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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:37 pm
by Menolly
OMFG, thanks Syl!! What awesome news!

I wonder if similar results will transfer to humans?

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:19 am
by Menolly
We are having Beorn apply for the University of Cambridge magnet program at a local high school. Part of his application is to write four essays. The four prompts are:

1. If you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself? Why/Why not?
2. What do you want to be remebered for? Why?
3. What is a mistake you're glad you made? What did you learn from it?
4. What are some words of wisdom you always try to live by?

He's been writing these essays for the past week to 10 days. His block kicked in big time, and Paul and I had to talk him through various ideas to get him to a point where he could then take off. But, the finished products aren't bad, IMO. They're definitely better than I could do.

The thing that really stands out to me is that if you want a synopsis of how AS affects Beorn socially, these four essays sum it pretty succinctly. And I know he didn't set out to write that.

I would be willing to share the essays with anyone who wants, but strongly feel I should wait until the application is submitted and we hear back if he is accepted or denied before sending them out. I would hate for them to somehow wind up online, and have the proctors do a search to see if he copied something online and be disqualified if they found them.

So, if you would like to see them, and are willing to wait awhile, LMK.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:20 am
by Avatar
I'm curious if you're willing to share. Not in any rush. ;)


Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:09 pm
by Angoid
I've just been reading this thread with great interest (although parts I have only skim-read) since it seems I might be an adult with AS. I took that online test earlier in the thread and came out with a score higher than what anyone else posted (32).

As I don't really know this community that well yet, I'm not sure how much I wish to share but certainly I've come to realise that some characteristics of AS do describe me reasonably well.

For me, it's mainly been lack of social skills - not complete ineptitude but some situations I have always found difficult to handle or just plain silly; things that others find normal.

One thing you might find in AS people is that they prefer to relate to people online rather than in real life. When you're on a forum, chatting on MSN etc, or emailing you don't have to read body language or tones of voice. Given this possibility, I would half expect AS children to be vulnerable to retreating into an online world rather than relating to their peers at school. And once bullying is added to the equation, they'll probably end up retreating all the more.

But I'm not a parent - I'm only guessing there!

Another one for me is that I pay attention to detail, and fail to see the bigger picture. I could carry on a discussion on computer technical issues, completely oblivious to the fact that the person I'm speaking to is bored. But I am getting over that, and learning to realise when I'm offering too much detail.

Sensitivity to noises is another one. A few weeks ago, I was staying with a friend and when setting up a bed for the night I became aware of this bleeping noise. It wasn't very loud, but I knew it would drive me nuts. I decided to drive home as a result. A work colleague opposite me makes a lot of noise when he eats (and he gets through a phenomenal amount of food each day!) and this irritates me so much that I have to disappear off to the loo or across the way for a coffee whenever he starts eating. I'll be at work and suddenly say, "I wish someoe would stop that blasted car alarm!" and a colleague will answer, "I hadn't even noticed it".

All this stuff is still fairly new to me though .... but if there's anything I've said here that anyone might like to pick up on, please do so.....

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:01 pm
by I'm Murrin
Out of curiosity I took that quiz again, and I've dropped five points since last time: 22. Interesting.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:57 pm
by Menolly
Welcome Angoid!

As an adult with potentially having AS, or another ASD or something else that has many of the same criteria (there are so many overlapping disorders), you may wish to check out the Wrong Planet forum. I have never visited the site, as I have been told they are quite non-welcoming to non-ASD posters, but have heard wonderful things from the adult aspies I know who do post about it.

Murrin, my understanding is once you take it, you sort of edit your answers based on the previous outcome. I don't know if that's true or not though.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:35 pm
by Warmark
Intersting thread, hadnt read it before. I got 11 on the quiz.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:00 pm
by Angoid
Thanks for the welcome, Menolly :) and yes, I'll check out that forum. Some more information on this would be very useful, I think. In particular, I'd be interested to see what has been written from a Christian perspective.

I've only cottoned on to the possibility of having this condition through a friend I spend a lot of my social time with who is really "on the ball" and have noticed over the years that I don't pick up on things that she does, and what other people do.

I can remember having my IQ tested as a child, as it was suspected then that there was some developmental disorder, and I got a well above average scrore - not MENSA material, but still well above average. This is, I believe, another thing typical of AS.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:56 pm
by Menolly
He's in!!!

We received a letter today that Beorn was accepted to the Cambridge program he applied for at the high school. Yay! There was even a handwritten note from the coordinator of the program on the bottom of the letter (which is from the school principal, not the coordinator, so we're wondering if he specifically searched Beorn's letter out) that said:

"Your application was amazing! I look forward to having you at GHS!" and then his last name only. No Mr., Dr., or whatever salutation he normally uses.

So, I can now comfortably send out those application essays, if anyone still wants to see them...

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:52 am
by Angoid
Excellent news Menolly!!!!!!!!

I discovered another online test the other day, and it can be found here:

A couple of notes though (which are explained):
1. The results are being compiled for scientific use.
2. Your IP address is recorded but NOT held against your answers. This is to prevent skew from the same person doing the test more than once (limited usefulness actually, but we won't go there!).

