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Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:02 am
by Fist and Faith
Ah, Power Man and Iron Fist's foe from long ago!


Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:27 am
by Avatar
Welcome to the Watch. :D


Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:09 am
by Wyldewode
Welcome, ElAguila.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:55 pm
by wayfriend
wayfriend wrote:(And, yeah: what other forums?)
Found one.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:05 pm
by aliantha
wayfriend wrote:
wayfriend wrote:(And, yeah: what other forums?)
Found one.
Wow, and so popular, too. The last post there was in May. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:21 pm
by Avatar
Well, the mod there in 2005 knew about us...there's a link in one of the threads. :D


Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:37 pm
by wayfriend
aliantha wrote:Wow, and so popular, too. The last post there was in May. :lol:
Well, Fatal Revenant had just come out.

I liked the thread called "is High Lord Elena Thomas Covenants daughter?" It beats the other 21 threads hands-down.

God, our forum rocks.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:43 pm
by sindatur
wayfriend wrote:
aliantha wrote:Wow, and so popular, too. The last post there was in May. :lol:
Well, Fatal Revenant had just come out.

I liked the thread called "is High Lord Elena Thomas Covenants daughter?" It beats the other 21 threads hands-down.

God, our forum rocks.
TO be honest, as I was listening to the Audio books, and not having read the books for 10 years, I was a bit confused myself early on in Ill Earth War. It was mentioned over and over again that she was Lena's Daughters, and that's why he felt guilty, not once was he said to feel guilty (or icky) about her being his daughter for at least most of the book, so for a while, I was starting to wonder if my memory was faulty. of course later on it becomes clear, but, as he's falling in love with her, you can wonder.

Mark in Eureka, California says hello

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:41 am
by oldebears
I am new here. I am male, age 49 and live in Eureka, California.
I've been a fan of Thomas Covenant books since the early 1980's, when I read all six (then) of the books, instead of studying for my college courses!
I fell in love with The Land, and it's many inhabitants, especially the giants (I loved Saltheart Foamfollower and Pitchwife!).
I was greatly surprised a few years back to find that Mr. Donaldson had written two more books. I re-read the first six stories, then delved into the new ones. What a thrill!
I am waiting with baited breath, as I'm sure you all are, for the next book!
I am an artist, musician, and writer.
Anyway, it's late and that's all I have to say for now! ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:24 pm
by Menolly
Be Welcome to the Watch, oldebears.
Be Well Come and True.

Jump in anywhere.
The Watch has topics on just about everything.

As an artist you may enjoy The First and Second Chronicles Gallery; Forum Pictures and The Laborium in the Watch's forum album; and maybe Comics and Cartoons if you are in to graphic novels, comic books, manga, and the like.

As a musician, come check out Vespers.

And as a writer, come share what works you are willing to in the Hall of Gifts. Or you may wish to join and take part in the hidden Writers Circle forum.

Or you may wish to consider submitting either a story, poetry or artwork in the the site's next anthology.

I look forward to reading your posts. :)

Re: Mark in Eureka, California says hello

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:43 pm
by dANdeLION
oldebears wrote:I am an artist, musician, and writer.
I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we're all artists, musicians, and writers here (except me; I'm only an artist and musician), so we're not going to be able to feed you.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:01 pm
by wayfriend
Well come, ye olde bear. May ye growl be worse than ye bite.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:46 pm
by oldebears
Thank you most kindly for the warm and informative welcome, Menolly!
And Uomo senza nome, I am quite well-fed already: I get paid to be an artist and musician (I can't say I'm a paid writer yet, but I'm working on it!).
I merely joined this forum as a true fan of TC.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:59 pm
by Wolves
Hey everyone!

Can I be greeted by people who have posted tens of thousands of times as well :3?

I'm wolves (not yellow, grey :D) and I've read this series way too many times; I should think that this would allow me to fit in perfectly here :). I loved all of the books in the first two series. In the third, however, I felt that each book started in an almost unfamiliar style before regaining the voice that I remember from the early books. Nevertheless, I loved them as well.

Other than that, I can't wait for the next book!

Re: Hai

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:16 pm
by ___
Wolves wrote:Can I be greeted by people who have posted tens of thousands of times as well?
Don't set your sights so low; you have now been greeted by Royalty. Remember, quality defeats quantity every time.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:29 pm
by Lord of the Gyre
Oh man, what a rebel, making his own introduction thread while the rest of us peasants stick to just one.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:46 pm
by Menolly
Well, rebels are welcome too.
...and I am sure ~lyr will be on the case and merge this in to the "Say Hello in Here" thread soon enough. ;)

In the meantime...

Be Welcome to the Watch, Wolves.
Be Well Come and True.

And ooo, LotG.
You'll be joining us in V: DA?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:50 am
by Lord of the Gyre
Menolly wrote:Well, rebels are welcome too.
...and I am sure ~lyr will be on the case and merge this in to the "Say Hello in Here" thread soon enough. ;)

In the meantime...

Be Welcome to the Watch, Wolves.
Be Well Come and True.

And ooo, LotG.
You'll be joining us in V: DA?
Oh yes. I wasn't sure where/if to post, but Goat and I have been working on a character for the past couple days.

Re: Mark in Eureka, California says hello

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:34 am
by Avatar
___ wrote:
oldebears wrote:I am an artist, musician, and writer.
I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we're all artists, musicians, and writers here (except me; I'm only an artist and musician), so we're not going to be able to feed you.

Welcome to the Watch (again) OldeBears. :D


Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:36 am
by Avatar
Welcome to the Watch Wolves. :D You wouldn't be an Erikson fan, with a name like that would you?
