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Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 4:18 pm
by Madadeva
Vashitva wrote:The scream distracted Vashitva from her work. Hmmm, I had screamed like that once. She looked up, seeing in her mind as deities can, the change.

She smiles, and returns to her work. Welcome, Madadeva.
My sweet Sister! I am pleased that your senses could hear my silent scream. *stretches* Ahhh ... reflecting on it, the pain was such a nice sensual experience.

*laughter* Life's energies, sensation. I Desire it all!! Consume it with me, Sister!! This world offers a banquet and we should dine!!

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:45 pm
by O-gon-cho
I too welcome you, Madadeva.
Existence is meant to be embraced joyfully,
as long as we do no harm in the pursuit of our enjoyment.

And I shall enjoy watching you indulge; ever the voyeur that I am.

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:49 pm
by Arcadia
My sweet Sister! I am pleased that your senses could hear my silent scream.
Having so recently felt my own improvement, I recognized the exquisite agony. Heh, Keev would have been amused by us.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 4:02 am
by Moxinomal
So... we have DOUBLE the reason to party! WOO!!!!!!

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:28 pm
by Madadeva
Ahhh.... Brother Mox. A deity that also enjoys excesses!

I like you!! *laughter*

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 4:10 pm
by Brid
Madadeva, God of Desire and Decadence is now master of the Paragons!!
Brid expected these Paragons to be cast out of Life's entourage after the endearingly inept episode with the the Valiant One and the Mighty One. But Brid understands how a God of Decadence would value such followers. *sigh*

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:20 am
by Madadeva
Brid wrote:
Madadeva, God of Desire and Decadence is now master of the Paragons!!
Brid expected these Paragons to be cast out of Life's entourage after the endearingly inept episode with the the Valiant One and the Mighty One. But Brid understands how a God of Decadence would value such followers. *sigh*
You are correct. I was disappointed at the Paragon's that did not handle those two lapdogs! *laughs* When I get around to it, I will think of a way to discipline them. Then again, *loud laughter* perhaps they just wanted to experience the sensation of being defeated! It does sound like the lapdogs were much too gentle to make the experience truly exquiste!!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:17 pm
by The Unknowable
Outside the village of Atmaren, a lonely young woman wandered. The folk in town had little use for her. Always, she was a strange one. All manner of superstitions, she tried. Any old wives tale of a mystic trick, she learned. Undaunted, she had never given up despite so many, many failures. Sometimes, she could feel, she was almost there, on the verge of something, if only she could truly understand those tantalizing sources of power just beyond her reach. All knew, of course, of the miracles of the Gods, the divine powers they granted to their followers. She dreamed of something more. A power which required one not to beg, abase, or even merely wait for a God, be they benign or malefic, to notice you. Power which would be solely a matter of skill, of the person. Arrogant, they called her. Impious, they said. But she didn’t DENY the Gods, nor mock them. She simply sought another way.

Lost in her ruminations over the most recent attempt to scry, she didn’t realize she had walked into the clearing where superstition claimed the weave of the world’s nature lay close against the surface of the world. She sighed, and looked around, “I can feel the power is there, but I cannot touch it. So close, yet forever beyond my grasp”.

A voice echoed within her head….”It is within your grasp if you but learn how to seize it. This, I can teach to you. For behold!”

And her eyes glazed, as with her Inner Eyes she saw….saw the interplay of fantastic energies, whose interactions create and define the world…saw the places where those forces were closest to the surface of the world-that-is…saw what could be done in this world to reach through to those forces…….she saw……Magic.

“Who are you?” she gasped aloud, desperate to know the name of her benefactor…..

“Names are definitions….limits….constraints. Magic is the essence of possibility, of potential, of unbridled creation. Among the gods, I am called The Unknowable, for as I am Magic, there is no name which can encompass all that I am…all labels are accurate in part, yet insufficient for the totality of Me.”

Awed at this….the very source of her greatest desires, the Deity of Magic (for this being could not be labeled as male nor female, partaking of both, yet transcending even such a minor classification) choosing her, she declared, “Let my old name pass away, for in tapping these potentials, I am made anew……I shall bear the name, Domina Incognii, for I am yours”

“Then open your mind to My mysteries, for I shall show you now the most basic of magic, calling of elements.”

