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Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:10 pm
by Laurel
Muses to self, but loud enough for the rest of the party to hear, "I wonder if the altars are connected to each other in some way, and if the slag from one of the destroyed ones would assist Kalindriel in getting close to the others to destroy them without alerting any affected by them until the deed is done."

[ooc]appropriate knowledge checks as applicable, please? I doubt there is any way this could be done, but I may as well try to find out one way or the other. should anyone else have an appropriate knowledge which might give an alternative way to getting Kalindriel close, please research as well?[/ooc]

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:49 pm
by Katrina
"If the stoney is Bad and Kali Deals with it, and the Genie is Bad and we Deal with it, problem solved."

"Once the door is open, before you stop the rainy metals, darky on the Bad Genie, that should keep it busy long enough for you to sneak in and Deal with the Bad Stoney."

"Once Bad Stoney is Dealed with. Stop darky on the Bad Genie so we can see it to Deal with it."

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:53 pm
by Laurel
"'Trina, what exactly does "darky on the Bad Genie," if this is a Marid and it has been permanently affected by the altar, do?"

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:21 am
by Katrina

*Darkness on Laurel*

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:05 am
by Laurel
Buried deep within the shadows, the bard's voice barely breaths, "Now this is cool..."

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:11 am
by Katrina
"Put Darky on the Bad Genie, give Kali time to Deal with the Bad Stoney while Bad Genie is all darkyd. I make Darky go away, then we Deal with Bad Genie."

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:49 am
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus sighs. "We can't tell if the Djinn has been corrupted or not. All we can tell is that there is one in there, and that there is also a shrine in there.
"We are dealing with abjuration, probably the barrier on the door; conjuration, likely keeping the Marid in this plane; and enchantment, most likely just the shrine, but possibly something else.
"I think we should try to distract the Marid as Katrina suggested, destroy the shrine, and then try to negotiate with it. I am open to other suggestions though. But before we go in..."

Vynarkus fully charges his Eldritch Armor. "Is everyone ready to go?"

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:00 pm
by Katrina
*Dispel my Darkness on Laurel*

Hide, and wait for the door to open. Darky on Bad Genie, and wait for Kali to Deal with the Bad Altar. Sneaky in with everyone else and get into flanking position. Remove Darky on Bad Genie, and size it up.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:50 pm
by Seven Words
The door is opened!

Huddling in one corner of the pool of water is the Marid! The water closest to him is much less stagnant and disgusting than the rest...but "tendrils" of the loathsome liquid seem to be almost....probing? exploring? grasping? closer to him. He is limited to the pool....and the corruption flowing from a familiar altar in one end is actively seeking to....invest him.

As Vynarkus addresses him, he raises his head....Katrina's Darkness is resisted....however, with everything else going on, the mighty genie doesn't even notice the attempt.

Vynarkus' smooth words and fulsome praises strike precisely the right chord! (nat. 20 :D ) after several minutes of discussion, this Duke will reward your assistance rather than exert himself to a tiring, weakening degree for release.

Kalindriel attempts to destroy this altar....but fails! a group of demons appears, summoned to defend the altar!


Demon with 4 arms & 2 bows--15
Demon with dark feathered wings & three eyes--12

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:07 pm
by Katrina
No one has seen me yet? Size up a bow demon, move to flank it.

*OOC: If I can do so without revealing myself, Desecrate the Altar while moving and sizing up the bow demon.*

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:01 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Kalindriel calls out priorities, "Zowut, Arrow, Chicken." The Dretch aren't even worth her notice.

"Siggy, can you purify the pool? It'll give the Marid more room to move and help us." [She's also hoping the shock will either outright destroy the altar or lower its Spell Resist for a bit. Not saying that bit out loud though to risk tipping the demons off.]

[Zappy the shrine again. If Sigrid is going to purify the water, hold action to do so.]

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:18 pm
by Annalysei
Following kali's advice, Anna stalks toward the zowut demon, pausing to cast animalistic power on herself. Once her spell is cast, she moves within striking range of the demon.

Gargoyle boots active
65 HP
Animalistic Power (+2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 CON)

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:39 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus looks around, heads towards the ceiling, and blasts the winged demon.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:34 am
by Laurel
The door opened, their presence is known. The smooth talking warlock impresses, with nary a need for her own aid in diplomacy...

Seeing the probing threat in to the purified section of the pool, the bard cautiously makes her way near the captive Marid, holding up a small bag. As battle rages around them, she whispers something to the water genie...

