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Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:58 am
by Seven Words
"Grul" says the ogre.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:10 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Switching yet again to his language, "Well, Grul, serve me well and you will be free to go after our business is done. Serve me very well and I shall consider letting you continue to follow me."

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:36 am
by Seven Words
A very brief glance at the utter massacre around him, and Grul is nodding enthusiastically...."Serve good...serve BEST!"

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:55 pm
by Sigrid
"That was it?"

I land by the fire. I look for magical auras from any items. Probably on the cleric or the shaman.
  • Code: Select all

    Cleric 0     |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2     |Cleric 3     |Cleric 4     |Staff  (50/50)
     Create Water| Hide Frm Und|*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | Les Restore 1
     Create Water| Bane        |*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | C Serious   1
     Create Water|*Bless       |*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | C Critical  2
     Create Water| C Light     | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic|             | Restoration 2
     Create Water| C Light     |*Status      |             |             | Rem Bli/Def 2
     Create Water| C Light     |             |             |             | Rem Disease 3
    Sorc 0 (6/6) |Sorc 1 (7/8) |Sorc 2 (6/8) |Sorc 3 (6/6) |Sorc 4 (4/4) |Wands
     Acid Splash | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray  | Fireball    | Orb of Acid | Acid Arr   15
     Arcane Mark | Identify    | See Invis   | Dispel Magic|             | Det Secr D 15
     Dance Light | Mag Missile | Spectr Hand |             |             | Disp Magic 50
     Detect Magic| Shield      |             |             |-------------| Find Traps 50
     Light       | Feather Fall|             |-------------|Rods         | Knock      15
     Mage Hand   |             |-------------|Turn  (13/13)| Empower  3/3| Lgtng Bolt 38
     Prestidigit |             |Incense Med 4| Sacred Heal | Absorb  6/24| Sonic Blas 26
    Sigrid  53/53|Sorchat 28/28|Anna  101/101|Kali    87/87|Katrina 82/71|Led   113/113
     Arcane Sight| Imb Sp Abil | Imb Sp Abil | Imb Sp Abil |             |
     Spectral 11m|  CLW CLW CMW|  CLW CLW CMW|  CLW CLW CMW|             |
     See Inv 110m| See Inv 110m| Bull's S 11m| Bull's S 11m|             | Bull's S 11m
     Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m
     Shield   11m| Shield   11m| Status   11h| Status   11h| Status   11h| Status   11h

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:09 pm
by Sorchat
I fly down from the carpet to land on Kali's shoulder.

In Ignan, I say <crackle> <pop> <hiss>. I make a gesture towards the ogre.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:48 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
She shrugs and makes some popping noises back at Sorchat.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:07 pm
by Seven Words
*PM sent to Sigrid*

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:13 am
by Annalysei
I watch Sigrid fly down, and trot over to join her, and I use Detect Magic to help search, cleaning the ogre off my flail as I'm searching. I remember that if I don't get ogre off of my weapons, they get an unholy stench. Yuck.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:56 pm
by Sigrid
"You're so messy. Here, let me help you."

I cast Prestidigitation. For one hour, I can clean or soil any object.

I brush the splattered ogre blood off of Annalysei's face. I wipe her hair clean, then her shoulders and ... other bits. I do not blush.

When I'm done, I still don't blush. "They have a lot of magic items. Weapons and armor. It's too big for any of us to use. Maybe Led could use it, if he knew how to use weapons. But mostly useless."

Code: Select all

Cleric 0     |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2     |Cleric 3     |Cleric 4     |Staff  (50/50)
 Create Water| Hide Frm Und|*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | Les Restore 1
 Create Water| Bane        |*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | C Serious   1
 Create Water|*Bless       |*Bull's Str  | Dispel Magic|*Imb Sp Abil | C Critical  2
 Create Water| C Light     | Consecrate  | Dispel Magic|             | Restoration 2
 Create Water| C Light     |*Status      |             |             | Rem Bli/Def 2
 Create Water| C Light     |             |             |             | Rem Disease 3
Sorc 0 (5/6) |Sorc 1 (7/8) |Sorc 2 (6/8) |Sorc 3 (6/6) |Sorc 4 (4/4) |Wands
 Acid Splash | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray  | Fireball    | Orb of Acid | Acid Arr   15
 Arcane Mark | Identify    | See Invis   | Dispel Magic|             | Det Secr D 15
 Dance Light | Mag Missile | Spectr Hand |             |             | Disp Magic 50
 Detect Magic| Shield      |             |             |-------------| Find Traps 50
 Light       | Feather Fall|             |-------------|Rods         | Knock      15
 Mage Hand   |             |-------------|Turn  (13/13)| Empower  3/3| Lgtng Bolt 38
 Prestidigit |             |Incense Med 4| Sacred Heal | Absorb  6/24| Sonic Blas 26
Sigrid  53/53|Sorchat 28/28|Anna  101/101|Kali    87/87|Katrina 82/71|Led   113/113
 Arcane Sight| Imb Sp Abil | Imb Sp Abil | Imb Sp Abil |             |
 Spectral 11m|  CLW CLW CMW|  CLW CLW CMW|  CLW CLW CMW|             |
 See Inv 110m| See Inv 110m| Bull's S 11m| Bull's S 11m|             | Bull's S 11m
 Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m| Bless    11m
 Shield   11m| Shield   11m| Status   11h| Status   11h| Status   11h| Status   11h
 Prestid   1h|             |             |             |             |             
 DisguiseSelf|             |             |             |             |             
[I wish I could use colors in the list. It's hard to read when it's all green.]