And for hours she worked, aided by her deities presence, quickly learning the ways to focus, to center, to reach within, and draw upon the magic of herself. Then the painstaking precise gestures and words to channel that power…creating the path for the power to cross over, the path defining the power, and her will guiding the power. She returned to her village, walking brazenly into the center of town, and stood, head proudly held high, eyes blazing with newfound strength and knowledge. “I come bearing word of a new Deity come to us…a Deity of Magic!” and she punctuates this with a sudden working of Water Magic, moving aside all of the clouds so that a brilliant shaft of sunlight falls unimpeded upon her. She called each of the four Elements, a mandala above her head, aligning with the cardinal directions each corresponding element…Water to the West, Earth to the South, Fire to the East, and Air to the North. And thus did the folk of Atmaren learn of The Unknowable.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:58 pm
by O-gon-cho
A new deity of Magic?
And one who knows not what they are?

Welcome to Eiran, bro...sis...uh...Unknowable.
I look forward to getting to know you.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:48 pm
by The Unknowable
Sister mine, You misunderstand. I am not uncertain of My gender. Gender is a classification, a labeling, a definition, a limit. Magic is the veriest essence of limitless potential, of endless possibilities. Male, female, both, neither...these possibilities, and more....all are within Magic....all are Me.

To all My divine family...use the pronoun with which You feel most comfortable, I pledge I shall take no umbrage.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:59 pm
by Brid
-Brid is not comfortable with pron....

-Family? Such talk once made me uncomfortable, but the more I observe this 'family', the more I realise that it should, truly, be a blueprint for all mortals on Eiran!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:16 pm
by O-gon-cho
Ah, Brid.
You would curse the mortals with such interaction?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 7:07 pm
by Madadeva
Deity of Magic ... since your name is Unknowable, I pronounce you DoM! *laughter* Magic could support my Desire ... my hunger. Perhaps we will talk, DoM.

And Brid, an offer. As you are the patron of Outcasts, I gift a present for those who find life too unbrearable; they may feed my Desire. I assure you that their last moments will be prolonged ecstacy!! They will fade from their onerous existence with smiles on their face and orgamic pleasure suffusing their being! *chuckles* Where do you want the line to begin?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:08 pm
by Arcadia
Madadeva wrote:
Deity of Magic ... since your name is Unknowable, I pronounce you DoM! *laughter* Magic could support my Desire ... my hunger. Perhaps we will talk, DoM.
You sound more and more like Mox every day! :lol:
And Brid, an offer. As you are the patron of Outcasts, I gift a present for those who find life too unbrearable; they may feed my Desire. I assure you that their last moments will be prolonged ecstacy!! They will fade from their onerous existence with smiles on their face and orgamic pleasure suffusing their being! *chuckles* Where do you want the line to begin?
Madadeva, you are closer to my heart than you realize. Unbearable life is best suited to death. And such a pleasant manner of death you have in mind for them. Why, they shall come into my embrace with smiles on their faces and completely unaware of the depths of my hell. :twisted: :lol:

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:41 pm
by Madadeva
I suspect I will send many to your embrace over the coming seasons!! :twisted:

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:51 pm
by Brid
The new god of decadence understands little of the teaching of Brid. Why offer Brid's outcasts 'moments of ecstacy'? A lifetime of contentment awaits the followers of Brid's dogma, followed by an eternity of blissful solitude. The 'onerous existence' mentioned, is but the baseline, the half-forgotten memory, the comparison by which other lifestyles can be judged meaningless and empty. If one cannot remember such suffering and use the experience as a ladder to raise oneself to contentment, how can one appreciate the continuity of existence? Of coping, against the odds, despite the opposition?

Prolonged ecstacy, lasting moments? Good luck, god of desire!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 10:55 pm
by Madadeva
Ahhh, Brid *chuckles*

I am the God of Desire! To a mortal touched by My embrace, mere moments feel like an eternity of pleasure! And the price ... only their life and soul!!

*laughs* I must stop being so generous!!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:17 am
by Moxinomal
Madadeva wrote:Ahhh, Brid *chuckles*

I am the God of Desire! To a mortal touched by My embrace, mere moments feel like an eternity of pleasure! And the price ... only their life and soul!!

*laughs* I must stop being so generous!!
God of Desire, eh? Well I desire a flagon of mead and a nice hunk of mutton? Care to help a fellow brother out?!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:26 am
by Anaya
Madadeva, God of Desire, I welcome you in your new form. It would seem that your personality is better suited to your new domain.

Vashitva, Sister Death and Earth both, I bid you welcome also. Nor Yekith was always somewhat of enigma to me during my childhood, so I look forward to learning a little more about him as I behold the outcome of your re-creation.

And finally, the Unknowable, I offer you my greetings, though even I do not know what your coming will mean for our world.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:45 am
by Madadeva
*loud laughter!* Drunken revelry is a friend to Desire, Brother Mox! My temples will support such sacred celebrations *chuckles* after I have a chance to redecorate them!

Ahhhh ... sad to say I used to be such a boring diety!! :lol: