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Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:07 am
by Ahkash
Ignoring the burning fragments for the moment, the half-elf flanks the deer attacking Renard, and slashes at it with his dagger.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:50 pm
by Mephiston
just to clarify:
I said to Renard that clerics goes to battle with blunt weapons against undead. But they are not effective always against all the undeads... so to fix my fault,

Zombies have:
Damage Reduction 5/Slashing (Ex): Zombies are lumbering masses of flesh.

still waiting for Thonunian and Renard moves


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:55 pm
by Tänya
[ooc]*sticking with my quarterstaff anyway, as it seems to be fairly effective for whatever reason*[/ooc]

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:15 pm
by Thonunian
Thonunian seems to recall something, and his face twists with anger.

**** that bard!!! He distracted me, and I revealed my power when I could have stuck with my sword!

Thonunian (who had not sheathed his sword while casting the spell) charges whatever undead is nearest.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:19 pm
by Renard
[ooc] ah, no worries... in that case.../ooc]
Renard takes a big piece of burning lamber, but when he trys to go away he has been attacked by an undead deer that was hiding near the burning farm! It hits him with its horns dealing him 5 damages. Renard is quick enough to respond at the attack hitting the deer on the head. The deer is still fighting.
Ignoring the burning fragments for the moment, the half-elf flanks the deer attacking Renard, and slashes at it with his dagger.
Despite the utter chaos of violence around him, and his growing terror, the sight of the winged warrior, the moody half-elf and Tänya fearlessly smashing her staff around steadies him. With a wink and a smile to them, he discards the burning club and draws his seldom used dagger.
"Nice to meet you all. I surely hope we can share stories of this over some fine wine at the tavern soon." And then strikes at the deer with (usijng it as a slashing weapon) his dagger.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:32 pm
by Mephiston
Ahkash hits the deer wounding it.

Thonunian charges the deer dealing a great blow against the animal. The neck of the deer is almost severd... but the animal continue to fight.

Tänya crushes the deer with her staff. Again a burst of light spread from the staff. the deer moans in pain!

Renard hits the deer with his weapon, dealing some damage.

Atruscut away the head of the undead wolf. then he run quickly at the back of the deer that is attacking Renard, flanking it.

the winged man scream and hits the deer with his sword. The head of the undead animal fall to the ground with the rest of the body. You all rip what remains of the animal body untill it stops to move.

No other animals are near to you. The farm building is almost burned and nothing can be saved. Ther is no wind so the cornfield isn't in danger to set on fire.

You see now in a point east of you the goblin that is still fighitng against the animals. the farmers falled back from the combat and the goblin is alone against 2 undead wolf. Before you can move he kill the remaning animal and runs to you. He doesn't seem wounded.

The winged man turn to you glanching for the last time at the body of the deer.

"thank you verimuch, thank you all! You saved my life and the cornfield, i and my father will rebuild the farm... there is a lot of wood here it will not be a problem."

You can focus now on him.
He's a tall man, blond, with clear azure eyes. He don't have an armor and he doesn't seem to be a warrior, just a farmer. The only things that make him special are the wings and the incredible beauty of the man.

"My name is Arael, and i will never thank you enough for what you did!"
He bows deeply.

The old farmer comes and hugs his child
"Arael! i though we couldn't survive... but thanks to Solaris and our strangers we are alive!"
The old man turns to you.
"My son and you are wounded... sure... you need healing! Rest tonight in the taver, Alard, the innkeeper is my friend it will ask no money for your rest. Tomorrow you can visit the church of Solaris and the good priestes will heal your wounds."

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:07 pm
by Ahkash
Shaking his head sourly, and favouring his wounded leg, the half-elf let out a bitter laugh.

"That's the first time I've worked for free since I was old enough to see over tables."

He raised his hand to forestall any comment. "'s fine. I'll get over it," then looking at the winged man asks, "what caused all this?"

"And did anybody else see a strange figure who disappeared as we joined the battle?"

"And who exactly is this goblin? It all appears suspiciously coincidental..."

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:39 pm
by Mephiston
The winged man speaks
"Those strange animals came from the woods... a hooded man set on fire the hystack on the rear of the farm... and when we went out to try douse the fire, they attacked us. They also killed the cows and the horses we had. We are lucky because it seems that in the other farm nothing is happened. I must thank olso the men that came from the other farm to help us!"
Arael seems scared, and he's tired.

"I'm exactly what you said... a goblin! what coincident you see? I'm a goblin! yes yes! and i had a lot of fun! eh you, winged one... do you think others will come? I will be pleased to help you again!"

Arael shakes his head...
"oh... for the tears of solaris... a goblin helped us, he killed many animals alone... the animals are mad... what else could happen?"

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:05 pm
by Tänya
*head drooping in exhaustion*

"Is there anyone here who needs healing before going to the church and seeking the help of the clerics? Renard? You others? Anyone over near the wreckage? I am able to help one more if need be, and can give a tiny amount of aid to two others..."

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:23 pm
by Thonunian
Thonunian looks at all the other people gathered around.

To the farmer he says, "The free healing and stay is more than enough of a reward, but do you have anywhere I could wash all this mud and blood off of my cloak?"

He adds to Arael, "By the way, do you have any idea why you have wings? It seems rather odd that someone could possess such without being important to some god or another..."

After a short pause in which he seems to gather his courage, he says to everyone, "My name is Thonunian, and I am really impressed by the way you all fought. I only recently left my" a barely noticeable pause, "village, and I hope you will forgive me for hiding my small skill at magic. I assumed you would be scared by it like most other people there."

Talking directly to Tänya, "I would like some healing, but I can wait until tomorrow at the temple. Would you mind explaining why your staff made flames appear whenever you hit someone?"

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:41 pm
by Mephiston
"You can clean yourself and your clothes to the tawern. It has a common bathroom." the old man said.

"I dunno... i don't remember much of my existance... since i have memories i lived with my father here in the farm... and i did it for al my life..."
He seems confused

"It is a long story" the father said "we should rest and talk about it tomorrow, ok?" he smiles to his son, but he seems to be nervous...

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:15 pm
by Tänya
Looking towards the tall elf, Tänya expelled a sigh of relief. She had been concerned that she couldn't help everyone, and his willingness to wait eased her conscious a little.

"I have no idea what the white flames are. My quarterstaff is new to me, given to me upon attaining the rank of journeyman by my master, just before I began the trip here." She glanced upwards (and upwards!) towards his face. "You seem a curious sort, Thonunian. Are you willing to satisfy curiosity as well? I see only elf in you, yet your height..." and her voice trailed off in confusion.

She then turned towards the dark half-elf and Renard. "Do either of you wish attention now? If not," looking towards the farmer and Arael, "is there anyone else who may need a healing hand right away?"

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:27 pm
by Thonunian
Thonunian blushed slightly :oops: in response to Tänya's question.

"I have no idea why my family is so tall, but... my understanding is that although my parents fell in love with each other for their personalities, they were originally attracted to each other because they were each the tallest person the other had ever seen. I admit that as a young child I asked why everyone else was so small, but..." He shrugs uncomfortably.

"As for your staff... I can detect the strength and general type of magic, and I'm quite willing to do so here, but I don't think that will really help with figuring out where the power came from or what it can really do. But let's wait until we are back at the tavern to talk more, and you can tell me what you think of the decision then. I want to get my clothes clean, and get a little rest first."

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:53 pm
by Tänya
Tänya's knuckles whitened upon her staff, but she forced herself to smile at the tall elf. "I think you for your offer, but I agree it is best we cleanse and refresh ourselves first." Turning again to the others she said, "I am anxious to check on my horse, and make sure all is well with her. Again, if any desires my aid, let me know.

