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Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:08 pm
by Seven Words
Led moves quickly, but the Owlbear zombie lashes out at him, massive paw barely missing. However, when he charges the necromancer, Led's claws also strike naught save air!

Unwilling to provide two enemies with opportunites, Skyseeker uses a flaming javelin as a spear, the thrust not even harming the undead mass, but the fire burning a nice area. ( 0 points physical, 5 points fire damage)

The necromancer casts a spell at Led....who is unable to overcome the spell effects, he is SLOWED

Vynarkus sends another enhanced blast down range, this one into the owlbear. If it had any vitals, it would be crippled from this well-aimed blast..but undead feel no pain. (7 points, + 7 points cold....14 total)

Barak sends more power blasting into the owlbear! (8 points)

Marrik chops at the already-damaged zombie, laying the animate corpse to rest once more, wheeling and slashing down another one in a continuous motion! (6 points, down...12 points, down)

the holes in the line closing, the second rank of zombies charge the paladin! Two of them land powerful smashes, but his resilient armor negates one, and takes half of the second! (4 points)

The northern zombies strike at Skyseeker. She avoids one blow, but her lack of mobility leaves her open to the second! (5 points)

The owlbear lurches north, seeking to further maul Led.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:15 pm
by Barak Windblown
Barak's face a mask of concentration, he sends more force howling towards the Owlbear.

ooc: Barak casts magic missile at the Owlbear.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:42 pm
by Led Pighp
Second round shifted.
Claw / Claw on necromancer.
Move: 5' step NE

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:31 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus looks disgusted as the zombie continues walking around with a hole through its stomach. Then he attacks it again, using the sword again.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:04 pm
by Seven Words
Led, moving lethargically, tears at the spellcaster with his claws, one striking flesh. (4 points) he then slowly steps to the Northeast.

Skyseeker stabs the same zombie again (1 point physical, 6 points fire) The shambling monster collapses!

The necromancer takes a step tot eh southeast, before casting another spell! Two Scorching Rays lance out from his hands at Led! (11 points and 15points)

Vynarkus again blasts at the owlbear, but misses!

Baraks' twin streaks again gouge into the mass of undead flesh! (7 points)

Marrik swings again, this blow not so mighty, the corpse is mangled but remains animate! (6 points)

All three zombies before him pound on the paladin, all three managing to land their blows, but once again the mighty armor endures! (1 point)

The remaining northern zombie misses the agile elf!

The owlbear takes a lurching step in pursuit, and once again claws at Led! A desperate last minute twist prevents the claws from severing his spine, but still the blow proves too much! (9 points) Led collapses!

Laurel, flashing into visibility near the edge of the sinkhole, fires an arrow into the necromancer! (4 points) She steps onto the slope of the sinkhole for partial cover, very nearly falling....but she keeps her footing.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:32 pm
by Laurel
Doing her best to avoid any spells cast by the necromancer (posting as last in initiative without knowing what happens before in the round), again focusing her intent, the bard whispers "Barxonas!" and winks out of sight. Then, carried on the breeze, the following is heard, growing louder as Laurel gains confidence herself from her song.
Nothing is easy
Nothing good is free
But I can tell you where to start
Take a look inside your heart
There's an answer in your heart

Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
Make it worth the price we pay

Every moment of your lifetime
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight everybody
Make it worth the price we pay

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:31 pm
by Led Pighp
Led screams out "Why do they always get me in the spleen?" and falls to the ground. He scrabbles feebly in the dirt for a moment, then falls still.

Anyone looking closely would see his lips moving slightly, as if he were speaking, though no sound can be heard.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:22 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus grimaces as he sees Led fall. "Laurel! Try to heal him!"

Then he attacks the owlbear again.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:20 am
by Barak Windblown
Barak's expression hardens at the sight of Led falling. He charges towards the downed shapeshifter, rummaging inside his small satchel as he runs.

ooc: Barak runs as far as he can towards Led.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:21 pm
by Seven Words
Skyseeker leaves off the last zombie, this necromancer is clearly a powerful foe! she moves southwest twice, then cuts south for another 25 feet, then whirling and flinging a javelin at the necromancer! However, the well-protected indistinct target proves too much for her!

A look of soul-deep hatred suffuses his face as teh half-elf sees Skyseeker's elven features, twisting into a sinister smile as he casts another spell, this one at her...a green bolt of energy heading for her. The Ray of Enfeeblementjust misses!

Vynarkus blasts the owlbear once again! (14 points)

Marrik chops down two zombies again, leaving one more! (6 points and 10 points)

The last zombie, obeying programmed priorities, turns and commences a shambling charge at Barak! However, as it turns, Marrik manages to cut it down! (9 points)

The last zombie of the north lurches in pursuit of Skyseeker.

