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Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:12 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
Cambo wrote:While he isn't being pranked by Techno Mages.
You wouldn't know it to look at him during that episode but Elric was in agonizing pain and having trouble standing or concentrating for more than a few minutes without the use of various spells. The technomages already knew what was coming and they had chosen to withdraw.

Well, not all of them chose to withdraw but to understand those events you need to read the Passing of the Technomages trilogy.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:29 am
by Cail
Holy thread resurrection Batman!

I bought all the DVDs years ago and never got around to watching them. Now it's time.

I'm just about done with Season 1, and I've gotta say....It's not as dire as I remember. Sheridan is wooden. Take it for what it is. But the universe-building is amazing. This is a series that's built for fans and multiple viewings. The guest stars are fantastic, and the stories are strong. "Signs and Portents" and "Babylon Squared" just flat-out kick ass.

Even though I know what's coming, the texture and depth of the series are breathtaking. One could argue that the new BSG is a better series, but damn, that show wouldn't exist without this one.

I can't wait to get into S2.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:32 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
JMS was still trying to figure out how to write and direct the show during Season 1. He got all the bad plot ideas out of the way early--I am looking at you, Infection--but that just allowed him to get to the good stuff starting in Season 2.

Season 4 is the best one.

Incidentally, at the climax of Season 3 the reason Sheridan's White Star is able to get past the planetary security defenses of the Shadow homeworld is because Galen was plugged in to their version of the Great Machine, similar to the one currently being overseen by Draal. He detected the ship, realized its purpose, and let it pass.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:13 am
by Cail
Be that as it may, and as klutzy as the first season may be, there are some real gems there...Whether as a full episode or just small bits.

I don't think I ever realized how much Jerry Doyle was playing Bruce Willis until this go around. Not a bad thing at all, but Garibaldi is certainly David Addison in space. And it's also very apparent how drunk Claudia Christian was.

And I say that as an unabashed fan of hers.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:46 am
by Zarathustra
Cail talked me into Fringe ... I'm very grateful for that, btw. The family is rewatching it now. So I'm seriously thinking about this. I haven't seen a single episode, didn't even know there was a new one. How does it compare to Fringe? I suppose BSG is a closer comparison--another one Cail gratefully convinced me to watch. (Now that I think about it, I may have asked this question before. LOL. Beer.).

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:20 pm
by Cail
Zarathustra wrote:Cail talked me into Fringe ... I'm very grateful for that, btw. The family is rewatching it now. So I'm seriously thinking about this. I haven't seen a single episode, didn't even know there was a new one. How does it compare to Fringe? I suppose BSG is a closer comparison--another one Cail gratefully convinced me to watch. (Now that I think about it, I may have asked this question before. LOL. Beer.).
B5 is more spiritual and cerebral than BSG. There's some good action, but that was never the point of the series. It's a frustrating show in many ways, as the first and fifth season are really uneven, and the effects are extremely dated.

When B5 hit its stride it was just amazing. Seasons two through four are nearly uniformly excellent. The chemistry between the characters is wonderful. And there's a great story there as well.

I don't think B5 ended as satisfyingly as either BSG or Fringe, but I haven't seen the ending since it aired. The overall story arc is much more coherent and cohesive on B5 though.

If you can make it through the first season I think you'll enjoy it. I think you'll appreciate the main themes of the show (chaos vs order especially).

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:54 am
by sindatur
Cail wrote:Holy thread resurrection Batman!

I bought all the DVDs years ago and never got around to watching them. Now it's time.

I'm just about done with Season 1, and I've gotta say....It's not as dire as I remember. Sheridan is wooden. Take it for what it is. But the universe-building is amazing. This is a series that's built for fans and multiple viewings. The guest stars are fantastic, and the stories are strong. "Signs and Portents" and "Babylon Squared" just flat-out kick ass.

Even though I know what's coming, the texture and depth of the series are breathtaking. One could argue that the new BSG is a better series, but damn, that show wouldn't exist without this one.

I can't wait to get into S2.
Yes, absolutely. That is one of the great parts of Babylon 5, Season 1 is more enjoyable on a second go round, as you can see many of Chekov's guns on the wall in S1, many of them not playing out until S3 all the way through some playing out in S4 and if IIRC, some even play out in S5

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:39 pm
by Cail
Finished S2 and have started S3. S2 is far, far better than S1, and much of that goes to Bruce Boxleitner. He's simply a better actor and has better chemistry with the other leads than Michael O'Hare ever did.

I really love how this show plants things, then lets them come to fruition, and it does so without going, "see? Look at this! This is important!"

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:54 pm
by aTOMiC
I watched B5 sporadically when it first aired and lost touch entirely on or about season 3. I have rarely found replays airing on cable stations so its pretty much been out of sight out of mind. That is until I noticed this thread. Now I'm intrigued again and intend to purchase the disks. And since I missed so much of the series I believe I'll be able to view it as a relative newcomer.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:39 pm
by Cail
As I work my way to the end of Season 4, I'm really happy with how well the show's aged, and with how topical it is.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:57 am
by Cail
Just finished Season 4...And I don't have fond memories of Season 5. That said, Goddamn Season 4 kicks ass.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:28 pm
by Cail
Halfway through Season 5, and it's nowhere near as bad as I remember. I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. But nothing can compare to Seasons 3 & 4.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:56 am
by Sorus
I think I've only seen Season 5 once, when it first aired. I suppose I should give it another try.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 12:04 pm
by Cail
Sorus wrote:I think I've only seen Season 5 once, when it first aired. I suppose I should give it another try.
The Teep stuff isn't nearly as bad as I remembered, and it's pretty much over with after 8 episodes. There's some good Londo stuff so far. I'm just getting into the Drazi storyline, and Garibaldi hasn't gone to Mars yet.

So at this point, thumbs-up.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:15 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
Season 5 may be summed up as "just when you thought all your problems were solved and that things would be fine with the Shadows gone".

I didn't like how the Telepath crisis got solved....but then I wasn't a script writer. It is a shame that technomages couldn't have made an appearance during Season 5 but they were all still in hiding even though they knew all the First Ones were gone.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:04 am
by Cail
Finished the series; still have a couple of movies, Crusade, and LotR to watch.

Season 5 is good. It's not as good as 3 & 4, but it's good. The relationship between Londo and G'Kar is just wonderful, and once the teeps are done, there's a good storyline there.

This is still the television sci-fi show to beat. BSG was great, but it's greatness was so uneven and there was a ton of filler. B5 has a much more coherent and cohesive storyline, better characters, and is just a more complete vision.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:12 am
by Sorus
Yes, agree about the filler in BSG, sadly. Especially in the last season.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:14 am
by Cail
Sorus wrote:Yes, agree about the filler in BSG, sadly. Especially in the last season.
Ohgoshyes. You'd get an episode of the arc, then 3 episodes of......stasis. And then the ending felt rushed.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:16 am
by Sorus
I'm still not happy with the ending. I've made my peace with it, but I know they could have done better.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:22 am
by Cail
Sorus wrote:I'm still not happy with the ending. I've made my peace with it, but I know they could have done better.
Of B5 or BSG?

B5 ended the way it ended. I wanted to spend more time with the characters, and I'm still pissed that Crusade didn't stick. But it wasn't a bad ending.

BSG....The last two episodes are fantastic. No, I wasn't 100% in love with the way it ended, but it made sense within the context of the show.