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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:31 pm
by Worm of Despite
I think it's a fantastic series.

They do a great job of covering the meat of the books. It also adeptly juggles a lot of characters.

Yes corners are cut and not everything is exactly like the book. But if you want something exactly like the book read the book.

The sex scenes are about as often and gratuitous as HBO's Rome. I see no problem with them. Remember--the TV audience is a lot hornier than the average fantasy fan. Or maybe I'm just hornier than average. Either way--just think how much sex and nudity would be in Mad Men if it was on HBO! HBO is a whorehouse, let's admit. Look at True Blood.
Horrim Carabal wrote:
Murrin wrote: As idiotic as this all is, it's even worse when you consider that the series has dropped all of the Freys that should have joined Robb as part of the deal, and the entire Westerling/Spicer family - all the people close to Robb that are significant to the fallout from his marriage.
Wow, this makes me glad I haven't watched this show. Sounds like they've jettisoned a lot of the key components of the well-structured first book.
I would recommend you at least watching the first couple episodes before passing judgement on it. It's certainly not the grand experience I had reading the first three books. But not much is. Tolkien was. My first viewing of Star Wars was. It's still good. Solidly good, even great at times. And it's a hell of a lot finer than the last two books. :lol: You may be surprised.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:36 am
by Ananda
I never read the books and was confused about something maybe you guys can answer for me. What happened at the Stark castle? I thought the 500 troops outside were Stark troops and the guys inside clubbed whatshisname and would turn him in to them for the safe passage? Next thing I see is the castle stuff all burnt and the Stark kids fleeing. What happened to the 500 men and were they not the ones Rob sent?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:55 am
by I'm Murrin
The men outside would be the Bastard of Bolton's men, the ones that Roose Bolton was telling Robb he could send, yes.

The below spoiler is context from the book, which, is very different from the show and not totally necessary to answer your question. Read if you like.
In the books, just before Theon took Winterfell Ser Rodrik and his men caught Ramsey Snow (the Bastard of Bolton) and his manservant Reek comitting a brutal murder - they killed Ramsey, and took Reek back to Winterfell.
Theon released Reek and took him on as his own manservant. Reek was the one who suggested to Theon that they go to the miller's farm and find the two millers' sons to stand in for Bran and Rickon's corpses.
When Theon was mocked and abandoned by his sister, knowing that Ser Rodrik and the men who had gone to recapture Torrhen's Square were returning to take Winterfell, Reek suggested he could go and round up some of Ramsey's men from the Dreadfort to help him. When Rodrik and the others besieged Winterfell, Reek, now dressed as a lord rather than a servant, attacked them in the rear and killed them all (as they are all northmen sworn to Winterfell, the others never expected the attack). Theon welcomed Reek into the castle as a friend - and then he revealed himself as Ramsey Snow, who had swapped clothing with his servant when he was captured.
And the next bit may be the same between book and TV show, but it's hard to say since they didn't show what happened:
Once Ramsey and his men were allowed into Winterfell, they captured Theon, slaughetered everyone - including the people of Winterfell - and burned the castle, leaving no witnesses to their betrayal.
I say it only may be the same because that ending made more sense after the preceding stuff in the book (i.e. it was done as a cover-up). Without that preceding stuff, it may be that the show can have the ironborn torching everything before they leave. We'll have to wait and see.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:08 am
by Holsety
In a moment of vulnerability and weakness, and perhaps also under Sybil's coercion, Robb sleeps with Jeyne. Because Jeyne was a virgin and the daughter of a lord, Robb feels compelled to preserve her honour by marrying her. He does it because he believes it is what his father would have done.
Whoever Jon's mother was, Ned didn't marry her. I grant that there are theories involving Ned not being his father, but the fact remains that from Robb's perspective, there's no reason to assume his father would have broken a marriage contract to honor an out-of-wedlock affair. If going by his father's honor is his way, then it seems he's still a bit confused.

I'm not sure I feel the TV series does the books justice, moreso with the second than the first. But I still enjoy watching them, mostly for the strength of performances, laughs, and visuals.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:10 am
by I'm Murrin
His father was already married to Catelyn. He married her, got her pregnant with Robb, went off to war in Robert's rebellion, and then came back with Jon.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:54 pm
by Zarathustra

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:37 am
by [Syl]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:54 pm
by I'm Murrin
Game of Thrones season 1 has won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (long form). It was up against films like Hugo and Captain America, and won by miles.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:55 pm
by I'm Murrin
So, first episode of the new season was pretty good. I'm a little disappointed that they changed it so that Sam ran off without releasing the ravens (and got shouted at for it), when IIRC in the novel he managed to send a message out, but not too bothered by it.

I like that they're sticking very close the the book with Daenerys in Astapor. The scenes with the slavemaster and the translator are excellent, and I am glad they've kept them intact.

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:00 am
by MsMary
I still haven't watched one episode. No HBO. Boo! :(

I looked at the DVDs at Amazon, but they are a bit price-y. And the waiting list for the numerous copies my library has is long.

I may break down and buy the DVDs.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:54 am
by Horrim Carabal
Worm of Despite wrote:I think it's a fantastic series. if you want something exactly like the book read the book.
Thank you, I believe I shall.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:34 am
by Zarathustra
I'm not sure about the DVDs, but the cost of the Blu-rays for season two have dropped dramatically compared to season 1 at the same time they came out. We paid $60 for season 1, and $35 for season 2. Eventually, S1 dropped to $30. I expect S2 to drop as well.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:15 am
by MsMary
I don't have Blu-ray.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:37 pm
by Zarathustra
My point was that DVD should follow a similar price pattern, and perhaps be even cheaper. Doing a Google search for "game of thrones dvd," I found season 1 for $15.99. You could buy it, watch it, and probably still get your money back on Ebay at that price.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:06 pm
by MsMary
I saw a price like that on an eBay like site that was not eBay. Not sure I trust it.

Can get it for about $24 on a site called Discounted DVDs. I've never done business with them. I'm a little leery of online businesses I've never dealt with before.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:44 pm
by Billy G.
Episode 2 was meh. No Dany, and one too many Shae scenes. (she was in 1 scene only :lol: )

It's good to see Jojen and Meera, and Lady Olenna. Diana Rigg FTW!

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:55 pm
by I'm Murrin
Not a bad episode this week. Though they did throw in a couple of scenes in the brothel for no particular reason.

Jaime's scream was not very convincing.

I'm interested to see where they're going with Theon. Readers of the novels will probably have guessed who his rescuer is (especially with the little in-joke clue at the end of this episode), but I'm having trouble working out why they're taking it the way they are.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:27 pm
by Billy G.
I'm Murrin wrote:Not a bad episode this week. Though they did throw in a couple of scenes in the brothel for no particular reason.

Jaime's scream was not very convincing.

I'm interested to see where they're going with Theon. Readers of the novels will probably have guessed who his rescuer is (especially with the little in-joke clue at the end of this episode), but I'm having trouble working out why they're taking it the way they are.
Speculation on the GRRM board is that we will witness
Theon turned into Reek
all throughout this season. It is only referred to in AFFC as flashbacks.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:11 am
by I'm Murrin
Yes, that's obvious. But I don't quite get what
Ramsey gains by keeping him thinking he's on the run right now. Could have broken him better by letting them recapture him then doing yet another false escape, I would've thought. It also seems unlike him to save Theon from rape.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:22 pm
by Billy G.
I think it's because Ramsay is such an a-hole. He kills his own men. He marries a 70-year old widow, locks her in a tower and starves her to death for the title to her land and property. I wouldn't put anything past him.