah, making far too much racket aren't I! :biggrin:

Actually posted Esmer having a twin suister but then saw Nerdanel has already suggested it. I'll stick with my Melma theory.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:56 pm
by drew
Won't everyone be surised when she turns out to be Sandy!

Mahdoubt Identity!

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 2:13 am
by A Gunslinger
For the love of GAWD.... everybody knows the Mahdoubt is:

SEVERUS SNAPE after taking a wee bit o' trasmorgification potion

Re: Mahdoubt Identity!

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:10 am
by Seareach
A Gunslinger wrote:For the love of GAWD.... everybody knows the Mahdoubt is:

SEVERUS SNAPE after taking a wee bit o' trasmorgification potion
LOL! MY GOD! You're right! ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:15 am
by A Gunslinger
Seareach, even the losers get lucky sometimes!

10 trivia points for you if you can recall whose song I have just quoted.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:55 am
by Seareach
A Gunslinger wrote:Seareach, even the losers get lucky sometimes!

10 trivia points for you if you can recall whose song I have just quoted.
Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers keep a little bit of pride
They get lucky sometimes
That'd be Tom Petty's "Even the Losers"

I know all...even who the Mahdbout it! :biggrin: ;)