As always, no online test should ever be used to diagnose this, or any condition. They are really for entertainment purposes only, however can indicate whether there might be a problem. I took this test with a neurotypical (NT) friend of mine, and it was interesting to compare our results afterwards (you can view your full results in PDF form after the test and print them off, including your answers and scoring). Anyone wanting a proper diagnosis should ask their GP to refer them to a specialist for more thorough testing.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:52 pm
by Menolly
Angoid wrote:Excellent news Menolly!!!!!!!!
Thank you, sir!!
Angoid wrote:I discovered another online test the other day, and it can be found here:

A couple of notes though (which are explained):
1. The results are being compiled for scientific use.
2. Your IP address is recorded but NOT held against your answers. This is to prevent skew from the same person doing the test more than once (limited usefulness actually, but we won't go there!).

I thought this was one of the quizzes I initially shared. Thanks for letting others know about it!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:02 pm
by Menolly
An Unexpected Breakthrough :'-)

At Beorn's school, they do three semester long projects a year. One the first semester, that concentrates on a multi-cultural scientist project (Beorn did Leonardo daVinci this year), and two the second semester. For all three, you can work singly or in groups of no more than two.

Beorn was assigned a partner for the daVinci project, and has been assigned a partner for one of the two second semester projects. He's researching the American Diet, and his partner is researching Genetic Disposition. He tells me they're working on their own and are supposed to combine their topics for their display board. :::shrug:::

In the past, Beorn's been frustrated whenever he had partners and has pretty much carried his partner. So, since he was not assigned a partner for the service project I expected him to do this one solo. Turns out the classmate we carpool with, Toby, chose the same service project: tutoring the 1st & 2nd graders at their school. Toby actually did this same project in 6th grade, but the subject teacher changed after that year so he got away with signing up to do the same thing this year. Beorn and Toby rarely talk to each other, at least in the morning when I do the driving, as Toby sleeps on the way to school.

So I was surprised to hear the following conversation, initiated by Beorn (!), on the way to school this morning:

"Hey Toby."
"Yeah?" sleepily
"Since we're doing the same service project, you wanna team up as a group to plan our tutoring sessions and work on a display board together?"
"Sure, sounds like a plan." back to sleep.







:::neither one saw the tears gathering in my eyes, nor saw my body wanting to jump for joy as I was driving:::

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:00 am
by Avatar


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:36 am
by Angoid
Only just seen this after having come back from a lovely 2-week holiday in Tunisia :D Nice one!

I thought this was one of the quizzes I initially shared. Thanks for letting others know about it!
My apologies if I "carried coals to Newcastle" - I thought I'd read the entire thread before posting that link to that quiz (which I took - very interesting), but maybe I missed it as I do sometimes skim-read threads with the result that I sometimes add something already mentioned.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:45 am
by Avatar
Don't worry about it. We're never averse to repeating ourselves here. ;)


Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:03 pm
by [Syl]
Research Reaffirms: No Vaccine-Autism Link
A new study may be the latest nail in the coffin of a theory that draws a link between the mercury-containing vaccine additive thimerosal and autism.

The research is the latest to contradict concerns over childhood vaccinations as a possible cause of autism -- concerns that have gained publicity in the past decade as the number of children diagnosed with the disorder climbs steadily in the United States.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:22 pm
by Menolly
Thanks Syl.

I still think it is more gene related.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:22 pm
by [Syl]

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:26 pm
by The Laughing Man
I'm not sure if gene-related can account for the prevalence and apparent rapid rise of this syndrome. Seems to me if it was just gene related it would've always been so. Maybe something in our society is affecting the genes, but I still believe there is something that is causing this, some chemical or hormonal or whatever that is getting into our systems and wreaking this kind of havoc. I'd have to look more into it obviously to support this, but thats my gut feeling here. Something is toxic somewhere in our world.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:06 pm
by Menolly
Esmer wrote:I'm not sure if gene-related can account for the prevalence and apparent rapid rise of this syndrome. Seems to me if it was just gene related it would've always been so. Maybe something in our society is affecting the genes, but I still believe there is something that is causing this, some chemical or hormonal or whatever that is getting into our systems and wreaking this kind of havoc. I'd have to look more into it obviously to support this, but thats my gut feeling here. Something is toxic somewhere in our world.
My argument against that Es is the change in the definition of "autism spectrum." I honestly believe it has been just as prevalent in the past, but those who could not compensate at all where viewed as "eccentric," "odd," "off-base," etc.

It is the defining of the disorders and prevelance of testing that is causing the appearance of an epidemic. Now, is this of more harm than good? That is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

Beorn's AS is mild, especially as he matures. So far high school has been much easier to transition to than I ever imagined it would be. He just may have been able to function OK if he had never been diagnosed. But I doubt his true potential would have ever shone forth.

I've been in consultation with the IEP team at his high school, as I truly feared they would petition to revoke his IEP since he is doing so well. As in primary school, I have been assured by those who have been trained to work with these children that once you know what you are seeing, it is obvious that Beorn does need his accomodations, despite how mild his presentation is.

I truly, truly am of the opinion Beorn's case has been passed on to him from Hyperception's family. Hyperception turned to massive dropping in his teens to deal. His father is a gifted musician who can't handle the pressure of auditions with large orchestras, even though he has been invited to audition (usually considered practically an offer for the spot). Instead he works graveyard shift as a condominium security officer, has given up on finding a special someone in his life after his divorce when Hyperception was three, and lives his life in a bottle of Tanquerey. Hyperception's uncle (father's brother) died from sclerosis (sp?) of the liver, also due to drinking.

If this disorder is what caused such retreat from the world, I will do my damndest for Beorn to learn to compensate.