[ooc]DM, please see PMs[/ooc]

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:47 pm
by Seven Words
Skyseeker will run east, and throw a javelin at the vrock.

Marrik will hold his ground to stand guard over the less-durable folk behind him.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:49 pm
by Laurel
"Forgive me for any pain I may inadvertently cause you," the bard whispers to the marid as she kneels by the side of the pool. Opening and then reaching in to her pouch once kneeling, she withdraws her hand, separating her thumb and forefinger as she does so. A small pinch of dust falls in to the pool...

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:23 pm
by Sigrid
I cast Dispel Magic on the area where demons are.
  • 25hp (max)
    See Invisible on Sorchat (87min).
    See Invisible on me (87min).

Code: Select all

Cleric 0    |Cleric 1    |Cleric 2    |Cleric 3       
*Resistence |*Prot Evil  |*Bull's Str |*Disp Magic 
 Resistence |*Prot Evil  |*Bull's Str |*Disp Magic 
 Resistence | Prot Evil  |*Bull's Str |*Disp Magic 
 Resistence |*Magic Weap |*Bull's Str |            
 Resistence | Magic Weap |            |            
Sorc 0 (6/6)|Sorc 1 (2/7)|Sorc 2 (3/6)|Sorc 3 (3/4)   
 Acid Splash| Burn Hands | Scorch Ray | Fireball   
 Arcane Mark| Identify   | See Invis  |            
 Dance Light| Mag Missile|            |------------
 Light      | Shield     |            |Wands       
 Mage Hand  |            |------------| Acid Arr 15
 Prestidigit|            |Spell Store | DetSecrD 15
 Ray o Frost|------------| CLW        | FindTrap 23
------------|Turn ( 7/11)| CLW        | Knock    15
Empower(1/3)| Sacred Heal| CLW        | SonBlast 26

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:42 pm
by Sorchat
I notice the Vrock is coming over towards Sigrid. I try to fly at it, to distract it. I use Scorching Ray on it, right in the eyes.

"Sigrid, look out!"

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:42 pm
by Led Pighp
Led hears Sorchat's cry, and moves to intersect the Vrock as well. He draws the machete and swings it at the Vrock, knowing that he probably won't connect but hoping that he can at least draw the thing's attention.
  • 84hp MAX
    Not shifted
    Move to interpose
    Fight defensively (+2AC, -1 to hit)
    No proficiency (-4 to hit)
    Bluff check to pull aggro (net -1 ranks)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 6:39 pm
by Seven Words
Led moves over, placing himself squarely athwart the Vrock's path.

Skyseeker runs east, andn hurls a javelin at the Vrock, cursing as she recalls too well these demons Damage Resistance will ablate much of her attack....yet she cannot let it go after Sigrid utterly unimpeded. Her aim is true, and her curses well-merited (2 points)

Vynarkus ascends, and sends his blast into the Zovvut! His mystic power-bolt sparks briefly before burning through the demons Resistance! (34 points)

Kalindriel focuses once again on the altar....and once more it resists her!

Annelysei invokes her spell, then head over to crush the Zovvut as suggested. She dashes over, within arms reach of the Zovvut and two of the noisome Dretches.

The Arrow Demon aims both bows at the flying warlock, and unleashes a pair of shafts from each! All 4 strike him! (11, 14, 16, and 17 points....48 total)

Katrina is NOT as stealthy as she had hoped....the Zovvut glares balefully at's malefic stare sapping her energy! (failed save...gain one negative level)

The dretches in front of her attack of the others moves to her side, flanking her! As each of the three unleashes a Full Attack, the magic of her boots proves its worth again as the only blows they solidly land are not strong enough to actually cause any harm!

Laurel casts a pinch of her Dust of Drynessinto the befouled pool..the Marid grimaces in pain as all the water is whisked away, bound up in a pea-sized pellet now....his expression turns to relief, as the assault upon his very essence is abated!

Sigrid manages to undo the summoning on two of the dretches, and they disappear back to the Abyss!

The Vrock lifts off, flying over...only to find Led has blocked it's path! He lashes out wildly with the machete, to no effect...the Vrock hisses in rage, and one claw arcs towards him...but his defensive fightinglets him sidestep it, barely.

DM edit....missed Katrina's desecration attempt..success! altar melts into slag. Demons do NOT disappear, however.

edit #2--also skipped Sorchat's Scorching Ray.....hit, after Fire Resistance is taken off....3 points