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Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:36 pm
by Solus
A pity more didn't take part in the Games. But much fun was had by all (the mortals loved it) nonetheless. True to my word, the prize will be delivered to Maeror. Just so you other gods know what you missed out on...
Xar wrote:Your worshipers discover a great treasure, with which they increase L'im Verthackas's beauty and majesty, attracting crowds of new followers.
Congratulations, Maeror. Your priest performed admirably. May this treasure serve you well. Guard it well, however, for there are thieves about.

Thyddian and Morgath, thank you brothers. Your champions represented you well. Har, many lost a coin in the gambling houses, I assure you. Morgath was a heavy favorite.

Maeror, the honor of hosting the next games is yours if you want it. And I'm sure I can turn up another trophy if you decide you want to hold on to it (but I don't have anything else at the moment, y'damn thievin' scum, whoever ye may be!).

Until the 36th turn, then.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:43 pm
by Loredoctor
Thyddian: It appears my high priest has won the beauty contest. Thus, my mastery of imagery is shown.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:55 am
by Elfgirl
I'm so sorry I did not participate in your Games, Solus, but I had other consequences to attend to...*coughNephirthoscough* When my Forests share borders with Malice, I must constantly be on guard against any ill-will on the part of my brother... :cry:

But I have a story to share with you all this day...

A mortal named Dikug has recently been appealing to you to help him in every endeavour. "O Great Elauradaneth, help me find the key to my house that fell into this ditch!" "O Lady of Nature, make sure this cup of wine is tasty!" "O Mother of Magic, please make sure the cobbler doesn't ask too much!" "O Lady of Beauty, make this ugly wart disappear!" and so on.

Elauradaneth took Dikug to Enedh Gûl, the Centre of Learning within Eryn Sîdh. She handed him over to Great Vargath, the Wizard, to make of him an apprentice in the Majick arts. "When you learn about Majick, you will no longer feel the need to waste energy on trivial things, Dikug," she said gently. "The Great Lore is yours for the learning. However, know that apprentices must give their all to learning this lore. I sense that you have an attention to detail which could serve the Loremasters and Parchment makers well."

Dikug was daunted by this prospect. "I shall do as you wish, Great Lady," he bowed obsequiously. "But what of my requests?"

Elaura gave him one of her devastating smiles, which made Dikug almost faint. "When you learn the Lore, you will be able to do these requests yourself. And..." she whispered conspiratorially, "all my apprentices, once their learning is complete, go out into the world of Men to assist others. You, Dikug, shall go into the vast cities of Nephirthos' realm and trade your feats for gold!"

Dikug's eyes gleamed. "Gold? And how long does it take to learn this Majick, O Beauteous One?"

Elaura smiled again. "That depends on your willingness to learn, and your diligence to do ALL tasks asked of you by Master Vargath." She winked at Vargath, who immediately took charge of the apprentice.

Rydnick strolled over to her and drawled, "If he is a pest, my Lady, rest assured I shall make his life a misery."

Elaura kissed Rydnick. "Thank you darling, but I think the idea of his becoming a travelling magician will keep him busy for quite some time. And besides, dearest, " she said, taking his arm. "We have a few more important things to do right now."

Together, they summoned all the Tirith Galadh (Forestals) and Wurms, and the 100 apprentices of Enedh Gûl who had already passed the tests and become Masters of Majick.

Elaura said unto them, "Go out to the southern borders of my forests. Make the Land wholesome, plant many trees. Expand the Forests and make the Earth fruitful so that many will see the greatness and Beauty of Nature. I must leave you for a while, but I do not leave you helpless against the Malice from the north. Many spells have I woven about the forests, unbreakable as the foundations of Time. For every Despite that Nephirthos plans against me, a silent counterspell will immediately reflect back to him. The "THREEFOLD PRINCIPLE" has been invoked. Mark well, my children, that you also are bound by the "THREEFOLD PRINCIPLE". Do no harm, even if you are provoked, for it will come back onto you threefold. Allow whatever Malice or Evil is aimed at you to simply flow over. The THREEFOLD PRINCIPLE reflects it immediately back onto the maker IF YOU HOLD YOUR GROUND AND DO NOT RETALIATE."

Then she walked away into the forest alone. "Hear me Great Land, Elementals of Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Protect my people and they will protect you. The Tirith Galadh will care for the trees, the Wurms enrich the soils. My followers go out in the world and will bring many more back here to learn the Care of Nature and the Lore of Majick. I must remove myself and Rydnick from this plain of existence for a short time. And when I return, I will have a new gift for the Land."

Some time later, she came back to her disciples. "Be as one with Nature, my children. Help those who would ask it, heal the wounds of the Land, make it fruitful for all to enjoy. Bring Beauty and Majick unto those who have it not, and bring those who will follow back to my forests to learn our Lore."

They all bowed before her and they left to do her bidding.