"Your farm is in disarray," she said to the farmer and Arael, "and I will not ask for fodder and board for Solana. She is fine where she is. But, I wish to see her before I join all of you at the Wild Boar," and she shivered slightly at the name as she recalled the undead boars they had just fought. "Speak up, or I will now take my leave of you all for a little while."

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:59 pm
by Ahkash
Sheathing his dagger and collecting his shortbow from where he had dropped it, Ahkash ignored the offer of healing. He preferred to get a nights sleep and let the priests heal what damage remained past morning than incur any debt to the elf.

"Until morning then," he said, slipping the loop of his bowstring off the tip of the upper limb, and shouldering the stave, before limping off in the direction of the inn.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:28 pm
by Tänya
Breathing a sigh of relief, the druid thought to herself, two down. Turning towards the bard and the farmer and his winged son, she regarded them with the question remaining in her eyes.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:41 pm
by Thonunian
"Well, Tänya, was it? Anyway, I'll be heading back to the inn in a few minutes. If you should change your mind, I'll still be willing to help."

I never thought on the fact that things could be magical without their wielder knowing it, but now that I am... there may be some other things to check out along with these animals...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:45 am
by Atrus
Ahkash wrote:"That's the first time I've worked for free since I was old enough to see over tables."
Atrus laughed out loud when he heard this. Grinning at the darkskinned man, he said "It's the same with me, fellow. Let's hope we don't start any nasty habits."

With that, he nodded to the farmer and cast a last strange glance at the winged man. He turned to his battle companions, "You know, for a bunch of tavern dwellers, you're all not too shabby in a fight. I'll see ya around." He waved slightly, and ran to catch up with Akhash, and maybe catch a game of dice.

[heading back the inn to mingle with the taverngoers, and rest for the night,.]

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:48 am
by Mephiston
Tanya, Arael kindly asks if you could heal him a bit more... a few of his wounds are still bleeding.

You ask for the blessing of Solaris and again your hands are covered by a soft glow. Many of the wounds of the winged man are healed.

"Thank you, milady." he bows "I want to start rebuilding my farm as soon as possible. But we don't have a home for the night, so we will go to the tavern too."

You all can see Thonunian examine accurately the body of the undead bear (results in pm).

While you all are heading to the tavern a full armored man cross the street. He seems that he's searching for someone and when he sees the group of you smiles.

"Oh! Thanks to the blessing of Solaris I have found you!"
The man is a tall muscular man. He wears golden armor with the holy symbol of Solaris on his breast plate. A shield is on his left arm and a long sword is fastened on his belt.
He has white brillant hair and grey eyes. He's good looking man indeed.
In some way he reminds you of Arael.

"Are you all voluntarily answering the call of the gods?" he asked smiling tot he group.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:26 am
by Tänya
Tänya ducked her head deep into the hood of her cloak, in the attempt to hide her blush from Arael's gratitude. Blessed Mother, he is beautiful! she thought, But very young...

"I am glad my small ability could help, Arael," she said when she felt the heat in her cheeks recede a little. "But, you are still not fully healed. I wish to go check on Solana, but I will see Renard, you and your father safely to the Wild Boar first."

She offers her arm once again to the bard, and she winks at him as a golden light suffuses his touch while she mumbles a few words under her breath. With a sideways glance, she said, "It is not much, as your wounds are more serious than minor, but it is all I can do for now and will offer a slight relief. Should you desire the same later, as of now I can offer this once more. Do not hesitate to ask me if you need it again before the morrow and we request the aid of the clerics."

They quickly catch up to the dark half-elf and human warrior and as the man in golden armor approaches and addresses them, Tänya lightly touches her own wooden symbol. Then releasing Renard's hold on her arm, she lowers her hood so the laurelin leaves on her brow glow in the moonlight. Striding towards the man with her staff raised above her head in her left arm, she grasps it in the middle so it tilts at a 45° angle above her and stops 5 feet away, with her legs slightly apart.

"I answer."