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Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:33 pm
by Menolly
*shaking head*

Just looked for the post where said mud dragon was first mentioned. Hard to believe it's been three whole summers since then...

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:17 pm
by Goatkiller666
Didn't we JUST have the conversation about spamming up the Autarch's threads with off-topic chatter?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:26 pm
by Menolly
Did we? :oops:
I was just responding to Stone's post.
Queen of THOOOTP strikes again

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:36 pm
by Goatkiller666
Be proud of your inability to self-edit all you want. You will still suffer the wrath of the Autarch.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:05 am
by [Syl]
Results are out. Let me know if I missed anything. I already caught one mistake, and another that I decided I could live with.

Man, that was a lot of writing. Let me know if it's worth it. If you'd rather have simpler, to the point (and faster to get out) results, let me know.

And good job, guys. Great turn by all.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:34 am
by Fist and Faith
I guess others got the results with lots of writing, so I'm fine with this. Heh. And I think your pace is great. Whatever amount of writing you put into it isn't making the turnaround too long. Not by a long shot.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:09 pm
by Menolly
I received some decent narrative, which I love as I love all game stories. So I am very happy with this.

And I agree with Fist. Turn around rate is awesome.

On another matter, you mentioned finals were yesterday. I hope they went well. Are you free from school for the summer? Or are you taking classes "Summer B?"

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:00 pm
by Menolly
I only really know that which was posted in the History of the Acropolis of what everyone is attributed with doing. Should anyone want Virelai's Ode of Rejoicing to include something more, feel free to let me know.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:58 pm
by Orlando
I am extremely happy with the narrative on my results (I wish I could give more but I'm not much of a writer) and I greatly appreciate suggestions. Some things I don't realize and I'm still real fuzzy on the rules of this game.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:53 pm
by Menolly
Kai wrote:Dare to meddle again with one of my toys and you will suffer for it.

Melody? Virelai?

All I can say is that I am attempting to learn how to meddle from the best... ;)

All is well that ends well, nu?


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:40 pm
by Menolly
Just want to remind everyone that Stonemaybe is camping in a field at the Glastonbury Music Festival for the next week or so. Responses from his deity will be delayed...

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:24 am
by Colu


Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:40 pm
by Fist and Faith
I'm veeeeeeery excited about my turn!! It's not gonna be a gigantic thing that everybody will see, but it's a very cool use of power! I'm having a great time writing it!


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:16 am
by Menolly
*soft smile*

Coolness, Fist.
I hope you'll share some of the details in story form or some way, after submitting.

If nothing turns up in the game thread that must be attended to this midsummer between now and deadline, I am hoping to have Virelai finish something she has been working on for awhile. Details on doing so have thus far been elusive for this struggling writer though...

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:25 pm
by stonemaybe
I'm back, baked by Surya (thanks! I think, though i hate my peeling nose!) and sated with music and general debauchery.

*singing* there may be trouble ahead (and gods help that head!)

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:43 pm
by Menolly
Welcome back, Stone!
I hope Music sated you in all good ways. :)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:33 am
by [Syl]
I just want to make clear that the limits on non-DSP actions do not apply to important, well-known (between the player and myself) assets. Use them judiciously, of course, but don't think that I'm cutting off or severely limiting major plot lines that have already been developed.

If you are unsure if something qualifies, just PM me. I'll make an effort to note what things/people fall under this category in future results.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:26 pm
by Nyx
Autarch, you'd previously confirmed that we could make "down payments" against larger power expenditures if we didn't have enough power all at once to do some action. (e.g. - I have 2 DSP available this turn, and wish to create a second High Priest, I can spend my 2 DSP now and then the final DSP next turn). I had heard from another player that while this was true, the final result might be slightly less effective than if I'd spent all three DSP on the same turn. Would you comment on this?

It is my belief that a High Priest is a High Priest. A temple is a temple. I guess I could imagine other actions have levels of effectiveness, though.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:07 pm
by [Syl]
No, I don't think it will be less effective, though that might be a possibility in certain situations. Generally speaking, though, the only drawback is that you can't get back whatever you spend and can't get anything until you finish the process (except for the first effort towards augmenting a divine artifact).

But yes, temples are temples and high priests are high priests.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:24 pm
by Herald of Sataniel
Tra la la. How I do love surprises. I hope you all feel the same way.