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:59 pm
by Sorchat
I say to Kali, "Why do ogres even have magic items? Who would make it for them? Can you ask your new toy where he got them all?"

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:25 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
She asks the Ogre, "Grul, your band is well-equipped. Where do you come by your arms and armor?"

She thinks for a moment, "You knew what your fellows carried. If any of it would be of more use, you should claim it. They're in no position to argue. Maybe grab a few pieces as enticement to those who realize which side is stronger."

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:42 pm
by Seven Words
"Orc woman, name Lightless, powerful cleric. She make weapons and armor. I want Moon Dark's hammer and shield." as he takes the hammer and shield from the dead cleric. He looks over at Led. "Nasty angry orc, Savage Drake....he does a little magic, is turning into a dragon. Crazy, angry. Stronger than me. His axe, size for me, very bad. kills people like you and me....not them" *gestures at rest of party* " Fire, acid, scream like hers" *points at Anna*

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:56 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
She relays the Ogre's words to the group.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:13 pm
by Katrina
Staying behind the Ogre as it moves to reequip itself.

"Where's it's Bad People?"

Still ready if it makes even the slightest move of aggression.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:40 pm
by Led Pighp
Led listens to the ogre's speach, trying to learn the grammar. Then, on a whim, he speaks Frost Giant, "Psh. His axe might kill creatures like you. Not me. I've faced an angry orc with a big axe. He's dead now, and I have his axe." Switching to Heshic, he mutters, "Hrm. I need to get my axe back from Marrik."

"Little 'Trina, it sounds like this Lightless is a Bad Woman. And Savage Drake is the main Bad Man. If you can Deal With them quickly, they won't be able to help the rest of these monsters against us. And then we win."

"Of course, if we stop them from making a dracolich... we won't get to go hunting dracolich. And I imagine that a gold dracolich is an even more impressive kill than an elder blue. So maybe we let them finish first, eh?"

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:46 pm
by Seven Words
*in a different dialect of Giant, translation inaccuracy* "Drake not order. Take. Say one bow...very bow. Animal friend. Drake listen him Myrdag Far-Hitter...HIM some demon and orc." Grul says earnestly.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:10 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Kali listens to the Ogre. "The leader is an orcish half-fiend who favors archery. He is served by an orc barbarian and a cleric. They are aided by a gnoll with sorcery and a kobold sneak."

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:15 am
by Led Pighp
"The leader uses a bow and has an animal companion. He must be a ranger. Tar-Anedrel's own has strayed from her Way."

"So, I think we should join them. It has worked before. And, except for Skyseeker, we are all of us near enough to monsters that they should probably believe us."

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:23 am
by Annalysei
I stand still for Sigrid's ministrations, and manage to behave myself other than a brief raised eyebrow and leer so as not to embarrass her in front of the ogre we're trying to scare to death.

After listening to Led and the others plan, I turn to Sigrid and say very softly, so that the ogre doesn't overhear, "If this doesn't work, do you have a way to avoid the arrows? I really don't want you in the middle of it if this goes bad. The spells you put into my ring should keep me safe long enough for me to either kill them or get free, and I'm well armored, but if I think you might be hurt, I won't be able to think."

To Led, and louder, "Even though I'm scarred hither and yon, I still look pretty human with the bit of pointy elf thrown in for good measure. I can change my clothes to whatever I like, and the cloak helps me blend in really well, but I still look rather normal. Any ideas?"

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:39 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Kali glares at Led, "Who are you calling a monster?"