She held her hands out to Rydnick, who sat quietly nearby. He came to her and she threw her arms around his neck. "Ryddi, my love! At last, everything is proceeding as Nature intended it. And now, you shall fulfil your purpose..." ;)

The Chronicles of Vargath, Grand Wizard and Lorekeeper of the Gospels of Elauradaneth.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:54 am
by Movahl
Ah, my beloved Solina, I beg your forgiveness that I was not equal to your need. Only know that from the moment when first we met my love for you has never wavered, and though you lost to me forever your memory will sustain me when all else fails. I am ever your love, and though grief my consume me, I will never forget you.

Hear me my brethren! My heart has become cold, the warmth struck from it as if cut away by a blade as I looked upon the once-mortal body of my beloved Solina. Deprived of soul, spirit and divine energy, she was left floating in the dark void beyond the boundaries of our world. Thus I found her, and thus I learned that all my searching was in vain.

Know then, all who are blessed of divinity, that I shall not rest until the one that has robbed me of that which was most dear to me in all existence has tasted the full cup of vengeance. I will discover who has committed this deicide and I will bring to bear against them the full power of my retribution.

I am not the strongest of our number, but I will not rest until all those who had a hand in the death of Solina have received their just wages for this hideous crime. Then I will once again know peace, though it be forever denied to my love.

A final word - I have not yet had a chance to speak with those who followed and served my beloved. I would aid them as much as possible during these dark days, and as such the city of Ai-Solin is under my protection. I ask that none seek to influence or interfere with the place my love chose for her people.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:51 am
by Elfgirl
Dearest brother, I feel for your loss...take heart, I shall surround Ai-Solin with Beautiful forests if you so wish it.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:42 am
by Queeaqueg
Another one dies... such a pity

Congratulations to Maeror.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:53 am
by Bhakti
Movahl, I am truly sorry for your loss. Solina was never my follower, but she showed the world that even treatment such as she received cannot remove the potential of Love from a person's soul.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:00 pm
by Xar
Turn 17 is over (and what a turn it was!)... deadline for turn 18 is sunday, 11 pm GMT, but remember the next update might be a little erratic, depending on when I can get my hands on the 'net!

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:23 pm
by Solus
Atrocity. The time has come, brothers and sisters. To war! We must take down Nephirthos. There will be no quarter. No truce.

All who side against Nephirthos, declare it now.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:39 pm
by I'm Murrin
All tolerance on my part is ended with this act.
Surely none will contest that the complete eradication of Nephirthos is necessary, before he destroys the world and us with it. Much as I detest the idea, I see no choice but to destroy him.

Solus, war is not enough. We have fought him before, and he has survived all we have thrown against him. We must act directly against his being.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:15 pm
by Solus
Indeed, Maeror. I do not propose a war with armies but with our own godly might. But let us speak of this further privately.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:32 am
by Marv
Nephi, can't you get a hobby!?

i suggest the ancient(and rather bloody) sport of hurling! :evil:

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:43 am
by Queeaqueg
I hope you all enjoyed the show. I said my 'Final Option' would be something special. Make peace! Why? If I gave in you would all be back for, taking my cities and my industry. If I can't have it, then no one can have it not I leave the World in a state of disorder... and I feel I have so much more to give out :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:34 pm
by Solus
Your days are numbered, Nephertiti. I think you'll find yourself with a lot less influence than you believe.

You came into this world stupidly and clumsily attacking the innocent... a trend that continued and then culminated in this recent fit of destruction, an act you seem inordinately proud of, despite the fact that any fool can destroy.

But no, you'll find yourself going out with a whimper. I predict that in only a handful of years it will be difficult to find a mortal who remembers your name.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:56 pm
by Queeaqueg
I know my days are numbered and I am waiting for you to destroy me. I want to be dstroyed. You think I can defeat your combined power? No, I have caused all the destruction I could do, hehehehe. Bring me down, hehehehe!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:30 pm
by Bhakti
Queeaqueg wrote:I have caused all the destruction I could do...
Not quite "all." There's always the planar beast to be awakened, eh?

At any rate, I imagine your latest act will finally get everyone to consider what I've been saying all along. Perhaps everyone will band against you now.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:28 am
by Movahl
I find it amusing Nephirthos that deicide was not enough to unite your brothers against you. Perhaps it is the spectacularness of the crime that has captured attention?

The murder of a god is a terrible thing, but it does lack the visual impact of your latest atrocity.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:19 pm
by Queeaqueg
I have known of my death for a long time. Everyone has always been against me and you'll slowly destroying me... taking my forts, destroying Ramos and attacking Drakkan. I couldn't just go without a trace, so if I am going to die... migt as well cuase as much pain as possible.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:42 pm
by Bhakti
How can Malice act otherwise? *shrugs*

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:10 am
by Elfgirl
Oh, by the way, Nepphy forgot the Threefold Principle I invoked...for the damages my lands and people have sustained, it will fall upon you and yours THREEFOLD...

shoulda thought about it a little longer, hmmmm? *purrs* :twisted:


To the rest of my brethren, I say to you all...whatever aid you require from me (to swat the God of Malice upside the head for being SUCH a nasty ruinous child), I will grant it!

Bloody typical really...I go off for a lovely time with my favorite boy-toy Ryddy and Nephirthos goes and buggers up the lands! Not to mention destroying one of my most promising Mages...AND stealing my thunder. Oh, Nepphy, you will not be spared now.