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Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:28 pm
by SoulBiter
The good thing is that there are tons of good beers out there!!!

I am now looking around at lower calorie, lower alcohol beers. Not that I don't enjoy the big malty stronger beers (cause I do) but I had put on about 10 unwanted lbs over the summer when I normally drop 10 lbs. So I increased my exercise regime, cut back on the number of beers and found some lower cal (Stones go to IPA) alternatives. Then I started eating salads for lunch every day for the last three weeks. That took most of it off, but if I can find some good lower cal alternatives I will drink those more often than the big beers.

So what are some beers that are big on flavor but not on the waistline? :)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:22 am
by Zarathustra
Stone's Go To IPA, Founder's All Day IPA, and Ballast Point's Mango Even Keel are my favorite session beers (low ABV, low cal). They are packed with hop flavor and aroma. But you really do have to get these fresh, even more so than regular IPAs, because of the lower alcohol content. Any drop off in flavor is going to be more readily apparent, because there's not as much there to begin with. Look for a place that stores them cold.

One of our best local breweries (I can't believe we have half a dozen now!), West Sixth, makes a fantastic session IPA, Half-Bite. But you'd probably have worse luck finding that fresh. There are also other styles, like gose, which are lower alcohol but have lots of flavor (sour).

Also: ... k/slide/11 ... s-20140211

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:45 pm
by SoulBiter
SoulBiter wrote:Nice!!! Im going to keep an eye out.

On a brighter note, Oct 31, 2016 is fast approaching and I have been cellaring a beer for a year... Stones Enjoy after 10/31/16.... I think I am going to save this until Thanksgiving and enjoy it with a family member who is also loves a good IPA. I will let you guys know. Could be great, could be skank.... time will tell! LOL
So I drank this beer over the Thanksgiving Holiday. It was good but not great. The hops were almost non-existent which is not unexpected, but it makes me wonder why they call this an IPA. It was a bit over carbonated but was pretty good. I kinda felt like I was drinking a pilsner. I dont think I would buy another. The wait seemed long (and the price a bit steep) for a beer that just wasn't that good.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:22 pm
by SoulBiter
Tried the New Holland Imperial IPA this last week. Delicious!! 8)

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 1:55 pm
by SoulBiter
I went Ski'ing a couple of weeks ago in Wyoming and thus I had to try the local beers. This was one that I really liked. Zonker Stout. Very popular in the region and I can see why. Good lacing, nice head that slowly disappears, not overpowering but very tasty, a solid stout. I had it my first day in Jackson Hole and had it every day while there. I also brought six back in my luggage to enjoy when I got home.

If you are in Wyoming, give this one a try!!!


Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:56 pm
by SoulBiter
Stone - Give me IPA or give me death. Here is one that I had last night. A really good beer. I poured it cold into a cold glass. That was a mistake. The beer came off way unbalanced and overly bitter without any good malts to offset it. But I let it sit and warm for a bit and as it got closer to 42 to 46 degrees the flavors really started to show and it balanced the beer.

So even though I love the way a cold glass keeps my beer cold, I need to stop doing that and just put my beer in a room temp glass with a insulator on it to keep it at that temp for a while. That should start my beer at about 39 degrees and it should warm a few degrees to the desired temp within 5 mins.


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:57 pm
by Zarathustra
I love the "Give Me..." IPA. It tastes like a double IPA from 2007, not 2017. "Old school" hops like Chinook and Cascade. I love the subtle fruit flavors from the berries. This is closer to what I used to brew.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:10 pm
by SoulBiter
I saw these yesterday and bought a six pack. You wont sit and drink many of these. 14% abv. Interesting beer. Very dark, pitch black. Earthy, Whiskey dominate the smells. I see that some people on RateBeer have said it is too coffee but I didn't get that at all. Very sweet,vanilla chocolate, heavily malted. You can really taste the Rye Whiskey flavors. Great lacing. I would have liked to see more roasty coffee flavors but I don't get to add what I want to the beer LOL. This is not a beer to just drink, but to enjoy for a while. I have two half pint tasting glasses. I poured them both up, and shared the beer with my son.

If you really like the whiskey barrel aged beers, then I suggest you go out and get a six of these. You will not be disappointed.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:12 pm
by Zarathustra
SoulBiter wrote:Stone - Give me IPA or give me death. Here is one that I had last night. A really good beer. I poured it cold into a cold glass. That was a mistake. The beer came off way unbalanced and overly bitter without any good malts to offset it. But I let it sit and warm for a bit and as it got closer to 42 to 46 degrees the flavors really started to show and it balanced the beer.

So even though I love the way a cold glass keeps my beer cold, I need to stop doing that and just put my beer in a room temp glass with a insulator on it to keep it at that temp for a while. That should start my beer at about 39 degrees and it should warm a few degrees to the desired temp within 5 mins.