The owlbear lurches over towards Skyseeker.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:41 pm
by Barak Windblown
Dodging south around Marrik and the product of the Paladin's axe-work, Barak continues his sprint towards Led's side. He pulls a faintly glowing vial from his bag as he runs.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:39 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus heaves a sigh as he sees the owlbear still standing, and, trusting the multiple people closing in on the necromancer to keep him occupied, blasts it again, wincing as the backlash from the sword starts to reach risky levels.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:51 pm
by Led Pighp
Led lies there, his life's blood leaking out around him. What little of his awareness that is left is thinking, "Why do I even bother wearing these robes? Every time I run into combat, they get all hacked up. They've been bloodstained, then bleached... the fabric is getting pretty weak. And I've had to sew up giant holes in them so much, they look more like a patchwork than anything scholarly."

At the same time, his lips continue moving in the same pattern as before, repeating the same phrase over and over silently.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:46 am
by Seven Words
Skyseeker reverses, dashes north and hurls another javelin at the necromancer, but again his protections stymie her!

The necromancer sidles southwest and casts a Summon Monster spell! A Hell Hound appears, glaring balefully!

Vynarkus again blasts the Owlbear, this time his face contorting in a brief spasm of agony...(13 points)

Barak finishes his dash, barely avoiding the reach of the zombie, making it to Led's side.

Marrik ignores the last zombie standing in the road on a headlong run to try and close with the necromancer and the mighty Owlbear zombie. The zombie seizes the opportunity to bash at the connects, but his armor ablates most of the strike (1 point)

The zombie now lurches into a charge at Marrik, but misses!

The Owlbear zombie shambles a 5' step closer to Marrik, and swipes at him! The adamantine armor is unable to take more than a small fraction of this fell blow! (10 points)

Murmured words come from near the fallen Heshic....(Led: Heal 11 points)

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:59 am
by Led Pighp
Led's consciousness returns, as he can feel his body magically mending together.

Looking around himself, he notices that most of the zombies are gone, but that there's now a hellhound in front of him. He rises to his feet, and sizing up his opponants, he reaches to his belt to grab a healing potion and quaff it.

Begin shift, 1st round
(I'm assuming I unshifted when I went down)
Move action: stand up.
Standard action: use magic item (potion)

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:05 pm
by Barak Windblown
Seeing Led regain his feet, Barak skids to a halt, surprise and relief plain on his stalwart features.

He glances wildly around him, perhaps recognising the danger his headlong plunge has placed him in, and takes two uncertain steps north, returning the vial in his hand to the satchel.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:17 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus sheathes the sword, then, still grimacing, blasts the owlbear again. If the owlbear should be taken care of before his next turn, he blasts the hellhound instead.

[ooc]PM sent to Seven on possible alternative...[/ooc]

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:49 pm
by Seven Words
Led shifts again, and SLOWLY drinks his potion...clambering to his feet will not be swift.....( heal 7 points)

Skyseeker runs 10' to the West, interposing herself between Led and Barak and the necromancer. She pivots and hurls her last flaming javelin at him! This one finally strikes true! (11 points)

The necromancer grits his teeth and manages to maintain his concerntration as he moves 10' north, and unleashes a Burning Hands spell! ( 14 points, Reflex Save to 1/2)The cone engulfs Led, Skyseeker, Barak, and the now-visible spellcasting Laurel! Led is screened by Skyseeker, avoiding the worst of the inferno (7 points), Skyseeker drops under the worst of it (7 points), Barak is on the fringe of it and twists away, (7 points), but Laurel is utterly engulfed!14 points)

Vynarkus blasts the owlbear yet again! (7 points)

Barak manages to maintain his Concentration, and casts another Magic Missile spell, this one upon the HellHound! ( 6 points)

The hell hound steps to the north, and unleashes it's fiery breath upon the same cluster of foes! (4 points, Reflex save to 1/2) Led is once again screened by Skyseeker (2 points), but this time the elf bears the brunt of the conflagration! (4 points) The plains-toughened sorceror is once again caught in just the fringes of the fire (2 points), but alas for Laurel...clearly, the Wild Bitch is not smiling upon her, as she is again ravaged by the flames! (4 points)

Seeing the seared bodies of his friends, Marrik desperately calls upon Missaryi and commits to an all-out Power Attack upon the obdurate moving corpse before him, landing an utterly devastating blow....yet still it endures, the spell-wrought mockery of life clinging to the rotting shell. (17 points)

The zombie behind him attempts to pound his exposed back..but it is unable to land a solid blow!

The owlbear zombie again swipes at Marrik, this time connecting! Again, the armor resists but a fraction of the mighty strike! (12 points)

Laurel, in agony, loses focus on her spell!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:33 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus groans at the sight of his companions being so badly injured, but, unable to do anything, blasts the owlbear or the Hellhound, if owlbear is gone. He also moves 30' to the south while beforehand, and attacks the necromancer if both are gone.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:12 pm
by Laurel
Barely managing to remain standing, the bard digs deeper into herself, and combines two lower-level spells to cast one stronger than each she called upon towards the necromancer. Then croaking out "Barxonas!" she once again winks out of sight.

Third round of five that Inspire Courage can linger before needing to be taken up again