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Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:02 am
by Niftium
Happy anniversary to all!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:56 am
by Cord Hurn
Twelve years of great insight and discussion by so many contributors! Thanks to everybody involved! Happy Birthday, Kevin's Watch!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:40 am
by Avatar
Pretty awesome Vain. :D


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:53 pm
by MsMary
I didn't get the spam, either. Which is surprising, cause I usually get Watch email and have never changed the email address associated with the Watch.

And I haven't checked the forum much for the past week or two cause of "stuff" at work so I just saw this thread. (Well, I checked on my birthday and observed that the last post in the birthday thread was from about two weeks before my birthday. :P)

Like aliantha, my earliest memory of this version of the Watch was Vain offering to move us over here and the excitement of us all coming over, signing up, and settling in. Lots of people who were active then are no longer around now.

The earliest post that Av found and the one that Stevie found are certainly a blast from the past. Good times. :biggrin:

In any case, Happy Birthday to the Watch. In this incarnation, anyway.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:18 am
by sgt.null
happy birthday


Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:12 am
by Blue_Spawn
Hi folks.

When I was 15, I joined this site to post an angry rant about the first book. Stuck around for a bit, then disappeared and haven't been back for over 10 years.

But I recently saw the newsletter announcing the forum's anniversary and thought I'd drop by to give my kudos.

So a big congratulations on keeping the site up and running for so many years! I hope it continues to run for many more.

It's also amazing that Donaldson finished his series. Maybe I'll get around to read it someday. It's an unfortunate fact of life that we get a lot less free time as adults than when we were 15. :)

Congratulations again and good luck.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:08 am
by Avatar
Why not stick around and help us ensure that it does? ;)


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:53 pm
by Rau Le Creuset
What?! I missed KW's birthday?? Was the party awesome?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:24 am
by Avatar
You're looking at it. ;)


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:33 am
by drew
I've been a member of the Watch for nearly ten years. Although I have't been around much for the last few.

I have great memories of when I first joined, of getting in lots of good discussions about Thomas Covenant, and Donaldson's writing style in General.
Because of the Watch, I've since read Mordants Need and the GAP, and have discussed those glorious works as well. (Perhaps one of these years, SOME other Watcher will finally agree with me that Angus got off WAY TOO EASY!!??)

I doubt there is any way I could list the names of the friends I had made here, either in regular discussions, dissections, and just playing games. FAR far too many.
It is almost sad, when one thinks back, to friends that you've never met, never even known their real names, but that they've influenced a part of your life, or just befriended you for a time; even if it was just a few weeks playing a word association game. People with whom you held a small connection, made laugh, and brightened up your day, yet now are just memories of buttons and flashing lights.

I've had stories published in two out of the three Anthologies, and that was a great achievement. I hope everyone who has read The Voyage, and the Unwanted, enjoyed them. I know I thoroughly enjoyed writing them.

Unfortunately, these last few years have had me in an ongoing battle against some strong personal demons: my own Lord Foul, if you will. This is what keeps me away. I do not write at all anymore, and had all but given up music. (Luckily, music is slowly coming back into my life)
I have faith though, that someday...possibly soon..(?) life will begin its healing process, and hopefully I can once again become noteworthy member here.
I'd very much like to join the discussions of the last two Covenant books, which I have enjoyed very much.

In closing, I must say that two Watchers (one currently active here, one not) have remained good friends to this very day. Two women, whom I have yet to meet in person, yet through the magic of modern technology, I get to read about on Facebook, and send text messages to every few weeks. Without these two divine ladies; my personal battles, I doubt would have turned out nearly as well as they have. I doubt if they even realize how their friendships had staved me from driving my truck right off of a cliff on more than one occasion.

Lucimay and Chrysalis: I love you both.

If it weren't for each of you, I don't know where I would be right now. And if it weren't for the Watch, our lives would never have crossed.

Long Live the Watch.


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:25 am
by Avatar
Nonsense Drew. No matter what, you'll always be a noteworthy member here.

Sorry to hear things have been rough, but glad to hear they're getting better too. What you actually need is to spend more time here. The Watch can be good therapy. ;)


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:58 am
by Savor Dam
Seconding what Av just said. Watchers do change other Watchers lives.

Drew, surely you know how one of the Watchers you correspond with had her life changed by another, and how she has changed his in turn.

Watchers who have paid attention will have noticed that the interaction that began with an exchange of anniversary greetings between Menolly and I almost exactly five years ago has profoundly changed both of our lives. :grinlove:

Who among us has read aliantha's fiction and remained unchanged by it? DotD's fiction or her posts about her mission in Nigeria? Furl's journals or those of her brother as posted in the Hall of Gifts?

On a lighter note, Sarge's poetry or the many games he sustains in Mallory's?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:47 am
by sgt.null
Savor Dam wrote:
On a lighter note, Sarge's poetry or the many games he sustains in Mallory's?
thank you kindly.