The one I had last night was past its prime. I actually poured it out--an $8 beer--because I didn't think it was worth the calories. It was bottled in January. It's amazing what a difference a month makes to an IPA.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:28 pm
by SoulBiter
I shudder to think you had to pour out this excellent beer. But I get it on the time for the IPS's. I check dates on every one I buy.

Today I'm enjoying a 'Hoppy Lager' from Jailhouse. It was better on tap but the cans are still good. Ive also been enjoying the last of my Breckenridge Vanilla Porter



Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:20 pm
by SoulBiter
I bought this 22 oz bomber and enjoyed it last night. Man it kicked my butt, but it was delicious. I highly recommend you buy this if you find it.


Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:00 am
by Savor Dam
I will definitely look for that. Rouge is readily available here in the Northwest, but I had not noticed their 8 Hop label before.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:57 pm
by Vader
I have never been a huge beer drinker - red wine used to be my realm - but this summer I started to enjoy a few cold brews. Usually I go for German Pilsner with a lot of hop. Now I "discovered" America. You may call me Columbus now. Lately we get lots of "crafted beers" over here, where the hop does not only provide the appreciated amount of bitterness, but also adds amazing flavors. From citrus flavored IPAs to Imperial stouts tasting of coffee and dark chocolate - whatever there is, I'm gonna try it all (still got two weeks vacation). A whole new world opened its doors to me and I'm like a kid in the candy store. Beer never was so good ...

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:25 pm
by Zarathustra
Vader, my favorite brewer, Stone Brewing Co., opened up a brewery in Berlin in the last few years. I'm not sure about the details of their distribution in Europe, but that should make it easier for you to get some fresh California IPAs from one of the best brewers in America. In fact, here's a link where they confirm local retailers have their product fresh.

I highly recommend their Ruination double IPA. It's probably my favorite beer right now. But it's strong, over 8%. Their regular IPA is a bit easier to drink, and it's a true classic of the American craft beer scene. It launched 1000s of imitators and blazed a trail that few were ready to take back in 1996. Of course, the IPA style itself originated a long time ago in England, but the American take on it is a different animal.

I do like hop bitterness, but you're right about the hop flavors. Everything from mango to pine to blueberries. I like the dankness of Simcoe hops (some people describe it as "cat piss," but this does not do it justice!). In addition, hop aroma from dry hopping is just as important as hop flavor.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 7:55 pm
by SoulBiter
One last thing about IPA's Vader. Check the date on what you purchase. Try to buy IPA's that are no more than 2 months from the date on the bottle. Of course if you are drinking beer on tap you are good to go.

Some really good beers out there, I find new stuff I like all the time. Currently I have been drinking Devils Backbone Brewing (out of Virginia) Their IPA is really good.

If I didnt have to work from a living a local brewery (Sweetwater) is having a blackout party for the eclipse where they are tapping an Imperial Stout they are calling....Blackout Stout. Made specifically for this occasion.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:32 am
by Zarathustra
I wish we could all get together for a beer!

Tonight I'm enjoying a few out of a Stone IPA variety 12-pack. It comes with three of each: Stone IPA, Ruination IPA, Ghost IPA, and Hop Revolver IPA. The revolver series is exciting because it allows you to see how much effect a single hop has on the end result. They brew it with a single hop, a different one each time, but with the same grain bill. This time the hop is Mandarina Bavaria. Not my favorite, but interesting.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:33 pm
by Vader
Right now I'm enjoying these here:


Amercian Brown Ale; Hop: Select, Simcoe, Amarillo
6.3% alc; IBU 46


Imperial Stout; Hop: Saphir
9.1% alc; IBU 40

Brewed in Germany but to me the best I could find here so far.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:26 pm
by SoulBiter
Those look really good Vader. I will have to look them up.

I have found a number of beers that I have been enjoying recently.

Stone 21st Hail to the Hop thief. Ive had a couple of those.
Stone Ghost Hammer IPA.
Terrapin HI 5 IPA.... Low cal deliciousness
Flesh and Blood IPA from Dogfish head. Love this beer!

Stouts should be hitting the stores soon. I cant wait to start seeing whats going to be out. I'm looking out for the Stone XOCOVEZA Imperial stout. Inspired by Mexican Hot Chocolate.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:00 pm
by Zarathustra
SoulBiter wrote: Stone Ghost Hammer IPA.
Not a fan. Kind of watery and metallic.
SoulBiter wrote: I'm looking out for the Stone XOCOVEZA Imperial stout. Inspired by Mexican Hot Chocolate.
Delicious! Very complex blend of chocolate, coffee, peppers, and more.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 12:17 am
by Cord Hurn

Lately, I've been enjoying some Sonoran White Chocolate ales.